Thursday, Janwy 17, 196t the Meannrr kjuhdbaur MCCUHOBI Liki VILLAGE TRUSTEE CANDIDATES MUST FILE BY FEB. 25 Fill--• Eve Those seeking to ran for office of village trustee may submit their petitions to village cl«rk Emma Pyritz on Jan. 21. Last day for filing is Feb. 25. Proper forms may be obtained from Mrs. Pyritz. There will be three positions open on the board. Trustees remaining in office are Arthur Stuhlfeier, William Creutz and Eugene Shigley. There will be two elections ill April, the first being the one to elect township officials on April 2.* Our own village election will be held two weeks later. Study the merits of the candidates offered in b#th elections and then be sure and cast your ballot!! Extreme Cold No Deterrent Xp C. P. Volunteer* In spite of the arctic air which surrounded us oil Sunday, thirteen young women of f the community wrapped themselves in "snuggies" and other suitable winter gear and ventured forth to do their very best for the Cerebral Palsy "53 minute march." A total of $123.83 had been tallied by Monday morning. Although this does not top last year's record • breaking collection, it is still a fine, showing. We can still go over the top -- - IF those who were not at home, or any-others who would like to add more to- their original contribution, will bring donations to. Mrs. Marie McKim at her hom(? on 1 McCullom I-ake road by this Saturday! Total . receipts Will be turned in to area chairman M)*s. Dorothy Miller on Jan. 20. The gals who deserve cheers and verbal orchids are Mi's. Marie Mckim who handled the chairmanship in mighty fine fashion and washout collecting also; Barbara Tlracker. Kathy ScJhlitt, Marie Hojnacki, Grace Kinsey, Petey Schmidt, Wanda Sinter, Jeyn Reid. Joanne Myi, Gerry Jensen, Elma Nelson, Helen Streske and this reporter. The three top collectors bringing iA $14 or . more wfcre Marie McKim, Grace Kinsey and Gerry Jensen. To help ward off an attack of "chilbrains," Marie served steaming hot coffee and homemade cake to the gals. to Auguatana hospital ih Chicago. A big thrill fof her was having Christmas diAner with her family in the lobby of the hospital! This courageous young woman has come a long way and she still has a "hard row to hoe" facing her. Your expressions of thoughtfulness will mean so very much while she is convalescing. The address is 4913 W. Orchard Drive, Mc- Henry. Let's start a "sunshine shower" of cards which will overwhelm her and the postmen!! Burn Victim Moved To County Honpit&l Another member of the village on the incapacitated list is Mrs. Monica Morris who was transferred to County hospital, Chicago, recently. According to a report, she is fighting a bout with an infection and will undergo' skin grafting shortly. For her intricate surgery, she will require eight pints of blood and three of her children will serve as donors. In case you are not familiar with this story, Mrs. Morris suffered major burns on her body when her gaiments caught fire from the kitchen range the Friday before Christmas and was a patient at Mc- Henry hospital for about one and one half weeks. She was moved to County hospital on New Year's Eve. While you think of it, sent! cards to Mrs. Morris also. The address is Cook County. Hospital -- Ward 31 -- Bed 45, Third floor, Chicago, 111. Monica's mother, Mrs. Anna Marie Schuenemann, and the ofder children are caring for the family during Mrs. Morris' * absence- Village Board Will Meet Jan. 21 Members of the village board voted unanimously to change the meeting days in January, thp next one occurring next Monday, Jan. 21, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. The public is invited. They met last on Jan. 7 to' discuss the sewer project and miscellaneous business. There was a motion to authorize Baxter and Woodman to • submit a completed report to ;thc state of Illinois for approval prior to submitting the report to the Housing and Itujmc Finance Agency. Crlitih Victim Come* Home 4 most hearty welcome back to Jeanette Whitney who cuttle home from Augustana hospital .last Saturday. She is in 6 wheel chair and still suffers paralysis of' the right side, but the pluck and spunk is there! According to a close Iriend she will do everything in her jjower to rehabilitate lieriself. Husband. Ed. who has been taking fine care of the three youngsters will give her plenty of assistance. Jeanette who almost lost her own life in the fatal crash of Oc}. 18 was a patient at McHenry hospital for Several weeks following the accident. She was subsequently moved Top spots In Jftb's Daughter* To Two Loral Teenfc Judy Murray who held the position about two years ago •had the rather uncommon honor of helping to install her sifter, Janet, as honored queen of Bethel 98, I. O. of Job's Daughters, right aftetf the new year. Judy now holds the position of installing chaplain and senior custodian. Barbara Lorch was installed as senior princess. Another member of the community who played an important part in the installation was Verna Schlofner, 'organist! Honored guests were Betty and Larry Murray. We know these two young ladies will fulfill their obligations and bring further glory to the organization. Attends Inauguration , ,' In Springfield Village president; and Republican County chairman Jake Levesque was in ' Springfield at noon on Monday to attend the inauguration of state treasurer Bill Scott. He also hoped to attend the festivities for Ray Page, state superintendent of schools. He was accompanied by several McHenry businessmen and Ed Dowd, county sheriff. Practically a communter to the State capitol these days, Jake made his second trip ih less than one week. (aisf Wednesday (a week agol ,he was present when all of the state county chairmen held their caucus prior to the selection of John' Lewis as speaker of .the House. • He attended the session rlti which Gov. Kernel- addressed the Legislature and was impressed with the business ol running the state. He bad the rare privilege of meeting many of the people who will be making 1he laws which will affect each and every one of us/ "Bloody. But I nbowed" So were* the brows of our local lads who went down to ignonimous defeat at the hands of McDade's "city slickers" during the bowling match Saturday night la the city. The local tribe went down by Sl2 tjpins! V A bus load of optimistic guys "n' gals boarded the bus at McDonald's -- driven by Tom Morgan who had to "put up" with their merriment. We understand he stoqd up under the strain very well! Jean McDonald served as "chaperone" for the gang who included bowlers and their wives (or dates). They were Muck and Do Brennan; Merv Huff and Marion Karhs; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kick; Ann and Fred Matthesius; Ed Caron and Barbara Jacobson; the Lee Mais; Helen and Bill Scheid; Ken Loesch and Diane Tapor; Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Ackermann; and Katherine and Joe Wurm. Others included Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ackermann; Gladie and Merv Schmitt; Bill Brennan; Ray Blake; Ronny I^ockwood; Uncle Ben Freund and Dick Kleinhausen. Bette and Bill Padgett met the group at the alleys since they live in the city but Bill bowied for the glory t?) 6f McDonald's. Top scoring men were Dick Kleinhausen -- 554 series; Bill Brennan -- 544; Merv Huff-- 527; and Fred Matthesius --- 509. Bill also won honors vvith high score for game ~ 225! "Booby" prizes went to Ed Caron for 111 and Keh Loesch with 104! We-e-U Now, how about some lessons for these two lads? The service was excellent and the food was sujjerb. It was a "fun" trip and now the localt lads are looking forward to revenge! Presented At The Font Gurgling and cooing, Dennis Eugene Straumann presented no problem as he was presented for baptism at St. Patrick's Church last Sunday. His sponsors were Rosemary Sulkowski and Darrell Straumann of Minneapolis. Maternal : grandfather Gene Piotrowski 'served as proxy. The wee lad wan born Dec. 6. His mom and dad are Phyllis and Denny Straumann. Following the ceremony, a l«i'*ge group gathered at the Straumann home for a joint party since the first birthday of number two daughter, Debbie, was also acknowledged. Partaking of the sumptuous turkey dinner with fixin's were Lottie and Gene;. Mr. and Mrs. John SklarskL and daughter Pat; Mrs- Jennie Sulkowski (mother of ihd, child's godmother); Gladys and Merv Schmitt with son, Bobby; Bob Button: Barbara Regner; D. IX Valentine; Don Osterby; aunt Delores Pietrowski; Cynthia Rourke and Nick Freund. Disa 'S' Data Three young children made their confirmation at St. Patrick's church last Sunday overling. They were Kathy Klapperich, Judy Koch and Tom Ringelstetter. Bishop Lane of Rockford officiated . . . The Kennenbergs spread, the "welcome mat" last week for Butch's brother-in-law -- Walter Schneider of California who "jetted" both ways. . . Sorry we are for Mrs. Philip Jordan, former resident and now of Crystal Lake, who fell down, her stairs on New Year's Day and sustained severe injuries. She was readmitted to Harvard hospital last Saturday, for corrective surgery. She was a patient there for several days immediately following her accident. . . Tom Olsen, in his fourth year at Bradley College, was on the campus when the two million dollar fire broke out in one of the buildings. Haven't heard if this holocaust will affect any of his classes ... Dave Liberty, a student at LeTurneau College, Longview, Texas, has returned to his studies there "after thrilling his mom and dad, Mabel and Don, with his presence during the past holidays . . . Dr. and Mrs. James Carney of Ohio were guests at the home of his mom and hubby, Adelaide and Walter Patzke of Fountain Lane, recently. They arrived en the Dr.'s thirty-second birthday, Dec. 27. This is the couple who will be leaving for New Zealand for three years in the near future . . . The Griffins teen clu!) are holding weekly dances oh Saturday nights in the Miller garage. They are charging a small sum for admission and do have soft drinks available for sale Another Boy Fdr West Shore Beach Cmiple Pat and,- Tom Morgan of West Sjh'ore Beach are elated over, the recent birth of their second son and third child, Scott, who made his entry into this coid, ccld world on Jan. 7. He tipixxl tlii scales at a nice round 6 lbs. at the McHenry hospital. Their other children ;>re Tommy and Cathy. During momma's "incarceration," young Tom was in the excellent care of his aunt. Petey Schmidt, and was accompanied to the bus stop every morning by his cousin, Bill. The young man's education c-ont inued uninterrupted. Cathy was a guest in the home of her paternal grandmother in Des Plaines, too young yet tor formal. schooling. Our best wishes to this fine family. • Village of Snnnyild* CUB SCOUTS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS JAN. 9 Betty Lehman SS&-6S66 "Pack 452 held their monthly pack meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 9. After the usual business the following boys were inducted into the Sttjtte^Dennis Sisk, Reed Bales, Joe zennerj Bobby Martinec, and Jim Hurekes. Wayne Smith was awarded his silver arrow and eleven boys received a service star for one year's registration. Pen 1 presented the program for the evening which fell in line with the theme for the month "Freedom Festival", each boy carried a flag they had made and told about the changes that had been made in them through the years. Each scout parent is reminded to keep the date of Sunday, Feb. 10, free, that is the day for the Blue Gold dinner. Belated Holiday (iet-togetlier < A belated holiday celebration took place Sunday at the home of Elizabeth Mctzger's aunl and uncle Mr. and Mrs. C. Herdrich of McHenry. Those attending who enjoyed a delicious dinner and a wonderful day were Elizabeth and Rudolph Bradatsch and their two children from Chicago, Tantc Helen, and the Metzgers. Birthday Doing* Ollie Garner celebrated her big day at the home of her daughter and son-in-law in Waueonda. A Chinese dinner5 prepared by Sharon was the best treat of the day for Ollie. Bill Gunther had his bit; day Sunday. Sharing it with him were his brother, Barney, and wife, Marie, from Elmwood Park, John and Mildred Gierlackl, son, Bill, Jr., and his family, daughter, Barb, and her family. Niece Laurie Smith and her husband, John, George, and Maiy Mecko, Carl Salla? and his wife, Lavonne, took turns visiting for awhile. Bill made his famous Lasagne dish and all the trimmings that go with it. A good old fashioned birthday celebration was enjoyed by all. Thursday Mike Jublonski celebrated his seventh birthday by having some of his friends over for a party. Those who shared'in the game playing ard feasted on the cake and ice cream, candy and etc. were brother Dick, Alfie May, Kim Smith, Bobby Kennebeck, A i len Kennebeck and Ray Obstfelder. "S Attends Wedding Shower Dolores Prell had a wonde> • ful time Sunday when she a < tended a shower for her- nie< \ Maureen O'Connell. This lowly gal Will lie married Jan. 1">. and it will be quite a day for the family as Maureen is tn;> first niece to be married in t'u family. Attend Funeral Senior Lehmar.s sjient a few d a y s i n C h i c a g o l a s t w e e k a t tending the funeral of Gen's brother who passed away su<1 denly on Monday. Overnight Guest Former neighbor, Pat Tuck er, was an overnight guest Friday in the home of the Schult zes. Pat misses all of h< r friends here in Sunnyside. 8t John Home & School St. John'? Home and School association will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, Jan. 2H at 8 p.m. at the Community hall. Remlndei Vehicle stickers are available and can be purchased, at the home of Irma Gunther. Hours again are from 5 to 9 eyery night, and all day Saturday. Sick List -- The Kinder girls took turns having the mumps. Ted Prcll has been home with the flu. Gloria Scholtz had a bad case of the flu. which she passed on to J»er son, Mike. Hope everyone is feeling fine now. Happy Birthday Wishes This week go out to our new neighbor, Richard Garlinski, on the seventeenth, and Buddy Pflug who will be seven on the eighteenth. ^Many happy returns of the day to you both. There are 2,300 known ships lying wrecked on or about Cape Hatteras. North Carolina, known as the "graveyard of the Atlantic". Surgery Causes Tribulationi Unnerved1 were Betty and! Warren Kommer when daughter. Linda, 11, went under the surgeon's scalpel twice on Saturday. She had a tonsillectomy in the morning and when hemorrhaging occurred in the evening, she was rushed back to the oi>erating room at McHenry hospital. "All's well that ends well" to use an old cliche, and Linda is home aod convalescing vvith all the TLC mom can liestow. She should lie back in her classes by Monday. Beluted Congrats To Dawn Kuper who was 5 on Mond;iy. . Jan. 14 . . . 'Twas 18 years in "double harness" for Bobbie and Jim Carroll on Jan. 15 . . . Debbit Straumann completed her first year on Jan. 16. Current Congrats To Ed Hammerstein w ho will mark his natal day, Saturday, Jan. 19 (in Chicago) . . . Alice and Conny Gustafson will observe their thirtythird wedding anniversary on J«m. 21. . . Thirteen candles on the cake for Dawn Parenti as of Jan. 23 and this date will find Dennis Meyer turning 15. Best wishes to all. MenTt: Weiner Schnitzel Sauerbraten Hansenpfeffer and Potato Pancakes Bratwurst Knackwurst Sauerkraut Red Cabbage German Potato Salad and Much More. DO IT NOW Compare NYE'S Prices BUY NOW & GET 2 FREE GOLDFISH EXAMPLE: Reg. $2.95 TYSON Water Bottle & Syringe Now $2.39 FOUNTAIN SYRINGE. Reg. $2.49 Now $1.98 WATER BOTTLE. Reg. $2.19 Now $1.79 SEE OUR CIRCULAR For Other Great Bargains Special Gay Ninties Party featuring German buffets Saturday, Jan. 19,1963 6:30 pan. to 11:00 p.m. Derby Hats, Moustaches & Bonnets will be given out for this occasion Plenty of Music fie Entertainment Bring your friends., only fS.50 per peno* SNUG HARBOR BOAT CLUB 801 N. River Road McHenry, HI. Phone 385-2671 for Reservations Thank goodness the car started for me cn Monday morning or you wouldn't be reading this now! See you next week when the mercury climbs to 10 above, we hope! j " ;• f meet the beautiful brute.;; 1 < '* ; 'S : y v • - -1 1 AUCTION Located 4 miles West of Antioch, 111., 7 miles East of Richmond, 111., on Route 173 (watch for arrows) on. SATURDAY. JANUARY 19 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock 39 HEAD OF REGISTERED & HIGH GRADE IIOLSTEIN CATTLE -- 15 milch cows, 5 fresh, 4 close springers; balance milking good. 10 REGISTERED HEIFERS -- 5 springers; 5 open; 10 HOLSTEIN 1st calf springing heifers; 12 bred heifers; 8 open heifers; 2 registered bulls; 2 grade bulls (ready for service). (DHIA Records Available) HOGS -- 2 Landrace sows w/litters; 1 Landrace gilt due in Jan. 11 feeder pigs; 1 Landrace boar. POULTRY -- 1.10 Tru-line Leghorn hens; 30 Muscovie ducks; 20 Mallard ducks., TRUCKS -- 1956 International 3* T. Truck w/Omaha combination stock & grain body with hoist; 1961 International % T. MHO pick up truck w/8 cylinder engine & 4 speed transmission. 4 TRACTORS, BALER, 2 COMBINES Si FARM MACHINERY -- McD. 450 tractor w/fast hitch & power steering; Ferguson 30 tractor w/Davis front-end loader w/manure bucket & Fork; MH 44 tractor; 1945 Super McC-D tractor; Mc-D 76 PTO combine w/humc reel; MH super 26 self-propelled combine; McC 45 baler; NI No. 301 mounted corn picker; 2 row Mc No. 24 com picker. McC 8' grain drill w/attach.; McC 11* hyd. disc; self-unloading chopper box & wagon; side delivery rake; 3/16 plow; E-Z flow fert. spreader; hay sickle head; hammermill; power corn sbellcr; grain blower; gas tank; V snow plow; grinder; wire; small toojs; forks; shovels & m^iny other articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- Piano; refrigerator; chairs & other items. « Meet the 'Jeep* Gladiator, the first 4-wheel drive truck to offer passenger car smoothness on the highway, sure-footed (Jeep' traction off the road. The Gladiator's 140 hp. Tornado-OHO engine is America's only automotive overhead camshaft engine. It produces higher torque at lower engine speeds, costs less to operate than comparable conventional engines. Other Gladiator features include: 'Jeep' 4-wfc®el drive with simplified, single-shift knob control and, for the first time in any 4-WD vehicle, optional automatic transmission and independent front suspension. See the Gladiator--J-200 with 120-inch wheel base and 7-ft. box, J 300 with 126- inch wheel base and 8-ft. box, GVW's up to 8600 lbs. Step in. Size it up. Try it out at your Jeep Dealer VvuXYS MOTORS, WORLD'S LARGEST MANTTTACTURER OF 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES. fall new I - ruuiSsgf JOHN SAMULEVICH, Owner McHENRY GARAGE Gorrddoonn Stade & Norman Chrisiensen, Auctioneers 926 N. Front SSti.. Phone 385-0403 WISCONSIN SALES CORP., CJerk Union Grove. Wis. -- Phone 878-2421 McHenry, 111. KAISER-WILLYS PRESENTS THE LIOYD BRIDGES SHOW Tuesday. 7:00 p.m. A REAL BUZZARD BUSTER! 20 RAOTO-MOWERE self propelled SNOW THROWER ' - . •7 . ' Wr - *,c *' * ' v-" mm mm Handle controlled Swivel Chute Moto-Mower Winterized Engine Full lOVz" Wheels Rugged, powerful and built for winters that come early, stay late and play rough . . . that's the 20" Moto-Mower Snow Thrower. It has the important performance features you want. Full Chain Drive and a Centrifugal Clutch High Speed Chain Driven Impeller RjNdte CcatrtHH Swivel Clute gives full 180^ throw direction . . . lets you throw tfie snow where you ant it. MOTO MOWER W.nteriiH CR|ine has 4' ? rupped honepo.ver. full flu at ff-etf C3rbur»'or and mechaniul Roverir gives full, dependable co.'.rr under the toughest con ditions. Hifh Spee< Cftai* Drive* Impeller hand'^s up to 18,000 cubic feet per "our. It does not tog in h-vivy or v.-'t sno.v . . . center dis- ,-t-irfe to permit cor, l Ucile i thro',7 up !u 25 it. Full Ckais Orive i>< a Centrifugal Clutch combine lor strength and safety . . . prev n. pe!l^r damage v.'hf ing solid objects * Full lOl'a wheals with de if. U-caltraiUK Ucg s gr.p ami drive in hea'<» . i. Chains available teep inclines or ice. GEORGE P. FREUND 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. Phone 385-0420 MOTO MOWER