V'. M. NATIONAL FOOD STORES ^-- (B 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and thf Purchase of One Pkg. Either OCOMA TURKEY LEGS or WINGS limit On* Coupon Par Customer Coupon Expir*» Feb. 2nd <%\ '(/(•PQjZgji m SO EXTRA S&H STAMPS With1 This Coupon and the Pjrcha'.f of One 1-J.b. Pkj. JONES DAIRY FARM LINK PORK SAUSAGE 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS tUllk This Coupon and the Purchase of One 24-oz. fill* NATCO PURE CORN OIL limit On* Coupon P»r Customer-" Coupon Expires Fob. 2nd We Reservo the Right to Limit Quantities -- Prices Effective thru Fab. 2nd in Chicago and Illinois Suburban Stores Only. IVBHf 2i EXTRA S&H STAMPS WHh This Coupon and the Purchase of One Quart Jar NATCO SALAD DRESSING Limit On*' Coupon r*r Customer -- Coupon Expirti Fab. 2nd Purchase GOUDA CHEESE Customer Coupon ; Noth 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of ANY PIECE ... Waterless A I I I B A M U i l U I I S i / > A n i / U / A D C Coupon 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of One Sausage or ChMit NICKEY'S PIZZA CustomermmM% VISIT YOUR NATIOHAL FOOD STORE AND PUT WNfetOOMO Everytime yoti visit your National Food Store you will receive an INSTANT BUCK ticket. Wipe off the 3 black squares by rubbing with tissue using any household oil, margarine or butter. A picture will appear in each square shown on reverse side. Np purchase necessary. SAVE 15 INSTANT BUCKS TICKETS FOR FREE CAR KEY OR CHAIN REDEEMABLE MARCH 11th Hiru MARCH 23rd T BEAT T2PAT NATIONAL MEAT" ' Guaranteed to Please or Your Money Back! 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS ^ With A 5500 Or More Purchase r 0 | Eicludinq the Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages & Cigarettes Limit One Coupon Per Customer -- NATIONAL -- N A T I O N A L Expire vuuH 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of One 2V2-Lb. Can.Canned ARMOUR STAR BAR-B-Q BACK RIBS Limit One Coupon Per Customer-* Coupon Expire? F*h„ 2nd 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of Oiw 1-Ut. Fig, RICE'S CHILI U s°a h, Coupon Customtr P®cf«cf. grade "A* 'J2lh •,. Wfcof. W 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Witt This Coupon and Purchase of One 4-oz. Pkj. VIENNA CORNED BEEF ng w;/i . m<d»; Z7eJ°Ur f^Y and t • ~ 'nd'r 9old,n rJ".d 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of One 10-oz. Pkg. Frozen GRAND DUTCHESS BEEF PATTIES Limit One Coupon Per Customer-• Coupon Expires Feb. 2nd West Virginia Semi Boneless . . Fully Cooked Whole HYGRADE -- • • • CWooji YOUk F f fryers u 31* * SHS O Lb. Coupon Coupon west Virginia iemi - ooneiess • • . runy vookoq whAU SMOKED HAMS . . .««.» ROSE'S Center Cut CANADIAN BACON.... u TOP TASTE -- Sliced • BO: • •( NA • PICKLE & PIMENTO 9 COTTO SALAMI 6-os. • • • • Mg., *49. Soft . . . strong and highly absorbent. Buy extra rolls for the bath and kitchen at this low National price. Assorted Colors or White SCOTT TOWE1S 200-ct. Rolls ' k ' •IV # ft'ilIl O l a - Bake light and flakier pie crusts and better fried foods. The Digestible Shortening CHOOSE YOUR FAYORITE "BRAND KAMI" BACON S SLICED •HILLSIDE •49* ra £k • T0P TASTE Thlck 2 SJ&CCPN • OSCAR MAYER . . u. 59# Spread the light digestible margarine on your toast, pancakes and waffles. BLUE BONNET iAMARM u tioo Pkgs. '• 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 12-oz. Pkg. Limit One Coupon Per Customer*** Coupon Expires Feb. 2nd 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 28-0Z. Jar PARTY BUCKET BOOTH'S HERDING in WINE SAUCE rVjfS"' mJi 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 5-oz. Pkg. ' Imported Sliced PLUMROSE BOILED HAM Limit On* Coupon P*i Customer- Coupon Expires F*ba 2nd 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of Any Pkg. Smoked or Fresh ttiat Cut Green or Wax ^ t(^| STOKELY BEANS. . . .2Nc-?'i m VAN CAMP'S--Serve Franks and Beans 4% Ap* CHICKEN OF THE SEA .. PORK & BEANS. . .2 '^25 CHUNK LIGHT TUNA. 3 & TO »•,e?" ' SLOTKOWSKI POLISH SAUSAGE Limit On* Coupon Ptr Customtr--* Cou port Expiraj F*b. 2nd 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of 2 No. 303 Cans NATCO TOMATOES "Mommy! I want a Salerno Butter Cookv" . . . that's what you'll near when you buy Salerno made with finest ingredients .. • - ' ) For light fluffy cakes and ten P\XXXX.:v ail rLour PILLSBURY--Hungry Jack... Buttermilk m PANCAKE MIX . .2 c- 39° :„r pillibury .. BROWNIE MIX .. . . 'b"' 39 D <~y[f PILLSEUFY -- Browni* _n M FUDGE COOKIES „ . w? 49 • W ~-M% COT RITE tm d|, smL WAXED PAPER . . 2 L. 49" Your choice of: BEEF • TURKEY CHICKEN Drink the modern beverage that keeps you look ing slim and young. HALF QUARTS SALERNO • * * Cocoanut Rum cs Limit On* Coupon P*r Custom*r-* MORTON --FROZEN Coupon Expire F«b. 2nd EAT PIES I* > ^ «tl*l Km 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of of One 2-Lb. Can NATCO COFFEE » . ! $ j'CHSC Plus D«Pw... fe lip" " "JUST CAN'T FIND FRISKS, FINER PRODUCE" THE "KINS OH BAKE Limit On« Coupon F«r Customtr--* Coupon Expires F«b. 2nd EXTRA S&H STAMPS Purchase of One 12-oz. Jar TOP TASTE INSTANT COFFEE umit One Coupon P*r Customer Coupon Expires Feb. 2nd Ks®|ps£ssssm* <mis. 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of One 22-oz. Btl. EASY LIFE DETERGENT Limit One Coupon P*r *Cu»tomer--. Coupon Expires Feb. 2nd T^GtWHtS ft-. fi0ld*n . Fresh ESCAROLE u Serve with StMK MUSHROOMS . .lt 49® LETTUCE . 2 f 29C J deViCiOU*- Add Sparkle to Salads ENDIVE . . BOSTON BIB der pie crusts you'll always bake your finest with Pillsbury's Award Winning Flour now yalue priced at National. PI&LSBURY | 3705 WEST ELM STREET 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 8-oZi CHUNKY FAMILY BAR Umit On* Coupon Par Customer-"* Csi;rc-.i Expj-.iS fab,