WK<;4i $&&&&-&• •*/• * i^ug • .- 4 «#Hs-.2^t-**%'£ •;' Thnnday. Frimiary 14, 1963 fohrabury ST. AGATHA COURT CELEBRATES 45TH ANNIVERSARY Petty Hettermanii Just a little reminder about the forty-fifth anniversary celebration of" the institution of St. Agatha Court No. 777. The adult and juveniles will meet prior to the 8:30 Mass Sunday, .Feb. 17, in the school hall. 5They will march into St. John's church in a body. All members are urged to participate in the celebration by receiving Communion in a body. Rolls and coffee will be served in the community club hall after Mass. A short business meeting will be held .'it this time. The regular meeting for the third Tuesday of the month is canceled. At 6:30 a pot-luck supper will be held in the cfyb hall. At this time the men will join the ladies for a most enjoyable evening. Dancing is also on the evening's agenda. Members serving on the committee were listed in last week's column. They will be notified by phone also. Public School P.TJL The officers and members of the Johnsburg public school P.T.A. will meet Tuesday evening, Feb. 19, in the multipurpose room. At this particular meeting a report from the citizens' committee will be rendered. A question and answer session will take place also. All members are cordially invited to attend this informative meeting. Honored At Shower A bridal shower at which forty-five ladies were present, honored Judith Ann Nowak on Jan. 31. The affair was held at the V.F.W. and the hostesses were: Mrs. Agnes Schwingl, Miss Donna Schwingl and Mrs .Jen Bradley. Miss Nowak who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nowak, will become the bride of Lloyd Bradley at St. John's church on Feb. 23. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradley of Waukegan Road in McHenry. Judy received many lovely gifts which should prove most useful in her years ahead as a housewife. Attends First Mass William May and son, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mi-, chels and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehn were most happy to attend the first Mass of their cousin, Joseph M. Bugner, last Saturday. The Mass was read in St. Mary's at Buffalo Grove. Later they attended a dinner and reception which honored Father Bugner. During the course of the eventful day they came in contact with another cousin, Father Augustine Rottering of Atchinson, Kansas. Mumps On Parade David Oeffling returned to school late last week after being "stuck in" for quite a spell with the mumps. Another recent victim was Bobby Martinec. Just about the time one side cleared up, the other side started up. Greg Schmitt is also confined to his home with a case of the mumps. Infant Baptized Father Weidemann performed the rite which baptized the THE McHENHY PLA1NDEALEB HMO I. iiii f •« I I .Iiian.fri* • ,an! Page Nh>» snail son of Gerry and Marcella Wakitsch last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The newest member of the Wakitsch family was named Randal John. His proud sponsors were this reporter and spouse, Jim. Our two families enjoyed dinner served in the Wakitsch home prior to the baptism. Randy was the center of attraction on his big day, needless to say. Busy Monttt For Birthday The George Oeffling family sure is partial to the month of February. David observed Ms ninth birthday on February 13 while Mom, Sarah, has a birthday on Feb. 22 and Dad, George, on Feb. 25. This is not the end either -- Sarah presented George with a lovely baby girl last Sunday Feb. 10. This is indeed special as the wee one wasn't expected until the middle of next month. Some miscalculations I guess! Pamela Rose weighed 6 lbs., iVi. oz. when she arrived at the Harvard hospital. She has two more brothers, namely Duane and Douglas. Grandparents of the new baby are Lawrence Cook, who resides with George and Sarah, and the senior George Oefflings. Congratulations to all! Wonder Lake KIWANIS CLUB . OBSERVES BOY SCOUT WEEK Mary Lou Hartog - Snow c - Here We Come! Forester Bowling Champs The men Foresters climaxed their recent bowling party with a dinner in the community club hall last Saturday. They were joined by their ladies fair for an evening filled with enj o y m e n t. Highest bowling awards were given to the following men for "toppling the most wood": Paul Tonyan, singles; Jack and Dennis Schmitt, doubles; Arnold Kattner, Connie, Ray and Gerry Miller and Alfred May, team; Jack Schmitt, all events and Dick Hiller for high series. The boy Foresters bowled in Crystal Lake last Sunday afternoon and I'm real happy to say five of our "hot-shots" did a bit of alright. The team of Jim Meyers, Pat Daly, John Huemann, Dick Schaefer and Wayne Hiller received awards for being the high team. A trophy was awarded to Jim Meyers for being the highest individual. Congratulations and continued success to all the bowlers mentioned above. Meeting Reminder The men Foresters will meet Feb. 14.(tonight) in the community club hall. Fun Fair Coming Up ' Once again the Johnsburg public school will be holding one of their ever so popular fun* fairs. This event will be held as usual in the school on April 6 from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m. Marge Barth is getting the "jump" on things by asking now for donations to the fair. Please contact her if you have any of the following items: white elephant items, plants, hand-made articles, bakery goods, books, any type of canned goods. Please call her and make this endeavor a huge success. NYE'S POLICY We can and do give Plaid Stamps WITHOUT increasing price. We guarantee the fairest price in town. (Adv.) NYE DRUG 93 percent of relief money spent in Washington, D. C. goes to non-whites. Quality Radiator Repair by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED for your added protection. At.f. WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVIC E ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. Phone 385-0783 8004 W. Route 120 McHenry, IIL Our guests for this week, in keeping with the observance of Boy Scout Week, were. Wayne Sampson, district executive oi B.S.A. John Doherty, Scoutmaster of Wonder Lake Troop 145, and Sam Lamont. member of the Wonder Lake Cub Scoui Executive committee. In the absence of any old business, our discussions centered around coming programs Next week our guest will be the exchange student at McHenry high school. We approved a motion to co-operate with the Wonder Lake Chamber oi Commerce in promoting a meet the candidates program. The program, which is to take place later this month, will give Wonder Lakers a chance to meet the prospective candidates for township offices in McIIenry and Greenwood townships. Wayne Sampson provided the program for the evening by outlining the various aspects and duties that a sponsor of Scouting must undertake. The main obligations are integrated in three-fold idea: the sponsor must provide a meeting place adequate man power, and maintain the standards as set down by Scouting. We almost forgot to note, our Battle-Ax winner, Smilin' Joe Sullivan was the lucky fellow, and he is still smiling because he was in attendance. Village o* Sunnvslde DEADLINE FOR VEHICLE, DOG TAGS, MARCH 1 v Betty Lenmmn SS5-6906 After Marcfi 1, all dogs without a tag will be picked up and f heir owners will be fined. Deadline for vehicle stickers is March 1. No warnings will be issued after these dates. Where There's Smoke, there's Firemen Last Wednesday - Feb. 6-the Sam Lamonts woke up about 3 a.m. to find their house full of smoke. In less than 20 minutes the firemen were a I the scene. That's pretty gooc time to be roused out of your sleep on a cold night, get dressed, get to the firehouse, and get to the fire. Fortunately there was no fire. The furnace had backed up and the smoke came up thru all the vents into the house. It gave the family quite a scare. Brownie Scout Meeting Brownie Troop No. 487 met last week at Harrison school. Officers were chosen with the following selected. President, Susan Schroeder, Vice-president, Loretta Repple, Secretary, Patty Christopher, Treasury Marilyn Beverwyck and Assistant Treasury. Donna Mahal. Loretta Repple was in charge of games. Following recreation the group worked on their valentine project. Leaders of Johnsburg P.T.A. The monthly P.T.A. meeting will be held on Tuesday evening Feb. 19. The program for the evening, citizens committee eport question and answer ession. Due to the weather (he January meeting had a very poor attendance. Let's all try to make this a better one. Kotalik Studio Fhoto Shown above are the five trucks equipped with snow plowing equipment cutside the new township building which has housed them for the first time this winter. Although the weather was not as severe as last year, on several occasions it was necessary for all of them to be in use at one time in order to clear the approximately 105 miles of township roads for early morning school busses, commuters on trains and other business people. Two men are employed steady in the township to aid the commissioner in highway, work, and during severe snow storms, others are called in on a temporary basis. Besides providing ample storage space for the road equipment, salt for the roads is Stored within, while the sand with which it is mixed is kept in the rear of the building. The vote on the structure took place at the regular town meeting last April, when 120 voted in favor of the building and forty-four were opposed. The new tax costs the taxpayer about 35 cents per $1,000 assessed valuation to cover a three-year period. the- troop are Mrs. Jack Van Kanegan and Mrs. Bill Cristy. Meetings are every Wednesday at school. Wonder Lake Volunteer Firemen's Auxiliary The ladies of this group will meet Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 8 p.m. at the Firehouse. All members are urged to attend. A special invitation is extended tp all you ladies of the Highland Shores Firemen's auxiliary. Why not come over to our meeting and get acquainted. We're sure you will enjoy the evening. COUNTY TY m TOPICS TV STUFF by Ed VestRjari GERM POWER We've heard some breathtaking ideas about man's electronic ingenuity, but this is one of the most resourceful. A radio transmitter that operates by 'germ power.' The electricity is generated by harmless bacteria feeding on sugar and living in test tubes containing sea water. Scientists claim this type of power could produce all the current that man would ever need. Also, the by-product would be fresh water from the oceans. Don't ask us at COUNTY TV and Furniture Center about details on this discovery. We get our electrical source from the wall outlet in your living room when servicing your television set. Phone 885-4020. COUNTY TV & Furniture Center 8413 W. Elm PHONE 385-4020 Altar and Rosary Sodality Those who attended the Altar and Rosary Sodality meeting last week were entertained with a movie on Quebec. Hostesses for the meeting were the Past Presidents club. The mission group announced they need white or pastel men's shirts, sheets, blankets, drapes, etc., which can be converted into blankets, stoles, hospital gowns, bandages, etc., for the missions. Call Mrs. Andrew Nemsick for details. M The luncheon held last Wednesday was a great success. Note: SorTy not to be very newsy this week - but I just haven't felt up to it all day and I hope by next week I'll be feeling better. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. Legal* SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested that the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, a municipal corporation, having ordered tvat i local improve ment consisting of the construction and installation of certain sanitary sewers and appurtenances in Cooney Heights and other streets, avenues, and private and public places adjacent thereto in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, to be known as "Cooney Heights District Sewer Extension," said local improvement to be in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance of said City of McHenry, Illinois, providing for said improvement, and the Ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Clerk of said City, and the said City of McHenry, Illinois, having applied to the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in proce- dir.g General No. 63-C-22 for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to benefits, said assessment being payable in ten (10) installments, each bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be held on the 7th day of March, 1963, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M. (Central Standard Time), or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said date and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 8th day of February, A.D. 1963. s/ AUGUSTINE M. FREUND Appointed to make assessment (Pub. Feb. 14-21, 1963) NOTICE OF FILING PETITIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP ON BOARD OF EDUCATION Notice is hereby given that nominating petitions for membership on the Board of Education of the Johnsburg School District Number 12 in McHenry County, Illinois, shall be filed with James C. Bush, Superintendent of the Johnsburg School, whose office is at 2117 West Church Street, McHenry, Illinois, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. The first day of filing is February 27 and the last day is March 23, 1963 iCDWARD E. THOREN Secretary of the Board of Education, of School District No. 12 McHenry County, Illinois (Pub. Feb. 14, 1963) Vacation Mr. and Mrs. R. Nicola have just returned from a wonderful three week vacation in Coral Gables, Fla. After all that warm air in Florida, it's going toJ.be hard to get used to the weather we have here. Cub Scout News Den 1 held its meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 4. After the business meeting, the boys surprised Mark Fredrick by singing happy birthday and presenting him with cards they had made by themselves. Mark's mother surprised all the boys with a delicious birthday cake. The boys also started to make Indian moccasins. mings. It was a day full of fun for everyone who attende^L | -More Cob Scout New* * Pack 452 committee memoerl and den mothers met Wednesday evening at the home oi Joan Stull. Final preparations were made for the coming Blue and Gold dinner, and there was a discussion on future outdoor doings. ^ Visitors and Visiting The Gaylords visited Don's brother and family ia Richmond on Sunday. The May children were de* lighted to have grandma ove* for dinner on Sunday. Many friends and relatives gathered Sunday at the home of Gloria and Louis Scholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Schnewl from Pistaqua Heights, Gloria's^ mother and sister from Huntley, and Louis' sister and family from Lombard. All decided to show up the same day. It was quite a surprise. The Garners had their daughter, Sharon, and family in fof Sunday dinner. Ed and I and the childreri enjoyed Sunday afternoon roller skating. Gail and Jeff are getting so good at it, that we may make the roller rink oar second home. Lou and Ernie LaBay visited with his brother' in Highland Park Wednesday. C.Y.J. Last Sunday was a big day for the C.Y.J. First they held their pancake breakfast which was a very big success, Following breakfast they journeyed to Twin Lakes, Wis., for some toboggan fun. On their return they all met at the community hall for hot does with the trim- Birthday Wishes | This week go to Larry Cam* marata who will be ? on Feb. 18. May you have maay more of them. - A1 Weiss was taken to Harvard hospital Tuesday evening with a Dad case of peneumonia. Let's hope that he will be on his toes again by the time 1M) reads this. Get well soon. Our best wishes go also to Bill Gunther who is in Resurt rection hospital. YOU ARE INVITED To See A Public Demonstration <§f il# WONDER REVERE ZIG-ZAG SEWING MACHINE SAT.. FEB. 16 -- 1:30 to 3:30 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 IS VALENTINE'S DAY YOUR STOCK WILL I WHEN YOU GIVE HER KITCHEN-FRESH CANDIES Ribbon Heart Box 2 Poundt *3.75 ; Other Moart Boxes from 49c t© *5.50 i., VALENTINE'S DAY It's always a "soueet investment"! BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green St. Phone 385-4500 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well L Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authori2ed agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ONDISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located in ihe Village of McCullom Lakff. 2V2 miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake ltd. Phone McHenry 885-5252 or Residence 885-0718 £l/20/0 Per Annum On Investment Accounts [1/4% P©r Annum \ On Regular Savings Accounts and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 West Elm Street Phone 385-3000 McHenry, Illinois Our Services To You ... 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Ni^ht Depository V * >^\MN Gs 1 AN/SAFETYX'^ C£ CQ^v WrnmrnM mmmk "You c.-.n steer with sat* i,\ <>n s:;.- .*oad of life when you save at McHenry Savings & Loan at 3611 W. Elm Street, where your money is insured by an agency of the Federal Government." !•