il M ;THE McHENRY Pj^Ifp^m Tb^y8dffrf ,F9^tqMT ^|l.ilpt«1lri" ywfc-: • • - '> DEMOCRATIC CXtfB MEETS FEB. 21 AT COMMUNITY HOUSE Gloria Flannlgaai - 885-47W Barbara Meurer - Ktt-iSM The Lakeland Park regular Democratic club will hold its* monthly meeting tonight. Thursday, Feb. 21, at 8 p.m. ^t the community hous£. The program for the evening will >>c a spetvkt^ to e*|>lain to the liirrnhors about township election*-'. Srt be teure ahd attend 'and new members are also wWcome. Refreshments wHl tx? serve*! »fterWar/ls.' Last« w«ek the board ,qf directors had a meeting tmd planned the program for the next five months, and also chose the chairmanships which read; Jim Quiaver, refreshments; Bud Utticb, publicity; Frank Hromcc, ways and means; Bill Casey, program; Laversne Hroniec, welcome committee and membership. Nomination* For LPrOA Board Nominations are being accepted for the LPPOA board. There are openings for four on the board and three of the present members are also eligible to run due to the fact that they iilled unexpired terms. Please contact nny one of the following members of tW" •tBinflrrattnig"'*'rt>rrmttt«.' Chairman, Jack Oakford, 335* 5834, Don Gerstad, 385-4043, Ted Kaminski, 385-172N. Dick Burmann, 385-3752, and Jessie Matthews, 385-6042! All names to be placed on the nomination ballot must be in ~£he hands of the nominating oommittee no later than March1 -11. Here is your chance to voice your opinion and submit the name or names of persons ypu feel will be an asset to our board of directors In the gojwning of our community. I Little League ' . • An open Little League "meeting" will be held next Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. at the community house. This is a general meeting. Father, Let's all start attending these raeetirtgs that govern the little league. Surely you care enough about your boy to set aside two hours once a month to help run the club he belongs to. The officers would like to see many new faces among the old ones rftoct Wednesday evening at ••7. pjn. * little LMIW BigUtfW-- Registration night for the t$oys who wish to join Lakeland Park Little League this coming season will be held March 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the community house. All boys who will attain the age of eight on or before June 15, and those Who will not be thirteen before August 1, will be eligible to play. So come on all you boys who like to play baseball, mark this date on your calendar as a reminder. There will be re freshments and entertainment afterwards. last Sunday at their home their cousins, . Ken and . Ann Pierce, and their four children. Ken is stationed at Great Lakes and is beint; transferred to a California base. Other guests were Dorothy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klomann of Chicago; her two sisters, Mis. William Cagle of Mt. Healthy, Ohio, ami Mr. and Mrs. IAKUO Palmer from Plain, Wis.; aunt Mrs. S. Kennedy and son, Don, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Jatatt Walsh and Mis* ;Atw Walsh of Chicago; M^. ttW Mrs. William Kennedy:, $ans( fvom Niles; Mr. und.Mts. Pain' Ifjamigan fro^i Oak P.-lrkj; Mr. and Mra. Robert Kenriofy and their four children fioiu Bellwood arid Dorothy's aunt arid uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pierce, from Freeport, III. A buffet sty?f>cr was served and enjoyed by all along with a good gab-fest. Lnki'land Park Couple* Bowling League The Lakeland Park couples bowling league is going into the final stretch with Clar Haerle's team in front with 13 wins and 3 loses. Irv Becker s> team is close behind with 12 wins and 4 loses. Marv George s team is third with 9 wins and 7 losses, Max Koch's team is next with 7 wins and 9 losses. Bob Matthew's team has 5 wins and 11 losses and Ed Drumil's team brings up the rear with 2 wins and 14 losses. Our next bpwHng date is March 2 at 9 p . m . i n J o H n s b u r g . ' " * " Receives Call The Edward Druml home was pleasantly surprised on Sunday at noon. Just as they were getting ready to leave for welcome home dinner for Kay at the Prazak home they received a phone call from their son, Dave, from San Diego. He left for Marine boot camp on Dec. 27, and this was his first allowed phone call. He's been on the firing range and on Friday earned his sharpshopter medal, getting a score of 218. Dave missed expert by just two points. Dave expects to graduate on March 21 awl -then spend four weeks at Camp Pendleton after that he'll be home for three weeks. Your folks, brothers, girl and everyone are very proud of you, Dave, keep up- your good rcord. Welcome tp our cpnyiiunity and may you !bjf a5 i^sMent' fbr a- long thaf. Ltmrh Box ftoctal Rfralto Last week the lunch box social which was held at the community house was a complete flop. It is a shame thai out of approximately 300 homes only eleven people showed up. As you know the beach committee planned this as a money raising social to help improve our beaches and add' other things to makfc them cn.lnyahle for us and our children. Here's hoping' ne«t t ime something is pirtnned We - will have' a rtiteh better turn out and -remember evcrythiryj,yoij dnnjite of do is put right back into our community "to improve something or other. ' 1 >' •' Hwirt Fand • Some time' this coming week- LOCAL DELEGATES OF WITNESSES TO'* MEET IN ROCKFORD Jehovah's Witnesses from McHenry have been invited to IK? among an expected delegation of more than 1,300 persons scheduled to convene in Rockford the weekend of March 8| to 10. Steven Soviak, presiding minister of .Jehovah's Witnesses it? McHenry, announced that the local group will , comprise one of the eighteen nortfier# Illinois congregations s!nte<l, to participate in the semi-annual circuit assembly. The site of the conference will be the TebpJa Temple. Mr. Soviak explained that matters such as the Witnesses' practice of making house calls on persons of all faiths will be among the subjects receiving attention as" the assembly theme, "Right Kind' of Ministers," is discussed. "The program," said Mr. Soviak, "will provide practical aid for modern- day Christians." Delegates from McHenry will largely be family groups since Jehovah's Witnesses engage in ministerial activity on all age end there will be someone knocking at yoijr dobr asking to donate something to ,the heart fund. Please, open yoyr hearts and donate a little as every little bit Counts and ,we never know when we will need help. RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS i Mile E«si oi, the Skyline Drhn-Ia Phone 385-2436 BOARDING . . . • • ' L:vr«e Heated Kennels \ German Shori-Hair Pointers Available Training, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving levels. Hence, according to Mr. Soviak, the feible's application to today's family will be a program feature. Angelo A. Cantanzaro, district minister, and Lester G. Folsom, circuit overseer, will be the featured speakers. NYE'S POLICY We| can and do give Plaid Stamps WITHOUT increasing price. We guarantee the fairest price in town. (Adv ) NYE DRUG U) ' SHOP IN McHENRY DR. tlENRY FREUND , OPTOMETRIST 1 'fit 1224 W Green Street, McHenry : (Closed Thursday Afternoon's) 'fiYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAIMNU -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS. DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 TO ,5 P.»t FRIDAY EVENINGS: (6:00 TO 8:80 P.*. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 385-0452 Community House Schedule 'Thursday, Feb. 21--8 p.m. Democratic Club meeting; Friday, Feb. 22-- 1 to 6 p.m. Dancing classes. Monday, Feb. 25, 8 p.m. Regular board meeting. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 3 to 6 p.m Dancing classes, 7:30 p.m. Boy Scout meeting. Wednesday Feb. 27, 7:30 Little League qpen meeting. Call Jo Rizzo for reservations at 385-2728. Blue Bundles ' Congratulations to Mr. and Sirs. Gotfdon Rehberg ortf. the Arrival of their new son, Seott Cordon who was born on Feb. 13, at the Woodstock Memorial hospital and weighed in at a healthy 6 lbs., 4 ozs. Happy $ver his arrival are his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mis. P. Clark of Highland Shores, and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rehberg and aunts tX>rothy, Dovis a,nd Pat Rehberg of Lakeland .Park. You <jan bet this little guy will be the center of attraction at the Rehbergs. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday to' Bobby Matthews who will be ten years •old today, Feb. 21* to. Cindy Grote who celebrates her six- ;teenth birthday on Feb. 22; to Linda Gribely who will be six }on Feb. 24; and to Debbie "Leigt* and I)avi(lj<'Xieo.cge "both- flUHfc Jilne on-i>t> '2Ai and tyo Bill Humphreys who chalks up another year also on Feb. to Larry Strandquist on Feb. 26. May you all have a nice day. • . Vaca^oa !• Arte** Don and Toots Gerstad and family just got back from a two week vacation in Phoenix, Ariz., where they visaed with Toot's sister and hejif family. While there they did some mountain climbing, went to the zoo, the cactus gardens and through the Japanese flower gardens. The weather there ranged between 7.2 and 90 degrees. They had a very lovely time while there but were glad to be back home again. Silver Wedtfing Anniversary To celebrate their twentyfifth wedding anniversary which was Jan. 15, A1 and Elmira Kujak held a party at the American Legion a week ago Saturday, Feb. 9, for about 100 people. The table decorations were just beautiful and of course the food was delicious and everyone had a grand time dancing to a three piece band. Congratulations to you both and may you have many more. Visiting and Visitors The Kraskiewiczes spent Saturday at the home of their daughter, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, in Roselle. Ann Herzog's daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrss l.llis Steen, and granddaughter, Giuny, vlsittd her last Sunday afternoon. It was sort of a Valentine visit. Last Thursday evening Ann Uerzog had Ruth McMahon, Lucille Dietz and Louise Mc- Enery over for a^garrie of bridge. / ^ Visitors at the Grizely home last Sunday were friends Ron Clark and his girl Jean Heurley of Chicago. Petey Oakford attended a production of "Little Women" on Friday evening in Chicago. Her niece, Patty McCullough, bad one ot the lead roles in this production. On Sunday the Oakfords attended a birthday party for Jack's god-child, Susie Anderson, in Chicago. This was the first trip to Chicago for their new little daughter, Meg. Birthday Doings ' Michdal Kraskiewic? cele- ^arated his ninth birthday Feb. 12, with six of his friends. Ji beatitiful cake baked by his jBom was- served along with pop, candy, and favors. Games were aiso^njoyed by the boys. ii, c fL •iV.'-t . I> W M- , Murpriw and Farewell Party Dorothy and Bud UttiCh had party Our Ntfahboip. "Don and Nancy Pout of 4909 Home avenue who moved into our fair subdivision the eariy part of December. They had originally resided in McHenry. Don is a graduate of Richmond high school and Nancy is a graduate of McHenry high. The two met at the roller rink in McHenry and have been married for a year and a half. They have a daughter Barbara age 9 months and another baby is expected in June. Don works at a local lumber ,yard and his hobbys fcre ' tinkeHnjg aftund his work shop and fishing. Nancy enjoys keeping / htttifce1 and does quite a bit of sewing. SAVE P1AID STAMPS FOR FUTURE DIVIDENDS- AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A&P's... GIGANTIC 350 Extra Plaid Stomps when you redee'm all coupons below. :«'• iM>) mm, VALUABLE "* COUPON Ho matter what cut of Super-Right meat you choose., ake a mistake--every piece must bextop quality ,.v- : r ; ^ / ' / I \ \ ^ , \ Svery eMt of A&f* Super-RIgm Meats is rigidly impcctrd hood and then ferffere you buy it, it ti th«tk«d »|sain to be stir* you arc own me«t proce«ine plutt, the only oo* kind in this getting the very best meats available Yoar satikftction te ahvaya ' irea. It is checked for quality ... meatiness .Smi weight! If it UNCONDITfOJNAt,tY GUARANTEED aoit ^eekend A*P ioesn't measure up in eviry w*y, it's rejectedl It I* inspected again' offers DOUBLE YOtfR MONEY BACK if you aren't satisfied im by your own A&P meat imm before it enters Ms store in your neighbor-$ every way with your Stiper-Right purchase. \ STEAKS FRESH Mushrooms FULL CUT ROUND This tantalizing bone-in round steak k low, low priced to save you extra cash. Enjoy some tonight as Sauerbratea or Swiss Steak. Or, stock tip at this Extra-Savim* price. 79 C fe. SIRLOIN "A GOURMET'S DELIGHT' Atfi famous Super Right trt« «ive* yom more good eating for || your moneyl AH excess fat and ( gristle are trimmed away and only fhe rich delicious flavor comas to yom table. wioee SOME MMOVM 98 lb. PORTERHOUSE T-BONE OR Aftfs Super-Right Quality is truly tine meat cut from grain fed beef .. . the kind that's full of flavor, is i u i c y and g r a n d t a s t i n g . Your family will thoroughly enjoy A&Ps Soper-Right flavorful beaf. TAIL-LESS CLUB $109 lb. m Stark-Wetzel--Great for quick meals. Serve 6)i Jane Parker Buns. I-LB. PKG. FRENCH FRIES 9-«z. Package A&P Brand W i t h t h e P u r c h a s e o f . . . -- . CHOPPED FROZEN BEEF STEAKS 69! * 65c 29c 89c .39c * 45c .49c .69c 98c .39° SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY BEEF FOR TOP FLAVOR, TENDERNESS, VALUE Hankering for really delicious meat? Here it »--specially selected from grain fed beef . . . selected to measure up to our famous Super-Right standards , , . a quality yoail be proud to serve. A&P's Super-Right chuck roasts never include any stringy neck portion. Blade cut. Super- Right Super-Right Quality Arm Cut Chuck Roast Meaty Short Ribs Allgood Sliced Bacon Sliced Beef Liver Country Style Spare Ribs Oven-Ready Ducklings Silver Salmon Steaks Ocean Perch 2 Fried Lake Smelts lb. u>. pltg. BEEF RIB ROAST With the Purchase oi OAlLf 008 C lb. MEAL 3 Coupon Expire Limit O rav y eb. 43, tlW CUSTOMER i> IS VALUABLE 1 COUPON pOUBLEWR With *1•• Purchas* ef A&P LARGE A Ik DRIED •! ,0" PRUNES L pkg Coupon Expires Feb. 23. 1963 UmH One Per Customer GJ®"U m-iiuusstt Abbee 1000R/ .A NTEE Purchase fhj.^fad with pr,ce Cheer^«y -- ^ Jt s good f Blade Cut Chuck Steak ^ With Me Parcfcose oi COLGATE TOOTH- Fam. PASTE Siza Coupon Expires Feb. 13, )ne Per Super-Right Rib Steaks TZ% Super-Right Goodneu mmm VALUABLE 1 * With the Purchase ot ASTP FRESH BANANA A h. GELATIN O Coupon Expires Feb. S3, I Limit One Per CMS mim With the Purchase o« 4NN PAGE TARTAR 6-oi. SAUCE btl Beef Cube Steaks CHUCK POT ROAST Super- Right 5th and 6th Ribs 75: 79 1st thru 4th Ribs c lb. RUMP ROAST Boneless. Roiic i -- Sirloin Tip or Round Roast 89 Coupon Expires Feb. !i, 1963 Limit On* P.r Customer Super-Right, tied for your convenience -- you can't go wrong-- 100% s a t i s f a c t i o n guaranteed--Why not let us show you that you can have t h e highest quality with a low, low price. VALUABLE COUPON C lb. With the Purchase of WARWICK CANDY m Chocolate 12-oz. 49' , 196- ,, mer ISMl, Cherries pkg. Coupon Expires Feb. 23, 1963 Limit One Per Customer s KsMrv • LKHu S Mild and Mottow EIGHT O'CLOCK »AO ENJOY COFFEE MILL - FLAVOR ntESH-GROUND FLAVOR YOU CAN'T GET IN A CAN! 3-LB. BAG *1.59 l-U. 55< 1-lB BAG Klc|» > * RfO Clltcii 59« 3 Zk *1.71 1-LB. BAG Vigorous and W/ney B0KAR 61c 3 ,lio *1.77 Mushrooms -Ovattine Drink Lipton Tea Bags Braadywine Pta and Stem* 4-az. tin Sarve Hot orCcfal +*l. Pillsbury Cake Mix Miracle Margarine Fig Newtons Deluxe Moist 19-oz. pkf- 2 Nabicc* Brand 39 65' Z 35 I-lb. Saflada Tea Bags Hills Bros. Coffee Northern Tissue ~ Rap-in Wax Labal 29c 4le M(- CQc •( «> 03 ST 41' vkc- r Ac •t 4i 39 The Time is Ripe for Cherry Pie! JANE PARKER CHERRY„4 T^SSF \ PIE 39* & W*) REG. 49* CAKE DONUTS ^ MO. 25f YOUR CHOICE: GOLDEN. POWDERED SUGAR, OR CINNAMON POTATO CHIPS TIO. S»« 49* Drip or Regular Colored WWHe 4 rtll fU !t fti t niK Vi V»s|39 Dutch Cleanser 39° Sweetheart Soap Sweetheart Soap Reynolds Wrap Pino Grooa -A 110 ft. rtHt 2 3 2 14-ez. ti w ^jun^inuin -ax. AA( IM 0« 3le 3le »-tt. APe siza bath size