" "*#; * ' (P*g» Twelr# •lUpi THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Sunnyside Esiat#» KATHY GERSTETN CELEBRATES WITH BIRTHDAY PARTY Joan Walczynski S85-S165 Seven little girls had a real good time at a birthday party on Sunday, March 3. Kathy Gerstein celebrated her seventh birthday that day and invited Kasey and Patti Anderson, Mary Kanter, Lauri Radtke, Ann Sherman and Mary Walcxynski to help her. They started out by plpying that everpopular potato game, plus wbo knows how many others. Finally, they settled down to have birthday cake and ice cream. Then a little more time for fun and it was time to take their favors and head for home. Kathy's brother, Donnie, shared in the fun and, as bi<? brothers will, helped to take charge. Everyone had a real good time, as I said before. Happy birthday, Kathy! . On The Mend Received a phone call from Chet Banker, letting us know that he finally got to come back home to finish his recuperating. Many folks were nice enough \ •> *senri along a card to cVeer him on to victory. In his werdu, "it-sure helped brighten th<> days." Now that he's h<*me and back in business, he is Mire that he will recuperate all, the jnore quickly. There's tio plaee like home, don't you know. Oops! Sorry! Dept. I goofed on some information last week. Don Dettlow was taken to the hospital, but it wasn't to Hines. It was the Veterans Hospital in Downey, 111. Don was critically ill and had to undergo surgery. He came through it in good shape but is still a migthy sick fellow. Hope that by the time you rend this, he will be much better. I'll keep you posted. Sorry To Learn George Kropf's father, Mar Kropf of Lombard, is also in the hospital. He too, is a very sick man. That's all I know, as of this writing. Hope the news is better next week. Girl Scouts Have two weeks report from Troop 88. Leader, Alice Bieschke, tells me that last week they didn't do much more than distribute literature regarding camping, etc. Then, the follow- I ' " » f f i ' • ! T R f - t . ; * • « . - ing Saturday, the girls had a grand time seeing the movie, "The Castaways." This week's meeting consisted of first, the regular taking of attendance and dues, followed by the girls starting to make plaques. This procedure Will take some time, since only four girls car, work or them at one time. (Alice has thirtysome girls). Then the girls planned future meetings and discussed all future Scouting" events. Cookie, hostess for the week was Laura j3regg. Welcome, Alice! Troop 295 welcomed a new memfSer to their troop. Alice Niemiec. We are proud and pleased to have Alice join us. After the usual business part of t£»e meeting the girls made their "sit-upons" for their hike next week. While doing this, they discussed the route, food for the cook-out, etc. When all plans and work • on this were finished, they carved soap. Next was their treat, homemade by Mary Anderson this week and mighty tasty, the girls said. Then the girls played some games 6nd closed their meeting. Mail Call Stan and I received the very nicest letter from "Mom and Dad" Kimbro this past week. Along with general news, we learned that the weather down in Tennessee was 78 degrees. Stan all but had the suitcases out ready to pack. We have all just about had it, with this weather here. The Kimbros are happy, but said they're "awfully homesick" for Sunnysidp Estates. We miss them, I know. Happy Occasions Happy birthday today to Teddy Jost who«is twelve years old. Tomorrow we send birthday greetings to Henrietta Rau. On March 16, the celebrant is Michael Maule who will be eight years old. St. Patrick's day is the birthday of both Cheryle Maule, who will be two years old, and William Schweiger. On March 18, Wanda Berg's mother, Mary Kogut, has a birthday. And last, but not least, that fine young man, Donnie Gerstein, Jr., will be nine years old on March 20. May you all enjoy a happy birthday and a happy and healthy year ahead. We have one anniversary this week. Marge and Louis De- Francisco will celebrate twenty years of married life on March 20. May we extend our Wonder Lib NEW HAWAIIAN FAMILY TAKES OVER BUSINESS Mary Lou Hartog - Your reporter had a very interesting interview with James Jodoi last Sunday. He is a native Hawaiian, born and raised in Honolulu and was working in Honolulu at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He served with the U.S. Army during the war and was a member uf. tbe famous 100th Ba.t tall ion better known as "One Puka Puka." Their Outfit was the most decorated unit in the U.S. Army. He served in Italy and France. Two weeks ago the TV show "Combat" told the story of the famous "One Puka Puka Batallion." Mr. Jodoi has traveled quite extensively in several other foreign countries. Mrs. Jodoi, whose nainf is Ethel, is a native of Indiana. They have three sons, Terry, 15, Robin, 4, and Kevin 2 Ms. After the war Mr. Jodoi left our 50th state to come to this very best wishes to this nice couple for a happy anniversary and many more to share together. Signing Off Well, news is short again. Maybe it's the weather. Hope it improves, then maybe I'll get more phone calls with goings-on. We finished another room at our house, redecorating it, that is. The girls are ecstatic over the change in their room. Now just that twenty-seven fbot long living room to go and we'll be done. Of course, by that time we'll just about have to start over. Don't forget to call me if you have any news at your house. 'Bye now! section of the country. He has worked in New York and Connecticut and several other states as a chef. He is the new owner of the Kopper Kettle and plans to completely redecorate his place into the Hawaiian motif. It will be renamed the Aloha Inn. The Jodois plan to live, in Wonder Lake and I'm sure we all extend a hand of welcome to them. Helen Reuter, former owner, will be moving to a home in Lakeland Park temporarily until she decides where she wishes to locate permanently. LaGrecas Return From Sunny South One of the first signs of Spring. LaGrecas have returned from their annual vacation to Florida and are all full ol sunshine vitamins and zip. ready to face the new season with renewed vigor. They spent some time in St. Petersburg and visited the Jim Pavliks who are former "W.L.ers." They say both Jim and Betty are getting along just fine and are Well and happy. They also got to see tlteir son, Jack Pavlik, and his wife and their six children who live not too far away, (note to Edna--I didn't know how to spell it». They also spent 10 days al Daytona Beach doing "nuthin." That's the way to spend a vacation. Just sit around arid soak up sun and do nothing. Welcome home, you guys! Oh yes, their vacation wouldn't be complete if they didn't have to come through a few floods. This is par for the course for them. They hit the floods in Indiana but they weren't as bad as the last time they went through them. Kiwanis News - Meeting Of March 4, 1963 President Bob Myers opened the meeting by introducing the guest for the evening, Lt. Governor Floyd Eckert and Thursday, March 14, 1963 RUDY BECKER'S KENNEtS 1 Mile East ot the Skyline Drive-in Phone 385-2436 BOARDING . . . Large Healed Kennels German Short-Hair Pointers Available Training, Obedience, Hunting 8c Retrieving Kiwanian Elmer Ritter, both members of the Woodstock Club. Dick Miller reported on the inter-club to his former home club in Belvidere. Four Wonder Lakers, Joe Sullivan, Jim Robison, Bob Myer and Dick, braved the snows last Wednesday evening to partake in fellowship .with the Beividere Club. Speaker for the evening, Lt. Eckert, spoke to us on Kiwanis and Lincoln lore. Eckert, a prominent Lincoln scholar, explained to the club the five Lincoln pilgrimages. He pointed out that some of the members might have qualified for one of the pilgrimages somewhat unknowningly by visiting Lincoln shrines in this stale. In conclusion. Eckert related the life of Lincoln to the goals and purposes of Kiwanis. Speaker at the next meeting will be a gentlemen who is the assistant starter of the Indianr;- polis 500 mile classic. He will bring with him films of a recent Memorial Day race. Anniversary Greetings Happy anniversary to the Bill Kusehos. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's their fourth anniversary. Bridge Club The Catholic Bridge Club met at the home oA Mrs. Alice Condren on Tuesday-Evening, March 12. Election Candidate Election day is less than three weeks away - April 2 - so study your candidates well and then exercise your right to vote. Wonder lake's only representative in the coming election is Wally Dean who is running for Supervisor. Sympathy Our deepest sympathy to two families in Wonder Woods who lost loved ones this past week. Otto Kersten passed away Monday, March 4, and "Cally" Royce on Thursday, March 7. Christ The King Church News PRE-CANA CONFERENCES for the McHenry Deanery and area will begin on Sunday, March 31, and continue on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, April 1, 3, and 5, respectively. All couples planning marriage are to attend these conferences. They will be held for this area at Christ the King church. For information and registration call Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Misiak at 653-4461. A new feature of the Pre-Cana conferences will be a conference for the parents of the brides and grooms to be held on Friday April 5,--all parents should plan to attend. On Sunday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. there will be a Day of Recollection for the women of the parish. This is sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality. Father Anselm, O.F.M., a most interesting speaker will give the afternoon of recollection. FIRST COMMUNION-May 5 at 9 a.m. - Children from second grade and over must attend Catechism each Sunday after the 9 a.m. Mass to be eligible. Sick List In addition to the many who are down with the old flu bug at home the following were hospitalized last week, Glenn Williams, Geraldine Sullivan, Minnie Lichty, Larry Blair, Charles Schroeder, Raymond Mendyk and Richard Westerfield. Wonder Woods News Another bowling and dinner party sponsored by the Wonder Woods Association was enjoyed by the marty who attended. Harry and Joann Sellinger received the trophies for high bowling score and every bowler received a cash return. Each lady received a beautiful rose. Bob Sandgren arranged the party this year and deserves much credit. Jess Seeman was Mc. Street Lights Nice comments are still com-1 ing in about the new street lights. As I stated last week, these lights can be made available to any business place or any subdivision group who wishes to have them. The fee is not large but it must be paid yearly in advance. For information contact Jim Robison of the Chamber of Commerce or Tom Mathews. Comments Dept. C'mon you guys--how about some news. My phone has been so quiet I thought we'd cut the wires by mistake. Even my spy department has gone back on me. There must be something going on that I should know about. My number is still 653-7176 and I'm home every evening and weekend. Thf Taxpayer's Ticket Vote For CLARENCE REGNER HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER ' Of McHENRY TOWNSHIP 1 TUESDAY, APRIL 2nd A vote for CLARENCE REGNER on the taxpayer's ticket is a vote for economical experience and full-time dedication to the taxpayers- free fro mconflicting interests. A Vote for CLARENCE REGNER is A Vote for the Tax Payer s rest (Pol. Adv.) i Hear Ye, Hear Ye... it's National WANT AD Week MARCH 10 -16 kfcof. rxMjr My* oi srUfiii.l TO rMAm - »<{, •!);>»«> Busshsfc** ?Xis~ trlei Hi ft urn p r ¥v«- and -<5* Jems cnH -Aire v>T-:*e « * R . N S K ' i m C S K S ! IgTUAlJOiK, tKuxJsflga S«rvk> . ««< U, 8 % C. & j CJncsn- *<U i. 5V(*2Cr^'!. : 14 lumtu Opfwriumti** 13 HouwiHeid Mi OiU totAtiise iARi.y eect so**; F FR3CimATKK per bushel, this waefc only,:- IC.UM'IMTE'C TlJZJmLTC ORCHARD . $ iroles K ti or El. 3® Our WANT ADS WORK WONDERS It's no secret CLASSIFIED SECTION gets RESULTS TWO rc<,R>* to mi APKEiixs m •• j >•>>.«<-*{ rti- *ft«r nmrt mch SPECIAL ON ALL NOW COMMERCIAL WANT ADS FOR WEEK OF MARCH 21st HERE'S HOW IT WORKS 1. Your Want Ad will run 2 weeks for the price you would regularly pay for 1. In other words you are getting double value for your money. 2. This offer is good only to Non-Commercial Advertisers. 3. This offer is good only during week of March 21st. 4. Special offer handled on cash basis only. 2 Take Advantage of this Special Offer in Observance of National Want Ad Week . . . McHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT McHENRY, ILLINOIS IT'S SO EASY TO PLACE YOUR AD SIMPLY DIAL flows M Tx>xmt gilN fttrfiAc* EH J 223 sS 4 roeni «Rtr»r.»s.| <>* pert* eoca .& iPBjg&n*. _ |3 r Gosi Weeks For The Price of 1 Take Advantage of this Wonderful Opportunity to "Clean out and Clean up" thru the Wants Ads 385-0170 ziity Kxj>et--<;«ced fl&t co&trs«t CiJr$»£*:• i '\iiW la HKWORSIXu ^ H*:-: dr -- F u r n a . S I ' j v * C o a 2 Hm C, O. JtUiifc? *rwS Son ... BS*Ut>K«i>*<rm5 Di&l CH I • --J