Thursday, March 21, 1963 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pfcge Nin* Wonder Lain PUPILS PRESENT TWO PLAYS AT HARRISON SCHOOL Mary Lou flartog - The seventh and eighth gfade pupils will take part in fwo plays to be given March 22, 'fit 8 p.wi in Harrison school. Jtfr. Josserand is director of the plays. ; The first story with the delectable title of "Honey of a Peach" will have in its cant Lois Hanson as Bonnie Robinion, Edith Grabovy as Bahs Barton, Joanne Feyerer a* Linda Robinson, Kathy Pierce &s Sally Young, Sue Ann Jones as June Ryner, Vicki Gustav- $on as Susie Johnson, Mark Motulewicz as Parker Woods, Robert Stefljan as Bert Ryner and Casey Kasperzak at the detective. The second play, a comedy with a hillbilly flavor entitled the "Ghost of Punkin Holler" Will display the dramatic art of Sam Lamont as Paw, Phyllis Reuter as Maw, Barbara Hanson as Sadie, Jacqui- Jine Burr as Skunky, Dorothy Maxstadt as Nellie Ann, Chris Rasmussen as Butch, Paula Parker as Birdie, Marilyn Coburn as Ginger Lou, Philip Sehimke as Eli Hambloner and Willard Stahl as Orville Hacken. This sounds like it's going to bef quite an evening. I think I might try to sneak in. I never realized we had so much dramatic talent in our fair city. Rummage Sale When you're doing your spring cleaning don't forget the Wonder Lake Volun teer Fireman's auxiliary will he having its rummage and bake sale on April 5 and C from 9 to 5 at the fire house. (Now they tell me!!! I've thrown out enough stuff this past month to supply two rummage sales). They will welcome any useable items from clothing to furniture in good condition. Also, any donations for the bake sale will be appreciated. For pick-up service call W. L. 3-5891 or 3-6601. Be sure to come to the sale. Who knows, you might buy some of your own stuff back. Ladies Charter Bus To Flower Show - On Wednesday of this week tife ladies of the Garden Club and others who love" flowers chartered a bus which left the: fire house at 8 a.m. and which "Are there any real bargains in AUTO AIR CONDITIONERS?" Yes, there are... if "bar* gain" means "good bur** to you. Mark IV has the quality that has made it tne nation's top selling custom installed auto air eonditioner. As to cost, Mark IV beats car factory installations by far... costs less to buy and transfers to your next car -- you're not out the cost when you trade. What's more, unlike factory installations, Mark IV's cooling coils are in* side the car cooling you. They don't waste cooling capacity fighting engine heat under the hood. That's why 4 out of 10 Mark IVs go into brand new cars, in obvious preference to factory jobs. As to reliability, Mark IV is manufactured by a AAA-1 rated company.., with over 8,000 factorytrained servicemen, nationwide, backing up a 12- month or 12,000-mile warranty. Come in for a demonstration ride this week. Find out why Mark IV quality is the best "bargain" in auto air conditioners. A-OK .AUTO ELECTRIC 913 N. Front St. 385-4004 deposited them at the door of McCormick Place in Chicago about 9:30 a.m. - to view the 1963 World Flower show. Details of the trip are not available at this time since this is Sunday and we won't be going until next Wednesday and you won't be reading this til Thursday. Sound confused?? It is. I will give you all the tid bits about the show next week since I will be going along on this safari It's an annual event and I wouldn't miss it. Garden Club Meets Mar. 14 The W. L. Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. Elsie Hoppe on Thursday March 14, at 7:30 p.m. The program for the evening included a table setting by Mrs. Hoppe. The ladies also discussed their coming flower show which will be a Christmas show to be held shortly after Thanksgiving. Showers for Gertrude Diedrieh The Ladies of the Bible Church arranged a baby shower for Mrs. E. Diederich on Thursday night in the church hall. About forty were present and Gert received many beautiful gifts. Another surprise shower was held for her a couple of weeks ago by the teachers of Harrison school. After school they all arrived at the Diedroch home complete with gifts, cake, cookies, ice cream, strawberries and the whole works. They all enjoyed a gay afternoon. White Oaks Bay Man Dies Saturday Neighbors in White Oaks Bay were saddened last Saturday to hear of the death of Harry Wunderlich Of 4508 W. Lake Shore Drive. Mr. Wunderlich had been ill for some time and was undergoing treatment at the McHenry hospital at the time of his death. Details on the funeral will be noted elsewhere in this paper. Zoning Hearing For New Legion Post March 27, is the date set for a hearing on a petition oi Christ the King church and Wonder Lake American Legion as the contract purchaser. The meeting will be at the city hall in McHenry at 3 p.m. The property involved is presently zoned R-l, residential and the petitioners request a B-2 classification. Afternoon of Recollection Well Attended The Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King church were pleased to see a fairly good crowd at their afternoon of recollection last Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. Father Anselm, O.F.M. of Crystal Lake was the speaker of the day. Congratulations To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cashin on the birth of a son March 14 at Woodstock hospital. Kiwania News In opening the meeting of March 11, president Bob asked about suggestions for an interclub this month. We need at least one a month to maintain our inter-club points. Art Lau pointed out that we ranked second in the district last month. Our eighty-seven points were only a few behind the leader, Crystal Lake. . Dick Miller introduced the speaker of the evening, R. "Duke" Dawson one-time driver and now assistant starter and insurance inspector at the Indianapolis 500 race. Prior to showing a film of the 1961 classic, "Duke" filled our Kiwanians in on various aspects of the Memorial Day event. He told of the jargon the drivers use, the special tires used for the race, the average amount of money incorporated into the racing machines, and the safety factors introduced into the race since its formal inception in 1911. Duke's tips made all of us more aware of the condi-, tions the drivers and mechanics face on race-day and made the film all the more enjoyable. Joe Sullivan introduced his guest for the evening, Gordon Gran, an airlines pilot and prospective member. As yet plans for next week's program are indefinite but Smilin' Joe is sure to cortie up with another good onev "For those who do not think, it is best at least to re-arrange your prejudices once in awhile." (Burbank). Notes: Well that's it for this week. For those who have been slowly driving past our place the last few weeks looking and wondering just when the atomic blast occurred I'd like to explain that we weren't bombed out vve'r* just doing a little (?) redecorating ana spring house cleaning. Every - time I come home in the evening and see that mess in the yard which had been thrown out of the house during the day I feel like turning around and going to Bermuda or some other equally painless place. Everyone says it will be better soon and I sure hope so. It "v-!^ i(4t] Holiday Hlllt JOAN SCHROEDEB TAKES OVER WHEN PRESIDENT RESIGNS Inez Youo# The business meeting of the Holiday Hills Woman's club opened with a regretfully accepted letter of resignation from Jean Baird, the newly elected president. This puts vice-president Joan Schroeder in as president and Mary Mahon is the new vicepresident. The banquet committee reported on the prices and menus of five different restaurants in the area. A vote was passed to eliminate the May meeting and hold the banquet that night, May 8. If you were unable to attend the meeting, give someone a call, the prices of the dinner will include a play also. Sounds like fun! ^ Mr. Nehlig, co-administrator of Valley-Hi, showed slides arid gave a very interesting talk on the current conditions of their present structure and the desperate need for expansion. He urged us all to consider this carefully when we vote on the referendum ballot at the poles on April 2. Refreshments for the evening were served by Joan Schroeder, Renee Jende, Bernice Malstrom and Dorothy Gabriel with St. Patrick's day the theme of their attractive decorations and delicious refreshments. Scout-O-Rama . Don't forget that this Saturday, March 23, is the day of the annual Blackhawk Area Council Boy Scouts of America Kishwaukee District Scout-orama. It will be held at the Crystal Lake community high school field house, located at Franklin and South Walkup. It will open at 11 a.m. and last thru 9:30 p.m. with special shows at 2:30 and 8 p.m. Our local scouts will be there with their projects. Be sure to go out to the Scout-o-rama - you'll find it very enjoyable and worth while. L.W.M.L. Workshop The, Lutheran Woman's Missionary League of Circuit 6 held a Christian Growth Workshop at St. John's church in Island I^ake on Tuesday,' March 12. Registration began at 9:30 with the workshop couldn't be worse!! Keep the news coming -- my morale needs it. ' 1 tookan up into several sessions in the morning and afternoon, taking time out for lunch, and closing at 2:30. Circuit 6 includes churches from McHenry, Lake Zurich, Barrington, Cary, Round Lake, Harvard, Woodstock and Island Lake. Movies From St. Mary's The ladies from Holiday Hills who belong to St Mary's parish in McHenry gathered at the home of Vi Abbink on the evening of Tuesday, March 12, the view a movie recommended by Father Holmgren. Get-Well Wishes A big bouquet of good wishes to Patty Baird whose condition is improved since last week, but will be spending some time in the hospital to rest and get beter. Don't forget your cards to her, she sure enjoys them. I hope this finds Mary Jungwirth feeling much better and on the road to helping others get well. Little Ricky Connell nad an accident which required three stitches on Saturday, March 9. Be careful Ricky! Bobby's 5th Birthday Little Bobby Slottag celebrated his fifth birthday, wliich was on March 12, with a party on Saturday March 9. His friends who enjoyed lunch, without their mommies, were Judy" Abbink, Jill Bodenheim, Kathy Connell, Denise Hughes, Denny Jeschke, Barbara and Debbie Smith arid his sister, Debra. Eileen Connell,- Jimmy Grant, Keith and Kurt Teuber were unable to attend the party because they were sick. The party must have been fun, because I, hear no one wanted to go home when it was over. Happy Birthday Belated birthday greetings to my neighbor, LaVon Dowhin,. who was ?? years old on March 11, to Patrick Teuber who was 2 years old on March 15, and to his Mommie, Midge Teuber, who was 16 yesterday, March 20. - .Two big birthday wishes to rtwo little girls celebrating this Saturday, March 23--Margaret Ann VanDuyn will be 4 years old and Priscilla Kasprzyk will be blowing out one big candle for her first birthday.. Bikle Oaas •v Several weeks ago f to^d you about a Bible discussion group which meets on Wednesday i&orning. If you would like to DoHar-Saving Value in a Breathtaking Package! 1 join such a group and cannot make it on Wednesday morning at 10, there is another group meeting on Thursday evenings. If you'd like to attend on Thursday evening call Joan Schroeder at 385-3641, if you would like to join the Wednesday morning group call Lois Landis at 385-3397 or me at 385-4672. You will be most cordially welcome to either group. . Easter Parade If you plan on marching in the Easter parade you'll need a new Easter bonnet--why not look for yours among the 200' hats on display at the Eastei bonnet sale held at St. John's Lutheran church in Island Lake on Saturday March 30. \ Spring!!! After a long cccooolllddd winter, it's a joy to see this first day of spring pop up on the calendar, As for signs cf spring, I haverv't seen any robins yet, Mary Mahon and Phyl Harper have tulips and crocus starting to break the ground in their gardens (I haven't a thing in mine) but just to say it's spring gives a lift to my spirits-hope it does the same for you. Welcome spring! Garden Club Just got this bit ^of news before it was time to take the column in--but I'm sur? many of you will be interested. Several ladies have gotten- together and decided to start a garden club. The first meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Patz, 2403 S. Lilace (Corner of Sunset and Lilac) on Friday, March 29 at 8 p.m. Any of you ladies interested in joining a gardening club and learning more about beautifying the area around your home, mark the date on your calendar. It seems to me that a club like this is bound to benefit not only the individual members but all of us living in the area since it will improve and beautify the subdivision. Some 85 per cent of the corn grown in U.S. never leaves the farm (as corn) but the remaining 15 per cent is made into industrial products worth billions annually -- penicillin, yeast, sugar, syrup, oleo, soap, beer, paper, cosmetics, ice cream, explosives, cereals, plastics, etc. CANDIDATES FOR TOWNSHIP OFFICE TO SPEAK TONIGHT Citizens of McHenry township are invtted to meet the candidates for township office tonight, March 21, at 8 at Lakeland Park community house. All the candidates have been invited to the open meeting and will have an opportunity to present their ideas to the public. A question and answer per* iod will follow, during which written questions from the audience will be presented to the various candidates. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? USED WHITE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE Carrying Case -- Round Bobbte s1995 S3, -- ALSOUSED LONG SHUTTLE ' SEWTNG MACHINE JADS One 995 Only If you are not completely satisfied after 80 days, full refund gladly given! Riwewide TCetoii Outdei NO HIGH PRESSURE EY55900 NEW STYLE TO DELIGHT tuu. ROCKET ACTION TO EXCITE YOU! Crisp new styling is only a clue to the appeal of the Oldsmobile Dynamic 88. Oldsmobile's lowest-priced full-size series, it boasts a 280-h.p. Rocket V-8 ... four-coil-spring comfort. . . plus the quality you look for in a car labeled "Oldsmobile"! Check a Dynamic 88 (or size (and value) at your Oldsmobile Dealer's today! OLDSMOBILE n«r*'< "S0M£THtM9 IXTMA" MVatef OlHMOilltl SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER -- R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES, 1109 N. Front Street VOTE the Independent -Party •. j # RE-ELECT Charles J. 'Chuck' Miller For Highway Commissioner ON Tuesday, April 2,1963 In 1947 McHenry Township had approximately 48 miles it hard surface roads. In my capacity as highway commissioner there has been approximately 56 miles of additional hard surface roads constructed with no indebtedness to the tax payers Of McHenry Township. A complete maintenance program besides the above major improvements has been accomplished, including weed control, safety and traffic signs, snow and ice removal, center line striping. The latest improvement includes street lighting at major intersections. I am proud of the progress of McHenry Township in the past sixteen years and wish to continue to serve as McHenry Township Highway Commissioner in the same manner as I have done in the past. 'Tour Vote of Confidence Will Be Appreciated' (Pol. Adv.) ^1/2% Per Annum You Are Wise. On Investment Accounts 11/4% P®r Annum E On Regular Savings Accounts fairings and LOAN ASSOCIATION To You... Our Services 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders, 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository 3611 West Elm Street Phone 385-3000 McHenry, Illinois If you spend what is left after saving Rather than save what is left after spending! "PAY YOURSELF FIRST" A