Ngi Tn THE McHENHT PLAINBEALER Thtndiy, March 21, 1983 HARRISON PTA PRESENTS SLATE OF NEW OFFICERS Harrison P.T.A. members received a slate of candidates far 1963-64 offioe. were told of differences between school boys and girls, heard discussions about a proposed school tax levy referendum, and were told details about a community cenr ter at Ringwood. Nominated few office were Lee Pk-krum, president; Maxttae Bixby vice-president; Max- Sullivan. secretary; and Ruth Kinzie, treasurer. All except Mrs. Kinzie are present officers, each moving up one office. ArdeU Bell, president for two years, retires from office. Dr. Robert Topp, dean of education. Northern Illinois University, described the physiological. psychological and emotional differences of boys and girls the same age. This he said leads to "downgrading of boys" in school and perhapc at home. In several recommendations, he suggested boy> should start kindergarten or first grade a year later than girls. Upon completion of high school, separate lists of boys name* and girls names, by rank in class, should be submitted to universities for purposes of meeting entrance requirements. Present methods of grading and determining class standing tend to favor the girls, he said. ".Dr. S. L. Ruggero, president bf . the Harriaon District 36 school board, and Merl F. iThomas, superintendent, presented details of the proposed referendum, and answered all •questions presented from the floor. The new revenues, if voted April 13, will produce a net amount of about $22,185 Tby the spring of 1964, to offset « projected deficit of $41,000 Jjy that time. Further projec- 4ions indicated the school district could work off its deficit and be back on a balanced toudget by 1967, on the basis of ^current figures. • Without the new funds, the district will have to finance the deficits each year by means of tax anticipation warrants. Any increased revenue from future reassessed preperty values will not materially add to income. During the period from 19M when the current 96c educational rate and 2c transportation rate (per $100 valuation) have remained unchanged, as- ?>essed valuation has gone up only 1.7 per cent; while costs reflecting increased enrollment and staff have increased 2.5 per ccnt. The referendum seeks to raise these levies to $1.17 and 10c respectively--or 21c in the educational fund and 8c in transportation. Paul Eberle, postmaster, told about proposed programs for youth aad senior citirens at the planned community center at Ringwood, and methods by which this will be financed through stock issue to purchase property, and i carry on various crafts and other activities. (! DAMAGE SUITS ChaHes Sowers has been named in two suits filed in circuit court, totalling $100,000. In one, James Largermann has filed in behalf of his son, Jerry, asking $60,000 for injuries alleged to have been received by his son while riding in a car driven by Stephe* A. Borshovak. The latter car and one driven by Sowers collided on Terra Cotta road and Crystal Lake avenue in October of 1962. In the other suit, Stephen Broshovak, Sr., asks $50,000 for Injuries alleged to have been suffered by his son, Stephen in the same accident. William Brown of Wonder Lake filed suit in circuit court in the amount of $25,000. He asks that amount of Arthur and Harold Morris of McHenry, as the resulting of injuries said to have been received in an auto accident last December. The crash involved cars driven by Brown and Harold Morris, as agent of Arthur Morris, towing a vehicle. Spring Grow GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE IN PROGRESS Eva Frennd On Thursday, March 21, the Girl Scouts will be at your door with some of those delicious cookies they have teen gelling to you annually. Those who bought some last year will remember how g<xxi they are. This year there will be an assortment of each - peanut butter, mints and sandwich cremes to choose from. Your purchases will help towards the progress of their projects this summer Troop 519 is working hard at the present time on the project they will enter in the McHenry County Fair next August. They are also reviewing their camp knowledge for fUtuns outs and trips. camp- Cloka The birthday club met at the home of Minnie Pierce on Tuesday afternoon. Games of five hundred were played and prize winners were Mrs. William Shotliff, Mrs. M. Stanek, Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Tom Mc- Nally. Lunch was served after cards. Mrs. Ben May was hostess to the members of her card club on Thursday afternoon. Prizes went to Mame Tinney, Frances Busch, Mary Nunsgern, Minnie Pierce and Annie Sanders. Hospitalized Dave Gardiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gardiner, underwent heart surgery at St. Luke-Presbyterian hospital in Chicago the past week. We are haypy to report that he is recuperating very well. Happy BirtMay Tc Virginia Thornton, March 13, Ruth McGovern. March 26, and Vic Freund. March 20. Stationed In Germany Ronald Fout who is with the U.S. Army was transferred from Texas to Germany the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout flew to Texas and Ron's wife, Alice, returned home with them. Move To Wisconsin The Anthony Lombarrio fami Iv moved on Saturday to Wispeter W- & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 385-0063 ' The average housewife has 225 recipes stuck away in nine different places--and uses sixteen of them each year. Successful mm Jump if eveiry opportunity -- when it doesn't come along, they Jump anyway. 1 ; ' Quality Radiator Repair by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Yean Experience Every job FLO-TESTED tor your added protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. Phone 385-0783 9004 W. Rente 120 McHenry, IIL All of us say lots of silly things--only some say them so much more effectively. For Progress...Yes! For Projects Apparently Unneeded - No! ALBERT A. ADAMS FOR* NO. 1 -- CARE FOR THE AGED With loving care and at a price we can afford. MO. t -- GOOD POLICE PROTECTION On basis of hours work for hours pay. NO. t -- BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL ZONING When it aids the majority of citizens. AGAINST: NO. 1 -- If it will cost more than private homes -- which this bond issue will. KO. 2 -- If money appropriated is for political rather than police action -- it appears that the action of the present is not political. VO. * -- Have fought selfish mental to majority. zoning interests detrl- These are principles of the People's and Citizen's Ticket -- This is the ticket that has elected such good servants as Stephen Freund, Math N. Schmitt, LeRoy M. Smith, H. Walter Anderson, Robert Conway, Albert Kraus, Sibre Whiting, Arnold J. Rauen, Chas. M. Adams, Harold H. Freund, Jos. J. Freund, Carl Hallstrom, Chas. Weingart, Harold Aim, Elmer Murphy, and many more. This is the ticket I was elected on, am proud of, and ask you to re-elect me from. Its principles and aims are yours and mine -- for our good, not the good of a privileged few. I earnestly seek and request your vote. For Asst. Supervisor on People's Ticket 0 ALBERT A. ADAMS VAMW/ mm unto. SAVE OH 10W PRICES EVERY DAYl SAVE PIAIP "AMPS FOR FREE GIFTS! THAT'S A*P'«... A*P's SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY PORK LOIN ROAST CENTER CUT _ PORK CHOPf Full 7-Rib Cut Full Rib Half RIB END 2%. 391 LOIN END Full Tenderloin Included Full Loin Hall 3%. 4%. Serve Sauce AtTi Super- Right QeaJHy DdMonics Boaslest Beef Rib Steaks Rib Eye Steaks Country Style Spare Ribs Beef Rib Roast Ocean Perch Fillets Red Deflelon APPLES 1^12^29 Super Right 7" Cut Cap* FRESH TOMATOES .. 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ANN PAGE TOMATO SOUP A LENTEN SPECIAL Serve with Bremner Sal+ines 3IO'/2-oz.9fll cans ^ Instant Coffee Aluminum Foil Sweet Gherkins dexo Shortening Karo Syrup Crisco Shortening A&P Brawl Special Ptic* Wonderfol A&P Exclusive Ma J* 25-ft. roll ll-M. J«r 3-lft. Vegetable Red Label, for Coottng, Baking or Infant Feeding Vegetable 99° Diet Delight Pears 35c Sandwich Cookies 39° Nabisco Oreo Armour's Star Tamales Choc. Fudge Supreme Brand Sandwich Creme Cookie* £69 "27 £89 ll-oz. en 18-oz. pkg. IS-oz. pkf- ISi/a-oz. MM 39c 35° 49c 39c Coy Exp. March 13. 19*3 L&nH r ~ Russet Idaho Potatoes 10-fo ZQ bag O yC 50 extra stamps with mailer coupon With the Purchase ot ANN PACK Vanilla 4-oz. 1 Extract Btl. i Cewpoe Exp. March S3. IMS Limit Oee Per Customer mimmmmm} VALUABLE COUPON With the Piiittos# ot OUR OWN INSTANY a-er TEA Jar Coupon Exp. Mar *• < One •e»r Customm- SB Plastic.Wrap Keeps Food Fresh 69 TRIED IHEM YET? DELICIOUS! JANE PARKER CAKE D0NIITS GOLDEN, SUGARED OK CINNAMON OF 12 REG. 2* ""MICA'S FOREMOST FOOD «ETAs>» SINCE IM0 §uper Markets THI GREAT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY. MAR. 23, 1963 Star-Kist Tuna 2TE fi'/a- MM "35 Sail Detergent 2£49' Tide Detergent ^ l-ll 4-ei pfcc 35 Surf Detergent l-lb. 2-oz. Pk* 64' Surf Detergent ™ Mb. 4-M. 28' Condensed "All"!, ••i. pkg $209 Lux Liquid tr 12-ez. M. 29c Vim Detergent £ 38' Breeze Detergent £ 2-lb. 6-oz. pkg. 71' Saran Wrap FRESHrap Wax Paper Fab Detergent 200-fk iuMbe roll 10c OFF LABEL FAMOUS SINCE Hnittimid