' , a£fj .. . ', '*•, jTmnday, May 16, 196^. CLASSIFIEDS WUGUSt Help Wailed m* THE McHENRY PLAINPEALE1 ,^g2^2^^,2^22122£-HffiS2^^2Si^^^^S^2-E2^ii422222E^2!ffiS££llS^MSX2fi£BJSi22SK^2Bfi!EfflSISSSi Page Sermi' ' ' * BLACK COUCH, makes full bed, $30; Wringer-type washing machine, good condition, $30; pink and Black lamps, $6. 385- 3141 5-16-63 Help Waaiei em' &l I^NDICAPPED person--man or, woman to telephone contacts. Take pick-up orders. Write AHS, Goodwill Industries, 631 Cedar Street, Rockford, 111. *5-16-63 10 OVER THE road truck drivers. Must have at least 2 years highway experience on semi - trailer equipment. References that we can check are required. Lake County Express. Highways 21-83 (north Main St) North of Antioch, Illinois. 5-2-30-63-TF FREE LANCE artist with experience doing exploded drawings for parts books. Familiar with Air Force specifications preferable. Write Box No. 82, c/o McHenry Plaindealer •5-16-63 HANDYMAN, FULL time for lawns, trimming and gardening. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond, Ilk 678-2861. 5-9-63-TF - WANTED - Man to set-up and maintain small production tools & help out wherever needed on production lines. Usual company benefits. Apply 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. TRANS COIL INDUSTRIES, INC. 3607 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry (Johnsburg), 111. 5-16-63 METHODS ENGINEER Must have thorough knowledge of set-up and operation of turret lathes. Experience in tool design, time study, development of routings and estimating. Age 25 to 35. Excellent employee benefits. Hours 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays thru Fridays " AEROQUIP • -CORPORATION Barco Division 500 N. Hough Barrington, 111. , DUnkirk 1-1700 (An equal opportunity employer) 5-16-63 JANITOR Day Shift Hours 7 to 3:30 p.m. Company Paid Group Insurance Apply In Person MODINE MANUFACTURING Co. Ringwood, Illinois "An Equal .' Opportunity Employer" 5-16-6$ AGGRESS I V S c o m m i s s i o n salesman for remodeling, new homes and farm buildings. Part time considered. Building experience necessary. Arnold N. May Builders, Inc;, Richmond, Illinois. Phone 815-678- 2861. 2-7-28-63-TF COONEY HEIGHTS -- 2 bedroom house, 5 years old, breezeway, attached garage, lot 100x400, large living roomkitchen. Price $13,000. 385- 5882. 5-2-30-63-TF LOTS 70x125 -- $700. Beach rights. North of McHenry. 385- 0671. *5-9-16-63 3 BEDROOM brick ranch, dining room, full basement, 2*A car garage. Many extras. McHenry. For information call 385-2468. *5-2 thru 23-63 EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS Annex -- Brick ranch, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, full basement. On 1 acre -- extra acre available. Call 385-3520 or 385-4818. 5-2-30-63-TF ATTENTION CLOSERS Largest manufacturer of home owned water softeners is looking for 3 high caliber specialty salesmen with closing ability. No soft water experience necessary. If you are. the right man for this job you will have no problem making $12,000 to $15,000 a year. We will train you and give you all the sales tools you need to start producing before your first week with us is completed. Car necessary. PHONE 385-3900 For Appointment MR. BURTON LINDSAY SOFT WATER CO. McHenry, 111. 5-9-30-63 Help Wanted WANTED -- Someone to clean modern offices after 5 p.m. Apply in person McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry. 5-9-63-TF PART TIME office help 3 days a week. Must know typing and insurance. State age, experience and salary desired. Reply to Box No. 83, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 5-16-63 Vel» waited RETIRED LADY I o .sot. as companion and do light housekeeping. Board and room, plus salary. References required. Call 385-5845. 5-9-30-63-TF PART TIME experienced cook and waitress. Apply in person Mi Place Tavern, 1237 N. Green Street, McHenry. 5-9-30-63-TF CLERK - STENOGRAPHER needed in a state office ifi Woodstock. Very good starting salary. Vacation and sick leave. Reply to Box No. 80 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 5-9-16-63 WAITRESS WANTED -- Full time, experienced. Apply in person Lenny's Breakers, Route 14, Crystal Lake, 111. 5-16-63 YOUNG WOMAN for inspection and assembly in "top quality" dry cleaning plant. Will train. Good eyesight required. Hours 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday only. Apply in person to Dick Peterson, Manager, Rainbow Cleaners, 1304 N. Front street, McHenry, Illinois. 5-16-28-63 MARRIED woman who wafttls to earn $50 weekly working few evening hours. No canvassing, car necessary. 653-5655. 5-16-23-63 WAITRESS WANTED steady for nights or weekends, part time. Call Tomasello's, 385- 1475. 5-16-63 FEMALE ASSEMBLER -- Apply Rae Motor Corporation, Route 120 West, McHenry, Illinois between 8 a.m. ft 4:30 p.m. 5-16-63 MODERN -- 2 bedroom ranch in Shaiimar, year around. Baseboard hot water heat, plastered walls, hardwood floors, ceramic tile bath room, colored fixtures, attached garage, full basement. Lot lOOx 150. 385-4129. 5-2-30-63-TF 2 LOTS -- Located on Victoria and John Streets, Country Club Subdivision. Call 385- 0074. 5-2-30-63-TF FOR SALE OR RENT with option to buy -- 3 bedrooms, full basement, large lot. Call 385-3366. 5-16-63 Qualified Veterans G. I. FINANCING AVAILABLE NO DOWN PAYMENT 6 HOMES Edgebrook Heights, Kent Acres McHenry, 111. * "odern, 3 Br., Full Basements, Gas heat. For Particulars Inquire: MR. McLAUCHLAN SH 1-3900 11-1-62-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year Round Homes. Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties, JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd, McHenry, I1L Ph. 385-0037 6-15-61-tl Help Wanted MATERIAL CONTROL CLERK Young woman with bookkeeping experience and typing, sharp with figures, willing to learn. Excellent opportunity for right woman To grow with an excellent expanding organization. Send detailed resume Including Salary expected to the personnel manager, REPCO ENTERPRISES •703 U. S. Rt. 12 P. 0. Box 369 Richmond, Illinois ' 3 BEDROOM HOME with full basement, tile bath, parquet floors, water softener, 2 car garage, oa large corner lot. $14,700. Call 385-0564 5-2-30-63-TF 2 BEDROOM brick home, 2 car garage all brick, partly furnished basement with heat. Reasonable. Call 385-0074. 5-2-30-63-TF LARGE BUSINESS lot on highway 120. West of McHenry 130 ft. on highway. 150 ft. deep. For information call 385-0852. 5-2-30-63-TF RIVERFRONT COTTAGE -- 401 Mineral Springs Drive. 3 rooms, L-shaped porch enclosed. 50x240 lot. Call 312 GR 6-1712. 5-16-63 FOR SALE HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS--BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinoli Beautiful Lot Must see to appreciate. Retiring -- must sacrifice and sell due to illness. Pie-shaped lot, 63' frontage, 118' back, 1 side 188*, 1 side 166'. On Ramble Rd. ft Flower Ave. Facing Ramble Rd. PHONE 312 CO 1-1970 5-9-16-63 FOR SALE With Small Down Payment 3 Bed. Frame, RiV. Rts. $7,000. 3 Bed. Brick Cor. Lot $13,900 Edgbrook Hts. G.I. Financed 3 Bed. Ran. Basment $1,000 Dn. 3 Bed. Rai*. Garage $1,000 Dn. Water Front Property in Heart of Town and Pistakee Area McHBNRY REALTY 3311 W Klin Street S85-5922 Day 653-6862, Eve. 5-16-63 CUSTOM BUILT RANCH HOME in Edgebrook Heights A-l constructed, special built for owner. Has everything, even fall-out shelter. Large landscaped lot. PRICE REDUCED TO SELL 814 N. Timothy Lane, McHenry *5-16-63 The Home You Buy Does Make a Difference See that difference In the home on Marian Parkway In Crystal Lake 3 and 4 Bedroom Mid-Level Two Story RANCH and TRI-LEVEL HOMES Priced from $16,900 to $24,500 Low as $900 down Visit our model* Open daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Trade your prtsept Home or lot The entrance to Marian Parkway is on Rt. 176 in Oystal Lake .4 of a mile west of Walkup Ave. FRETT BUILDERS & REALTY FBONE 459-1939 5-56-SS LOT 80'x 125' N.E. Corner Clearview Ave., and Central, $3,000.00 Lakeland Park, Lot No. 21-6-4. %y% short blocks from McCullom Lake. Contact F. Evalee Hill, P.O. Box 157 Eastside Sta., Santa Cruz, California. *5-2 thru 16-63 LAKELAND PARK 2 bedroom ranch. Splash tile kitchen and bath. Enclosed porch. Immaculate condition, wall to wall carpeting, drapes. Call 385- 2523. *5-9-63 BUSINESS PROPERTY -- Choice business corner. Has nq equal in Lake County on highway U.S. 12, Gilmore and Rand road. Zoned B-2. Good for any type of business. Frame building. Possibilities unlimited. By appointment 815-385- 6347. 5-16-63 LIVE ON Waterfront -- Attractive and comfortable 3 bedroom ranch. Large panelled family room with screened patio, fireplace, well insulated, 114 ft. water frontage. Attached 2 car garage. Owner being transferred out of state. Owners employer will pay closing cost. Worth a lot more but seller will sacrifice for $21,500. Call Sunnyside Realty 385-0162. 5-16-63 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS -- Lovely 5 room ranch with mahogany finished family room in basement. Garage. Nicely landscaped wooded lot. $14,900. Phone HYatt 7-3125. 5-16-63 IMPROVED LOT in McHenry on Oak Street. City water & sewer .sidewalks, near schools. 385-0840 after 5 p.m. or weekends. 5-16-30-63 2 BEDROOM house with 6 lots, attached garage, enclosed patio suitable for extra bedroom. Call 385-0433. 5-16-63 BY OWNER -- Excellent location 1 block from St. Mary's. Forced to sell because of relocation. 3 bedrooms, full basement, recreation room, garage, large back yard, water softener and gas heat. Call 385-2829 after Thursday. 5-16-63 OVERLOOKING Golf course. Country Club subdivision. 2 bedroom, 1% baths, foyer, sewing room, kitchen, dinette, large living room, walls of Cherry paneling & plaster, 2 fireplaces, full basement, plenty of closets, gas heat, brucewood pegged flooring ft tile floors, balcony porch, 2 car garage. By appointment, 385-1328. 5-16 thru 6-6-63 LAKELAND PARK -- 60x125 lot. No assessments. Street paved, $600. Call 312 GL 3- 4940. *5-16-63 IN McHENRY -- Ranch house with two bedrooms, living room, dining area and utility room. Priced at $8,000. Reasonable terms. William M. Tittle, Real Estate Broker. Call 338-3483 or 338-1470. *5-16-63 FOR SALE -- Grocery store and building in Ringwood. Call 653-2793 before 5:30 p.m. -- after 6 p.m., 653-2311. 5-16-63 FOR SALE BY OWNER EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS 3 Bedrooms. W/W carpeting throughout. Attached garage. 27x15 Recreation room finished. Gas heat. City sewer and water. Landscaped. Best Buy In Town 385-4141 5-16-63 HOMES FOR SALE Immediate Occupancy Good Financing Terms $17,750.00 "COUNTRY" -- Remodelled 3 Br. all brick veneer former school building. 1 car garage, modern kitchen, full concrete basement. Large corner lot. $16,500.00 "RICHMOND" -- 2 Br. cape cod with 2 expandable rooms upstairs, 1 partially finished. Full basement, 70x120 ft improved lot. $16,500.00 "RICHMOND" -- 2 Br. frame residence, large attractive kitchen, basement, garage, beautifully landscaped, 90x120 ft. fully improved lot. $22,500.00 "RICHMOND" -- Beautiful 3 Br. colonial ranch residence with bath and half, carpeted living room and dining room, slate entry hall, activity room, attached garage, fully landscaped. 10002 Main 3treet Richmond, Illinois PHONE: 678-2861 5-9-63-TF BAIRD & WARNER, INC. Established 1855 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS -- 3 Br. ranch with 3 car garage on 140 ft. lot. Gas heat. Washer ft dryer included for $13,500. RIVERFRONT year around h<*me with lame L.R., 3 Br's.. enclosed porch. $13,5p0. . ;•* . 1 • j.; •••••./"" * LAKELAND PARK -- Brick 3 Br. home with bUilt-in gas kitchen on 100 ft. lot. $14,000. McHENRY SHORES -- 2 Br. home with large jalousied windowed ft screened family room. Lot 120x125. Pier on channel. $15,000. We have over 200 homes in all price brackets td choose from. MR. HEINEN -- 385-2527 5-16-63 $11,000 BEST BUY 4 Bedroom home. All modern conveniences. 2 car garage. 1 blpck from shopping and school. , $14,750 GREATLY REDUCED" Owner leaving for California -- 3 bedrooms, living-kitchen, full basement, 1 car garage. Just right for country, comfortable living. Large lot 100x147. $14,900 LIKE NEW -- WOODED AREA 3 JJedroom comb, brick ft frame. 2 car garage. Exceptional buy, $16,900 NEW HOME Excellent Location -- Just Completed 2 Bedroom home. Built-in electric oven & range. 1 car garage. Ranch type, overlooking Fox river. Five minutes from McHenry, shopping ft schools. You must see this. In beautiful wooded setting. Shown by appointment. F.H.A. ft V.A. Financing JACOB FRITZ REALTORS $280} Johnsburg Road McHenry, Illinois CODE 815-385-0037 5-16-63 A REAL BARGAIN in McCullom Lake 2 Bedroom frame house on lots fenced. W/W carpeting in living-dining area. 2 Car garage -- Landscaped Large recreation room -- Air conditioning 385-4141 For Appointment s-ie-es WATERFRONT LOT on Fox River in Orchard Heights, 60x 130, price $3,000. Call 385- 1908. 4-25 thru 5-16-63 LARGE 3 BEDROOM home, close in, will trade for small 2 bedroom home. Must be in or > close to McHenry. Write Box No. 77, c/o McHenry Plaindealer 5-2 thru 30-63 20 ACRES -- 600 ft. frontage south of McHenry on Route 31 -- Owner will divide -- vac.'#it no buildings -- for particulars see or call Wesley Luehring, 101 W. Orchard Street, Itasca, III. Tel. 773-0007. *5-2-9-16-63 MODERN 2 BEDROOM ranch. Full basement, attached garage, 2 acres partially wooded $18,000. Hartland Township. Call LAwrence 9-7293. *5-2-9-16-63 INCOME PROPERTY -- 1712 W. Grandview Drive, Sunnyside Estates. 2 four room apartments. 140x112 lot, 2 car garage. Call 385-1256. 5-2-30-63-TF HUNTERVILLE PARK -- 3 bedrooms, family room, 1V6 baths, utility room, forced air heat, garage, river rights. Walk to town. 385-1742. 5-2-30-63-TF LAKELAND PARK -- 3 bedroom ranch, gas heat, alum, storms ft screens,, 1% car gairage. Many extras, $13,000. 385- 3752. 5-2 thru 23-63 BEAUTIFUL LOT on corners of Carol and Beach Drive in McHenry Shores. Will sacrifice below original cost in 1955. Call 312 CL 3-4065. *5-16-63 SMALL YEAR AROUND home, lot 120x150, beautifully landscaped, fruit trees. Reasonable. 5307 W. Parkview, McCullom Lake. *5-16-63 PISTAKEE BAY ESTATE Fine waterfront ranch home. Luxurious modern 9 rm., 4 bedrooms, 4% baths, den. Gorgeous patio. Gas heat. 3 fireplaces. 3 acres. Hilltop location. Blacktop driveway. Exquisite decor. Fabulous extras. Appliances, carpeting, drapes, tractor, mowers, play house, sprinklered, raft, steel pier. Entire grounds illuminated. An outstanding home and value. OWNER 815-385-2771 5-16-63 McHENRY AREA 3 BR. RANCH, lg. liv. room, nat. gas heat, hardwood floors, 2 car detached garage, blacktop drive. 100% Mortgage with good credit. TAVERN WATERFRONT Restaurant -- 2 apartments on 3Vi acres. Priced to sell. 2 ft 3 BEDROOM HOMES ~- $5,000 to $6,500. BLACHER'S REAL ESTATE 385-5440 5-16-63 FOR SALE LAKELAND PARK r- If you qualify $100 down will put you in this 3 bedroom ranch house, 1% car garage, grounds nicely landscaped. Price $12,100. G. I. Loan -- Monthly payments $87.00. Conventional Loan Monthly Payment $101.00. LAKELAND PARK 3 Bedroom Ranch, futf basement, natural fireplace in living room, Kcreens«sLin~ pareb, concrete driveway, 1 car att. garage. $15,500.00. FOR RENT WATERFRONT LOCATION -- 3 Bedroom House, large living dining and kitchen rooms, 100 ft. water frontage, 2 car garage, gas heat. Monthly rental of $150.00. BAYSHORE, Inc. Corner of Elm and Green Phones 385-3620 385-3710 5-16-63 WATERFRONT PROPERTY Remodelled farm house. 5 bedrooms, liv. rm., kitchen, 2 enclosed porches, basement. Att. garage, gas heat. Large high, wooded 180' frontage on Fox River in town of Johnsburg. This can be income property. 3 bedrooms now rented year around gross $130 per month. Priced $25,000. New 3 Bedroom, 3 baths, ranch house, private stable, kennels, 2 acres of lawn and pasture cfi 300' Chain-O-Lakes waterfront. Price $60,000. Large (1 acre) haavfly oak wooded, hillside, southern exposure, Chain O' Lakes waterfront lots in highly restricted development. Black top roads, underground utilities. Prices $5,000 and up. CALL 385-1251 S-16-2S-69 2 BEDROOM RANCH, attached garage and breezeway, alum, storms ft screens. Gas heat. Corner lot. River rights. 385-2866. 5-9-16-23-63 SECLUDED -- $5,449 -- $1,- 000 down. 3 room artist studio; above garage on wooded hilt Fireplace. No furnace. Lily* moor. L. Belford, 385-6348, 5-16-63 FOR SALE •--*. fi room home, 2 car garage, 3 landscaped lots with fruit trees in town. Call 385-2241 after 5 p.m. or weekends. 5-16-23-6S 2 BEDROOM home on Riverside Island, lake frontage. Located in Nippersink directly across the American Legion hall. Full basement. By owner. 815-385-6529. 5-16-63 JUNK CARS, truck, tractors and all types of machinery. Call 385-1260 or 385-4774. 1-10-63-TF WANTED TO Purchase 5 to 10 acres. Wooded preferred. Please call 678-6138. 5-9-16-63 OLD STYLE 5 (solid) leg round oak dining table with leaves. Must be in good condition. Call 385-6109. *5-16-63 Waitoi f EXECl r t v I: TYPE housing, 2-3 bedrooms by married couple with no children. Call between 4 and 6 p.m. JU 7-1741. 5-16-63 farvari Market 4 FOR SALE about 40 acres of hay, half in second year alfalfa. Johnsburg area. 385-1251. 5-16-23-63 PIONEER Seed Corn Is IDP QUALITY If you need more seed, I can supply you* with a wide range of maturities and kernel sizes. DORR SHERMAN ' 338-2410 • Woodstock, m. * 4-4 thru 6-6-63-TI FARMERS All Types Plow ShardjQSharpened ft Rebuilt/ Cutter Bars Sharpened Machinery Welded A Repaired Work Guaranteed McHENRY WELDING SERVICE 385-4929 9*240.63 Niirel ltnout * TO BE GIVEN AWAY idoptio% Hospital STRAY PETS for a< Call MrHenrv Animal Hospil 385-0031. " 6r21-62-tf "Wantid~S~'"Suy;' OaseMed ads. Dial JEV. 54170 to yours. «*« Red Estate mj&m Clean-up Your Basement Clean-up Your Garage Then call us on used furniture or anything of value that you may want to sell. It may be worth money. We buy, sell smA trade. * The Trading Posf (2 Blocks E. of River on 120) V 385*0430 ,v • 5-16-63 ASK tof what you want with bigger than outdoor advertising. Tour ad on this pace is read by 20,000. ••• Real Estate Tim -- REAL ESTATE -- ALL BRICK 2 bedroom hotpe, 2 car, gartgf, <W#p well, large lot ft trees. Good location, $11,500. - • ... SACRIFICE -- River lot 145 ft, frontager * LAKELAND PORK -- 3 Bedrooms, largf' living room and kitchen. Corner lot. $11,500. 3 BEDROOM all brick ranch,fuU basement, garage and patio. $17,000. JATLAS REAL ESTATEJ:;: •>«»•.• 2 Blocks East of River on Route 12QM PHONE 385-0430 • LISTINGS WANTEft 'If : 1 "• m»i • i '!«W'L RURAL - VACANT r - Approximately 4 * acres beautiful land located in McHenry school district. Priced to sell quick -- also over 13 acres in McHenry school district. Priced to sell at $500 per acre. Excellent transportation from Crystal Lak# to 0iicag))|T^M '$^1.. IN McHENRY Ideal 2 Br. brick ranch home with full basement and garage. Beautifully landscaped. Owner transferred. Priced to sell at only $15,000. DKMft miss this one! ^ V • NEAR McHENR® 3 Br. ranch home with full basement and garage on large lot. This house is exceptionally clean. Owner moving to California. Washer and dryer included. Priced at only SffiQQQ, this today! • List your property with us for rent or sale. THE KENT CORPORATION ^ ..McHenry's/Oldest Real Est#t« Office PHONE 385-3800 1311 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 5-16-63 miMellwaoai I u 75* FISH FRY at the McHENRY MOOSE EVERY FRIDAY -- 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. You Are Welcome 75' 75* 6-3B-ti3tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY REGISTER FREE No Purchase Necessary DRAWING JULY 3, 1963 Winner will receive a BEAUTIFUL FRAMED OIL PAINTING on canvas of themself or a loved one. ~ (16x20) No one under 16 years of 'age may regtefsr. RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET , J402 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois » 540 thn, 6-27-63' v -- - "