MWIWIIIW^WP • ? ' ' f\ .... • V &••••-.•;>• » ' •" '•'; , rigi rOunwn THE MeHENRT PLAIWDEALER Thondqp, May 16. 1963 Twice Told Tales Fifty Years Ago Mtrn From The File* Of May 8, 1913 The annual commencement exercises of thfc McHenry high school will take place at the Central opera house, Tuesday veiling. May 25. The class ^this year is made up of eight girls and one boy. . A very enjoyable afternoon * was spent last Saturday by members of the Social Wheel al the beautiful bungalow home of Mrs. Charles Rietesel. The next meeting will take place al the home of Mrs. Lydla Owen, on May 24, at which time Miss Ethel Owen will act as hostess. With a prayer on his lips, Emil Norjearfc- - a Chicagoan, gave up his life Sunday to save two from drowning. Nanjonn with Mr. and Mrs. George Boynton of Chicago was fishing from a row boat on Fish Lake near Volo. A sudden squal overturned the boat, Boynton clutching the keel of the boat saved his wife. Nanjean realizing overturned boat would not support three sank to his death crying "Hold On George, you'll make it." Two boys, A. J. Vasey and Lloyd Benwell of Volo, launched a boat and saved the couple at the risk of their own lives. Boynton, who owns a hotel .at 1239 Wabash avenue, claim" he will make application for a Carnegie medal for the boys. John R. Hunter of Vincennes, Ind., spent Sunday a* a guest in the home of Dr. C. H. Fegers. Mr. Hunter was right in the midst of the recent terrible flood of Indiana and went through an experience which he has no desire to go through again. Richard B. Walsh has Joined the tanks of auto enthusiasts, having this week come into possession of a handsome seven - passenger Studebaker touring ear. The auto fever is becoming quite general in McHenry this spring. A little baby girl which the family had adopted "only a week or so ago passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schneider on Monday of this week. The baseball season was formally opened here last Sunday a f t e r n o o n w h e n M a n a g e r Smith's McHenry team defeated their opponents, the Volo Stars, by a score of 9 to 7. Forty Years Ago Taken From The Files Of May 10, 11)23 MrnilxTS "I )>>•• 'HUM . of the McHenry community high school will present their class play "Am I Intruding" at the Empire theater on Wednesday evening, May 16. Members of the class are Doris Bacon, Edward Kennebeck, Floyd Foss, Bertha Schiessle, Leo Winkel, Greta Chamberlin, John Vycital, Harriet Bobb, Herman Nye, Alice Miller, Earl Walsh and Pauline Freund. : Announcements were received in McHenry the first of the week of the marriage of Miss Helen Gage Fay, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay of this village, to Mr. Hany Otis Oder which took place in Chicago, May 5. Rekindling of fires in the stoves and furnaces about town was quite the general thing on Tuesday morning. And just to remind you that old Man Winter is still with us there was a light fall of snow on that day. The members of the L. E. C. Club tendered Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson a very pleasant surprise at their home on Main street, Monday evening, in honor of the second anniversary of their marriage. Five hundred, music and dancing made up an enjoyable evening, refreshments, brought by tlie guests were served and the merry invaders left a nice gift as a memento of the occasion. Mrs. Anna Eliza Bennett, widow of Capt. L. E. Bennett, a former McHenry photographer, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Phil Mayes, in St. Paul May 2. The Peter Thelen estate home on Washington street was sold Saturday, the purchaser being Mrs. Charles Pich of Chicago, one of the heirs of the estate. William Lehane, father of Rev. Daniel Lehane, former pastor of St. Patrick's church here, passed away at the home of his son in Batavia, last Friday, at the age of 86. Burial took place beside his daughter, Elizabeth, in St. Patrick's cemetery here. Twenty-Five Years Ago Taken From The Files Of May 12, 1938 Big men are little boys at heart, especially when a new shiny, bright red fire truck is placed l^efore their eyes. The satisified smiles and proud glances of the firemen as they stood on the beach Friday morning watching their new fire truck undergo the test required by the state gave evidence of their enthusiasm for their recent purchase. Alfred and Esther May and Joseph Justen have returned i ft 111; • • is H i1 KHir ; I q I i < . , »if coast where they spent some time with their uncle, Frank Justen, in Chowchilla, Calif. Miss Margarett Frett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Frett of Aurora, former McHenry residents, gave an organ recital Sunday afternoon May 8, in the Rosary college chapel in River Forest. Miss Frett is an organist of great promise having won neverai scholarships. McHenry high's golfers showed their mettle last Saturday in winning the district meet held at the beautiful McHenry Country club. McHenry really just nosed out Wuukegan in total strokes for the eighteen holes, but were far and away from the field in tournament rules foij ranking teams. Harry Anderson came through with a neat 77 to lead all performers for the day. Close at Harry's heels was Vale Adams and his all important 78. Harry Anderson, Vale Adams, LeRoy Hettermann and LeRoy Smith qualified as a team to enter the state finals at Peoria this weekend. They will be accompanied by Coach McCracken. Seventeen little boys and girls received their First Holy Communion at St. Mary's church last Sunday. They were R a y m o n d B l a k e , E u g e n e Freund, Robert Freund, William Herdrich, Robert Miller, W i l l i a m S c h m i t t , R i c h a r d Smith, George Worts, Marion Grace Conway, Joanne Freund, Lorraine Michels, Marianne Rogers, Ella Mae Schaefer, Barbara Simon, Dolores Vales and Joyce Weber. Miss Dorothy Herdrich, daughter of Mrs. Cora Herdrich and the late Frank Herdrich, was united in marriage to Mr. Edwin Hettermann son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hettermann of Johnsburg, at St. Mary's church, Wednesday, May II,1 Msgr. C.S. Nix officiating. Gooney birds, native to Midway Island, are the only birds known to walk backwards. CONCLUDE PLANS FOR SALUTE TO COUNTY EDITOR The McHenry county-wide salute to George Sullivan on Saturday. June 8, is taking shape and the list of wellknown people pianniiut to attend grows. In 'at nearly unprecedented decree of unanimity, Woodstock organizations have cleared their calendars and have reserved that date for a fitting tribute to the editor-reporter of the Woodstock Sentinel. For fortv-two years Sullivan has served Woodstock and Mc- Henrv countv in outstandine fashion. Don Peasley, chairman of the testimonial commit tee, said in outlining arrangements for the event. Amoncr those accepting invitations are three key members of t he famous Hebron Green Giants championship basketball team. In Sullivan's fortv-two vears of writing, no thrill was greater than that which surrounded the successful drive to the state championshin bv the team from the little school of ninety-six students. When the incredible happened --and Hebron won--Sullivan was sittine beside Coach Russ Ahearn on the Giant bench, and their joy was unlimited. Ahearn will be in Weedsto^k for the testimonial. So will Paul and Phil Judson, the twins who helped sparkplug the championship club. Phil now is coach in North Chicago. Paul sells insurance in Champaign. A dinner will be held at the Woodstock Moose lodge, starting at 7:30 p.m. Tickets may be obtained through county athletic directors. the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce, and many Woodstock organizations and civic groups. Painting is the art of protectin flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to critics. -- Ambrose Bierce. PROFESSIONAL POODLE GROOMtNG Expert Handling & Loving Care By Appoint incut RUDY BECKER Kennels 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In Phone (Area Code 815) 385-2436 HOME Now You Can Beautify Your Home And Surprise! Your Guestsl Don't be embarrassed when unexpected company visit your home this summer. Don't worry about your family feeling uncomfortable. Instead, relax, and enjoy the beauty and freshness of a newly decorated home. Let International Decorators turn your hotis6 inton a summer resort that will bring you admiration, comfort, and happiness. Just picture yourself showing your friends youi% new home. Imagine the feeling of pride and happiness you'll have when they rave about the lustrous ^exterior and the elegant interior. Your home is beautiful and you didn't have to bother with the troublesome task of painting . . . all because you called International Decorators. The International System Let us redecorate your home and we will guarantee you'll be satisfied. Our men bring to your home the experience of more than a decade of painting. They use only the best paints -- longer-lasting paint which has proven its quality in hundreds of homes like your's. We know how to paint your home quickly and neatly . . . you don't have to worry about living in a messy house while we are redecorating it. Don't let another suxyimer slip by -- Act now! Call for a free estimate. Ask us about our easy "Paint now -- Pay later" plan. 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Are you paying too much for salt? Not a Weekend Special, but our everyday price same on Tuesday as Saturday. No. 2 -- 100-lb. Bag fl-69 Morton's PELLETS -- 100-lb. Bag $1.99 These Vi Cases made up especially for you. Three No. SOS Cans eaeh of 4 different varities of U. 8. Grade A Fancy Vegetables. (LIKE GETTING ONE CAN FREE) 3 Cans W. K. CORN 16c ea. 3 Cans SWEET PEAS 16c ea. 3 Cans CUT WAX BEANS 16c ea. 3 Cans CUT GREEN BEARS 16c ea. II bought separately would be $1.92 OUR REG. Vi CASE PRICE $1.85 Tills Weekend Only $1.75 NO LIMIT -- A SAVINGS OF 17c (LIKE GETTING TWO CANS FREE) 3 Cans F. S. GREEN BEANS 17c ea. 3 Cans SHOE STRING BEETS 14c ea. 3 Cans PEAS and CARROTS 17c ea. 3 Cans SHOE STRING CARROTS .... 14c ea. If bought seperately would be $1.86 OUR REG. V2 CASE PRICE $1.68 This Weekend Only $1-55 >o LIMIT -- A SAVINGS OF 31c Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. Only! 1-Lb. 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