Thursday, May 16, 1963 Eingwood • -MEN'S CLTJB SPONSORS FAMILY MIGHT SUNDAY Lor Brfnnau . W.L MM This coming Sunday, Majr 19, is family night for all ages. The Rinewood Methodist Men's club is sponsoring this affair which will start with a supper from 6:15 p.m. to 7 p.m., in the church basement followed by fellowship singing. There will be a message at 7:30 given by Dr. John Paul Stafford, who is a verv interesting and entertaining speaker and comes with the best recomendations from all who have heard him. This affair is open to everybody, so bring the entire faminy along. Sr. Hi. M.Y.F. News Linda Low reports: Sunday, Mav 12. there was no definite M.Y.F. meeting. Those who wished to attend went to Ingleside for a play the M.Y.F.ers save. Since Rev. Breneman wasn't able to attend, Mr. Lau went along with the group. Next week May 19, there will be a short meeting to elect new officers for *63-'64. The officers of the past year were: Leslie Decker, president; Evelvn Harrison, vice-president: Glen Decker, corresponding secretary; Ida Mae Walkington, r e c o r d i n g s e c r e t a r y ; L i n d a Low, sub-district representatives. Let's have a good turnout next week, so our next year's officers will be as good as this vears. See vou there? Birthday Patty Fourteen little girls helped Pat Brennan celebrate her ninth birthday on Saturday. Following lunch, Patty opened her gifts, after which games were played. Cake and tee \ cream were served after a few °f rope jumping. Attending were Norereir Bauer. Cindv Bruce. Prisilla Fossum. Colleen Harvey, Cindy Hopp, Linda Hopp, Pamela Jones. Maribeth Hopp, Patty Jcnes, Anele Ramoska, *Toni Jones. Jeanette Ramoska, Linda and Bob Brennan, and of course the party girl, Pat. It seemed as though all the girls had a verv eniovable dav. Mother's Day Get-Toeethers Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and Gary Reinwall of McHenry spent Mother's Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward in Madison. Wis. Getting together for dinner • tot celebration of Mother's Day in Chicago in the Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kunz home were Mr.- and Mrs. Earl Kunz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kunz, also Jake Meid. Mr. and Mrs. Dear. Ehlert and family of Kenosha, Wis., were dinner guests in the John Ehlert home. Supper guests included Mrs. Fred Bowman and • Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore ' Mr. and Mrs. Anton Senkerit and family of Sunnyside. Supper guests in the Mr. ahd . Mrs. Magnus Nelson home in Crystal Lake were Mr. anr! Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan, Bob, Patricia and Linda spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt, also Mr. j and Mrs. Tony Apelt and fami- - ly of Wadsworth; Mr. and Mi-s. V Richard Schmitt and family of •* McHenrv: Miss Joanne Schmitt and Loren Kelley of Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. George Ainger and David Ainger of Hebron Z spent Mother's Day in the i» home,. of tfceir grandmother, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Will Clax . ton of McHenry was also a din ner guest of his sister, Mrs Ruby Shepard. Mother's Day guests in th* Walter Low home were Mi and Mrs. Dale Thomas and .Mrs. Taylor of McHenry; Mrs. -Viola Low and Mrs. Emily "Beattv of Ringwood, also Mr. . and Mrs. Robert Low and family of McHenrv. Here 'N' There Mr. and Mrs. John Freemont of DesPlaines called in the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn on Tuesday. Mrs. L. E. Hawley visited -with her sister in Chicago from ^Wednesday until Friday of ^last week. On Tuesday, Mrs. Robert Brennan and Linda visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. Tony Appelt, in Wadsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, were visitors in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn hofhe on Wednesday afternoon. They are from Waukegan. Mrs. L. E. Hawley, Mrs. William Reinwall and sons, and Mrs. Anna Reinwall were visitors in Meadowdale on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz were callers in Dundee on Friday. On Monday, Mrs. Earl Kunz attended the Catholic Daughters of America banquet held at tfie McHenry Country club. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn visited -fri the home of Mr. and Mrs. iWike Freund in McHenry on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby failed in the Mr. and Mrs. Art Oxtoby home in Spring Grove On Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russcl Ehlert and family of Richmond were callers in the John Skidmore home and Mr. and Mrs. John fihlert's home on Sunday afternoon. Arthur Skelley Visited in the Brennan-Hepburti home on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Pacey of Wilmot. Wis., called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert on Saturday evening. Callers in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bulow of Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Cabe of Pistakee were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby on Saturday evening. Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenrv called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan on Wednesday evening. On Sunday, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn visited °in the Mr. and Mrs. Rav Colby home in Woodstock. Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page of McHenry visited friends in Elgin on Wednesday. Art Oxtoby of Spring Grove called in the Eugene Oxtoby home on Saturday evening. Tuesday callers in the Mrs. Ruby Shepard home were Mrs. Charles Anderson and daughter. Tina, of Twin Lakes, Wis. That's the news items for another week. Just a few reminders of dates coming up. Sunday is the ramily night ;n the church basement. May 26 is the community CIUD picnic which is ouen to all families of the communitv. That's all for now, see you next week? ; NEW SCHOOL BILL Gov. Otto Kerner last week signed into law bills amending the School Code. One of the bills provides that district, regional and county teachers institutes are permissive rather than mandatory and the institutes may be less than two days in length. Another bill provides that each school board shall annually prepare a calendar for .the school term specifying the opening and closing dates. The bill provides a minimum term of at least 176 days bf actual pupil attendance. FILE SUIT Barbara Jaglarski and Leona Timm have filed suit in circlit court to recover $35,000 from Allen and Lisa Petersen of McHenry. The suit results from an auto accident in which the plantiffs allege they were injured. .£»V . .. THE McHENR PLAINDEALEH . .. . Page Flfisia Ji #4L5 Legal -ii. ZONING NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) BEFORE THE McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IN THE MATTER OF ) THE APPLICATION OF ) HENRY H. FINEBERG ) AND LOIS FINEBERG, ) HIS WIFE, and JEPPE ) JEPSEN AND ARENTA ) D. JEPSEN, HIS WIFE, ) FOR A CONDITIONAL ) USE PERMIT AS TO ) CERTAIN REAL ESTATE ) IN McHENRY TOWN- ). SHIP, McHENRY COUNTY ) ILLINOIS PURSUANT TO ) THE PROVISIONS OF ) THE ZONING ORDIN- ) ANCE OF McHENRY ) COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Mchenry County, Illinois, a public heating will be held by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to the Petition of HENRY H. FINEBERG and LOIS FINEBERG, his wife, and JEPPE JEPSEN and ARENTA D. JEPSEN, his wife, for a Conditional Use Permit as . to the following described real estate now located in the "F" Farming District so as to permit the use of said premises for the purpose of a day school devoted to the summertime training of children in arts and crafts: The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (except the North 305.0 feet . of the South 921.0 feet of the West 286.0 feet thereof) in Section 12, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian in McHenry County, Illinois, together ' with an easement for ingress, egress and public utilities over the North 16.5 feet of the South 629.0 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. The property above legally described is located approximately one-quarter mile East of the Johnsburg and Spring Grove Road and approximately a mile and a quarter from COUNTY SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT REACHES $679,691 Monthly old-age, survivors juid disability benefits in Mchenry county are $679.6H1 Bernard Barnett, district manager of social security in Waukegan, said <MI releasing his annual county benefit data report as of Dec. 31. 1962. This new monthly figure represents an increase of $65,473 over the Corresponding figures for the period ending Dec. 31, 1961. "This increase can be attributed to the changes in the law in recent years, as well as to the growth of our aged population," Mr. Barnett. sai^- "This money stimulates county business: most of it is spent for food, clothing, and shelter." "There is no longer any doubt. Social Security benefits are heloing to stabilize the income and spending power of many residents of McHenry county. Monthlv benefits first became payable in 1940 and have con* tinued without interruption for twenty-five years, accompanied by a steady growth in the number of beneficiaries. The average monthly retirement benefit in McHenry county as of January, 1963, was $83.40 per month. This is higher than the average national benefit which was about $76. For any information regarding the social security program, call the district office at 244- 5050 or visit the office at 2500 Grand avenue, in Waukegan. Johnsburg in McHenry Township, McHenry County, Illinois. Said hearing will be held at the City Hall of the City of McHenry at 1111 N. Green Street in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, on Wednesday, June 5th, 1963 at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, Central Daylight Saving Time, and at that time and place any and all persons interested therein may attend and be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By: John E. Looze Chairman Eckert, Caldwell, Gleason & Berner Attorneys for Petitioners 100% Cass Street Woodstock, Illinois (Pub. May 16, 1963) FREE - ORCHIDS - FREE To The First 200 Ladies In Our Store SATURDAY, MAY 18 Most™. (/7U/0 oft FREE Drawing For The Kiddies Tak« it from Kedso, here*t something you shouldn't mist --two big new KEDS Gown contests, at our store--with prizes and fun for everyone! Come in today, bring yo«r pals, too--find out how emy it is to win. There's nothing to buy, just lots of fun! YouH find all the simple details at Both Shoe*, For the Girls -- Barbie Doll Dream House For the Boys -- U. S. Keds Tent _SEE - BOZO, the Keds Clown In Our Store See The Girl In The Street For Your Lucky Number II yonr number matches, you will win • FREE Pair of KEDS m i ROTH SHOES 1246 N. Green Sir eel WIN THIS CAMPUS BIKE The purchases you make at Roth Shoes can be used for points toward winning the CAMPUS BIKE. fteibteu JA Mo*&~lkcuv-A Wowt,-A£>Jewe6( U. S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUT I 5*wd Slaus ROAST ROUND BO*F OR LEAN BONELESS -- U.S. CHOICE BEEF STEW . . .69 SWIFT PREMIUM WIENERS . .39 tt> CORN KING SLICED BACON . 39 Tt> RIB ROAST *.«. d®10® 100<S> CENTER SLICES BOILED HAM Vi lb. 49* cimr err WATW , S£w*o*T 79- BOAST r. 8. CHOICE BIB STEAK^ % edkneAA CALIFORNIA RED RIPE ' STRAWurnp (berried! Pi. Ctn. BERRIES JUICY - FIRM HOT-HOUSE TOMATOES cjLuAciouA fyewei f^adtried! LAKY GOODNESS DANISH KRINGLES ine&A in ALMOND OR APRICOT -- MELT - AWAY FLAKY 59 ELEGANT DESSERT STRAWBERRY SUNDAE CAKE f$£|t Each OO JEWEL'S 88e SALE BUTTERCRUST BREAD 3 4 o*. AftC oaves FRESII-KAKED HOT PEACH PIE ** 59' BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKPf Banquet Pot Pies 29 ox. STOCK UP NOW! JUICED OR IfAfcVES Jtf Hunt's PEACHES BLUEBROOK CUT GREENOIS OIQQC BEANSO OO 88* SALE WESTERN -- GRAPE, ORANGE OR WESTERN PUNCH 88 DOLE Pineapple Juice 3 4466 °otzc. acna~n. 88' MARY DUNBAR WHOLE KERNEL 16 or. 1 CORN Can $ •VHITE, PINK, YELLOW, TUR<?UOISE " ' Scot Tissue *•*. Price 3/40c CHERRY VALLEY 14 Visit Your McHenry Jewel SAUSAGE SHOP Chopped Broccoli St 5 ">« 00 I v - 2739c pfcft. Ocfc