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CLIP THE COUPON IN THIS AD and Enter Today. Employees of thai" 4 National Tea Co. and immediate families ara not eligible. Entries must be * deposited by Saturday night at close of business. Winners' names will be posted in the store the following week. You need not be present to win! || Entry Blank 1,000,000 f i<u/ GREEN • msfi STAMPS TO BK GIVEN AWAY THIS WEEK! ----100 Prim if 10,000 S It H Oreea Stamps to It Give* Away This Week -- Name Address m City .Phone NOTHING TO BUY! NOT A CONTEST! Colorful, flavor-full mixture of exciting fruits. Great timesaver for desserts and salads. DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL Bright and Right" Ha. V/2 Can Chunk .... Aiy Sii© Piece ri TOP TASTE BOLOGNA . ^ 3T SWIFTS Prem. BACON * 49° IJ-oi. AQc . . Hi 7-ot, ^|AC 3io-«l S100 PM I Bar-B-Q Time is Fur 'Hrr<f, ,,, Lean • • • Meaty . •• BACK RIBS . "i bT $ I" Tfrrrn SO EXTRA S&H STAMPS Wltk This Coupon and the Purchase of One 2-Ufc Cai NATCO Vac Pak COFFER i OSCAR MAYER r SLICED BOLOGNA OSCAR MAYER COTTO SALAMI . SO FRESH --Breaded FISH STICKS. . . TOP TASTE -- Fully Cooked, Boneless, AH Meat .1/ il CANNED HAM . . . & BUTT PORTION HAM CENTER HAM SLICES u. 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS Witb This Coupon and the Purchase of One 50-Ct. Pkg. Orange Pekoe or Pekoe NATCO TEA BAGS Limit One Coupon Par Customer -- Coupon Expires May llth -- 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and Purchase of One 8-oz. Can Ground NATCO BLACK PEPPER Coupon • GET MORE BRAND NAME FAYORITES AT NATIONAL Rich in Flavor .. • Rich in Nutrients", Quart Dsoantir TOMATO KETCHUP "Rich in Tomato Flavor" Zest up your favorite dishes with tangy flavorful Heinz Ketchup. Stock up at National on this real money - saver. HEINZ KETCHUP 14-m. Iff. "Flelschmann's Corn Oil Margarine" (•Lb. Pkf. . 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and Iht Purchase of One 22-oz. Btl. Pin!c EASY LIFE LIQUID DETERGENT T r y t h • . m a r g a r i n e that has -a finer texture and more deli* cious flavor ... just like the high • price spread. FLEISCHMANN'S MARGARINE 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 8-oz. Btl* ai ire uawei i noccciMA TPrsrvd Start the morning with a tall, cool glass of r i c h L i b b y ' s t o m a t o juice. It's tasty, tangy and good for you. LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE Soft - Strong • • In Colors' "Just Add Milk and Chlir Your choice of blackberry, raspberry, strawberry, cherry, lemon, orange or lime. Assorted ROYAL GELATIN 3-or. Pkg. ' "KRAFT--Pamovc Spread" Quart Jar Far sandwiches, you can't beat the flavor of Kraft's Miracle Whip, and for salads ... top off your next one with Miracle Whip and you'll taste the differ.n CO, KRAFTS MIRACLE WHIP 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 8-oz. Pkg. Sliced ! m. tmmmi«• ai • ^C0#«rj 600 Ct. Box "JUST CANT FIND FRESHER, FINER PRODUCE" CALIFORNIA . . . JUICY STRAWBERRIES Pink, Yellow or Aqua KLEENEX Star-Kist Chunk Style . •. Light Meat 6>/2-oz. Can STARKIST CHUNK TIINA "Four the Finest on Your Salads" 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of One 9-0Z. Jar YE OLDE TAVERN CHEESE SPREAD Limit One Coupon Per Customer -- Coupon Expires May llth -- Pour for hl jn# ?«"ckest Pints 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With This Coupon and the Purchase of Ore 30-OZ. NICKEY'S DELUXE PIZZA Limit One Coupon Per Customer -- Coupon Expires May„l8th -- Fresh . , GREEN CABBAGE Tasty Wesson Oil is poly-unsatu* rated, too! So for more of the good food flavors and | less saturated fats ... cook ] with WESSON. WESSON OIL 24-ox. Btl. 'For Pep and Energy • • • Cereal" B</2'0X. Pkf. "For Ice Cream Parties' For the next ice cream your youngsters have at your house, use Hershey Chocolate syrup on each dish of ice cream for flavor the kids will really enjoy. HERSHEY SYRUP '8-oz. Can the Adult This is the cereal alladults have been looking for . . . Kellogg's Special K. It's a special mixture for better health and taste. KELLOGG'S SPECIAL "K" "For Hickory Smoked Flavor" Add that touch of zest end tang on your steaks 18-oz. Btl. and chops with Open Pit . . . the best name in barbeque seuce. OPEN PIT Large GREEN PEPPERS . . • Delicious with Steak YELLOW ONIONS . • • •. «*4kWr' .. * 10° . 3 ,.b, 39° EXTRA STAMPS Purchase LINKLETTER PICTURE ENCYCLOPEDIA Limit One Coupon Per Customer •--Coupon Expires May 18th--• 125' Roll 3-DIAMOND -- *nrl Pieces ap MUSHROOMS 5 4-oz. Cans $|Q0 With Mt.!1 Ba'<s LIBBY S SPAGHETTI. . . 24-oz. Can 39e The Breakfast of Champion WHEATIES . . . . . . . 12-oz. Box 27° KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ...... 8-ozI Pkg. 16° Prize Winning GOLD MEDAL FLOUR.2 •Lb. hi 25° BARBECUE SAUCE --r-- - - - Premium Fla%-or Frozen Beef, Turkey or Chicken BIRDS EYE Whether it be chicken, cold cuts or ham . . . they'll all taste better for snack time when you wrap them in Cut Rita. CUT RITE WAX PAPER "Rich Whole Egg Flavor with Hellmann's MAYONNAISE HELLMANN'S T h i s M a y o n n a i s e has that "go with everything flavor t h a t ' s s u r e please everyon Quart J Your Choice 25 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With Thi Coupon and the Purchase of One 4-0/ Pkg. BEST KOSHER CORNED BEEF Limit One Coupon Per Customer -- Coupon Expires May llth--• 50 EXTRA S&H STAMPS With Thi ,j.:o tw Puifiav.- nn. 1 lb Pkg. BEST KOSHER SKINLESS WIENERS Limit One Coupon Per Customer -- Coupon Expires May 18th -- SAVE CASH n HEINZ STRAINED BABY hOOD Get 2 Jars FREE with the Purchase of 10 Jars at Regular Price Limit One Coupon Per Customer -- Coupon Expires May llth--- S&S&Sl MEAT PIES SUNSWEET PRUNE JUICE Qt. Btl. 8-oz. Pkg. FREE Cne Patrician Glas* FKEE with the Purchatt of PATRICIAN BEVERAGE GLASSES umiT uni coupon r#r ^uiromir -- Coupon Expires May llth** ^ TASTE--Enriched • • . Sliced WHITE 3705 WEST ELM STREET BREAD. IV \