Fag* Twenty-Two mMim THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER uk*- Thursday, May 29, 1963 Spring Gror# LOTUS COUNTRY WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS LUNCHEON Eva Freund Luncheon was served at Hunter Country Club, Richmond, tu forty-four members of the Lotus Country Women's club tm Wednesday, May 15. Board members were seated at the head table. Corsages were presented to Mrs. Viola McNish, Immediate past president and to the new president, Mrs. Jeanelte Helbling. The new president will take over office in September, 1963. Some of the ladies present could almost be termed charter members since ithey have been In the club close to fifty years. Mrs. Alice Van Every and Mrs. Hazel Winn are long term members and Mrs. William Shotliff has been a member fifty years. She joined the club In 1913. There was a social afternoon at cards. W.8.C.8. Meets Election of officers was held at a recent meeting of the Women's Society of Christian Service held at the church house. New officers for the Coming year are Doris Kephart, president; Mary Hedge, viccpresident; Celia Mason, treasurer; Frances Shotliff, secretary, and Hattie Newberg, chairman of sunshine committee. Remember Mamma Almost every household had some sort of celebration for Mother's Day. Many messages came by phone for mothers from sons and daughters in fa: away places. The family of Mrs. Math Nimsgern spent the day with her. Mrs. Geroge W. May's Children dropped in through the day. Edward Shotliff of Waukegan took his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff, out Jo dinner. Mrs. Nora Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon were treated to dinner by their Children. Those to make up this dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams. The occasion was also in honor of the thirtyseventh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pierce ot Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pierce of Mattison, 111., spent the day with their mother, Mrs. Minnie Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, their son, Vic, and Martha Thennes enjoyed dinner out. ing and graduation exercises were held at eight o'clock Sunday evening. Frances Block, one of the graduates, crowned the Blessed Virgin and little Nancy Thornton carried and presented the crown. Graduating pupils are Margaret Amore, Frances Block, Katnryn Dam, Joan May, Daniel Jones, Geraldine Hart, Sharon Hart, David Kagan. Edward Kattner, Eugene Kattner, Patricia Lovell, Glenn May, William May, John Molose, Craig Schneider, Milton Spooner, Mark Striblen, Susan Tesmer, Deborah Thornton, John Waspi, Michael Westphal and Paul Wrubleski. Speaker at the graduating exercises at Spring Grove School on Friday, May 24, was the Rev. Robert Zinn. Graduates included Patricia Snyder, Connie Yost, Judy Lutzow, and Stuart MacDiarmid. Stork Arrive* That big bird has been soaring over our town and leaving little bundles of happiness to quite a few of our young couples. Pat and Jean Kagan have a little girl, weighing 6 lbs. 4 ozs. born May 22. The little miss will be Mary Irene. The Bernie Mays have a new son named Chad. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buehrer are the proud grandparents of a grandson. The Tom Straussers in Pistakee Highlands have a boy and he will be called Thomas Robert. Two little sisters, Teri and Cheri, will welcome him. Then the stork flew way out to Arizona to leave a boy with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jessie in Nogales. This is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jessie and they are mighty proud. The baby will be named Jerry. Museum Visit The graduating class of St. Peter's enjoyed a Chicago tour of Museum of Science and Industry and the National History Museum. Father Hoffman, Sister Leonardine and Sister Irtcarnata accompanied them. Lega Gradual Ion The graduates of St. Peter's attended graduation mass and received communion together at eight o'clock Sunday, morning, May 26. The May Crown- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of ELIZABETH ANN JOHN SON, Deceased, File No. 63P< 148. All persons are hereby notified that Monday, July 1st, 1963, is the claim date in the administration of the estate of Elizabeth Ann Johnson, deceased, and that claims may be filed against the es tate in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Mc- Henry County, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the claim date without issuance of summons. Dated: May 23, 1963. RICHARD JOHNSON Administrator Harry P. Stinespring, Jr. Attorney (Pub. May 23-30, June 6, 1963) Johnsburg NEW PASTOR TAKES OVER DUTIES AT ST. JOHN'S PARISH Betty Hettermami It was announced by the diocesan chancery that Bishop Lane has appointed the Rev. John M. Dording as the new pastor of St. John's church. We can expect our new pastor here around the thirteenth of June. Prior to our parish, Father Dording served as pastor of St. Catherine parish in Genoa. For 18 years Father served as pastor of St. Patrick's church in Hartland before taking over his duties in Genoa. We are all looking foward to many years of spiritual guidance under the direction of Father Dording. I'm sure everyone will lend a hand to make him feel at home. Community Club To Meet On Monday evening, June 3, the Johnsburg Community Club will hold their regular monthly meeting. Of interest to all its members is the anticipated new addition to the club building. The building addition will be progressing very shortly. All members of the club are invited to attend the June meeting. Refreshments will be served by the committee in charge. Rlngwood SERVE ANNUAL ^ CHURCH DINNER MEMORIAL DAY Lor Bmmuui - W.L, 2045 This year on Memorial Day, as in all other years, there will be a roast beef dinner served in the basement of the Ringwood Methodist church. The serving hours are from 12 noon until 2 p.m. Everyone is invited to this "home cooked" roast beef dinner, with all the trimmings. Twelve Make Honor Boll Arthur Smejkals has informed me that there are twelve students who made the honor roll list at the Ringwood grade Salute To Onr graduates As the month of June is upon us, graduation is just around the corner. To all our graduates whether they be in the eighth grade, high school or college, to them we say "Good Luck." Each one is starting a new phase in his life and we all hope it is a successful venture. First Born A son weighing 7 lbs. 91/& oz. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy of McHenry on May 19. The young lad will answer to a real good Irish name, Patrick Shawn. Most proud of their first grandson are George and Olivia Hiller. Congratulations to the new parents and grandparents! Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehn were scheduled to participate in the eightieth anniversary celebration- of the Catholic Order of Foresters last Saturday evening. The festivities took place in a loop hotel. Resident Hurt In Crash Recuperating in the McHenry hospital from injuries sustained in an accident is Richard Piatt of Sunset View. Get well wishes for a quick recovery to him from all his friends and neighbors. school, with nine students on the honorable mention. The twelve students who qualified for the scholastic honor roll were: Mary Oonk, Priscilla Fossum, Trudy Oonk, Candy Fossum, Pam Low, Robert Brennan, Andy Fossum, Michele Rassmussen, Resae Ackerman, Kristine Wickman, Robin Fossum and Tom I/)w. The following nine students received honorable mention: First and second grades: Ralph Ackerman; third and fourth grades: Larry Oonk, David Betts, Guy Winters, Ray Low, Nancy White and Patricia Brennan; fifth, sixth and seventh grades: Linda Gelvin and Debbie Betts. These students are to be congratulated for their efforts. We can well be proud of our Ringwood youngsters. Congratulations Corner Harry Hettermann will celebrate his twenty-first birthday June 3. May 26 is the wedding anniversary date of Madeline and Ralph Johnston. Best wishes to them! New V.I.P. Congratulations are certainly in order for Robert Hilliard of Sunnyside Beach drive. Anyone who read last week's paper Saw his picture in the business section. Bob was elected vicepresident of the American Bakeries Company. He has been with the company since 1953. He and his wife and their four children have resided as year round residents for almost a year now. Once more a sincere congratulations to him and best of luck in his new position. On The Town Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnston, Second Addition A son was born in the McHenry hospital on May 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jordan. I was the second child for thr young couple. Pleased as punch with her new grandson is Elaine Todd. Of course Ed and the baby's two young uncles think he's pretty special too. But I think a grandmother always has a little more enthusiasm with a new baby. Happiness to all! Sr. HI M.Y.F. May 23, a council meeting for all old and new officers was held at Brenemans. We discussed our summer plans. After school's out we will meet every other Sunday. We plan to study and attend a Roman Catholic Mass. We also plan to discuss how to study the Bible. We have other programs planned, but we won't konw the exact dates till later. We are also planning to go on a swimming party and to an amusement park. June 9, a movie on "Camping" will be shown for all M.Y.Fers going on the canoe trip to Canada. It is requested that their parents be present also. Reported by Linda Low. Here 'N' There Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond were Chicago visitors on Monday. Mrs. Anna Smith and Mrs. Henry Johnson of Wonder Lake were visitors In the Mrs. Ruby Shepard home on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Roland Bauer and Mrs. Robert Brennan attended a pink and blue shower for their aunt, Mrs. Louis Schmitt, in McHenry last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bauer was the co-hostess. There were thirty ladies present who enjoyed an evening of games and refreshments. Mrs. Schmitt received many lovely and very usefull gifts. Last Sunday was the birthday of Mrs. Earl Kunz. Unable to come on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kunz and daughter Robin of Algonquin spent Monday evening with his parents. Gerry heard from her aunt, Mrs. Martha Verhalen of California, whom she hasn't seen for quite some time. The family remembered her birthday with lovely decorations now adorning her lawn. Happy belated birthday, Gerry! Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent the weekend with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger in Hebroii. While there. Mrs. Shepard and her daughter, Mrs. Ainger, went with the ^lebron W.S.C.S. to the Lilac's at Lombard. The Ainger family and Mrs. Ruby Shepard visited with the David Weigles at DeKalb on Sunday, after that Mrs. Shepard returned home. With such a few days for getting the column together, there wasn't much activity to report on. Be careful over the holiday, it would be nice to have each and everyone of you with us for some time. School will be dismissed for the summer next Wednesday, so be on the look out for thfe youngsters playing during the summer months. Have a pleasant holiday, see you next week? The Door of Opportunity offers little to a knocker, except sore knuckles. When somebody insists that you play ball, likely he expects you to do the catching. : .11 Safe Holiday Caution With the closing of this column, I wish to extend a word of caution to all holiday drivers. Memorial Day comes in the middle of the week so that might cut down on a lo of traffic. But an extra littk word of warning to all thcs< who have plans. Please take it easy! Make this a safe and sane holiday. This column is a trifle short because of the early rohiday deadline. Please phone in your news items before noon on the regular Monday deadline again next week. Take it easy and 'Bye now! • < 40th -Jlnniveriaru i-c Specials REMODELING Need a Room, New Kitchen, Garage? Design Service & Guaranteed Work With Experienced Crews VREE ESTIMATES Phone: 678-2861 Evenings -- Richmond 67H-KHHK MeHenry Representative 38 01<*>* votNswAGctt or ANtmef, m Mora room* More brrmmmmm! This *63 Volkswagen is Ihe most. It has more legrooro in the cab And more power in the engine than*any other VW truck in 13 years. There's more room to stretch your legs because the interior headlight mouldings have been flattened out. And a new adjustable driver's seat has been added. Just put the seat in reverse and slide it back until your legs feel comfortable. Alongside is a new oversize passenger seat, big enough for one well-upholstered rider. It's Standard equipment. Back in the engine room Is our new air-cooled "*1500" (displacement is 1,500 cc. or 91.10 cu. in.). It's 25% larger and it develops 25% more horsepower than any other VW engine ever. That's why this '63 truck can outspeed, outclimb, outdo any other VW Truck on the road. The engine--plus the larger brakes it requires --is optional at extra cost. If you don't take it, you get our "1200" engine as standard equipment. That's the power plant that we've never stopped Improving on. Either way you get an engine that averages 24 mpg, that can't freeze or boil, that's mounted in back for extra traction in snow, mud, sand. What more could you want? Hmmmmmm? McHenry County Import Motors, Inc. SALES - SERVICE 114 HAND ROAD LAKEMOOIt, McIIENBY, DLL. 815-385-4100 Automatic Washer - 2 Speed - 2 Cycle -- Hot, Warm or Cold Wash Warm or Cold Rinse -- Aerated Water Inlet Power Overflow Rinse -- Sediment Ejector Reg. $319.95 SALE PRICE *219 40 The famous F701 SPECIAL SPEED QUEEN ELECTRIC DRYER Model 110A Hi-Lo-Off Heat Control "In-A-Dqor Lint Trap Vacuum Drying Principle Large Capacity Sun Blast Heating Element Reg. $219.95 SALE PRICE 140 Quality compares with washers priced $40 to $50 higher » DoubU Wall Construction • Soaltd Transmission • Tanglo-Proof Agitator • Bowl-Shapod Tub • Supor-Duty Aluminum Wrtngof • Spood Quoon Tims Toiler" • Maximum Guarantee HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Be Sure to Register This Week For McHenry's Sweepstakes' MEMORIAL DAY } DOUBLE 1241 N. Green St. $149 CAREY APPLIANCE. Inc. Phone 385-5500 £ The winner will be drawn Monday, June 3rd.