Thursday, June 6, M3 THE McHEltRY PLAINDEALEB Pftg* Nlac McCuIlom Lake Donna DeMar Marries June 8 l!TO LeveflfW Miss Donna DeMar, attractive brunette daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeMar of 4520 W. Parkview, will become the bride of Mr. George James JJiedrich whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. George P. Diearich on Saturday morning at nuptial Mass. The Mass will be recited at 11:30 a.m. in St. Mary's Catholic church. A reception for invited guests will be held at the V.F.W. Hall in McHenry at 6 p.m. These two industrious fine young people have been keeping company for quite some time and certainly indicate they have all the attributes of creating a fine marriage. We wish them happiness as they look forward to beginning their Jives together. Jake Levosque Captures Mayors' Milking Trophy Causing no end of surprise was the outcome of the mayors' milking contest held during the 22nd annual Milk Day in Harvard last Saturday. As one of fourteen participating mayors and village presidents, Jake I^evesque was declared winner in the contest. He milked over 14 centimeters of milk in the allotted time. According to Jake, he selected what he thought would be a co-operative and generously endowed bovine and then spoke soothingly to her and she just did the rest! Two of the cows standing next to Jake became recalcitrant and milkers, stools, and buckets were strewn, but Jake milked on steadily. Picture and article appear elsewhere. Last year's winner of the coveted trophy was Don Doherty, mayor of McHenry, and he was a participant this year also. The Milk Day festivities were impressive and delightful. The parade was a fine one with the various bands, drill teams, and floats which were displayed. It was an enormous thrill to watch that most spectacular group, the Viscounts, as they marched down the "milky way" and drew rousing applause from the spectators, there is no doubt that this organization is outstanding, from the youngest participant to the oldest. Every one of them is a champion and it is evident in each one's bearing! More awards will be forthcoming to them and it couldn't happen to a finer group! Deepest Sympathy Extended Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Margaret Stoffel of McCuIlom Lake road on the untimely passing of her husband, Paul, on Friday, May 28. He had been ailing for quite some time. He passed away in McHenry hospital and services were conducted from the George Justen Funeral Home and St. Mary's church. He was buried in the church cemeteiy. Mr. Stoffel was well known and had many friends of long duration. The family had been coming to the area for 41 years but resided here on a permanent basis for the past 12. Sympathy is also extended to daughter, Betty Charles, and son, Martin, who are residents of close proximity. Memorial Day Event Draws Large Crowd Because of going to press so early last week, some of the details of the Memorial Day event were recorded erroneously. Last minute changes "goofed" the schedule as set down in this column. We were very fortunate to have the spiritual offerings from Father Raymond Holmgren of St. Mary's parish. He gave the invocation and the benediction. The Rev. W. L. Thummel of Nativity Lutheran church was called out of town and was unable to attend. The placing of the wreath on the Memorial was done by Timothy (Tiny) Tomasello and his father, Louis, of Antioch. Timothy was handsomely attired in a dark suit and white shirt and obviously carried out his task with dignity and reverence. We, in the village, are extremely grateful7 to the McHenry American Legion post for their participation. Without them, there would be nc c e r e m o n i e s . H e a p i n g m o r e praise deservedly on the Viscounts, their musical renditions and fine marching is always a thrilling spectacle. It was also a pleasant surprise to have the large delegation of World War I veterans in attendance. Many of the men in this group are local residents but many came from other parts of the area to view the proceedings and we say a hearty "thank you"! Somebody Goofed Humble apologies to the Harold Michels family and especially to Miss Judith Michels whose story was omitted from last week's column. The caption "receives Kiwanis merit award" was run but not the story. The caption appeared preceding the story of Loretta M c C a r t h y ' s v a c a t i o n j a u n t which should have read "hiatus in Mexico." Judy Michels received the Kiwanis award at a dinner recently as a representative of St. Mary's school. In addition to the certificate of merit, she also was presented with a $25 bond. The stories and their proper captions were submitted but were lost in the printing. Announce Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital announce the marriage of their daughter, Elaine Kuper, to Mr. Frank Gargaro of Richmond. The couple exchanged vows on May 2. They are now residing in Richmond. Village Board At the last meeting of the president and trustees, Bill Creutz, finance chairman read Ordinance No. 57 pertaining to the budget for the next fiscal year. Publication of the figures LAKEMOOR CHARMHOUSE RESTAURANT Now Serving Breakfast - Luncheon - Dinner ^-Reasonable Prices PIZZA Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese as you like it! and Tomato and Sausage and Shrimp and Mushroom and Anchovies and Bacon and Bell Pepper and Pepperoni Complete Fountain Service Daily 7 a.m. to Midnight Fri. A Sat. to 2 a.m. Son. 7:80 a.m. to Midnight Call Your Order Ahead 385-4850 will be found elsewhere in the Plaindealer, Accolades were heaped on the police department for conducting this office with maximum security and protection at a minimum of expense. Their budget is far below that of surrounding communities. They do deserve praise. The next village board meeting will be held on Monday, June 10 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. Successful Venture For Gals The rummage sale held by the Ladies of the Lake on Saturday, May 25, netted some over one hundred dollars which is very fine considering one large obstacle which shall remain unmentioned. The women who helped so greatly are to be commended and we also curtsy deeply to the fine people who made good contributions. The women will again meet next Thursday, June 13, for a combination business and social session. This wiil be held in the beachhpuse, beginning at 8 p.m. Dri^fe Will Begin For More Lake Restoration Funds According to Gene Piotrowski, chairman of the lake restoration fund, a drive will begin immediately for more funds. If you have scrutinized the lake recently, you can see a very definite improvement as to the clarity of the water. Each family is being asked to bring in the necessary funds for the work to continue. More on this next week. Only outboard motors with a maximum of 5% horsepower will be tolerated on the lake. All areas surrounding the lake will be posted and violations will be prosecuted. More Broken Bones This time the victim in the Cable family is young Steve, age 3, who fell and broke his collar bone recently. He was poised on the edge of the bathtub when he missed his footing. With his youth, we are sure he is mending according to schedule. Not too long ago, mother Alice was laid up with an injured ankle. Speaking of the Cables, they returned recently from a three week jaunt to Scottsdale, Ariz., where they visited with married daughter, Poppy, and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nienstedt. For the length ot their vacation, the two wee ones, Susan and Steve, were cared for by paternal grandmother. Mrs. Ida Evergreen Park. Cable «f Hospitalized Lillian McCarthy and Art Stuhlfeier were recent patients in McHenry Hospital. Art has been released but has been cautioned by his medico to "take it easy." Seasons Change On Vacation Trip From summer back to winter in a few easy miles best deschibes the change in scenery for Vi and Ben Gates recently. They dropped son, Bob, at O'Hare airport on Sunday, May 19, in order that he could jet back to his base in Atlanta and then they continued on their vacation way. Their destination wai the beautiful Kakabeka Falls, Ontario, Canada. As they progressed further north, the temperature dropped and they soon observed fir trees covered with snow. As Vi said, "It was Christmas in May" up there. They traversed the north shore of Lake Superior and crossed into Canada at Pigeon River, Minn. They made stops in Duluth, Minneapolis and St. Paul. On their homeward leg, they paused in Monticello, Minn., for a family reunion with Vi's tribe. At one time, there were seventeen for dinner. They enjoyed two days of fraternizing with relations and then home again and back to work. They traversed some 1900 miles during their journey. "Ein, Swei, Drei" Buddy Named , f For the first time, we were able to obtain the last name of "drei"--Wally Tetten of Wonder Lake. Nothing difficult about that. The other two in this exclusive club are Dewey Fricke and Bill Pickett. The trio made the most of the Memorial Day holiday. Any Lengths To Please The Kiddies Indulgent grandparents title must go to Betty and Nick Tabor. They purchased a Shetland pony (monicker is Charley) and cart to transport their three grandchildren around the community. Charley is busy munching the grass (no lawn mowing?) on the Tabor property and is generally taking life easy. Best Wishes To All Graduates With our community having extended to its vast population of graduating youngsters, it would be impossible to mention CHIROPRACTIC NOTICE FOR HEALTH GUIDANCE AND HEALTH MAINTAINANCE . CALL DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN 3327 W. Elm St. McHenry Phone 385-0743 Hours Mon., Wed., Fri. -- 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. -- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m FREDDY S TAVERN / : . 4 piece Orchestra Saturday, June 8 9 p.m. 'till ?? Turn Right on Robert's Road in Island Lake, Go % Mile to Wally's Inn, Turn Left, Go 3 Blocks to Freddy's. Spring Grore KATTNERS HOLD OPEN HOUSE FOR ANNIVERSABY Eva Freund Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kattner on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. They invite all their each by name. In general, we would wish that those finishing their elementary instruction and going on to high school, that they apply themselves with fervor and zeal in order to obtain the most from their further instruction. With the world of specialization, education and lots of it, is a prime factor in obtaining success. The young ladies and men who are going on to colleges and universities in the fall, we would sincerely hope that, they, too, will make the most of their opportunities. Congratulations to all. Will Observe Silver Wedding Anniversary It will be one quarter of a century in double harness for Myra and Earl Murray on Tuesday, June 11, and we will cover the details of that event next week. Orchid Occasions Belated greetings to Mrs. Joanna Parkhurst (Frank's mother) as she became an octogenarian on May 30....22 hectic (but fun) years for Shirley and Art Olsen tomorrow, June 7. This date needs greetings to Virginia and Dominic Tomasello on their wedding anniversary and birthday Congrats to Bob Fernandez. .Natal day greetings to Bud Brendle on June 8 and ditto to Chuck Thacker on June 10. Best wishes to all. Beach Work Party Willing hands are needed for a beach clean-up detail Sunday, June 9, at 9 a.m. The grounds will be raked and the raft repaired and launched. Each man is asked to bring a rake. Hectic holidays and graduations still to go. We'll ALL need a vacation when this week is over. Bye now and we'll see you next week. friends to "Open House" at a buffet supper and reception in St. Peter's hall, Spring Grove, on Saturday, June 8, at 6 p.m. Alaskan Trip Miss Sah Hanssen and Mrs. Arthur Klein of Fox Lake almost went "cross country" travelling through the west and northwest and then on by boat to Alaska. They have just returned and report realty having had a most enjoyable trip. Mrs. Klein better known as "Tippy" was home just a few days when she took off for a fishing trip with her husband in Minnesota. Bowlers Banquet The annual banquet for members of the Holy Name bowling teams was held in St. Peter's parish hall on May 22. At this time awards for high scores and first place winners were given out. A delicious meal and a social evening at cards was enjoyed by the men, their wives and guests. Convention Arthur Latham of Hebron, Stanley Aim of Richmond, Paul Eberle of Wonder Lake Frank Wiedeman of Ringwood and I, Eva Freund of Spring Grove, were among the area postmasters who attended the National Association of Postmasters Convention for Illinois Postmasters at the Pick-Congress Hotel in Chicago. Some four hundred postmasters attended the convention. H. Semrow, host postmaster of Chicago, was master of ceremonies at the banquet held on the last night. Speakers included the National Association President and the Chicago Regional Director. Shower Miss Ruth Dunham was honored at a shower held for her in the home of Kay Burmeister in Woodstock on Sunday afternoon, May 26. Hostesses were Miss Burmeister, Pat Grossman and Martha Thennes. The girls will be her bridesmaids at her wedding, June 15, when she will become the bride of A3c Daniel Freund of Spring Grove, who is stationed at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D. Ruth received many lovely gifts, personal and household. Cake and coffee was served. The cake was decorated to suit the occasion. Attend First Mass Doctor and Mrs. Louis Kagan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund attended the first Mass of Rev. Paul Janette in St. Francis De Salle church, Lake Geneva, Wis., on Sunday, May 26. Following the ceremony a dinner was served to about 200 guests at Delaven. An open house reception was held in the parish hall later. Clubs Meet Mrs. Josephine May entertained members of her club at her home one afternoon last week. Five hundred was played and prize winners were Annie Sanders, Emma May, Nora Miller, Frances BUsch and Clara Deinlein. A lunch was served after cards. The birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Virginia Gillespie on May 21. Prizes for high scores in five hundred went to Mame Tinney, Annie Sanders, Alice Van Every and Alice Wagner. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. * Those from here Who attended a club meeting at the home of Mrs. Eldred Johnson in Woodstock were Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Charles Freund. A dessert lunch was served and cards were played during the evening. Prizes went to Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Ray May. Mrs. Klaus received the birthday of the month gift. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Arthur Klein in Fox Lake. School Picnics Pupils of Spring Grave school enjoyed their picnic at the end of the school year on Monday. Children of St. Peter's school and some of the mothers travelled to Fox River Park for their picnic on Tuesday. Happy Anniversary Wishes for the month of June go to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, June 1; Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney, June 4; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oxtoby and Charlie and I on June 20. I know there are many more but I just can't remember now, so congratulations to all you "way b&ck when" June brides. Our expression: "leave no straw unturned" came to Us from the old English castles, where layers of fresh straw were spread over the floor, to cover previous litter. A complete search would entail turning all the straw. DON'T FORGET DAD On Father's Day NYE'S is the place to get a "SPECIAL" gift for the man in your life. NYE DRUG MEN'S WORK PANTS (OTTON TWILL $ 2.98 Sizes 29-42 RiwewidB Retoit DuiVet no HIGH pressure MAX 9-6 FRI. 9-9 SU*.9'S EV5590O RAMBLER-THE BEST OF BOTH -- !' f illll < , , - -v.. • .. - " <•< 'V """" •'--' -*• ' •' < TRIM WHERE A GAR SHOULD BE TRIM Valuable Pizza Coupon 15* OFF Medium-Size PIZZAS 25* OFF Large Size PIZZAS JAckson 6-7481 Freddy Leulh, Prop. 41/.% Per Annum On Investment Accounts 41/4% Per Annum On Regular Savings Accounts RAMBLER ALONE OFFERS ALL THESE EXTRA-VALUL . ^rURES • Double-Safety Brakes • Ceramic-Armored Exhaust System • Superior Performance • Curved Glass Side Windows • More Service-Free • Deep-Dip Rustproofing • Self-Adjusting Brakes si Advanced Unit Construction • Famous Rambler Economy... and many, many more! Jfom the 1 HMyt. r*4lKMU€ to RAMBLER 6°"V-8 Winner of Motor Trend Award: "Car of the Year" Good reasons why more than 2,000,000 owners have switched to Rambler SEIBEL MOTOR SALES, 4611 West Route 120, McHenry, 111. McMmvtj i^amup and LOAN ASSOCIATION 36 ii W. Ltiut St, Phone 385-3000 McHenry, 111. Our Services To You ... 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository Savings Availability Your Savings Have ALWAYS Been ACCESSIBLE -- WITHDRAWABLE At ONCE -- Upon Your Request. ct^NGs OF VOUIt "That's all he paints since he went to McHenry Savings & Loan and discovered how his savings are insured up to $10,000 by a permanent agency of the Federal Government and where it earns the highest rate of dividend consistent with safety." »