THE HcBBtOnr PLAWDEALEH Urandiy, J«m 27. 1963 ^ JLattSJLWUQU 35 NAME MANORITES AS OFFICERS OF ^ LEGION, AUXILIARY Laverne Saynor 385-54is Congratulations t<f Lydia »-» Fenner who has been named •"*"* first vice-president of the ^ , 4. . , , . . . .. ^ American Legion Auxiliary 7 to Rita Simpson as historian. •--* Also to Tim McCormack who is the new junior vice-commander of the post. Good luck in youi T new venture. . aaeetind-jen-- Jufta - mi Teterans Park at 3 Brownies At the Troop cook-out which took place on June 12, girls received their fly up wings: Janice and Jijihet' Epgstrom, Jane- Miller, Pr&cilla Mclntyre and Melody Iverson. Martha Simpson brought t> day at 'The Troqk-out. All girls who wil! be ftttendcm/ t at tbe measles. Huhyu|» honey and get well. * Farewell _ -- - John and Carol Hayes -have sold their home and will be * moving soon to £fsmarefo ld, IX * Carol and the -children were * BUpp6sed" 16 leave last Tuesday, » but Beth coming. down with » the measles has held them up. " So thjpy fire, going totry to * leave iicxt weak. Good luck to ' you in "your new sufroemdirr^s. < Girl Scouts The Girl Scouts of Troop tlo. 1 436 went on a camping trip to [ Chapman Hills, a Sybaquay Council girl Scout camp located., • at East Troy, Wis. ** \ The girls really roughed it,' living in tents and in sleeping ( bags. There were no modern Conveniences at all. They learned to cook outside over an open fire. They had all kinds of weather to pert-rrp--with. Tttewrlny night thfy hair 40 degree peratures aad aearly fi oae io death, so they ?fByf:'-Wednc*(1?ry It was very warm but it also rained in the evening and on Thursday. There were fifteen girls who Went on this camping trip and two adult leaders who were Rosemary Newlon of Eastwood Manor and Vi Herkes. The girls Were transported to and from the Girl Scout camp by car. According to this report the girls are seasoned campers. A grand time was had by alK-^" ing dry camp watch the Plaindealer for further information; as to bus schedule, etc. Cub Scouta*. Den 1 The boys finiBheCtBtli:!F"ilher's Day gifts played games. Pack 163 had their Pack Birthdays , -Birthday greeting on June 22 to 6 year old Maureen Mc- Cormaclc ahcT to Darlena Campbell who became 5 years old on that driy," find also to Edna Mueller. On June 23 to Richard Hansen. June 24, Jo Apn Qual became 11 years old. June 26 Gus Miller became a year older and on June 27 Patty "Mcftale became 9 years old. Anniversaries! Best wishes to the following *COup!psf* who have 'celebrated this p&st week. Happy anniversary and may you have many, many more; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Salo who celebrated pn June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell on June 22. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Halstead on June 24 and on June 26, Mr. and J&rs. Ray Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard-Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. ' Elwin Etemick, and to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Perrinp and Mr.- nnd" Mrs. George- Negar who nr*# celebrating today. June 27. Faith Presbyterian Church On Sunday, June 30 the service will be led and the sermon preached by Roy Kissling, who Is an elder of the church, as Rev. anrih Mrs. Mclntyre and family will be on a two weeks vacation. The sermon topic will be "On the Wrong Side of the Road. Going the Wrong Way." ^ iSpeeiyi for the service •wiU.*be» a sola by Misa feecky Killing. Get-Well Wishes To little Beth Hayes who is recovering from a very bad Around The Manor Special guests at our home on Thursday were the National Commander of the 40-8. Chief de Chamirt de Fer, J. Frank Graham from Tyler, Texas. Chaminot Nationale, Tim Sullivan of DePue, Illinois, Frank Higgins also of DePue, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Lester Siedschlag of Wilmot, Wis., and Charles Frisch of Cary, 111. A buffet dinner was served and the men then went on to the Promenade of Voiture 578 of which my husband is Chef de Gare. The promenade was held at the Huntley Legion home with invited guests from each voiture in the second district. On Friday, Mr. Graham was taken on a tour of a chemical company, in Woodstock, and to a restaurant in Wilmot, Wis., by Mr. Seidschlag. In the evening he and M. L. Schoenholtz, Robert Kreier of McHenry, and Karl Koch of Woodstock along with my husband played a game of "Twilight Golf" at Woodstock. Then Mr. Graham returned to our home to pick up his luggage and be taken to a hotel in Chicago. It was certainly a pleasure to meet such a fine gentleman and to know the fine job that he is doing for the good of the 40-8 and the American Legion. On Friday, the Glen Messers journeyed to Itaska to the Richard Messers for young Sandy's birthday. They went to Antioch for the weekend to the cottage of Glen's folks. On Sunday, Margaret and Frances Pickett and daughters had dinner with the Harry Burkes at Lake Zurich and then on to Waukegan to visit Margaret's mother, Mrs. Mary Jones. On Sunday Dick and Lydia Fenner had as guests, Lydia's parents, the Bruno Zgorskis, and Mr. and Mrs. Littchen of Chicago. They had a cook out tp celebrate Father's Day. On Father's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Don Grabbe and son visited Lee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barry of Evanston. Monday evening a committee meeting for Cub Scout Pack PhtekM T*rrtc« HOLD ELECTION OF OFFICERS AT WIGGERMAN HOME Joyce Toepper -- M5-M44 The Pistakee Terrace Association will hold its annual election on July 1 at the Ron Wiggerman home. It is of the best interest of the entire community that as many as possible attend these meetings. We hope to see a good turnout on Monday evening at 8 p.m. Stork Delivers Girl to Gavins Harry and Grace Gavin were presented with a delightful little girl at the McHenry hospital late Tuesday evening, June 18. weighing in at 8 lcs. 7 ozs., and measuring 21 inches the baby was named Patricia Marie. Coming from Chicago on Tuesday evening to care for Mike and Nancy while Mommy was in the hospital was their Grandmother Gavin. Mother and their new sister arrived home on Saturday. Father's Day Celebrations Thru out the nation Fathers became kings of the household on Sunday in observance of Father's Day. Celebrations in the Terrace were no exception. The Gregg family gathered at the A1 Harris home Pistakee Highlands, along with Mr. and 162 was held at th£ Mel Griffeth home. They discussed ways to make money for the pack and the Pack meeting which was held Sunday, June 23 at Veterans Park in Crystal Lake at 3 p.m. On Sunday, two of the little league teams had a ball game. The Orioles with Greg Filip on the team, and the Cardinals with Gerry Brodin and Billy Urban. This proved quite in* teresting as Greg and Jerry are cousins. After the game the Urbans, Filip family, and the Brodins along with Mrs. Williams, Marge and Juanita's mother, got together for a picnic suppei* and an evening of games and fun. can be the firm foundation of your PERSONAL SECURITY at Marengo Federal * "SAFfTY "" ^ SAVINGS ^ 1" BUILD YOUR PERSONAL SECURITY on the safest investment available anywhere-- a savings account at this association. It's always worth 100 cents on the dollar, insured safe up to $10,000 by a permanent agency of the U.S. Government, and pays you a generous profit regularly. This association operates for your benefit. Reserves must be large enough to guard against any possible losses. Assets are invested in government securities and dependable * ome loans. Your money is ready /hen needed. For your present and future security, think of safety first. Start your insured-safe, profitable savings program today...with the savings specialist. Current rats per annum on all savings MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 N. State Street • Marengo, I1L • Phone. 568-7258 .. - Mr*. Dewey Gregg, Fdfcesl Park, and the senior Greggs* house guest, Mrs. Robert Gregg, Omaha, Neb. Enjoying a cook-out on Sunday along with the Anthony Kurowskis were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brzeski and children, Patricia and Jimmy, Chicago. Joining the Russell Parker family for dinner on Sunday were the Mel Kopping family of Harwood Heights. Celebrating Father's day on Saturday were the George Staders when Mr. and Mrs. George Stader, Sr., Chicago, spent the day at their home. Combining Father's day with observance of two family birthdays, Mrs. Warren Vyduna's and two year old Judy Vyduna, Cal and family gathered at the Long Lake home of George Vyduna along with other relative^. The Don Zamastils spent the day at the William Zimmerman home in Addison. Sunday evening supper guests at the Len Toepper home included his grandmother, Mrs. Charles Toepper, parents, tlie Leonard A. Toeppers, and brother, Ronald, Trevor,; Ron's fiance, Chris Ladewig, Antioch, and Joyce's parents, the Gotfred Nelsons, Salem, Wis. Terrace Tidings Joan Stull exhibited three paintings at the Art Fair held in McHenry last weekend. Nancy Phillips was installed as marshal of Bethel 98 of the International order of Job's Daughters of McHenry on Saturday evening, June 15. Donna Pritchard spent the last week visiting with her cousb), Mary Beth Pritchard, Skokie. Arriving on Friday evening for a short stay with the Hellmans was Eola's 14 year old grandson, Jimmy Walters, Providing transportation for Jimmy was his parents, Jack and Viola Walters and David Walters, all of Chicago. Luncheon guests of Kathi Parker on Friday in celebration of her birthday Were Margaret Moore, Denise Pardelski, Carolyn Mierzwa and Annette Kurowski. Spending the weekend at the Sabaj home was Louise Jankowski, of Chicago. George and Wilma Stader visited George's uncle, Fred Stader, at Pawpaw, 111., on Thursday. Kathi, Barbara and Lori Parker attended the Tuesday birthday luncheon for twelve year old Donna Rowe in McHenry. The Vyduna family attended eighth grade graduation of Cal's nephew, Billy Oaks, Wheeling, on Saturday evening. Carter Gregg, minus his father, Dud, who was forced to stay home due to illness, attended the Father-Son banquet on Saturday evening held at the Mt. Hope Methodist church. The William Kerns hasted a family gathering on Saturday as Marie's sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Upotola, and Mr. and Mrs. Fanning, came out to wish the Don Kern family well on their move to Pennsylvania. Also present were the Usotola children, Mr. and Mrs. Aiken, Oaklawn; Mr. and Mrs. Gibisas, and children, Chicago; Joannp Usotola, Bob Usotola, and his girl friend, Mary Ann, as well ai the Fanning family, Jimmy, Frances and Judith Ann 'of Hinsdale. The three Fannin® children stayed the week with Don and Lory Kern and enjoyed a party on Friday for Frances* birthday. Frances is Don and Loretta's godchild. Tuesday evening barbecue guest at the Parker home were the John Andres family, Wildwood. Gathering at the Toepper home on Wednesday for coffee were Jean, Mike, Bobby and Steven Erickson, Dorothy and Lori Parker, Bonnie, Mitchie and Wayne Sabaj, and Griu-e and Judy Vyduna, Barb Zamas til, Terrace and Martha Wisner and her two sons, Whispering HUls. Sick List Mike Gavin had a serious throat infection on Tuesday. POODLE GROOMING Expert Handling & Loving Cats By Appointment RUDY BECKER Kennels 1018 W. Lincoln Road 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In Phone (Area Code 815) 385-2436 There's No SUBSTITUTE for MONEY in the BANK CONTE Custom Tailor The most important thing in a man's suit isl the fit and feel of the garment, the one cut for you (and of course style). Have Conte make you a real tailor made suit. All hand work from fine imported woolens. One try will convince you. ($155 and up) Please Call for Directions 885-8718 PHILIP CONTE 1003 S. Osage Dr. McHenry, Illinois (Also Remodeling Work) Connie Kern came down with"' an intestinal infection on Sat* urday and has spent most of the week fighting it. ,, Birthday Greetings Many happy returns of the day to Bob Jorgenson, Sr., and Regina Kern as they, celebrate the same birth date, June 28, Vera Treptau who will be four on June 29, and to a threesome who will celebrate their birthdays on July 2, Bernie Cisewski, Darrell Seliga and Cal Vyduna. by Ross Emerson • A tornado is a phenomenon which one can scarcely be expected to look upon with even a modicum of favor. However, it was a destructive killer tornado which demolished North Rochester, Minn, ini 1SSfe and occasioned the beginning of one of the world's gr^at hospitals. Victims of the tornado \yere quartered in hotel lobbies, others in the convent of the Sisters of St. Francis. Dr. W. W. Mayo was asked to take charge, and this ultimately led to the birth of the famed Mayo Clinic. There isn't any tangible connection between tornadoes and prescriptions, but we'll mention them if for no other reason than they are our spocialty at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. All prescriptions receive prompt attention at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 3720 West Elm -- Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 385-5057. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, wyite to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. THIS WEEK'S HOUSEHOLD HINT: Clean pewter by rubbing briskly with raw cabbage leaves. Rinse thoroughly afterward. NOW ITS EASIER THAN EVER TO CHANGETO A NO DOWN PAYMENT NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL OCTOBER PAYMENTS AS LOW AS »3°° PER MONTH UP TO FIVE YEARS TO PAY See your heating contractor! Through) arrangements with Northern Illinois Gas>, he can now offer you the best deal ever for financing your gas heat install^tijiift] Your heating contractor can easily and quickly convert your home to modem gas heat. You'll get the cleanliness, dependability, convenience and economy that are yours only with gas. Your savings with gas will repay the conversion cost in just a few years...and you'll keep on saving .. year after year. (The savings with gas heat average approximately 30% a year). You'll like the quiet and virtually maintenance- free performance of gas heating equipment. You'll welcome the quick warm-up, the gentle circulation of fresh, warm air and the automatic comfort-plus many other benefits only gas heat offers., Talk to your heating contractor now. Get the "Easy-Pay-Plan" that suits you best. NORTHERN 6ILLINOIS GAS C- OMF V\NY