Page Tweniy-Two THE McHElTOT PLAINDEALEB Thursday, June 27/1963 Uwkad Park SEEK LEADEH TO HELP FORM qjBL SCOUT TROOP lgarhara Meurer -- 385-4856 Kay Drum! -- S8«£r4811 For two years now I've been besieged by the girls of our community to help them they'd love a girls' softball team and most of ail Brownies and Girl ScoUts. Oar community has the girls, all they want is a leader. Somewhere among all Our mothers there must be spme one willing to take oil a job to help these girljs. Our community has Utile League, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and the Pony League jn town for the boys but outside of dancing and bp ton there is nothing for the feipade side of our population. It's really a shame, c«in't the'mothers of thesf'ljirjs £et together and start something for their daughters? ! hop* so, they want Scouts iftQsl of all, can you look at your girl and honestly say. "I dflfTt have time." / ^ . ger, Pam Irvin and of eourae Katie. "Please All you youngsters who- ride bikds to the Little league games, please don't park them altirtg the logs, it takes up all the, room for cars. Ask any manager or coach where to lea\!e your bike but please don't park th«m along the logs. Leave room for your parents' cars. Community Huuae Schedifle Tuesday, July 2 from 6:30 to 7, Boy Scout Indian Dance Practice 7:30 to 9 - Boy Scouts. Wednesday, July 3rd. -10 a.m. to 3 p.m. • Dancing and Baton. Happy Birthday Wishes Happy birt h(Jay wishes to Maureen Johnson on June 27, to Robbie Revak who will be 11 years on June 29, to Rosalie Slanlna, Arlene Bart OS apd Alice Quaiver also on June 29. Christening Susan Lynn Fout was christened by Father Baumhofer last Sunday, June 23, at St. Mary's church in McHenry. Godparents were Gilbert Kloeckner of McHenry and Alice Fout from Spring Grove. - Get-Well Wishes We know we wish the eptire subdivision's best to the very many of our residents who have been hjt by the flu and gone throat bijg. Also our very best to John Bernard who is a patient at McHenry hospital. Hope Ed Drurnl's knee is okay soon so he can discard those crutches. Shirley Lam berg suffered a badly cut foot at trie beach the other day, hope by now she's up and about. Blue Bundles Thomas James Koch made his «grand entrance into God's wonderful world on June 18 at St. Ann's hospital in Chicago. To mom, Shirley, daddy Max and little Tommie'a seven brothers and sisters go our very best wishes and to baby Tort my - may God watch over your entire life and bfegMuuHNu in His blessings to you. Pink Bundle* A* baby girl was born in Sherman hospital, Elgin, to Nancy and Donald Fout. Susan Lynn arrived on Jupe 15 weighing in at 6 lbs. 7 oz., and was 2(H& Inches long. At home is her 13 jnonth old sister Barbara Jean. Grandparents - are Mr. and" Mrs. Henry "Wohlert of Md&enry and Mr. aod Mrs. Ben Foot of Spring Grove. I Birthday Parties June 21 little - Ernie Lense celebrated his birthday with several of his playmates. Helping - him devour lots of ice cretin and his birthday cake were David Wagner, Marsha McMillin and Jeff Biermann. Oji Thursday, June 20, Katie Uttieh celebrated her sixth birthday with a party. Ice cresjjn, cake and candy were served to Colleen Rogers, Laurie Lindquist, Susie Rothermel, Ann Liptrot, Candy Bol- Little League Tuesday, June 18, the first Little league game of this season was played with the Orioles defeating the Sox by a score of 10 to 2. Wednesday's game began and had l'i innings played with the Pirates beating the Ciihs by 19 to 2, when the storm hit so the game had to be called. Tigers and Braves battled it out on Thursday with the score finally encK ing with Tigers 17, the Braves 14. Sunday was the official opening, a triple header. The weather man co-operated and many a parent went home with a good tan or sunburn. The lirst game got under way at noon with the Tigers defeating the Pirates 5 to 0. Following the game our colors were posted by members of our Cub and Boy Scouts. President of tfce league, Joe Prazak was then introduced and he in turn introduced each managejr, who introduced his teams ' coaches and players. Max Koch and Ted Kaminski did a fine job on the P.A. system- nnd those wonderful mothers who gold refreshments during the games deserve a big cheer from everyone. Among the spectators we firmly believe the youngest person was 5 day old Thomas Koch. We'd never print, nor attempt to guess who was the oldest but there was a nice crowd. Hope every game seen a great many of you attending. After the introductions pictures were taken. The second game then got under way with the Orioles trouncing the Cubs by 14 to 1. The third and final game also proved a trouncing for the Braves who were defeated by the Sox by a score of 16 to 3. There are games on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and double headers on Sundays. All week day games start at 6:30 and Sunday's first gam& begins at 1:30. Tonight Thursday, June 28, It's a game between the Tigers and Cubs. Friday between the Orioles and Braves. Sunday's first game will be between tnr Pirates and Sox. The second game has the Braves and Cubs playing. Tuesday, Jjuly 2, the Pirates versus the Orioles and Wednesday, July 3, it will he Sox versus Tigers. Come on parents, neighbors, friends attend the games, back your son's team. You'll not only be his moral support but also get out in the fresh air. Hope to see many of you during the week. Strolling Through The Park Del Gerstad and Donna Humann were two of the youngsters from around here who had an exhibit in the Art fair. Some others were Mary Klein and Nancy and Lee Moses. Carole Humann's grandmother, Sadie Parker, and her great-uncle, Allen Wagner, are visiting from California at Carole's mothers home in Chicago. On Saturday they came out for a barbecue at Carole's house along with Carole's mother, Mr®. Neuenfeldt, and sister, Sue, and her husband, Pete Schwaba, and their three children Judy, Peter and Nancy. 5 year old Judy stayed over for a few extra days. Nedra, Les and Billy Eckhart were mighty busy last weekend. On Saturday they attended a wedding of one of the daughters of Nedra's daughter's club and on Sunday attended the graduation party of her nephew. The Irv Becker family entertained Father Welch of Wjlmette on Sunday. Gayle and Bob Laursen todk Mickey and Ed Gladman out to dinner last Saturday after they had finished the paint job on Laursens' new addition. Little Lynn Cygan was excited over her anticipated jet flight to Pennsylvania with her aunt, it'll be Lynn's first flight. Hope tlje trip will be a memorable onfe. Anot her happy young lady is Linda Jo Links, she's spending part of her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Sheman, in Norfolk, Va. Ray Bottari knows how it feels to look for a needle in a haystack now, it's almost as bad as trying to find a contact lens at a carnival. Eddie (Buddy) Druml, Jr., met his Marine brother, Dave, at San Diego, and as Dave had a weekend leave they did some sight seeing and swimming m the ocean. Dave was very pleased seeing his brother as he leaves in July for over-seas duty. Sure do miss those two older sons of mine, Mickey Daurio spent three days at the minor seminary at Crystal Lake. Mick's brother, Jimmy, meantime was trying to be helpful at home, even went so far as to help dad trim off about two feet of one of their trees. Don't fret Mary and Jim it'll grow in to the height it was in two years. Greg Mayer had Mike O'Brien as house guest. Many of our younger set hope Mike returns again, soon. Susie Meinke had a P.J. par- Are your ©yes worth ®495 to •2425 Of course. You've only one pair. That's why Ray-Ban Sun Glasses by Bausch & Lomb are made with genuine optical glass lenses, not plain dark glass like ordinary sun glasses. The same high quality you'll find in prescription glass keeps your eyes protected from the glare and distortion that eauses eye fatigue. Choose from over 90 styles and colors for men and women. Come in and try on a pair won't settle for less. BAUSCH & LOMB /\ I GLASSES BOLGER S DRUG STORE Ringwood EARLY DEADLINE FOR COLUMN NEWS IN HOLIDAY ISSUE Lor Brennaa - WX. 2045 Due to the Fourth of July holiday, there is an early deadline for the news lor all columns. Friday at NOON the news must be at the office, to I would appreciate it very much if you could call in your news for the coming week Jn to me no later than a.m. Friday. Thank you. I want to remind you all again of the extra traffic on the roads during this long holiday weekend. If you must travel on our busy highway*, please, please be careful. Little League New* The schedule for next week is as follows: Monday July 1, it's the Yankees vs. the Pirates. Thursday the, 4th, it's the Yankees vs. the Sox. Results of last week's games are: June 17, the Pirates tromped the Yankees by a score of 13 to 3. The Yankees slaughtered the Pirates on June 20, by a score of 10 to 3. Tonight finds the Sox playing the Pirates. These boys enjoy themselves whether they win or lose. Not that a loss is nothing to them. They get pretty upset, but think about how to beat their opposing team the next time. Come on down and see these little tykes play ball. There is a game every Monday and TJiU/sday evening at fi:30 p.m. at the McCullom Lake beach diamond. Ringwood Softball There was only one game scheduled for the Ringwood softball team this past week, and due to the rains, it has been postponed until later on. Friday night, June 28, Ringwood plays S. Bay View in the first game (game time is 7:30 p.m.) The next game is July 3 with Ringwood against Gateway in the second game which starts at approximately 9 p.m. Come on up and a lows hit that ball. Prlnms Pat In TV Last Thursday Pat Hogan was a guest on the Totem Club TV program on behalf of her role 'as Miss Dairy Promotion. It was titled "A Dairy Princess Comes To Visit" There were four little youngsters awaiting the coming of the Princess to demonstrate the preparation ol two of her recipes for dairy products. Pat showed the boys and girls how a funny face can be made so easily out of cottage cheese for a colorful salad. Also she made farmer's chop suey. Then they all enjoyed their feed as well as milk and visited about how Pat came to i>e a Dairy Princess and where she lives. It was very interesting. fel- (several of her gfarf friends had a lunchepn Jp Dundee last Thursday. Mrs. Laura V. Smith of Cryftal Lake is spending several days visiting in the Harrison home. James Wegener, Robert Brennan and Bobby, Robert Smart of Waukegan and Phelps and Georgia Mary Saunders of Sycamore took in the Braves- Giants baseball game on Sunday afternoon at Milwaukee, Wis. Card Club The card club met at the home of Mrs. Flora Carr on Wednesday with Belva Sebastian having high and Mae Wledrich taking low. Sick List Roy Harrison is a patient in the Memorial hospital in Woodstock since last Sunday, when he was taken ill in his home. Here «N' There Last Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard were Mr. and Mrs. David Weigle of PeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger, Dacid and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. George Ainger of Hebron, Mrs. Agnes Jenks and Will Claxtqn of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward and boys of Madison, Wis., spent several days visiting in the home of her folks, the L. E. Hawleys. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Hawley were callers at Great Lakes. On Monday, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn spent the afternoon with friends at Lilymoor. Mrs. Doris Low along with 1259 N. Green St. Phone 385-4500 ty on the porch of her home last Thursday with the following girls attending, Linda Crane, Kathy Miller, Alice Sullivan, and Sharon Wagner. Don't think much sleeping was done, heard the girls spent a good deal of the night twisting and being disturbed by Susie's fish and snake. Ah, youth! Dorothy Lense just returned from a trip to Spartanburg, S6* Carolina, where she visited with her 90 year old grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Sawyer. Jo and Paul Rizzo had Paul's brother and nephew, Sam, and1 Sam, Jr., as weekend guests. They came in from Georgia. Boy Scouts Troop meetings will begin following the Little League and Pony League games on Tuesdays. Come in your ball uniforms right after the games. Join the Smart Set at play 1 Sport THE TORCH by VAN HEU6EN' m For those who demand extra smartness in sports, wear, we proudly present The Torch. Among other luxury features, The Torch offers youi • Free action knit shoulder insert • Non-pullout down under tails • Permanent, knitted-in collar fold line • Bibbed action short sleeves • Olympic Torch embroidered pocket • 2-ply lisle cotton, mchinc washable 5.00 STORE for MEN Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. David Senkerik of Sunnyside has been spending the past couple of weeks in the Fred Bowman home. On Saturday evening Mrs. Nellie Hepburn visited in the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund McHenry. They called on Miss Catherine Kortendick who is staying with her sister, Mrs. I^iilian Bolger. Out of state visitors in the home of Mrs. Rudy Shepard are Mrs. Vera Loveless of Jonesville, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Gldrige VanAtten of Flint, Mich., are also there. They are spending a week visiting Mrs. Shepard. Miss Kathy Kostel and Pat, Donna, Linda and Susie Low were Waukegan visitors on Monday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Ruth Pugsley visited Mr. Pugsley, Roy Harrison and Fred Schroeder, all patients in the hospital at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore were supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Creutz on Saturday. John celebrated his birthday then. Jane Leonard spent Thursday and Friday in the Wiedrich Wegener home. Jane is from Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were Chicago visitors on Ttmdaty of last week. Mrs. James Wegener, Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond and Mrs. Don Smart and Mrs, paul Ndrdgren of Waukegan attended the funeral of Harold Aim in McHenry on Thursday. They visited in the Boh Brennan home and also the Wiedlich- Wegener home. Sunday dinner guests in the Clarence Harri&on home in Greenwood were Mr. and Mrs. ^Tecil Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schroeder of Elgin, Miss Ruth Henne of Chicago and Loren Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell of Ringwood. Linda Low and Leslie Decker attended the M.Y.F. conference at Elmhurst college over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and Georgia Mary of Sycamore spent the weekend in the Wiedrich-Wegenei home. Fred Wiedrich, Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Mr. and Mrs. Saunders and Georgia Mary attended the Lawrence- Unti wedding nuptials and reception in Elkhorn, Wis., on Saturday. The Saunders were overnight guests in the Wiedrich- Wegener home following the reception, Mr. and A^rs. Kenneth Powers and ftfmily of Elmvvood Park were Saturday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman. Mrs. John Skidmore, Mrs. Millie Rush and Mrs. John Ehlert visited Mrs. Lena Miller at Powers Lake on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn spent the day on Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soddy in Kenosha. They called cn her aunt, - Mrs. Earl Walden, who is a patient in the Kendsha hospital. That's it from Ringwood for another week. Remember to drive careful over the holiday weekend coming up. Also the early deadline for news is Friday morning at 1Q a.m. Please call early. Than)( you. Legal Kiwanis Pancakes & Sausage July 14. 1963 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Adults -- $1.00 Children -- 50e NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JAMES C. EWELt, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, August 5, 1963 is the claim date in the Estate of James C. Ewell, deceased, pending in the Courity Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. HAZEL EWELL Executor Attorneys for Executor: Ross, Hardies & O'Keefe 122 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois (Pub. June 13-20-27, 1963) There's No SUBSTITUTE for MONEY in the BANK 1246 N. Green St. McHenry Phone S85-0047 USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA YOUR WEEKLY VISITOR A bright, interesting, informative visitor arrives in over 5,100 McHenry area homes each week. He presents necessary news and information which allows residents to become knowledgeable, participating citizens, as well as providing countless values to help save important family dollars. If you have forgotten to guarantee his regular presence in your home for the next full year, be sure to fill out the following coupon . . . your whole family will thank you for it. * mm* V ' v V** ***** ' ^ », ^ sv S '•* ' yA S ' • > • - * S v , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * " • • * ;5> ^ w Wi _ m" , ORDER BLANK Enclosed find my check for $4.00 for 1 year's subscription to the McHenry Plaindealer Name Street City State YOUR McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. ELM ST. 385-0170