Twnty-Four '* t'litakee Highlands kNDERSON CLAN HONORS FATHER ON 75TH BIRTHDAY Kay 8i«>liiM*h IIYatt 7-H414 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEB . Audrey Morin and kiddies cpent several days in Chicago at the home of Audrey's brother, Sunday, June 16. Seventyfive members of the family and many friends gathered at the •home to honor Audrey's father, Mr. Anderson of Grand Junction, Mich., who celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday. Mr. Anderson is a very busy orchard farmer, has built his own home and still is busy building. He is a very young man for his tender years. He returned to Michigan June 18 and I am sure he took many happy memories with him. It isn't everyday when one has such a big turn out for a party. I would like to wish Mr. Anderson many more years of health and happiness and may you continue being so active. Mount Hope Church Notes The church board held its meeting June 24 at the church hall and many important things were discussed. I missed my weekly visit with Reverend Smith who was a very busy man all last week attending the Rock River conferences in Oak Park. He and wife, Florence, enjoyed the hectic week very much and everyday was one of interest to him even if It meant a lot of traveling. The committee has viewed the films and approved them for the summer Sunday School, Which will run from July through September. The committee on education is busy planning a picnic for all the Sunday school children gome time in July. Orchids to Florence Smith and Vi Krispin for donating their time taking care of the nursery so the parents could enjoy the church service. The father-son banquet was ield June 15 starting at 6:30 f.m. A welcome speech was made by Phyllis Meckley, followed by an invocation given Hazel Rodge, the spiritual fifo seii'fMary, Aftn Iho bij; PROFE^iOnfll DIRECTORY u i am it J>R. JOHN C. GOETSCIIEL Chiropractic Physician 8327 West Elm Street Office Phone: 38S-074S Residence Phone: 885-0847 Hours: Mon., Wed. & Frl. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat, 10 &.m. to 2 p.m. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE fire, Auto, Farm * Life k Representing g COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance ol Any Kind Phone •85-0048 or 885-0988 <29 W. Elm St., McHenry, in dinner, Delores Oakley and Glenda Wieck sang a duet. A sons west followed and was enjoyed by all. George Van- Zevern, Jr., gave a tribute to fathers and George VanZevern, Sr., save a tribute to sons. A word game followed, a poem was read "What is a Boy?" and in closing Reverend Smith read the Benediction. The W.S.C.S. have set the date for their rummage sale to be held on Friday, Sept. 13, at the community center. Please save all your things and call Dee Gregg or Phyliss Meckley. DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1286 N. Green Street Office Phone: 885-0186 Res. Phone: 885-6191 Hours: Dally 9:80 - 5:00 Tues. St Frl. Evenings 6:80 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-68 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structure Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 885-0950 8-6 H GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Program*' Richmond 678-7491 Yt Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 5-6. DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAR1 Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & FrL 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesn Thurs. Si FrL Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m No Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 885-2262 •-as Woman's Club Notes June 14r an executive meeting was held in the home of the president Teena O'Mallev. All officers were present and much was accomplished and the gals will be busy all summer preparing for the first fall meeting which will be Sept. 25. Janice Janquart has agreed to be home every day the first week in July for the benefit cf all the members who wish to pay their dues. The address ix 5804 N. Meadow Hill Lane, phone, Hyatt 7-3282. All the women from the surrounding areas, such as Pistak^e Hill, Pistakee Terrace, Whispering Hills, etc, are most welcome to join the club. If you wish to join you may contact Janice. The officers have a big year planned and one every one will enjoy. The club is still saving the cake and cereal coupons so be sure and save them during the summer and bring them to the fall meeting. To all the women in the surrounding areas for further information on the Woman's club you may call Teena O'Malley at Hyatt 7- 3213 or Janice Janquart, Hyatt 7-3282 Rnd please feel free to call and we hope to see many ol you joining our group. Library Story Hour Well Attended. Under the capable direction of Jocelyn Staudenmaier, who is the story teller, the story hour is held on Thursday afternoons in the community center. The library board is well pleased to have over 30 children attending and they wish to extend an invitation to all the children in the age group who would enjoy the story hour. Jocelyn has a wonderful way with the kiddies and she makes the hour very interesting. There is always room for more. Birthday And Anniversaries Birthday greelings go to these fine folks this week, Robbie Jackson celebrated his eighth birthday, June 24, at his grandparents home in Wauconda where all the family gathered for the birthday party; to Rosemary Thelen who celebrates July 1; to Anna Peters who celebrates July 6; to Blanche Haefliger, July 7; to Glen Kelly who celebrates his big day July 8; and last but by all means not least by good friend Sylvia Murrary who atifls anotner milestone to r busy life July 10. .The^e ;fjhe couples will be adfling another year to their vePy.-happy marriages, Jack and Kay Reilly celebrate their anniversary July 3; Bill and Marie Schlick have their big day June 28; my hubby Wally and I will add another year June 29, making it 23 years for the Sielisches, It is 5 years for Ted and Eleanor Wroblewski, July 5; Hank and Betty Zenner celebrate their big day July 8, and July 10, will find Ernie and Billie Jones celebrating their day. Please call in your birthdays and anniversaries so all your friends and neighbors may extend their best wishes and all calls are greatly appreciated. News Of Your Friends And Neighbors The tentative date for a planned tour is July 24. For further information you may call Blanche Haefliger at Hyatt 7-3385. Any lady from the Highlands is most welcome to attend. Everyone will enjoy the tour and ;i delicious luncheon, Get your reservations in as soon as possible, since Blanche has many details to take care of. Jeanne Hillstrom, Betty Johnson and Mrs. Krotaneck attended the McHenry County Democratic organization luncheon in Crystal Lake, June 12. The luncheon was for the main purpose of election of officers and Jeanne Hillstrom was elected to the office of secretarytreasurer. The women enjoyed the speakers and the luncheon and are looking forward to attending more meetings. Betty Johnson is the wife of Daniel who is the democratic precinct captain from the seventeenth precinct. Dawn Misavice will return to the Highlands this week after enjoying a two weeks vacation in Chicago at the home of her grandparents, and we know she had a grand time. Unless more folks make use of the bus scrvice to FOX LAKE every Tuesday, it will be discontinued'. If you want this service please patronize the bus. It is so nice for folks who have no second car to be able to get to town. This bus everi services Whispering Hills. After being without bus service for so long it was a welcome sight to see it back. We now have bus service to Woodstock and Fox Lake and we are hoping some day we may have one to McHenry. Richie and Dorothy Orlowski helped Gene and Joyce Heir celebrate their wedding anniversary June 15, by having a dinner in Antioch. Marilyn VanZevern and her kiddies, Georgie, Julie and Nancy, enjoyed a visit from Marilyn's mother for a few days last week. They returned to Chicago last Monday. Grace and Gloria Reinhardt along with two girls friends enjoyed a delicious luncheon in Delavan, Wis., Grace looks forward to Wednesday which is her day off from work and she really enjoys a change of pace. The Dick Farwells have returned from their glorious vacation. Rose's brother and family, the A1 Kautzers from Wisconsin, came to the Highlands and two couples left for Johnstown, Penn., where they visited with Rose's sister and family. Doctor and Mrs. George Rogers. From there they went to Niagara Falls, and in to Canada. The Farwells enjoyed seeing so many wonderful states and towns. Liesl and George Hanisch enjoyed a picnic June 16, at I.aKe Geneva with her friend, Eva, from Ingleside and family. Lorraine Erdman <s making great progress in her recovery from her recent surgery. She is oncc again enjoying being with her friends and neighbors. The Rittorno family enjoyed a visit from their parents for a week. They enjoyed being here with their grandchildren and returned home June 18. June 11 Betty Crosdale left for Milwaukee, Wis., to spend the rest of the week with her sister. While there she attpii^ ed a graduation service. Mhubby, Milton, drove to Milwaukee on Friday evehin^f- to pick her up and they ittijlneii home June 16. Bill and Emma Rosegart enjoyed an evening of pinochle with their friends, Mr., and Mrs. Ralph Abel, June 14. It will be a evening they will all remember since Bill came up with a 1500 hand. It was the first time in all the years the Rosengarts have been playing pinochle that one of them was lucky enough to come up with the perfect hand. June 15, Bill and Emma Rosengart entertained their daughter and son-in-law, Toots and Lou Spankuch, for a delicous Father's day dinner for Bill and Lou. The grandchildren, Shirley and Ron, were on hand for grandma's delicious dinner and to help their dad celebrate the evening, since he had to work on Sunday. Johnsburg COMMUNITY CLUB OFFERS CARNIVAL OVER WEEKEND Betty Hettormano It's that time again! Carnival time that is! Among the first carnivals in this vicinity will take place next weekend on the Johnsburg Community club grounds. The three big days are Friday,' Saturday and Sunday, June 28, 29 and 30. Lots of activity will prevail on these three big days. Rides, games and various attractions will be available for all age groups. A fish fry will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Friday evening. Lunch and refreshments will be served on the grounds during most of th§ carnival time. Plan a: big me in regards to children playing on the dredge on Route 12, before there is a tragedy with a child's drowning, or being severely injured. You are asked to please caution your children about playing there. Since this is posted property and signs are posted stating "Private property Please stay out" if your child is injured or drowned while playing on the dredge, you can not hold the owners of the dredge or the property liabel. Suffers Injuries Once again the Johnsburg Rescue squad came to the assistance of 3 Highlander who sustained injuries in an accident at work June 18. Joe Miller of Meadow Hill Lane was crushed between two boats and did not seek aid from a doctor. After work he came home and following supper he sat down for awhile and when he couldn't get up his family became worried and called the rescue squad. He was taken to the hospilal where it was learned he had four broken ribs and was in great pain. Again I would like to say we are grateful to have the Johnsburg Rescue squad in our midst and when they come around to sell tickets for their annual dance let us hope the ticket sales will be higher than ever. In Closing Thanks again to all you wonderful folks who takp time from your busy lives to xMfJi in your news and until next week may God take a liking to all the Highlanders and please call in your news. It never irks me to receive these calls, I am very grateful for them. You may call anytime after 5 d.m. untill 8:30 p.m. weekend for your family and take them to the Johnsburg Community Club Carnival! Father Passes On We join in extending our sincere sympathies to the Ray Tansey family upon the recent death of Shirley's dad, Frederick Simmons. Mr. Simmons passed away last week in Sarasota, Fla. Funeral services were Conducted in McHenry with burial in Des Plaines last Thursday. Besides Shirley, her mother alto survives. B!£ Birthday Celebration Young Tommy Frett was host to a large gathering honoring his first birthday on June 10. His actual birth date is June 9 but the lawn party took place on Sunday. Enjoying an out-door dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frett and Nadine, the John Knox family, the Butch Nowak family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godina and Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. John Tabor, Mrs. Ann Kenyeres, Mrs. Theresa Wolf and Miss Theresa Wolf. The latter three ladies are from Chicago. Tommy and his big brother, Johnny, had themselves a "real ball!" "I 111 •»' 11 1 'l*'" ^ • . ' having dinner at her folks, the Leo Hillers. We bid a warm welcome to the Meyer family who moved into their new home on Spring Grove road In HillerV subdivision. The Richard Marsh family just completed a wonderful vacation in Mississippi where they visited his folks. The entire Peterson family is happy to have Marge's folks visiting them for a short period. Don and Betty Dowe of Urbana visited relatives here last Saturday afternoon. Thursday, June 27, 1963 Family Increases Congratulations to George and Marilyn Guetzloff who recently welcomed a tiny baby boy to their family. This is their first experience with the diaper, routine. Our very best to the three of them for a most happy future. Gary Allan Guetzloff will be among the very well dressed in the baby parade. He was presented with many lovely pieces of clothing for his wardrobe at a shower last Thursday evening. Several ladies were present in Shirley Liesers' home for the new baby's shower. Joining in on the pink and blue fun were Natalie Boak, Gloria Pechous, Betty Hettermann, Loree Letzter, Eleanor O'Connor, Jean Fischer, Kathy Penner, Grace Wolf, Dorothy Boynton, Betty Schmitt, Carol Frett, Sarah Oeffling and Lu Oeffling. Several of the ladies joined forces and gifted Gary Allan with a beautiful new bed. Refreshments were enjoyed by all in attendance. i Around The Town Rudy and Marge Fischer recently enjoyed a short vacation trip to Canada. Belated anniversary wishes to Don and Grace Bentz. They were married three years on June 17. They celebrated by FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products '•-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone 385-0195 or 385-0232 a call on the Johnsburg road. A young girl fell from her bike last week near Wilmot road and Oeffling drive. She was taken by the rescue squad to the doctor's for treatment The village of Sunnyside was another call for the rescue squad. A woman there suffered a possible heart attack and was taken to the McHenry Rack In Hospital A toe infection has Gerry Wakitsch back in the McHenry hospital for the second time. He spent a couple days last week in the same hospital for the same reason. We all hope the infection will be curtailed and this is the end of his discomfort. Notice -- Early Deadline There will be another early deadline due to the fourth of July holiday. Any news items for next weeks column must be called into me by noon this Friday, June 28. On The Ball Baseball that is -- naturally! Lots of relatives and friends along with his parents, George and Olivia, were in Milwaukee last weekend to see Chuck Hiller play ball. He had a little tough luck but our wishes are all behind him on a most successful future with the San Francisco Giants. Fire And Rescue Squad Calls The men of station 2 and the Johnsburg rescue squad members were' each called upon twice last week. The fire calls took them to the bay area where an alarm caused by defective wiring was turned in. Sunday the firemen answered OVERHEATED MOTORS Don't let a dogged Radiator spoil your vacation . . • RADIATOR Cleaning and Repairing AT tow, FLAT-RATE PRICES ostf Esfoncrfff FROM Every Radiator Flow Tested New & Rebuilt Radiators ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERVICE 3004 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, IU. Phone: 385-0783 America says, "That's forme!" v. -v ^ Warning To All Parents V Dot ice has lnvn ' i to Model BW 2317 Normal Installation $20.00 NO MONEY DOWN COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER PHONE: JAckson 6-2081 Olds fever is taking America by storm . .and here's one of thei handsomest reasons why: The captivating F-85 Cutlass! Sensational V-8 action and quicksilver agility both figure in this bucket-seat beauty's record-breaking popularity. So why not join the nearly 1,700 buyers a day who prove that going Olda is the going thing! You may lose your heart . . . but you'll discover one of '63's biggest thrills! * I* ytmrt ml ym 0U» 0>»hr*« wW« iwppfy hutsl -- THERE'S "SOMETHING EXTlli" MOOT 0WNIN6 AN 0LDSM0MLE1 • SEE TOW 0LDSM0MLE QUALITY DEALER I -- R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES. 1109 N. Front Street hospital by the squad ambulance. That's it for this week. Please keep in mind the early deadline! Two groups who may (and often do) impose on you are 1) the powerful, who know you can't or won't fight back, and 2) the weak, who know you won't fight them. Ben Frank--lwi--n Jfm SPECIAL PURCHASE Jtkfg. End of Season Close Outs MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Short Sleeve -- Asa't. Materials Reg. $1.99 - $2.49 %m 57 SHIRTS NOW (2 for $3.00) 1 ea. Reg. $2.99 - $3.98 $000 SHIRTS NOW ONLY £s Quantity Limited WOMEN'S -- GIRLS' CANVAS OXFORDS Reg. $2.99 Stock -- Blue Denims -- Gold, some Whites ONLY $1 COME EARLY -- WILL SELL OUT FAST! Wash Cloths Package of 10 Only 68* WHITE Pillow Cases Pkg. of 2 Cases 77 !?<•« $2.49 f >m! Canon Sheets $|97 ea. Twin Sizes Only Limited Quantity $1.98 Ladies' Duster SPECIAL $|44 MEN'S 98c WHITE TEE SHIRTS 77 ea. With Pocket Reg. 16c Facial Tissues Box of 200 12 Reg. 39c Bath Towels 3 for *100 Reg. $1.00 -- lRO\ HOARD Pad - Cover Set 77 Reg. 69 l it On Chair Cushion 47 ea Red Only REG. $9.98 FOLDING PICNIC TABLE $788 24x60, Seat* 8 OUTDOOR Umbrella Patio Tables Table $19.88 $1.99 $15.88 Folding Lawn Chairs $3" Folding Lawn Rocker *6" CHOICE Rubber Tire Wheelbarrow Rubber Tire Lawn Cart gas Reg. $6.98 Oscillating Sprinkler HO Ft. Length Lawn Hose Vz" siw $066 25' Sprinkler hose only $1.98 Reg, $11.08 w«*vy weight -- with hood & elector spit OUTDOOR GRILL . . . $9.88 Large Size Ice Chest 1 Gal. Insulated J119 90 JOHNSON'S -- Reg. $1.49 RAID . . . $1.29 BEN FRANKLIN