Thursday. June 27. 1963 CLASSIFIEDS THE McHEHBY PLAINDEALEB Svrm Hefe Wanted mmrmr i^r it -• • m • • • i • m • PERSONS INTERESTED in instructing retarded children for the McHenry County Association for Retarded Children, call 653-5321. (>-'27-63 Farmers Market LARGE 3 BEDROOM home, close in. will trade for small 2 bedroom home. Must be in or close to McHenry. Call 385- 5243. 6-6-27-63 LARGE BUSINESS lot on highway 120. West of McHenry 130 It. on highway. 150 ft deep. For information call 385-0852, 6-6-27-63-TF INCOME PROPERTY -- 1712 W. Grandview Drive, Sunnyside Estates. 2 four room apartments. 140x112 lot, 2 car garage. Call 385-1256. 6-6-27-63-TF FOR SALE 6 year old, 2 bedroom summer or all year arour »1 home. Gas heat. River rights. Pistakee vicinity. Call 385-1300 for appointment. $8,500. 6-20-27-63 3 BEDROOM ranch -- Attached garage, basement, built.- ins, thermopane sliding door to huge patio with Griswold Lake view. Beach and channel rights. $18,500. 385-5836. 6-13 thru 7-3-63 3 BEDROOM brick ranch, dining room, full basement, car garage. Many extras. McHenry. For information call 385-2468. 6-20' thru 7-11-63 75x150 FT. LOT on Chain-OLakes. Redhead Lake in Hilldale Manor, 2 miles to town of Fox Lake, 2 blocks to beach. 385-6439. 6-13 thrtt 7-3-63 9 ROOM HOUSE -- Newly remodelled decorated, on double lot 125x350. Price $38,000. Call 385-3743. 6-13 thru 7-3-63 REPOSSESSED HOMES -- 3 bedrooms, attached garage, full basement, landscaped. 1 with electric heat and 1 with oil forced air. Bill Hay, 385-5478. 6-13-20-27-63 RIVERFRONTAGE -- 6 room frame, close to Pistakee, Natural gas. Garage. Fruit. Ideal retirement. $15,000 or offer to close estate. 385-1958. 6-13 thru 7-3-63 McHENRY -- 3 Bedroom home, 2 baths, carpeted, dishwasher, screened-in porch, combination aluminum storms and screens, river rights. $15,800. 385-1618. 6-27-63 Must PISTAKEE LAKE , Sell -- Leaving Town BEST OFFER NEAR McHENRY -- 3 bedroom, 6 year old home, incltiding storms & screens, full basement, 2 car garage, tile bath, water softener. Call 385- 5440. 6-27-63 FOR SALE LAKELAND PARK -- 3 Bedroom Ranch, hardwood floors, 1% car garage, alum, storms and screens, blacktop driveway, nicely landscaped. A real good buy. IN MCHENRY -- 4 Bedroom House, 2 baths, panelled rec. room in basement, natural fireplace in living room, 1 car attached garage, concrete driveway, close to schools. $25,000 or best offer. IN McHENRY -- Waterfront Location 3 Bedroom Ranch, all hardwood floors, full basement, and attached garage, nicely landscaped. Priced right for quick sale. FOR RENT or sale--Eastwood Manor 3 bedroom home with full basement, tile bath, parquet floors, water softener, 2 car garage, on large corner lot. $14,700. 4H% mortgage. 6-20-27-63-TF 2 BEDROOM frame. 2 car garage. 100 ft. on Route 120, zoned for business. Needs repairs. 385-4144. 6-20-27-63-TF 7 ROOM, 4 bedroom all year around frame house on Fox River, 73' frontage by 310.' Seawall, beautifully landscaped, 2 car garage, 2 baths, W/W carpeting, fully furnished, large boat pier, gas heat. Must see to appreciate. >Vill take summer home in trade-in. McHenry area. For appointment call 385-2456. 6-27 thru 7-25-63 McHENRY SHORES -- For sale or rent, 3 bedroom ranch, stove, refrigerator, attached garage. Phone 312 GRovehill 7537 or write Mrs. Swierski, 5708 S. Throop, Chicago, 111. *6-27-7-3-63 We have listings. many other choice 6^4 room year arotihd cape cod house on 2 lots. 3 bedrooms. auto, oil heat, fireplace, large living room, newly carpeted, full basement, rumpus room with bar. 150 ft to community pier. Beautifully landscaped. CALL Code 312, JUstice 7-5414 or JUstice 7-0220 or JU 7-5113 6-20-2T-63-TF WATERFRONT LOT on Fox River in Orchard Heights, 60x 130, price $3,000. Call 385- 1908. 6-6-27-63-TF 2 BEDROOM brick home, 2 car garage all brick* partly furnished basement with heat. Reasonable. Call 385-0074. 6-6-27-63-TF Pistakee Terrace 2 BEDROOM RANCH Full basement, attached garbage. Priced to sell -- $10,500. -- Also -- 3 BEDROOM RANCH V* acre lot, Jalousie rec. room, 1% garage. A real buy, PHONE 385-5960 after 5 p.m. •6-27-63 DON'T FORGET To attend the Real Estate Auction on SUNDAY, JUNE 30 at 1:30 p.m. at 517 N. Kent Rd. and at 2 p.m. at 420 N. Kent Rd., Kent's Acres, McHenry, to be conducted on the premises. For full particulars call: DUNNING'S AUCTION SERVICE ELGIN, ILL., SH 1-1536 6-27-63 McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties, JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg 3301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry. III. Pfe. 385-0037 6-15-61-tt BAYSHORE, Inc. Corner of Elm and Green Phones 385-3620 385-3710 6-27-63 McHENRY--Waterfront home Secluded spot, close in, hedges on both sides, cyclone fenced. 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage. Cement sea wall, pier, furnished'. All rooms furnished in rod cedar: Call 385-5039. "6-27-63 McCullom Lake Ideal for retirement. 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath, screened patk>, on two 50' lots. Trees & shrubbery. Refrigerator and electric stove The price is right. Open House Sat. & Sun. PACKAGE BARGAIN -- ' 2 bedroom home, basement, 2 car garage, etc. 2 extra improved lots valued at .$4,000, House $11,500 -- Packpge price $14,500. 5417 Thelen Drive, Pistakee Highlands. Call HYatt 7-3489. 6-27-7-3-63 4701 W. Parkview Gate 2 Village of McCullom Lake Phone: COlumbus 1-2139 •6-27-63 IN McHENRY 2 Story 4 Br. home in beautiful condition. Full basement and 2 car garage on large wooded lot with fruit trees. Close to churches and shopping. Shown by appointment only. Priced at only $23,500. IN McHENRY -- 2 Br, home with 2 car garage, on large wooded kit.. Ideal location to schools, churches and shopping. Priced at only $17,900 or best offer. NEAR McHENRY , Charming, Deluxe 2 Br. brick ranch style with family room, patio, full basement and 2 car garage. VA baths, built-in range and oven. Very modem. On large lot. Only 2 blocks to St Patrick's and St. Mary's Church. Priced at only $29,500. Also many other listings to cfeoose from including homes on the river. THE KENT CORPORATION Mclierpi's Oldest Real Estate Office Since 1923 PHONE 385-3800 1311 N, Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 6-27-63 FOR RENT Summer Rentls by Wk. or Season -- 3 Br. Ranch, Basement - $115 month. 3 Br. bi-level $115 month FOR SALE 1 Acre Fertil level land with 2 bed. home on edge of town make offer also Water front Property in heart of town 2 Br. home, $500 dwn. $80 mo. McHENRY REALTY SS17 W Elm Street S85-&922 Day 653-6862 Eve. 6-27-63 2 LOTS -- Located on Victoria and John Streets, Country Club Subdivision. Call 385- 0074. 6-6-27-63-TF Qualified Veterans G. I. FINANCING AVAILABLE NO DOWN PAYMENT 6 HOMES Edgebrook Heights, Kent Acres McHenry, 111. T "odern, 3 Br., Full Basements, Gas heat. For Particulars Inquire: MR. McLAUCIfrAN SH 1-3900 11-1-63-tf COMFORT, CONVENIENCES WATERFRONT HOMES ATTRACTIVE 3 BR. RAMBLING RANCH HOME on large 114' waterfront lot. 27' L.R. with fireplace, 12x20* panelled fam ily room with 12x14' screened-in patio, attached 2 car garage Includes washer, dryer, range, kitchen set, 2 lounges and all draperies, curtains, etc. Owner being transferred out of state must sell. Will take best offer. Seller will pay closing costs. COMFORTABLE 7 ROOM OLDER HOME on a 66* high river front wooded lot. All modern conveniences including living room furniture, wall to wall carpeting, dining room set, 1 bed room set, range, draperies,- etc. $17,000. - VERY ATTRACTIVE NEW 3 & '%' bED^OOM HOMES built to order with beach & boat dock rights. 1% and 2 full bath rooms. Built in oven & range. Recreation Sc family rooms, storms & screens. No money down to qualified buyers. ALSO 2 & 3 BR. HOMES with beach and boat dock rights. All modem conveniences. $100 down, approx. $95 per month, in eludes prin., int., taxes and ins. SUNNYSIDE REALTY 385-0162 6-2T-63 HERD BULL, 6 years old, Lakefield Domino sire H.F. Bulldog, Dam KCF Marlene 3. Excellent breeding bull. Reasonable. Also one registered yearling bull, excellent type and pedigree. Phone 312-639- 4558. «-??-63 Responsible for my debts only. Signed, Jennie W. Pauly, 5307 N. Highland Dr., McHenry, 111. *6-20-27-7-3-63 NOTICE Lilymoor Residents This is to notify all residents now using catch baS'ln located on Section 'B' Lilymoor subdivision, as septic system. On July 23, 1963 all lines and tank will be closed permanently. Owner of Section 'B* Maurice A. Haines •6-20 thru 7-3-63 REDUCED $1,000 for quick sale -- 9 year old, 2 bedroom ranch. Large landscaped lot, screened patio, gas heat, tiled bath. Cooney Heights Subdivision. Phone 385-6320. *6-27-7-3-68 OWNER -- 3 Bedrooms, 1H baths, 2 car garage, gas h?at. low taxes. Many extras. Shown by appointment 385-7388. Price $20,000. 6-27 thru 7-18-63 ROOM HOUSE in perfect condition. 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and utility room Upstairs unfinished, could make a large room. 2 car garage. Beautifully landscaped, lovely fruit trees. Gas heat, minutes to McHenry. Mortgage available. Call 385-5468 or 285 2746. Priced $10,300. *6-27-63 FOX RIVER LOT -- 4 blocks south of dam, 145 ft. frontage. Sacrifice, $6,000. 385-0430. 6-27-63 JfOWINQ HAZARDS Sticks and stones may break your bones, especially when hurled by a power mower. According to the Institute for Saf* er Living, more than 8,000 persons are struck by mowerlaunched projectiles each year. Many are innocent bystanders. Some are injured fatally. Make sure that your lawn is clear of missiles before mowing. How Can I ? SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE By Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may write to Anne Ashley In care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor building, 37 W. Seventh street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed envelope.) TO BE GIVEN AWAY By Anne Ashley Q. How can I remove met stains from white Washable materials? A. Spread the stain over a vessel of boiling water, Squeeze lemon junce or tomato Juice on the stain and allow to remain few minutes. Then rinse in liot water. Repeat the process several times. Or, moisten the stain with salt and lemon juice and place in the sun, adding lemon juiee as it dries, or hold over the spout of a steaming teakettle. Q. What can I do when a bottle cap does not seal tightly because the cork or paper insert has been lost? A. Wrap a piece of string around the neck of the bottle FOX TERRFKR puppies -- Norman Anderson, 5918 Wost Route 120, McHenry. 385-6387. 6-27-631 ftt the bottom of the screw- 5 KITTENS, weaned, house threads. The cap will then seal broke. Call 385-0350. *6-27-63 *>• I Notice G. & D. SNACK SHOP 1009 N. Front Street McHenry, Illinois Opening June 29th HOURS: 6 a.m. till ??? Breakfast # Lunches • b^jks A. Prnw your tlngw tart* tie dough. If the Impression dlnap pears, the bread is ready far baking. If the impression »• mains, the bread moat have more time for rising. Q. What is a quick and ewy and economical way to wax a linoleum floor? A. Try scrubbing ft with very hot water into which a candle has been shaved. This in '» good way to line up those old candle end*. Be sure aH the shavings are melte$ before yon start. Q. What carvl do about some of my stairs which have developed some annoying creaks? ® A. Try driving pairs of txfpineh finishing nails through the tread (top of the atep) llrto the riser (the vertical board between the steps). Angle yonr nallH In each pair slightly toward each other, "V" shaped,, so that they will be less likely to pull out. Q. How can I prolong the life of some of my rusty house gutters? , A. Rusty gutters will be given additional years of service If their insides are cleaned with a wire brush and given a east of roofing cement. Apply heavy, deep-freezer aluminum foil over the cement before It dries. Q. How can I freshen a pair of suede gloves? A. An easy Way I* to ptfjt the gloves on, then rub a thkHk slice of stale bread between the hands, changing the bread as it becomes soiled. Q. How can I make pandies from rinds of lemons, oranges, and grapefruit ? A. Boll these pieces two or three times until the water-Is cleat, then boll again with sugar added to taste, and until the rinds are soft and sweet. Both children and adults usually rellsh this kind of candy. Q. How can I repair chipped places on porcelain or enameled sinks and stoves? - A. Try making yonr own patching compound by buying on the string to form a. good seal. Q. What can I do when a fabric is too delicate for »the use of ordinary starch? A. Try adding a little granulated sugar to boiling water, and adding this to your rinsing water. Q. How can I forestall the the rusting and rojttthg of wood-frame screens around the moldings? A. Use calking compound on the edges of the screening where It Is tacked to the frame. Then tack the molding over the screen, forcing the calking through the screen and filling any irregularities in the wood. Scrape away the^ excess calk- I. ^ rtorT^ lng, and then paint your screens. Q. What can I do when I happen to mar a finished furniture surface with a hammer? A. Sometimes you can raise the grain of the wood back | paint that's used on china ware. It comes hi powdered form. Also, buy the liquid they wfl for (Hitting a glaze over what is painted. Mix the powder with the liquid to a thick paste of Twin Burgers with Fries • Bauer Kraut Hot Dog • Italian Beef & Sausage Into place by covering the area tt Jlkf. Ht 8mH8r with several sheets of damp1 Wrapping paper and pressing FOR SAt-E or rent with qption, 4 bedroom hous?, recreation room, patio, full basement, attached garage, 60x200 ft. lot. $18,500. 385-5420. *6-27-65 75* 5 ACRE FARM -- Clean 2 bedroom home close to town. PUll price, $20,000. 385-0430.-, 6-27-60 6 ACRES wooded. 36 ft. hoUsp trailer, sewer, water and electric. Ideal for summer and winter living. 30 miles north of the Dells. Deer hunting and fishing excellent. Full price $&,500. Call 385-4100, ask for Frank Denney. 6-27-63 FISH FRY at the McHENRY MOOSE EVERY FRIDAY -- 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. You Are Welcome 75* 75* 8-28*62tf HUNTERVILLE PARK -- 3 bedroom, 1% baths, family room, utility room, forced air heat, garage. Walk to town; River rights. $13,950 or best offer. Will consider low down payment. 385-1742. C-20--27-63-TF SENIOR HIGH school girl would like job $aby sitting all summer. For working mother. Have own transports tion. Call 653-2350. *6-20-27-63 WOMAN WILL baby sit by the hour or day. References furnished. Call 385-4932. *6-27-63 HOMES FOR SALE Immediate Occupancy Good Financing Terms $16,500 "RICHMOND"--2 Br. cape cod with 2 expandable rooms upstairs, 1 partially finished. Full basement, 70x120 ft. improved lot. $16,500 "RICHMOND"--2 Br. frame residence, large attractive kitchen, basement, garage, beautifully landscaped, 90x120 ft fully improved lot. $22,500 "RICHMOND"--Beautiful 3 Br. colonial ranch residence with bath and half, carpeted living room and dining room, slate entry hall, activity room, attached garage, fully landscaped. FOR SALE HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS--BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 12-28-ffl-tf BE WISE -- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS 10002 Main Street Richmond, Illinois PHONE: 678-2861 6-27-63-TF We Specialize In WATER FRONT PROPERTY j A. H. Gallagher and Associates EXPERIENCED CARE for children in my home for work ing or vacationing parents. Will do baby sitting evenings. Call 385-0348. *6-27-63 HIGH SCHOOL boy would like any type of work for summer months. Phone 385 1267. *6-27-63 WANTED -- RIDE from Volo to Crystal Lake, 1 block from Oaks factory. Hours 8 to Call 385-2005. 6-27-63 Mftaeellctwv over this with a hot iron. This expands the wood fibers. Q. How can I make a good job of cleaning my eyeglasses' A. Most opticians recommend i occasional soap-and-water *6-27-7-3-63 | bath for your glasses to remove the film of oil that gathers from the skin. Rinse and polish with soft tissue paper. Q. How can I camouflage small nicks and chips in painted surfaces? A. Try using wax crayons for a patch Job. They come In an almost endless variety of aolors and hues and can be selected, to match any paint eolor. Rub lightly over the marred area, and this will both 1 into the ofcipped places, swaeth out, and" t^e jefr should J># finished. -*> w Q. What can I do, if a eare* less or thoughtless smoker has scratched a painted surface when lighting a match? A. Rub the marks with jl, eut lemon and remind the culprit, If you know who he Is, to , use the bottom of his shoe the next time. Q. How can I improvise my own smelling salts? A. By breaking one ounce of rock volatile into small pieces, covering with eau de cologne, and allowing to stand lev * few • days before using. Q. How can I remedy £hair legs or rungs that have became NOW INTRODUCING THE OPENING OF THE HALF WAY RANCH, INC. On Bull Valley Road in Bull Valley WATCH FOR SIGN Fine Line of RidingHwses Quarter Hbrises and Grade Horses Riding Lessons Private Lessons Semi Private Lessons Group - Class Lessons Age 5 to ? All Classes with Instruction SPECIAL RATES -- Card of 10 Rides $20.00 or Each Ride $2.50 per hour Outdoor Arena Horses Boarded - Bought - Sold - Trained Party -- Hayrack Ride CALL: WOODSTOCK, ILL., PHONE 815-338-2940 HALF WAY RANCH, INC. Raymond & Dorothy Baty, Owners Bull Valley Road fill in and color the damaged spots in the painted surface. Q. How can I renovate veget able glue that has become dry i and hardened? A. It can usually be softened to usable consistency with hot vinegar. Add the vinegar drop by drop, and keep stirring until the (Hue Is soft Q. How can I insure the | easier peeling of boiled eggs? . t!ff7 A. Boll the egg* In salted A. You can usually do a pretty good job of locking these legs or rungs securely in their holds if you'll drive some small brads in the sides of the holes at an angle before forcing the leg tenons or roungs back Into the holes. The brads will bend and act as wedges. Q. How can I. do a. good Job white of egg refuses to beat water and they will peel quick-1 AM ly and easily. The salt tends to I watcr and ft plm h ** WlIt A crack the shells and separate them from the eggs with much less effort. Q. How can I add luster to my linoleum without waking Ing a pinch of baking powder while beating will also help, will make it more fluffy, and will prevent its falling if it must stand for any length ef time after beating. fectlve, 'method 1» to'Vid'a l«-i | . |to * starched net over the hole. This Is usually a better airth easier method of repair than stitching or darning over the hole. Q. How can I easily patch tie Hour milk to your rinse water when you wash the floor. Q. How can I clean glass fiber draperies? A. Wash them in hot soapsuds or with a detergent, by hand or in a washer -- but be sure to remove all hooks and other attachments that might snag them. Rehang them while they're still wet (but not drip ping), and straighten the hems gently with your fingers. Glass fiber materials should never be scrubbed during washing, small nail or screw holes in. a. plastered wall. A. One very easy method to fill these holes Is to sharpen piece of ordinary chalk to » point, then press the point into the hole and cut It off. Next sandpaper the chalk flush with the wall and coat it with fresh squeezed In a mangle, or. shellac.. .M...a tch . th. e wall color twisted. They mwe never Ironed l ^,th a ,,t^e p either. I Q. How can I freshen the Q. How can I make a good I ajr jn by living room after it job of washing out dress I has ))een saturated with cig- Route 3 Woodstock, 111. 6-20-63 thru 7-11-63 TO BE GIVEN AWAY JUNK CARS, truck, tractors Call 385-1260 or 385-4774. and all types of machinery. 1-10-63-TF WANTED: ONE used .Budgit Hoist, 110 volts, for cash. Call 385-0303. 6-27-63 VIRGINIA GALLAGHER - 385-1629 EDWARD CARLSON - 385-0818 5-29-63-TF "Wanted to Buy" ads. Dial EV. 5-0170 to platt youra. - «f REGISTER FREE No Purchase Necessary DRAWING JULY 3, 1963 Winner will receive a BEAUTIFUL FRAMED OIL PAINTING on canvas of themself or a loved one. (16x20) No one under 16 years of age may register. RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET 1402 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 5-16 thru 6-27-63 arette and cigar smoke by guests during an evening? A. Try leaving a basin of water In the room overnightr and the air will be «*Hke new* in the morning. Q, How can I renovate sane black kid gloves? A. Touch the worn wolf with a camel's hair brush, dipsquare feet of wood, 180 square I ^^ into a mixture Of Olive Oil feet of brick, and about 2701 ink. square feet of plaster. I . , Q How can I remove scorch I Q. Any- suggestions for imstains from a white shirt? | provingVthe appearance of leat- A. If the scorch is too badly | her burned in, there Is nothing you L shields? A. Lukewarm water and teaspoon of baking soda should be used for washing dress shields. Rub soap on a small brush, and brush both sides. Rinse In water of the same temperature. Q. What is the covering area of a gallon of whitewash? A. A gallon of whitewash will usually cover about 225 can do. If, however, the stain! A. Rub the leather with the inside of a freshly-cut orange Is light, cut » piece of tissue and see how npuapneerr llaarrggee eennoouugghh to cover I f . . i the burned spot: Then drop a little peroxide on the tissue and while still wet, place a heated this treatment improves the appearance of your shoes. Q. How can I restore the iron over the tissue. When the I brightness to some brass artitlssue is removed, the scorch I cje&? . . should have disappeared. wis. Q How can I test bread A. By soaking them in dough with yeast to tell whet- bsf water to which a UttJc jroc* her or not it has risen sufficien-1 ammonia has »er«. ^ tly for baking? polish with f