Page Tfltt THE McHENftY PLAINDEALER Thursday, August 29, 13*53 PERSONALS - Iffr. and Mrs. George Burns and sons, Bud and Don, of Sunnyside, Calif., have been spending several days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund. Thomas Antonson of Martingville, N. J. is spending ten days with relatives and friends . in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bartelt, son, Bob, and Miss Joyce Adams spent Tuesday of last week in the home of Mrs. Bartelt's. sister, Mrs. William Joyal, in New Buffalo, Mich: Mrs. Howard Cairns Was a guest in the home of her son, Greg, and family in North Chicago a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olson and baby have moved from Hunterville Park to Barrington where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page " and daughters of Cincinnati, * Ohio, visited relatives here the * past week. I Jerry, Jesse and David - Freund returned recently from * a vacation In Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes * of Chicago were McHenry visil tofB Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Boodell returned to her home in San Mateo, : CalU, last week after a few * weeks visit with her nieces, * Mrs. Joseph Gilmore of Riverl sid<; Drive and Mrs. Robert * Sonne of Island Lake. * Hamilton Parr, a former Mc- . Henry resident, is spending several weeks in the Paul O'- Leary home in Volo. He plans to leave Aug. 31 for Columbus, Ohio, to attend a three day Army company reunion of World War I in France, before flying to Brownsville, Texas, to spend the winter. Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Miss Maureen Sweeney of Spring Grove to Fred Notz of Crystal lake which will take place in St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, Sept. 7. The prospective bride was honored at a shower held at the home of Mr. Notz's sister, Mrs. Robert Wissell, near McHenry, recently with twenty-five guests present. Misses Trudy and Jean Gende and Donna and Ruth Steffes spent several days with their uncle, Father Clarence Thennes, in Stockton where Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes and Mrs. Frank Gende accompanied them on Monday of last week. James B. Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Meyer, has enlisted in the Air Force and been assigned to the 3711 Basic Military Training Squadron at Lackland Air Force Babe, Texas. Mrs, Louis Girding and children and Miss Lillian Girding of Glendorf, Ohio, were entertained in the Leo Blake home a few days the past week. Friends of the former Miss Judith Ann Sanke, a physical education teacher in the McHenry junior high school the past three years, will be interested to know that she is now at home at 711 Williams street, Fremont, Nebr., Miss Sanke's marriage to Michael Horan of Fremont, Nebr., where he is associated with the DeKalb Agriculture Association, took place at St. Thomas church, Crystal Lake, on Aug. 3. Previous to her marriage the bride was feted at a faculty shower given by three co-workers, Misses Joan Dopheide and Irene Happ, her bridesmaids, and Mrs. Pauline Pries. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Freund spent ihe past week in Ohio visiting their family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Freund ot Cleveland. They also accompanied their youngest son, Neil, to Dayton Catholic University at Dayton, Ohio, where he will be a freshman during the coming school term. Sixty members of the Mc- Auliff family from the (Hjicago area held a reunion at"-Crystal' Lake recently. In attendance from McHenry were the James Brooks family and Mrs. Walter Brooks. +. , Miss Villa JSnnth of Cleveland, Ohio, was a guest in the Robert Thompson home last week. Mrs. John Zola and children of Minneapolis, ,Minn., are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin, while Mr. Zoia, who was a weekend guest here, is on a business trip in the east. Mrs. Delia Matt hews, daughter, Jean, and iMr. and Mrs. Kdward Buchcrt were dinner guests in the Edward Matthews home in Evanston Sunday. Mrs. Kathryn Steilen, Mrs. Annabel Aieher, George and Leo Hcimer were Thursday guests in the home of their niece, Mrs. Erwin Laures, and family in Northbrook. McHenry friends will be interested to know that Mr. Laures is now manager of the telephone office in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay have returned to their home in St. Petersburg, Fla., after spending several weeks in the home of their son, William Hay. Mrs. Jack Lombard, son, Steven, and wife, who have Mu: t£;King, waterproof, flexible Dyna-IDold soles by Robin Hood See the snoethat challenges all comer# for durability- Robia Hood'8 new shoe with Dyna-Mold soles. In girls' and boys' models •--ruggedly built* beautifully styled. ROTH SHOES IN 1246 N. (jireen Ml • i ry Phone 385-2027 TRUCK TIRE -SALE- 6-PLY TIRES Reg. Pr. Sale Pr. 6.00 x 16 $27.80 $21.18 6.50 x 16 35.79 22.50 6.70 x 15 32.87 22.57 7.00 x 15 42.84 25.45 10-PLY TIRES 7.00 x 20 70.37 43.15 7.50 x 20 7*8.09 49.60 8.25 x 20 88.07 56.30 9.00 x 20 109.17 65.18 -- TAX INCLUDED -- All Other Sizes Proportionately Sale Priced PASSENGER CAR RETREADS All Sizes 25 '0 OFF PASSENGER CAR TIRES on NEW 7.50x14 or 8.00x14 BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES fo* Tractors# Trucks and All Passenger Cars Special Trade-in Allowance from $1 to $5 on Your Old Battery. McHenry Tire Mart MSI W. Mafai It WALT fKEUND, Prop. Phone 885-0294 McHenry, rft, been visiting here where they were called by the death of her father, John Hegner, plan to return to their home in Miami Springs, Fla., next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Olson were in Kenosha, Wis., rcfttatly to visit her brother, David Speaker, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Cieorge H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Iloljert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron attended a gathering <>f a group of relatives held at Ixird Park's pavilion in Elgin Saturday. Mrs. Ida Quinlan and mother, Mrs. Clara Sehoelfield, of Park Ridge, visited McHenry friends Friday. Mrs. Elmer Olsm and Mrs. Charles Olsen and dauyhter, Ann, of Richmond, were Saturday visitors in the Leslie Olsen home. Miss Rena Scheid was hostess to twenty-five guests at her home on Green street Sunday. Present for dinner and a social afternoon were the Elmer and Norman Scheid families and Mrs. John J. Scheid. Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Christy Burns, Waukegan, Julia, Rose and Margaret Stillin.;, McIIenry Mr. and Mrs. Koocrt Thompson attended a reunion of the Van Natta family held at the Ralph Van Natta home in Hinsdale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Regner have returned to their home in Portsmouth, Ohio, after a few days visit with relatives here where I hey came to attend the funeral of his rather, John Reiner. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCarthy, former local residents, returned to their home in St. Petersburg, Fla., last week after spendjfig the summer in the home ot 1 their daughter, Mrs. Leonard | Freund. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallace, : daughter, Helen, of Beloit, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- | Neil of Woodstock were entertained in the Clinton Martin | home Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. John Leighty | and daughters have returned I from a week's visit with her ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stattner, in Pana, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt were guests in the KflWard Denman home in Gurnee SatupirfyT ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl were Sunday dinner guests in the George Merkt home in Silver Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shearer and Barbara apd Ted were visitors in the John Leighty home Sunday enroute from a vacation in Wisconsin to their home in Villa Grove. Mrs. A. P. Freund spent a few days this week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Petitclair, in Waukegan, and on Wednesday accompanied Mrs. Petitclair and daughters to Milwaukee where Carol entered St. Mary's college. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes visited the latter's son, Rev. Fr. Clarence Thennes, at Stockton, Sunday. Mrs. Edith Haufe of Neenah, Wis., was £i guest in the Fred Bienapfl home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund visited their daughter, Sister Mary Charles, in Aurora, Sunday, where they were entertained at a get acquainted cook-out given for the parents of the eight nuns who are teachers at St. Therese's school, in that city. Use The Classifieds mi sou* ROTARY NEWS The Children's home project, having been such a grand success h is kindled the spark lor some of our other chairmen. Following Torchy Krause's report on the picnic, "Big Ernie" Useman took the floor and served warning on all our members that the ham dinner project would take place Sunday. Oct. 20, and that all members were to participate in selling!, tickets as well as preparing and serving the dinner. Any one who knows Ernie, can Ik? sure that there will be plenty of activity as far as our club members are concerned. We will have more detaills later. Not to be outdone by any other chairman, the very capable program chairman, Larry Lund, then announced the assignments for programs up to and including June 30, 1964. He really must have stayed up nights working on this particular project as he has named a general chairman for each month, with four co-chairmen responsible for programs each week. Every member will have sponsored a program during the year, which no doubt will result in some very interesting programs. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS W: FOR PREE «I rrsi ROTISSERIE ROAST Boneless, Rolled, Round Sirloin Tip or Rump A&P'i Super-Right SEMI-BONELESS HAMS Fully Cooked- Whole or Half A&P's Super-Right Top Quality 8 to 12 Lb. Sizes FULLY COOKED HAMS 1HANK PORTIONI PORTIC" 39° 49 16 TO 20 POUNDS SHANK PORTION| BUTT PORTION PROCESSED UNDER GOV'T INSPECTION ILLLI* UC NO WATER ADDED SHANK HALF BUTT HALF WHOLE HAMS CENTER SLICES Includes Center Slices Includes Center Slices. SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Ft..., -ooked mm AGAR CANNED HAMS4 MC FULLY ^QC CHOICE ^ Q ib COOKED i|JJLb CUTS f A&P's Top Quality Super-Right FRESH SPARE RIBS - -49 Cooked Hams HyGrade Hams fc. lb tfc it.. Whoi* Fully Cooked " h49c Armour's Franks 8! s5" Skinless Franks Skinless 1 -lb. 45' Fancy Shrimp Frozen Medium Size 79c Shrimp Cocktail Sau-Sea per Riqb: 2," 89« Haddock Fillets £.43c Fish Sticks Cap'n John'fc 3^89 *49c Red Ripe Delicious Flavorful WATERMElONMt V ^^^EACH Southern Grown GOLDEN YAMS JACK FROST BROWN SUGAR 2 £ 39' 10 Lb. *|M:«,»al this week! Marvel ICE CREAM Reg. 69c Your favorite flavor Stock up 4> Save now. 1-GaL Ctn. 59° ZAnotIhe0r LNow, L owF A&IPG Price BARS - 3^s$140 0 Labor Day Special! Yukon Club ^ Labor Day Special M ! ROOT BEER or K0LA^ '-'10 CHARCOAL 20 * 87 29 Llbby** pr AAP A&P's Finest Quality--Grade A TOMATO JUICE Rich tn Vitamin C <-25c PINEAPPLE JUICE 46-0z. Can Pepsodent Toothpaste or Coigate Reg. 53* S Toothbrush j i Krwid |v m. ' A&P FROZEN VEGETABLE SALE! BUY 5-GET 1 FREE Cut Gre<. Uem%, 9-or. e French Style Green Bear.j, 9-01. e Bai > tm»s, 10-oz. e Fordhook Limaj, 10-oz. e Broccoli Spears, 10-oz. • Cauliflower, 10-oz. • Green Peal, 10-oz. • Mixed Vegetables, 10-oz. YOU GET 6 SI PKGS. I 00 BUY 6 -GET 1 FREE e Choppto Spinach, 10-oz. e leaf Spinach, 10-oz. i Chorea biwccoli, 10-oz. • F«a* & Carrots, 10-oz. • Franch Frits, 9-oz. • Crinkle Cut Fries, 9-oz. YOU GET 7PKGS. S|I 00 Sunnybrook Fresh Eggs CKtAkDnKt *A 12 for l guarantee. Should even MM egg not be fine, fresh and wholesome, AAP will give you another dozen free or return y eto r Medium fett purchase Size price. Fresh Dozen Read's Mayonnaise Style --Reg. 39c Potato Salad 3 " 1 16-0z. $ Jar 00 Baking Coldstream Brand -- Everyday Low Price Pink Salmon Canned Hams Toilet Tissue Sliced Beef Cookies Ty Nee Brand Imported White Cloud Brand With Gravy Terry's Frozen 3 2 Serve for Quick Meals or Salads Ib. can roll pkg. Flavorkist Oatmeal, Lemon-Custard, Chocolate Chip, Fig Bars Milnot for lvita 59' APRICOTS Hills Bros. Coffee 2'«*139 Apple Butter l-Lb. Con 141-Oz. Unpeeled Halves 29-oz. Can Old Fashioned Smucker's Brand Instant Sanka Coffee 14-oz. pkg. ««• * ^ V frHuEe CrcRifAiil AiiTiLsAkNTTiIiC- lV aPtA CifIC TfcA COMPANY INC AV-iS'l ^ ,s cm#0ABi.E FOQU Mf iU N*** SlfiCi • * tr'r ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU AUGUST 31,1963 Fleecy White Bleach Bo Peep Ammonia Trend Detergent ^ 39* Really Cleans qt. btf. 25< 12% \