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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1963, p. 6

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•ii Ptge Six THE McHKHRY PLATTTOEfttER •flhiTsdaY, September 26. 1963 •AW* I «J*t Insertion -- •*, i 7c per word -- $1-40 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. ***at Insertions -- Ubpef word -- $1.20 minimum we- Servie* Charge On All Blind Ads. jfltuatkms Wanted, Wanted to Rent and tSird of Thanks must be paid In advance. CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES Display CImiKWI First Insertion -- $1.30 per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.15 per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 pt Type Per In. with 18 pt. Signature. COPT DEADLINE -- Wednesday, 10:00 a 1. OFFICE HOURS -- Daily except Saturday -- 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. •MHOttv* 19(59.PLYMOUTH, 4 door station wagon suburban deluxe, Stick shift, overdrive, price $500. Call 385-2281. 9-26-63 1959 OPEL, 2 door Sedan, heater, .snow tires. Call 385- 1187. *9-26-63 1955 PLYMOUTH -- $95.00. Excellent brakes. Going back to school. Dial 312-381-5064 after 5 p.m. *9-26-63 1961 RAMBLER, 4 door classic^ A-l condition. 385-3948. *9-26-63 > Replacement Parts For All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 TBlk. East of the River Bridge -J)pen weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. S-l-60-tf BEAUTIFUL 17 Fi. f iberglass Glastron, 75 h.p. Johnson motor, lots of extras. Deluxe. Guarantee 40 miles hr. Holclaw trailer, heavy duty. $1,- 800. Call 385-4010 after 3:30 p.m. *9-26-63 3? CHRIS CRAFT HOLIDAY 20 Ft. Mahogany -- 1957 Excellent condition 175 h.p. -- 40 m.p.h. Folding top -- Side Curtains Extra Propeller -- Cover Used Only 185 Hours. $2,300 McHenry -- 385-2771 9-26-63 Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Septic Tanks and Cesspools Pumped P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Walter M. Garrelts Phone 385-2101 | 6-20-63-TF 1963 FORDyFalcon, 2 door, 4 fcpfeed transmission, radio, heater, white walls. Phone 385-3044. 9-26-63 1956 CHEVROLET, 2 door sedan, V-8, automatic transmis- S16H," hew motor and brakes. Excellent condition. $350. Phone 653-3931. 9-26-63 1955 FORD, auto., 6 cyl. motor iit'<> excellent condition. 1957 Fantiac convertible, body & top in. good.. condition, motor & trans, in ' excellent condition. 5-3613. *9-26-63 MAJOR OIL Conripafiy -- Has modern two bay service station for lease in the McHenry area. The first 3 months rent L-ee. Call Code 312 392-0804 for information. 9-5-26-63-TF BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale due to illness. Pizza & Restaurant. Living quarters in rear. Full basement, 30x53'; 2 car brick garage. 3 business lots available 40x150' each. Call 653-8601. 9-5-26-63-TF ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound. Phone 385-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 5-3-62-tf TAVERN WITH 4 bedroom living quarters on Pistakee Bay, $28,500 -- Will consider small home in trade. Shown by appointment only. 385-0430. 9-26-63 C. S. G. Lawn & Mower Service Lawn Cutting Landscaping -- Yard Cleaning Sand, Gravel & Black Dirt Estate Care Complete Lawn Mower Repair Sharpening, Power $6.00 Sharpening, Hand .... $3.00 Pick-up and Delivery Service Call FRED YUNGNICKEL 385-1606 2504 W. Hueman Ave. McHenry, Illinois 4-4-63-TF p i >t i ilk. M' » » r e p a i r e d Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St.. Grayslake, 111. Ph BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf For Rent Far Salt Let Our Diggers DO YOUR DIGGING • Seepage Beds • Trenching • Septic Tanks • Foundations Free Estimates Call Richmond 678-7116 JEROME H. MILLER 9-5-26-63-TF North & West General Contractors • Industrial • Residentia. • Additions • Remodelling • Repairing "Before you dig too deep -- Call Us" FREE ESTIMATES Wonder Lake 653-5638 *10-25 thru 10-11-63-tf 7PRICES SLASHED civ mew Cruisers, inc. Glastron $ ! Pu6 Fiberglass boats, Chris Graft Cavalier, Jet Turbocraft, Trailcar Trailers^ Johhsoii motors, etc. NOTICE protected inside storage for over 100 boats A motors on premises in metal buildings. Please reserve space now! Buy Now on Layaway & , , Save the Most , ED WENDT ^Complete Marine Center" liicbmond, 111. On Hwy. 12--Ph: 815-678-3231 Daily & Sun, Til 6 p.m. 9-26-63-TF Tl '11NICAL PUBLICATIONS SERVICE • Technical Manuals for Government & Industry • Service Manuals - Industrial Catalogs - Parts Books • Technical Art - Engineering Drawings - Schematics • Photography - Retounchings • Writing - Editing • Reproducible Copy - Cold Composition • Printing - Offset - Letterpress - Die Cutting - Binding - Tipping. CORUNDUM TOOLS P.O. Box 313 McHenry, 111. Phone: 815-385-7536 9-19-26-63 MUNSON MARINE'S NEW CAMPING CENTER Plan Your Vacation Now Large Display Of ?amp Trailers and Accessories Rent or Buy ' Rental Reservations Now Being Taken Now Renting -- Fishinfe Boats & Ski Boats Open Daily till 9 p.m. Sunday till 7 p.m. PHONE 385-2720 Volo, Illinois 8-1-29-63-TF 1950 CHRIS CRAFT -- 23 ft. Cavalier Cruiser. 230 hours. Good condition. $3,000. For further information call 312 OLiver 8-4234. *9-26-63 JkSK Jar what you want with bigger than outdoor advertising Your ad on this page is read by 20,000. ••• CHARTER A BUS? Wisconsin Permit to Operate No. W53816 City of Chicago Permit to Operate No. 3695 "Your there in time to Spare" WORTS TRANSIT COMPANY Phone: 385-1500 9-26 thru 11-28-63 COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE • Radio Dispatched Pumping Repairing Installing • Field Lines Cleaned Black Dirt Sand Gravel RUSSELL RHOTON 385-6445 Residence -- 213 N. Kent Rd. 9-19-63-TF 0se The Classifieds FREE HAIRCUT WITH PAID SHAMPOO AND SET $1.50 THURSDAYS ONLY Open 9 A.M. Daily -- Closed Tuesdays Work Done Exclusively by Students McHenry School of Beauty Culture 3031 W. Lincoln Road 385-9850 McHenry, Illinois No Appointment Necessary 9-19-63-TF McHenry Glass & Mirror Company Glass for Any Purpose • CUSTOM MADE STORMS • AUTO GLASS • COMBINATION WINDOWS Prompt Service 3322 W. Elm St PHONE: 385-4949 10-18-62-tf MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Complete Letter Service McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 1212-A N. Green St McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-5064 5-18-61-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone 385-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 9-1-60-tf Robert Kreier Formerly A1 Otto SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL PUMPING Prompt -- Reasonable Service PHONE 385-1819 If No Answer Call--385-0472 Residence 2712 N. Stilling Blvd. 11-29-62-tf FREE ESTIMATES ON . . Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors Railing -- Gutters Roofing -- Siding Wall and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N. Riverside Drive 385-1878 or 385-CS85 EASY PAYMENT PLAN 7-3-25-63-TF MODERN 4 ROOM apartment, 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms, gas stove and refrigerator included. Lease. 385-0742. 9-5-26-63-TF 3 ROOM modern house - 5417 West, West Shore Beach. Take 120 to Ringwood Rd., 1st road to the right. 9-5-26-63-TF FURNISHED..1 bedroom apartment. $50 Phone Ringwood, 653-2041 / " 9-26-10-3-63 /• MODERN OFFICE space available. Air conditioned. 3620. W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385- 0184. 9-5-26-63-TF 3 B E D R Of O M unfurnished apartment. Immediate occupancy. Call Lee J. Cooney. 385- 4345. 9-26-63 BUSINESS PROPERTY for lent -- Corner Route U.S. 12 & Broadway, Richmond Illinois. Store, 1,200 sq. ft., parking lot adjoining. Inquire Orsolini's, U.S. 12 & Illinois 31. 9-19-26-63 Wharton Blacktopping Serving Your Area CALL 312-KI 6-2513 or 312-438-7710 PROMPT SERVICE !** REASONABLE RATES 9-5-26-63-TF Piers - Seawalls Boat Hoists New and Repairing Work Guaranteed Free Estimates PHONE: 385-4929 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE 9- • <i3 tfaxXxotwc Concrete Work • Driveways • Side Walks • Foundations • Garage Floors • Patios No money down--Terms to suit Phone now for free estimate DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. Wonder Lake 653-6161 5-2-63-TF ATTENTION property owners Call us for ready reference on prospective tenants. This is a tenant referral service to protect Real Estate owners against rental losses. Brokers' inquiries invited. Serving the Chain-O-Lakes area or write Property Owners Clearing Service, P.O. Box 275, McHenry, or call 385-7508. 9-26 thru 10-17-63 BUSINESS PROPERTY -- 6,- 600 sq. ft., 3318 W. Pearl street. Air conditioned offices and display area. Large electric operated overhead door. Call 385-0157. 9-12-26-63-TF 2 BEDROOM u n f u r n i s h e d apartment. Immediate occupancy. Call Lee J. Coney, 385- 4345. 9-26-63 For Sam BLACKTOP PAVING sJjkVE 10% OR MORE N O W While We Are Paving In This Area Please get other bids and then Call 312 DUnkirk 1-0838 Eves, or anytime Sat. & Sun. 9-19-26-63 REPUBLIC GAS conversion burner. Call 385-0748. 9-19 26-63-TF FOR RENT (Option to Buy) 3 Br. brick, corner lot, 100x170 ft. (beautiful view across from church prop.) professionally landscaped, 1% car attached garage, gas heat, alum, storms & screens, ceramic tile bath, all plastered walls. Large kitchen, Maytag washer & gas dryer included. Close to schools & church. (Realtor in Johnsburg) 385-0037 *9-26-63 2 BEDROOM apartment. Stove refrigerator and electric furnished. Phone 653-2041, Ringwood. 9-26-10-3-63 Cleaners -- Polishers Sales -- Service -- Supplies -- James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd. McHenry, Illinois CALL 385-6027 11 1-62-tf TREES AND bushes removed and trimmed, also light hauling. Reasonable rates. 385- 3560. 9-5-26-63-TF HEATING SYSTEMS Cleaned and Serviced BY EXPERTS Call J. T. Mahoney Plumbing & Heating 385-6256 9-26 thru 10-10-63 SMALL COTTAGE. Gas heat. Suitable for couple only. Call after 6 p.m. or all day Sunday, 385-4396. 9-26-63 PISTAKEE BAY -- Small coach house, 4 rooms up and 2 down, 2 baths, row boat. $85 per month. Furniture if needed. Phone 312 PA 5-2905. 9-26-63 UP TO 25V' ott on everything at Royal Oaks: % off on everything; furniture, yard ornaments, evergreens and all antiques. Over 100,000 items on sale; some new bedroom sets, gas stoves etc. The largest Antique store in Northern 111. with used furniture. Sale on now at Royal Oaks Sales, Hwy. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, III. Tel. 815-459-4278. Open everyday 9 to 8. Closed Thursdays. 8-29 thru 10-31-63 E.O.W. USED RUGS -- Hundreds of colors and sizes to choose from Save 25%» to 75%. Remhants, roll balances, drop patterns. Illinois largest carpet warehouse of it's kind. Open to 9 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights; to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Tidy Rug, Junction Routes 12 and City 14, Woodstock. 9-5-63-TF - SALE - MEN'S WINTER JACKETS Waist and Hip Length Now Selling At $5.50 and $8.00 Made to Sell for Much More MAARRGGIE 'S STRETC:hH--AA--]D OLLAR Located on Rt. 120, 1% miles east of McHenry at Kent Acres Open Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Till 9 p.m. Sunday Till 5 p.m. 9-26-63 LADIES ENGAGEMENT and wedding ring. Purchase price was $495. Owner will sacrifice for $195. Terms may be arranged. 385-5605. 9-26-63 APARTMENT TWO small bedrooms. Limit two children. Hillview Shopping Center, Richmond. Call Mrs. McKee BRown-ing 9-6741. 9-23-63 FIRE AT your home can be the result of a defective chimney! Have yours repaired now! Silo, brick repairs, tuckpointing. Fully insured, 40 years' experience. F. J. Rezabek & Son, 1245 Dundee Rd., Algonquin, 111. OLiver 8-4611 & 459- 5565, or send post card. No job too small. 9-26 thru 10-10-63 5809 ORCHARD drive -- 4 room new house, Oct. 1st occupancy, elderly couple preferred; 5300 Orchard drive -- 3 V2 room flat suitable for elderly couple also comfortable for asthma sufferers. Both buildings all brick. 385-7048. *9-26-63 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Attached garage and full basement. Gas heat. Phone 385-0269 or 385-3800. 9-26-63-TF SLEEPING ROOM -- Private entrance and private bath. In business district. Write Box No. 115, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9-26-63 CHUCK'S GLASS & MIRROR (Former Manager of McHenry Glass & Mirror) ALL TYPES OF GLASS, MIRROR AND ALUMINUM PRODUCTS PHONE 385-3560 Free Estimates Pick-Up fy|)ejiypy "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" CHARLES HOLLENBACH, Prop. ^ 9-12-26-63 CUSTOM BUILT GARAGES and REMODELLING Room Additions -- Dormers -- Aluminum Siding -- No money down--Terms to suit Phone now for free estimate DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. WONDER LAKE 653-6161 4-25-63-TF ART'S UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry, 111. Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 3854725 8-30 62-TF CONCORD MANOR Invites your inspection of our New TWO BEDROOM PATIO GARDEN APARTMENTS INCLUDED in the LOW Monthly Rental Crystal Clear Swimming Pool Immense Cabana Area Exclusively for you and your guests Rich Walnut wood finish Two twin size bedrooms Seven big closets Separate dining area Hot point Range Hotpoint Refrigerator Walnut kitchen cabinets Kitchen vent fan Formica counter tops Bath vent fan Marble window sills Draw drapery rods 6 Foot patio doors, 11 foot patio Storm windows and screens Built-in TV antenna 3 planned telephone outlets Spacious paved parking area Landscaped grounds -- we maintain Snow removal -- walks and parking areas Refuse removal -- we pay Gas heat -- you control -- we pay Water and sewer fees :-- we pay All Of The Above For $130.00 PER MONTH AVAILABLE AT EXTRA COST: Wall to .Wall Carpeting $ 5.00 per mo. Air Conditioning 5 6-00 per mo. Fully Furnished $50.00 per mo. For Additional Information See One of our Representatives Or Call 385-3118 Evenings - 385 7628 Days Thank You CONCORD MANOR 9-26-63 FOR RENT or sale -- Large 2 bedroom home in McHenry. Gas heat, basement, garage. Call owner 312 OLiver 8-7562. •9-26-63 G.E. ELECTRIC dryer, $45; R.C.A. table model 21" T.V., $45; both in excellent condition. Phone 385-3646. 9-26-63 Guns For Sale .222 Sako Bolt Action .. $100 .22 Hornet Winchester Bolt Action $45 12 Winchester pump, 3 inch Magnum $65 16 Double $25 12 Browning double auto skeet $125 12 Remington auto. And Others $60 Phone Union, Illinois 923-2261 Weekdays after 6 p.m., All Day Sat. & Sun. 9-26-63 McHENRY WINDOW & AWNING CO. Alum. & Fiberglass Awnings Roll-ups & Stationary •Aluminum Comb. Windows & Doors •Jalousies & Awning Type Windows IXL Kitchen & Vanity Cabinets Aluminum Siding & &Gutters FREE ESTIMATES NO CARRYING CHARGES 3318 E. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 111. PHONE: 385-1180 7-11-63-TF PERFECTION gas space heater with automatic thermostat, low altitude 60,000 BTU's, high altitude 48,000 BTU's, $50; G.E. refrigerator, double door, 13Vz cu. ft. $50; 2 burner oil space heater, best offer. 385- 4575. 9-26-63 FOR SALE • Tulip Bulbs • Colorado Blue Spruce • Japanese Yews • Shade & Fruit Trees Lawn Fertilizers garden supplies and all • Landscaping Estimates PETERSON'S FARM NURSERY 1 Mile South of Junctions 31 & 12 on Rt. 12 Call 815-678-6492 9-12-26-63-TF Add a DE VAC Year Round Glasswall Porch Enclosure UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, 6 rooms. 2 blocks from business district. Heat, water, and garage furnished. Phone 385-4349 after 6 p.m. 9-26-63 APARTMENT for rent 1% rooms, all utilities, stove & refrigerator furnished. Shower and bath. Available October 1st. Buck's Town Club, 33C8 W. Pearl street. 385-3573. 9-26-63 It's true -- Your porch becomes another living room. Sliding aluminum glass panels -- wood framed and sere Tightly shut or open -- As you wish. Will last a hous< Not a jalousie. Architectually correct -- See them or write: DE VAC Chicago Window Products 902 N. Front St. 385-5060 McHenry, 111. 5-2-63-TF CARPETS--RUGS TIDY'S 13th ANNIVERSARY SALE - - 3 DAYS ONLY - - Our sale prices for new carpets and rugs will include at no extra cost: 50 oz. Rubberstep Supreme Rubberized Rug Cushion Both sides rubberized -- Non-skid -- Sanitary Moth Resistant HUNDREDS OF WAREHOUSE SALESROOM SPECIALS 33,000 Square Yards: Warehouse stock priced from $2.50 sq. yd. to $9.95 sq. yd. for regular retail prices of $6.95 to $17.50 sq. yd. -- 3 DAYS ONLY -- No extra charge for 50-oz. padding with purchase of new carpets or rugs. DRAWING FOR FREE 9x12 RUGS Friday, Sept. 27, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. TIDY CARPETS and RUGS Junction Rts. 120 & City 14, Woodstock 9-36-01

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