Thursday. October 17. 1963 THE McHENBY PLADTDEALER Page Nine FIRM MAKES CONTRIBUTION TO INDUSTRY Success Of Rae Motors Notable In Recent Years One of McHenry's newest and most successful industrial firms is Rae Motors, located just south of Rt. 120, west of McHenry. The modern plant, 20,000 square feet in size, was erected in 1961, and is headquarters for the firm which formerly operated out of Racine, Wis. Rae Motors has 128 employees, of which number 103 work in the plant and twentyfive in the office, with an annual payroll of $500,000. Products manufactured here are varied, all classified as light assembly work. Among them are revolving lights of the type used on ambulance motors (all less than 1 horsepower) and Rock-Ola juke box motors. Motors are made to order, and include AC, DC, AC-DC, shunt motors and permanent magnet motors. All of the items made at Rae Motors are sold to manufacturing firms to be used in conjunction with other products. There are no salesmen employed by the firm, but instead the company uses manufacturing representatives. There are seven foremen employed to head the various operations, including the large, special milling machines, winding, etc. Two engineers work for the firm for the express purpose of designing products according to specifications. Rae Motors came into being in 1946. The firm which started with annual sales of $50,000 has expanded to the point that yearly sales now total $1,500,000. Allen Petersen is president of the firm; Everett Hansen is vice-president and treasurer and Herbert Rothering is sec retary. In view of figure comparisons in the volume of business and sales increases through the years, it can readily be seen why McHenry has so heartily welcomed Rae Motors as part of the local industrial expansion program. Rae Motors Plant This is the exterior of the Rae Motors plant, located just south of Rt. 120, at the top of Sherman hill, west of McHenry. The building was constructed in 1961. Spring Grove WOMEN'S CLUB HEARS ACCOUNT OF UNUSUAL VACATION Eva Frennd The first meeting of the Lotus Country Women's club year was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Helbling recently. A dessert luncheon was served at 12:30 after which the group spent an enjoyable afternoon playing cards. The second meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas McNally on Oct. 2. After the luncheon the program for the afternoon was presented by Mrs. Ida Koberstine. This was a very interesting account of the trip she and Mr. Koberstine had taken this summer on a freighter to Newfonudland and across to northwestern Europe. The card party sponsored by the Lotus Country Women's Club held at Hunter Country Club in Richmond resently was very successful. Clubs The five hundred Thursday ^fternoon club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Sanders. Prizes went to Mame Tinney, Nora Miller, Emma May, Annie Sanders and Josephine May. P.T.A. Meets Thirty members attended the P.T.A. meeting at Spring Grove School on Oct. 3 The group was entertained by Mrs. Infield's pupils, the first and second graders, who sang songs with gestures and impressions. A "Magic Party" was held Oct. 10 when a magician entertained. Visits Mr. and Mrs. William Fredericks of Chicago were callers in the William Shotliff home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Vic were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Paul Gerasch in McHenry recently. SUSPEND THREE LICENSES; GRANT DRIVER PERMITS The office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the suspension of the driver licenses of William B. Wernecke of Rt. 1, Huntley, and Raymond C. Wenk of Rt. 1, Center drive, Wonder Lake, both for three violations; also Donna S. Ackman of Crystal Lake for violations on license or permit. Probationary permits were issued to Robert M. Betts of Ringwood and James D. Eicksteadt of Rt. 2, Marengo. BOAT SINKS David McLean of Chicago reported to the sheriff's office that his power boat had rammed a sandbar, after which fire broke out and the craft sanK near Burton's Bridge. Auto Insurance Cancelled? NO ONE IM * I SKD -- AN Y At IE Reasonable Rates Financial Responsibility Filings Stay out of "Pool Insurance" and have Full Coverage W;i:\A(iK INSI RANO Full -age JAN-MAR INSURANCE 385-7667 Employees Engage In Winding Operations At One Of McHenry's Newest Industries The first naval vessel to be named Saratoga was a sloop, lost in 1781 to a storm: the second, a corvette, was lost on Lake Champlain during the war of 1812; the third, in the Mexican War: the fourth, in the Pacific Fleet; fifth was sunk by experimental A bombs at Bikini in 1946. The present carrier is thus the sixth to bear the name. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS STEAL SADDLES " " Saddles and tools were reported taken from the barn of Stanley Raven of Bayview Beach, in the Burton's Bridge area, last week. A padlock was broken to gain entrance. Tlifc FWect" Gift! For Christmas -- A Life-Like Framed OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS of Yourself, A Loved One, or A Dear Departed One • .NOW is the time to plan this exciting Christmas Gift. . • DON'T DELAY -- It takes 4 to 6 weeks for portrait to be completed. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT -- Place your order Today! • NO SITTINGS Necessary • COME IN NOW for full particulars. • SEE BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS on display. i • •* ol Rae Motors are busily enga:i ' -eratiop the plant. The machines at which they work semi-automaticaliy place windings in armatures. werSi de /v\taii Outlet ROTARY NEWS President Herb Reihansperger announced at last week's meeting that the regular meeting of Oct. 31 has been moved up to Tuesday, Oct. 29, to enable the club members to attend a luncheon meeting sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce, at which time a report of the committee making a survey on the Junior college for McHenry county will be heard. It will be a question and answer period and should provide everyone with information about the proposed program. Boxelder Bugs Only Nuisance, Not Harmful 1402 N. Riverside Drive 385 5900 McHenry, Illinois OFFICERS VIEW EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE IN McHENRY X -v- -J®""-- While the small boxelder bug is the cause of considerable annoyance in the house during the fall and spring particularly, experts tell us they are only a nuisance, they do not feed on either food or cloth. Their main food is boxelder seeds. Insecticides are believed to be the best hope for practical controll. Those who are bothered by them are uryed to spray the trunks and ground around the trunks of seed-bearing boxelder trees in the fall. Lindane, 1.5 per cent spray is said to give a quick kill. COIN SHOW The second annual coin show cf the Elgin Coin club will be held at the Legion hall, 316 Douglas avenue, Elgin, on Sunday, Qct. 20, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. The visitor will see the largest collection of eld Illinois currency, issued from 1819 to 1880, ever placed on display. ( CLEANS SEPTIC TANKS Dfssotvai sludg* (run or watt* Op«ni dogged j dralnfitlds Easy to apply USB BOYER Septic Tank Cleaner BUCK'S Everett Hansen, vice-president and treasurer of Rae Motors, and Allen Petersen, president, are shown looking over some of the Equipment in the engineering testing department of the plant. DELTA KAPPA GAMMA HEARS COLLEGE REPORT Thirty-five members of Delta Kappa Gamma attended the first meeting of the season of Alpha Theta chapter at Marengo Monday evening. Representatives of the McHenry County Community college committee gave a report of various phases of their study and answered questions by the members. A silent auction was held later and each member responded to roll call by giving a short resume of what she had done during the summer months. Those attending from McHenry were Eleanor Foley, Dorothy Gibbs, Nellie Doherty, Helen Curran, Lillian Bolger and Genevieve Knox. Wow Remodelled to You Better. "McHenry Walgreen Serve OUR SPECIAL "SWEET" for 'SWEETEST DAY" SAT., OCT. 19th 2 lbs. "Wri. Steven i " ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 2 Reg. $3.00 FOR FINEST IN C ANDIES BE SIRE J » it's "Wn. Shfe ven A AGATHA GIFTS & CANDIES *' ' 'isSfe;' . wf * \ < . I / AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYER JL HIGH-SPEED ^ DRYING SYSTEM jCTIMER DIAL JL ADJUSTABLE ^ CONTROLS GIANT CAPACITY MODEL DA-320 (YELLOW ONLY) SALE PRICE »9995 LESS LITTLE BILL DRYER 0f\00 DAYS ALLOWANCE* ~ CX) 'Available to customers of Commonwealth Edison/Public Service Company only ...Limited time only. CAREY Appliance, Inc. 1241 N. Green Street Phone 385-5500 1242 X. Green St. McHenry 385-0097 y| 1/ o/ P®r Annum dfc /2 /O On Investment Accounts SAVE FOR YOUR TOMORROWS . . . T O D A Y ! unaci «r !• iHrlifurtj j&tutttga and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 W. Elm St. Phone 385-3000 McHenry, I1L SAVINGS... GIVE YOU BOTH! YOU CAN'T always predict when money needs will come up. But your foresight in providing for them will help you take emergencies in stride. Saving regularly here gives you dependable security and liberal earnings, too. Save a few dollars with us next payday . . . every payday! INSURED Savings Availability Your Savings Have ALWAYS Been ACCESSIBLE -- WITHDRAWABLE At OXCE -- Upon Your Request.