1 Pag* Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, October 17, 1963 Lakeland Park RON SANTO GUEST AT BANQUET FOR LITTLE LEAGUERS Barbara Meurer -- S8.V4350 Ka) Druml -- 38^4811 This year's little League banquet shall Jive In the memo ries of the men and boys for many, many years to come. We'll even bet thai the boys will be telling their Little Leaguers, when they have them, all about how wonderful Roil Santo wafe at their dinner. The evening's events were held at Ringwrxxt Methodist church in Ring,wood. The pastor of the church gave the invocation. A terrific dinner was then served by women and girl v parishioners, who had also prepared the very, very delicious meal. Joan Schwegol then gave a talk and did a very" fine job for her hospitalized husband, Paul. Retiring officers were then introduced and the retiring president, Joe Prazak, gave his farewell speech in which he thanked all the men who have worked so hard with him. He also expressed those feelings to all the boys of the league. His last request was one for the fathers to come out and help and to attend meetings. The new president, Ted Kaminski, was then introduced and gave a brief talk. Treasurer, Ray Rode then gave his report. Then came the surprise I hat the boys were waiting for, guest of honor Ron Santo of the Chicago Cubs. He gave an inspiring speech that covered the World Series, pitchers, players and of course a talk on the Chicago Cubs. Ron also told the boys he started his career in Little League and that our Cub little league team shouldn't feel badly for being in last place. Ron then answered questions. From all the reports we were able to get from both the older and younger boys, Mr. Santo made one terrific impression that will live for a real long time. Mr. Santo then made the out going boys feel that it is was well worth going out this year. He presented each boy with his trophy and shook hands with each of them. Everyone left with Ron Santo's autograph on the very clever programs. All in all it was a very wonderful evening and we know that everyone that attended feel a debt of graditude to Joan and Paul Schwegel for the wonderfiij Little League banquet for the year of 1963. These out going boys shall always remember their night, Dennis Druml, Jimmy Franklin, Jim Grothman, Jim Hansen, Rickey Karls, Jim Laursen, Ron Miller, Mike Radloff, Paul Schwegel, Frank Vanek and Tom Wagner. Boy Scout News, Troop 459 Due to the fact that our meetings are held Tuesday evenings we cannot make the deadline for the paper of that week, as a result our Scout news is a week late, boar with us on that and we will try to give you all the Scout news. At the meeting of Oct. S, Mr. Druml reminded the boys that they cannot participate in our Scout camp-out unless their insurance is paid. This is protection for the scouts. Unless the money is in by October 22nd, the boys who are not insured will not be allowed to go on the fall eamp-out. Speaking of the camp-out the dates are Oct. 25, 26 and 27. The location is White Pines State Park. We will need help from parents to get the boys there and back. We plan to leave at 5:30 p.m., Oct. 25. Anyone who is willing to help please, contact Mr. Druml before that date or we will have to le&ve the following day. We don't want to miss out on that night of camping so all Ihat can, will you please volunteer your help. Our visitor this Tuesday was Mike Siokafoose. He gave a talk on the Chicago Trail. This is much like the Blackhawk Trail that we hope to hike while on ;>ur camp-out. Congratulations. Mark Bartos on receiving your second class award. Good job well done. Oct. 19, some of the boys will be knocking otvyour doors for contribution to the Red Cross. Please, donate to the best of your ability. Come on you guys, we still have a few openings for the ones who are interested in the outdoor life. Join the Scouts now. Respectfully Submitted By Kirk Links, Scribe, Troop 459 Hope Vou're Better Our very best wishes go to Bette Kamp who had surgery at Harvard hospital last week. Also to Paul Schwegel who had surgery at Wesley Memorial hospital in Chicago. We know Paul hated to miss the Little League banquet but his ev^r loving wife, Joan, did a super dupcr job subbing for him. We're sure they would enjoy hearing from their many friends. Pack Meeting Monday This month's Cub Scout Pack meeting will be held at the community house, on Monday, Oct. 21 at Th? meeting will be a Halloween party so all you Cub Scouts dream up a good outfit and try to win a prize. There will lie games and refreshments. Cub Scouts To Visit Airport Our Pack is to visit O'Hare Airport this Saturday. Please, paients help will be needed for transportation. If you can drive please, contact Bob Matthews or be at the community bouse, Saturday morning at 8 a.m., which is departure time. All Cubbers who have uniforms should wear them as should all Den-chiefs. It would be advisable to bring a jacket also. Lunches and spending money are also to be Drought. Mixed League Bowlers This Saturday, Oct. 19, is the second bowling night for our mixed league. Please, be on time, 9 p.m. The alleys are reserved for this time so the ieast the bowlers can do is to be on time. This league was orginated by Ron Meurer last year and proved so much fun Ron had to add several new teams this year. Ron spends many hours keeping records and such. Welcome Party Thursday, Oct. 24, will be the date for all new and old residents of the female sex >vho have never attended a welcome party to be at the community house at 8:30 p.m. Lyda Radisch and her committee always have a wonderful evening planned so plan on attending. Lyda is also still saving those coffee strips and instant lables so how about getting them to her-. Den 2 visited the fire house and on Friday, Den 5 also visited there. The firemen showed the boys all the equipment and explained many things to all the Cubbers. Joan Florek is Den-mother of Den 3 and her Den-chief is Danny Kamp, Denmother for Den 2 is Shirley Koch and her Den-chief is Mike Daurio, Aggie Prazak is Denmother of Den 5 and Kevin Druml is her Den-chief. Our subdivision's bridge players met at the home of Ann Herzog. Ann .served those delicious desserts to Ruth Mc- Mahon, who was top player for the week, Lucille Deitz came in second. Also enjoying the evening were Louise fl^cKnery, Ivy Lezak, Ann Leigh, Ruth Chadwick, Delia Julian and Joyce Braun. Almost the sam? group of ladies enjoyed Tripoley at Helen Kraskiewicz's home, who also added to the caloric intake of the ladies. Tripoley players are Delia Julian, Louise Mc- Enery, Ruth McMahon, Edna Hountras, Grace Mandziara, Ivy Lezak Ann Herzcg and of course hostess for the evening, Helen Kraskiewiez. Nedra, Les and Billy Eckhart spent last Sunday in the Windy City visiting their friends the Purdys. Delia Julian surprised Ivy Lezak and her boys and Ann Herzog by taking them for a very lovely drive to Lake Geneva on Sunday. Having driven this same way on the same day I know what Mrs. Herzog meant when she expressed how very beautiful the colors of wonderful Mother Nature are. It's a shame that this season can't last. The Daurio family attended the dedication of the new post office in Crystal Lake last Sunday. All employees and their families were then treated to a wonderful dinner. We're really pleased to report that Petey Oakford's mother, Mrs. Grondy, has finally been released from the hospital. We hope it won't be too long before she'll once again be able to visit our subdivision. Strolling Through The Park Stepping out last Saturday for the eighteenth anniversary dinner at the V.F.W., were Jerry and Lloyd Wagner, Mary and Ray Barle, Aggie and Joe Prazak. Betty and Bill Bockman, there were many more of our couples represented at this wonderful affair. Heard that Sue Funk had to give spouse Ron a transitor radio to keep him company now that she works evenings. Dot tie and Irv Becker, Kay and Ed Druml were guests of Mary and Jim Daurio's last Saturday. Mary sure makes a delicious Italian beef sandwich for being Irish. Seeing as how Barb gave away my playing hookey last Monday I may as well tell h-M' we did have a very wonderful time and picked out a beautiful camp site for the Scouts. I still don't know how the Daurios knew we were going but when we arrived they were waiting for us at the park and we all had a very enjoyable day. Think little Tommy Daurio had the best time of all. We also took advantage of the wonderful weather on Sunday and ventured forth to Kettle Morrainc, Wis., with the Becker family for a day of picnicking and taking in all the wonderful colors of this wonderful weather. Needless to say we had a ball. Last Tuesday, Den 3 and Girl Scouts Maureen Johnson and Dorothy Dowell are now taking training classes to be Girl Scout leaders. All interested girls through fourth and sixth grades are invited to join. They may do so by Calling Maureen Johnson at 385-6504 or Dorothy Dowell at 385-5876 after 5 p.m. We'd like to take our hats off to these two fine ladies for giving our girls something they've been begging for. Also to Marge Webber and Fran Quast for starting Brownies. The Brownies have reached their quota for the present time. They would appreciate any used Brownie uniforms you might have. Condolences Our deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Frank Groth who passed away recently. Community House Sehedule Thursday, Oct. 17 -- 8 p.m. Democratic Club, Friday, Oct. 18 -- 3 to 6 p.m. Dancing Classes. Monday, Oct. 21--7:30 p.m. --Cub Scout Pack Meeting. Tuesday, Oct. 22 - 2 to 6 p.m. --Dancing Classes, 6:30 to 7:30 Boy Scout Indian dance practice, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Boy Scout Meeting. Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m. -- Little League open meeting. Thursday, Oct. 24, 8:30 p.m. -- Welcome Party. Please, contact Jo Rizzo at 385-2728 for any reservations or cancellation. Happy Birthday To You Oct. 17 has John Flannigan, Jean Parisi and Pete Paris! all sharing the day. On Oct. 18, Jimmy Franklin becomes a teen-ager, Mrs. Eva Bott also shares that date Our number one son, Ecklic Druml, Jr., will celebrate on Oct. 2r). Sure hope he enjoys his California climate, we'll miss him more than usual on his very special day. Life begins for Joe Prazak on Oct. 22. To each of you goes our very best wishes, may you enjoy your own day in your own special way. r Togetherness This anniversary date is a very special one to me, Oct. 18 will mark our twenty-second year of togetherness. We have j our ups and downs but our love has only grown deeper and I pray that Eddie and I have many more years of being together. Birthday Doings On Tuesday last week a combination birthday party was held to celebrate Barbara and Pam Krasuckis birthdays. Barbara was 7 years old Sept. 29 and Pammy was 5 on Oct. 8. The following children attended, their brother Mike, Linda and Shirley Meurer, Barbara Osmon, Donna Kaminski, Ann Teresa, Bonnie, and Margie Kroening, Kathy Campo, and Sissie and Rosie Gray. A birthday party was held last Thursday to celebrate Lee Hul'oert's seventh birthday. Those attending this one were his sister Susie, Teresa, and Margie i Kroening, Alan, Linda, and ! Shirley Meurer, Kathy Campo, | Donna and Donald Kaminski, 1 Donald Prazak and Butchie Morgenson. Sunnyside Estates SEND GREETINGS TO MARY MOOHA IN CHICAGO HOSPITAL «oan Waiczynau 385-3105 We were sorxy to llee&atr n that Mary Mooha is at present in the hospital. About two weeks ago she was admitted to Illinois Masonic hospital in Chicago for eye surgery. After operating on one eye there was a complication noticed and therefore she will be in the hospital for some time yet; and it isn't known if or when they will operate on the other eye. I'm sure some of her many friends and neighbors from here in the subdivision would like to send her a card. The address of the Little League Meeting Parents, mark down Wednesday, Oct. 23 for the meeting of your sons' baseball club. Time is 7:30 at the community house. These meetings are open to all interested parents. Give this year's new president a large attendance for his first meeting of the year. Red Cross Our Boy Scout Troop will be stationed at the entrances of all our streets on Saturday requesting donations for the Red Cross. Please, try to be generous to this very worthy organization. Vicky Bottari is chairman of the drive. The Boy Scouts are to be commended PROFEfJlGflfi DIRECT0RV for giving their iime to help out. Football News This past Saturday our little football players had the honor of playing their game on an official field. With the field being a lot larger, there was some confusion but they still played good. We do believe that the boys did enjoy it too. We, the men, hope that you parents won't forget to sign the paper that your son brougHt home. They are to be returned by Saturday, Oct. 19. DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHFX Chiropractic Physician 3327 West Elm Street Office Phone: 385-0743 Residence Phone: S85-0347 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat., 10 &.m. to 2 p.m. 12-63 ICAKL ft. WALSH INSURANCE fin, Auto, Farm A Lift) k Representing UUJABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone 885-0043 or 885^U 129 W. Elm St., Mcllenry, II) Use Our NEW DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tue-.. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-64 Phone 385-0 FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated or 385-0232 P*, m JU. &• Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 385-0063 ST-"*® TORES SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 385 0950 8-68 Everything you need for FARM, HOME & CAR • NO DOWN PAYMENT • LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS COAST-TO-COAST STORE 1327 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 385-2040 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 678-7491 l/i Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 11-68 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 pan. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 885-2268 Surprise Guest Stan Haigland from DeKalb surprised Walt Mrotz, Joe Prazak, Ken Grothman, and Frank Ficek with his visit here Saturday. He is the commander of the V.F.W. of DeKalb that treated our Scout troop on their long hike to Starved Rock. Dogs It has been brought to my attention that there are dogs running loose in the subdivision again. We all know it is hard to keep your dogs, especially the male ones, under control at certain times but please make a special effort to do so. The dog catcher has been called and will be watching for dogs running loose. hospital is 934 West Welligton, Chicago, 111., 60614. Visitors Betty and Bob Lakowske entertained some of Bob's family a week ago Saturday. Bob's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Jenkins, and daughter, Sharon, from Glenview; and Bob's mother and brother, Mrs. Bertha Lakowski and Larry of Chicago; camo cut to do some fishing. The men went fishing, but had no luck and the ladies had a nice visit, plus everyone enjoyed a lucious supper. Guess the fish didn't matter. More Guests Lorraine and Steve Majorhad the pleasure of entertaining a number of their family and friends a week ago Sunday Since none of them had as yet seen the Majors new grandson, it was a geed excuse to do so and naturally he was the star of the show. Those who came to visit were: Lorraine's sister, Mrs. Gladys Mau, and sons. Richard, Russell and Raymond, of Chicago; her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geisler and daughter, P rancine, of OakLawn; their friends, whom they haver't seen in almost two years, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Surprise, and daughter, Geraldine, of Lowell, Ind.; and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duffy, and son, Dale, of Mc- Henry. Cub Scouts Wednesday, Oct. 9, was the night of the pack meeting of Pack 452. Twelve new boys were received into the Cubs and since our Stan was one of them, we had the enjoyment of witnessing the ceremony. Also from the subdivision Brian Kobus and Michael Maule became Cub Scouts. These three boys belong to Den 5 and their den mother is Mrs. Waugh of Sunnyside. Donald Gerstein and Jimmy Fuqua, also of our fair community, received a number of different awards. Congratulations to all you boys. Belated Birthday We finally got the opportunity to drive into Chicago to visit Stan's family and celebrate the birthdays of Stan's two nieces and nephew. We weren't just days or weeks belated, but months. The visit was short, but pleasant and Sue, Peg and Bob Zmudzki seemed pleased. Tuesday, Oct. 8, was my Mom's birthday (Laura Holtfodt) so the kids and I spent the day with her and then we all had supper there. Not the most elaborate celebration in the world, but Grandma enjoyed having the children underfoot for a change. Wednesday, Oct. 9, was my hubby, Stan's birthday and we again celebrated. This time with a fancy dinner and a birthday cake, complete with candles. We had to cut the celebration a little short, because we planned on attending the pack meeting I told you about above. All in all it's been a mighty busy week. Happy Occasions Birthday greetings go this week to the following: On Oct. 17 to Ernest Von Oepen, Jr., who will be five years old, and to Harriett Turek. Also greetings to Frank (Shorlie) Babarsk. v. On Oct. 20, to Roberta (Bobbi) Misch}ie who will be seven years old, and to Michael Major who vvijl be seventeen years of age. On Oct. 21, to Lillian Kelso who will also be seventeen years of age. Happy, happy birthday to all cr you. May your day be extra special and your year filled with much happiness. There is 'nary an anniversary to report this week. Perhaps next week. Signing Off That about does it. Sorry, but once again the news is short due to a lack of phone calls. Don't forget to call me with your" news. 'Bye now. Eight out of each 10 acres of cultivated land in U.S. are used for food crops--the balance for tobacco, cotton, etc. Legal Now Remodelled to Serve You Better. NYE DRUG "MeHenry's Friendly Walgreen Pharmacy" ORDINANCE NO. 58 VILLAGE OF McCULLOM LAKE McHenry County, Illinois AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING TRAFFIC FROM PARKING ON WEST ORCHARD DRIVE DURING CERTAIN HOURS AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF McCULLOM LAKE, that: SECTION 1. At anytime between the hours of. eleven o'clock P.M. (11:00 P.M.) and six o'clock A.M. (6:00 A.M.) it shall be unlawful to permit any vehicle to stand in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with emergency vehicles or in compliance with the direction of a policeman or traffic signal; On the South shoulder and North shoulder of West Orchard Drive, between North Orchard Drive and Beach View. SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating or failing to comply with any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 58 and shall be effective upon is passage, -approval and publication as required by law. Passed by the Village Board of the Village of McCulom Lake, McHenry, County, Illinois, and approved by me this 14th day of October, 1963. JOSEPH R. LEVESQUE President ATTEST: EMMA B. PYRITZ Village Clerk Passed: Oct. 14, 1963 Approved: Oct. 14, 1963 (Pub. Oct. 17, 1963) For a happy change get a modern Gas range Enjoy more dependable cooking. Thermostatically controlled top burners maintain the exact heat you set; prevent burned food, messy boil-overs. Enjoy more convenient roasting. Oven programmed cooking roasts food perfectly, keeps it warm and ready to serve for hours .. . automatically. Crown (Model 1537-210KW-30") Highfashion styling, utmostcookingconveruence. (Model 53AXTe features, and LLL-UEnjoy cleaner, easier broiling, With closed-door smokeless broiling the gas flame consumes greasy smoke that otherwise escapes into*your kitchen. Every kind of cooking becomes easier when you change to a modern gas range. The new Gold Star Award gas ranges, for example, offer more than 30 cooking features to please and pamper you; features no other ranges can equal. You'll find thermostatically controlled top burners... ovens that light automatically, broil without smoke, roast foods to perfection and keep them ready to serve for hours, automatically. You'll discover only modern gas ranges combine up-to-the-minute style and features with unequaled economy, speed and dependability to make your cooking simpler and surer than ever before! Choose your new Gold Star Award range now from the selection at your appliance dealer's or at your nearby Northern Illinois Gas Company showroom. n RCA-Whirlpool (Model JG3755-30") New balanced-heatoven bakesand brownsevenly. Norge (f 23-760-- 30") The look of luxury ihc mW of fine quality. q ©© y - HdMv.ick (Model K-9628-/ 1 - 30") Big range features in a compact range. Roper (Model 1783-39") T rm of a bunt-in with attractive savings. Faster, cooler, cleaner cooking-- yours on today's Gol&Sta£ Award Gas Ranges. NORTHERN 6ILLINOIS GAS Servict tKfWtd tig Phon# 385-2081