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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1963, p. 6

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f " "1 - - , fnge Six -* i s THE MrHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday# October 17, 1963 ' RATES stt Insertion -- 7c per word -- $1.40 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. »**«t Insertions -- 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum .« Service Charge On All Blind Ada. <&u«tions Wanted, Wanted to Rent and *!3pird of Thanks must be paid in advance. CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES Display Classified First Insertion -- $1.30 per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.15 per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pi Signature. , COPY DEADLINE -- Wednesday, 10:00 sa OFFICE HOURS -- Daily except Saturday -- 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. OpMrtultlM 1956 FORD station wagon. 4 door, automatic transmission, radio, heater, back-up lights, full wheel covers, brand new white wall Goodyear tires, cton inside. Phone 385-0170 -- after 6 p.m., 385-2718. 10-10-63-TF 1956 LINCOLN - New seat covers, new battery, reasonable. Call 385-3900 before 5:00 p.m. - 10-17-63 1956- FORD Station Wagon. $100: C&n "385-0787 or 385-0038. - 10-17-63 1948 Pj4cKARD. LOW mileage. Excellent corldition. Phone 398-5138. - *10-17-63 1956 FORD Convertible, V-8, automatic, good condition; 1954 Mercury, 2 door hardtop, automatic. 385-6212. 10-17-63 1959 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 6 cylinder, 4 door sedan. Power steeling. Fully equipped. One owner. $675. Phone 653- 7293 after 4 p.m. 10-17-63 1954 BUICK Special, 4 door, radio & heater, automatic transmission. $125. 385-0565 after 6 p.m. 10-17-63 1961 WHITE CADILLAC convertible. Loaded. Private. Call 385-2759. 10-10-17-63 BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale due to illness. Pizza A Restaurant. Living quarters in rear. Full basement, 30x53'; 2 car brick garage. 3 business lots available 40x150' each. Call 653-8601 19-3-31-63-TF MAJOR OIL Company -- Has modern two bay service station for lease in the McHenry area. The first 3 months rent f/ee. Call Code 312 392-0804 for information. 10-3-31-63-TF WAS $38,000 -- NOW $28,500 -- Taverh on lakefront. 4 bedroom apartment. 2 bars. 100 ft. pier. A real money maker. Atlas Realty, 385-0430. 10-17-63 FOR SALE -- Income tax practice. Large volume. Good accounts. Complete records. Terms. Cash down payment, balance 2 years. Write box No. 124, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 10-17-63 Replacement Parts For All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ' , Route 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge ')pen weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. '. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf $240 MONTHLY rental income plus office on business property. Beautiful 6 room ranch home, paneled living room with natural fireplace, gas heat, washer & dryer. 1 package deal. Sacrifice. By owner, 385-0430. 10-17-63 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired Industrial, commercial and do mestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St.. Grayslake, 111. Ph BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Septic Tanks and Cesspools Pumped P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Walter M. Garrelts Phone 385-2101 6-20-63-TF THE Sandra Evans School of Music Now Offers PIANO and ORGAN INSTRUCTION McHenry, Wonder Lake and Lakeland Park •-- Reasonable Rates -- 312-658-4471 10-17-63 Confidential & Privileged Investigations Criminal -- Civil Industrial Domestic Polygraph (Lie Detector) LICENSED & BONDED Phone 385-6506 10-10-17-63 CAN'T SEW? Let me do your repairs and alterations for you. 385-7639. 10-17-31-63-TF TREKS AND bushes removed and trimmed, also light hauling. Reasonable rates. 385- 3560. 10-3-31-63-TF ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound. Phone 385-0183 Seaco Sale* Jk Service, Lilyonoor. 5-3-62-tf 21 FT. OUTBOARD cruiser. In water. $150 or best offer. Bald Knob Resort, Pistakee take. 10-17-63 MUNSON MARINE'S NEW ' CAMPING CENTER , Plan Your Vacation Now Large Display Of ?amp Trailers and Accessories Rent or Buy Rental Reservations Now Being Taken Now Renting -- Fishing Boats & Ski Boats Open Daily till 9 p.m. Sunday till 7 p.m. PHONE 385-2720 Volo, Illinois 8-1-29-63-TF Business Service fCixtroCuY Sales & service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd„ McHenry, 111. 385-6027 10-10-63-TF Piers - Seawalls Boat Hoists New and Repairing Piers Removed for Winter Work Guaranteed Free Estimates PHONE: 385-4929 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE 10-3 Ihru 31-63 CHUCK'S GLASS & MIRROR (Former Manager of McHenry Glass & Mirror) ALL TYPES OF GLASS, MIRROR AND ALUMINUM PRODUCTS PHONE 385-3560 Free Estimates Pick-Up & Delivery "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" CHARLES HOLLENBACH, Prop. 10-3-31-63-TF AFTER SCHOOL PERMS $3.95 FOR THE YOUNGER SET -- ONLY! Mon.( Wed., Thurs., Fri. Must Be In By 4 P.M. Work Done Exclusively by Students. McHenry School of Beauty Culture 3031 W. Lincoln Road 385-9850 McHenry, 111. 10-17-31-63 McHENRY WINDOW & AWNING CO. Aluminum & Fiberglass Awnings RollUps & Stationary -- Wide Range of Styles & Colors • REYNOLDS Aluminum Products Alum. Windows, Doors, Siding & Gutters • CONTINENTAL Alum. Awning Type Windows • I-XL Kitchen Cabinets PHONE 385-1180 No Carrying Charge -- Convenient Terms 3318 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, Illinois 10-3-63-TF North & West General Contractors 9 Industrial • Residentla. • Addition! • Remodelling • Repairing "Before you dig too deep -- Call Us" FREE ESTIMATES Wonder Lake 653-5638 •10-25 thru 10-11-63-tf McHenry Glass & Mirror Company Glass for Any Purpose • CUSTOM MADE STORMS • AUTO GLASS • COMBINATION WINDOWS Prompt Service 3322 W. Elm St PHONE: 385-4949 10-18-62-tf MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Complete Letter Service McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 1212-A N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-5064 5-18-61-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone 385-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 9-1-60-tf Robert Kreier Formerly A1 Otto SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL PUMPING Prompt -- Reasonable Service PHONE 385-1819 If No Answer Call--385-0472 Residence 2712 N. Stilling Blvd. ll-29-&-tf Wharton Blacktopping Serving Your Area CALL 312-KI 6-2513 or 312-438-7710 PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE RATES 10-3-31-63-TF Let Our Diggers DO YOUR DIGGING • Seepage Beds • Trenching • Septic Tanks • Foundations Free Estimates * Call Richmond 678-7116 JEROME H. MILLER 10-3-31-63-TF ¥m>r Rest 3 ATTENTION property owners -- Call/us for ready reference on prospective tenants. This is a tenant referral service to protect Real Estate owners against rental losses. Brokers' inquiries invited. Serving the Chain-O-Lakes area or write Property Owners Clearing Service, P.O. Box 275, McHenry, or call 385-7508. 9-26 thru 10-17-63 For Bent BUSINESS PROPERTY -- 6.- 600 sq. ft., 3318 W. Pearl street. Air conditioned offices and display area. Large electric operated overhead door. Call 385-0157. 10-3-63-TF REMODELED 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments. Stove, refrigerator and electricity included. Phone 653-2041, 5024 Barnard Mill Rd., Ringwood. 10-10-17-63 For Rent F«r Salt W E L L I N S U L A T E D y e a r 'round house. 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage, air conditioned. Shalimar Subdivision. $90 per month. Phone 385-0221. *10-17-63 PISTAKEE BAY -- Small coach house, 4 rooms up, 2 down. 2 baths. Row boat. $80 per month. Furniture if needed. 312 PA 5-2905. 10-17 thru 11-7-63 1507 POPLAR ST., Holiday Hills Subdivision. 3 bedroom ranch house, full basement, gas heat. Call Mr. Kellams, 312 BA 3-4831. 10-3-31-63-TF 5 ROOMS Furnished, heat & electricity included, $160 per month or will rent light housekeeping rooms for young married couple, $20 per week. Call 385-0074.. 10-3-31-63-TF PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS -- 710 Pheasant trail, 4 room house, 2 bedrooms, gas heat. Call HYatt 7-3707. 10-10-17-63 2 BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. Located 1251 N. Green St. Gas heat. Call 385- 0269 or 385-3800. 10-10-31-63-TF Concrete Work • Driveways • Side Walks • Foundations • Garage Floors • Patios No money down--Terms to suit Phone now for free estimate DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. Wonder Lake 653-6161 5-2-63-TF CHARTER A BUS? Wisconsin Permit to Operate No. W53816 City of Chicago Permit to Operate No. 3695 "Your there in time to Spare" WORTS TRANSIT COMPANY Phone: 385-1500 9-26 thru 11-28-63 CUSTOM BUILT GARAGES and REMODELLING Room Additions -- Dormers -- Aluminum Siding -- No money down--Terms to suit Phone now for free estimate DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. WONDER LAKE 653-6161 4-25-63-TF ART'S UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry, 111. Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 8-30-62-TF COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE # Radio Dispatched Pumping Repairing Installing • Field Lines Cleaned Black Dirt Sand Gravel RUSSELL RHOTON 385-6445 Residence -- 213 N. Kent Rd. 9-19-63-TF Crane Service HYDRA-CRANE RENTAL Pre-Fabs, Pre-Stress Concrete, Concrete Bucket, Steel Erection, General Hoisting & Hook Work. -- Rates & Service -- PHONE BENNETT CRANE SERVICE 312 DElta 6-1834 10-J0-31-63 SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO FREE ESTIMATES ON . . . Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors Railing -- Gutters Roofing -- Siding Wall and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N. Riverside Drive 385-1878 or 385-0885 EASY PAYMENT PLAN 7-3-25-63-TP MODERN 4 ROOM apartment, 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms, gas stove and refrigerator included. Lease. 385-0742. 10-3-31-63-TF MODERN OFFICE space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385- 0184. 10-3-31-63-TF WONDER LAKE -- For rent or sale, lakefront ranch home, five rooms, 2 baths, garage, basement. $125 a month. Phone 312-276-7039. 10-10-31-63-TF RENT WITH Option to buy. By owner. $11,500. 5 room ranch home. 817 West Southside Ave. Lilymoor. 2 car garage. Gas heat. $98 per mo. 385-6348 or 1-312-336-6348. 10-17-31-63 4 ROOMS, 2 bedrooms, basement, lannon stone fireplace, large front room, modern kitchen, natural gas heat. 116 ft. frontage on Fox River. $125 month, 2 months in advance. Chuck Coles, 385-0303, McHenry, 111. 10-17-63 3 BEDROOM -- 2312 W. Country, Eastwood Manor. Call code 312-425-6271. 10-17-63 4 ROOM HOUSE. Gas heat. Newly decorated. 7601 Cedar Drive, Wonder Lake, See Saturday & Sunday or call code 312-453-7906. 10-17-63 ROOM WITH or without meals. Working gentleman preferred. Phone 385-0053. *10-17-63 CONCORD MANOR Invites your inspection of our New TWO BEDROOM PATIO GARDEN APARTMENTS INCLUDED in the LOW Monthly Rental Crystal Clear Swimming Pool Immense Cabana Area Exclusively for you and your guests Rich Walnut wood finish Two twin size bedrooms Seven big closets Separate dining area Hotpoint Range Hotpoint Refrigerator Walnut kitchen cabinets itchen vent fan 'ormica counter tops Bath vent fan Marble window sills Draw drapery rods 6 Foot patio doors, 11 foot patio Storm windows and screens Built-in TV antenna 3 planned telephone outlets Spacious paved parking area Landscaped grounds -- we maintain Snow removal -- walks and parking areas Refuse removal -- we pay Gas heat -- you control -- we pay Water and sewer fees -- we pay IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY For Additional Information See One of our Representatives Or Call 385-3118 Evenings - 385-7628 Days Agent on premises 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily Located on James Street, McHenry, 111. -- From Rt. 120 turn South 4 Blocks on Green Street to James Street, turn West V* block. 10-17-63 CRAMPED FOR ROOM? THIS MAY BE THE PLACE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR, MR. BUSINESSMAN! • Mahogany Paneling Throughout • Private Rest Room • Reception or Secretary Office 9'xl5' • Main Office 12'xl8' • Utility Room 7'x7' • Air Conditioned • Individual Controlled Heating Units • Tiled Throughout • Built-in Storage Cabinets To See This Office Contact: LARRY E. LUND McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W; Elm St. •!. McHenry, 111. 385-0170 10-10-63-TF APARTMENT for rent--1% & 2V2 rooms, all utilities, stove & refrigerator furnished. Shower & bath. Buck's Town Club, 3308 W. Pearl street. Free parking. 385-3573. 10-17-63 F*r Sale USED RUGS -- Hundreds of colors and sizes to choose from -- Save 25% to 75%. Remnants, roll balances, drop patterns. Illinois largest carpet warehouse of it's kind. Open to 9 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights; to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Tidy Rug, Junction Routes 12 and City 14, Woodstock. 9-5-63-TF 3 USED WATER softeners, best offer. We also sell new softeners and rent. Lindsay Soft Water Company, 3721 W. Elm, McHenry. 385-3900. 10-3-31-63 POODLE, l'Ul 1 - Black miniature. AKC. $50 up. Also stud service. Phone 385-2662. 10-17-63 TOMATOES, SQUASH, beets and carrots by bushel; also jack-o-lanterns and pumpkins. Black soil and humas. Schlesser's Farm, 211 E. Route 120, East of Lakemoor. 10-3-31-63 PFAFF ZIG-ZAG sewing machine. Assume balance of $8.75 per month. Phone 338-2970. *10-17 & 31-63 E.O.W. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. AKC registered. Shots and wormed. 12 weeks old. $45.00. 385-3517. *10-17-63 LIKE NEW 17% cu. ft. chest type freezer, $150. Phone 653- 5251. 10-17-63 CONN CAPRI electric organ with stool, excellent condition, reasonable. Call 385-3819 after 6 p.m. *10-17-63 BOY'S 24" Bike. Good condition. Roadmaster make. $8. Call 385-3428. 10-17-63 DUO THERM space oil heater with fan. 275 gallon tank. Mr. Benson, 4815 Orchard Drive, McCullom Lake. *10-17-63 ZENITH 21 INCH TV, real good condition, $35; dinette table, 4 chairs,. $15; dinette table, 2 chairs, $8; Sunbeam steam & spray iron, $6; adjustable ironing board, $4; G. E. Vacuum, good condition,' $18. Call 385-0233. 10-17-63 MAHOGANY BUFFETS; sofa; dresser; kitchen table & chairs; full size bicycle; complete bed; metal base cabinet. Misc. items. 385-5110. 10-17-63 Open Sundays 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Men's Thermal Lined Hooded Sweat Shirts $2.98 Ladies' Bulky Sweaters .... $3.98 Girls' -- Size 7-14 Stretch Slacks .... $2.98 Children's -- Size 2-6x Corduroy Boxers .... 98c All New, American Made Merchandise MARGE'S STRETCH-A-DOLLAR Located on Rt. 120, 1% miles east of McHenry at Kent Acres Open Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Till 9 p.m. Sunday Till 5 p.m. 10-17-63 15 CU. FT. DEEP Freeze, like new; newly upholstered chair. Call 385-4286 after 6 p.m. 10-17-63 AKC REGISTERED German Shepherd puppy, 8 weeks old. Male. $35. Call 653-4800. 10-17-63 Minnesota Woolen Co. Do Your Christmas Shopping in the Comfort of your Home. Complete line of all your Family Clothing Needs, cotton, synthetic & the famous MINNESOTA WOOLENS For an appointment with your local area representative phone MRS. ROMAN BAUER 385-5385 10-17-31-63 WAXED BIRCH baby bed with mattress and matching chifferobe. Good condition. 385- 1794. 10-17-63 42" KENMORE Stove and Admiral apartment size refrigerator. $25 each. Call 653-4800. 10-17-63 10 CU. FT. PHILCO refrigerator, $45; new bathinette, $7. Phone 385-0116. 10-17-63 STEERS FOR sale. 22c per pound. Call 385-107$. 10-17-63 SPECIMEN KOSTER blue spruce, will caliper 8 to 9 inches, 25 feet tall. Call 385- 4187. 10-17-63 OBLONG BROWN mahogany Duncan Phyfe table, seats 12. Phone 385-0134. 10-17-63 NORGE AUTOMATIC washer, $45. Call 385-5370 after 6:30 p.m. 8-17-63 40" HOTPOINT electric range; 6 year crib; deluxe play pen; snow tires, 8.20x15. Phone 338- 5235. *10-17-62 GAS APARTMENT size stove, 4 burners, oven broiler, 8 mos. old, $75. Lionel train set, $120. Call before 7 p.m. 385-1685; after 7 p.m. 385-5704. *10-17-63 WE'RE MOVING -- Must sell -- Ping pong table; picnic table; charcoal grill; typewriter; desk; freezer; floor lamp; bar stools; hair dryer; books; toboggan; swing set; buggy; car bed; child's rocker; clothes and other rummage. 1803 S. Lily Lake Rd. 385-5554. 10-17-63 ELECTRIC RANGE, 41"x24"x 36", full height at back 45". 4 burners, one converting to well, double ovens, double broilers, large oven and one of two outlets electrically timed. Like new. $50. Switched to gas. 385-3282. 10-17-63 1957 FORD station wagon; 1938 Chevrolet; birch 6 year crib; stroller; baby swing with stand; spring horse. Call 385- 2003. 10-17-63 KIRBY VACUUM cleaner. Assume balance of $5.85 per month. Phone 338-2970. *10-17 & 31-63 E.O.W. FO • Tulip. -cms io/Bulbs ALE • Colorado Blue Spruce • Japanese Yews • Shade & Fruit Trees • Lawn Fertilizers and all garden supplies • Landscaping Estimates PETERSON'S FARM NURSERY 1 Mile South of Junctions 31 & 12 on Rt. 12 Call 815-678-6492 10-3-31-63-TF Help Waated SALESLADY WITH car to sell and collect established accounts in Woodstock, McHenry area. Write 1665 Charles St., Rockford, Illinois. *10-3-24-63 SEWING MACHINE operators wanted -- will train inexperienced girls who qualify. Good starting salary. Vacation and holiday pay. Magic Slacks, Inc., 4011 W. Main St., McHenry, Illinois. 10-10-31-63 WOMAN R E C E P T I O N I S T wanted. Some telephone & general office experience desirable. Will train. Salary and hours open. Apply Lindsay Soft Water Company, 3721 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. 385-3900.10-17-63 HOUSEKEEPER for Catholic rectory. 3 rooms available for living. 2 priests. State age, qualifications. References required. Reply box No. 121, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 10-17-31 -63.TF" *

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