tag* Tea THE McRENKY PLAINDEALKB I ^huwday, December 12, 1363 Rlngwood > CHILDREN WILL SEE SANTA CLAUS AT SCHOOL PARTY Lor BrroDtt - W.L, KM| On Dec. 20, the Ringwood achool children will put on their yearly Christmas program for all to see. There will oe several musical selections by all the grades under the direction of Mrs. Gloria Ritt. Santa will arrive sometime during or after the program, to pass out some goodies to all the youngsters. The entire community is invited to attend this affair and listen 10 the singing of our Ringwood School children. The program will start at 8:15 p.m. in the school building. Playground Several of the local parents have asked me about the playground equipment. It seems that the youngsters are not allowed to play on the merry-goround because of the blacktop being too close to the bottom of the merry-go-round. The older boys were not able to play basketball because the backboards are not up. Why? I can't answer these inquiries I have received. If anyone can, please let me know so I can inform these people. Our youngsters have such a fine new school, it seems a shame not to have the playground fully equipped as long as the equipment there just needing installing. How about it ? Can we get these things together so our boys and girls can play without getting hurt?? Wegener® Weleome New Son Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener became the proud parents of a baby boy born to them at Sherman hospital in Elgin cm Dec. 4 at 11:36 p.m. the little fellow weighed in at just 7 pounds and was measured at 20 inches long. He will answer to the name of Charles George, and has one brother to greet him at home, Freddy, age 2Mi. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener of McHenry. Maternal grandfather is Fred Wiedrich. Congratulations to the entire family. Banco dab The Bunco Club held its annual Christmas party last Thursday in the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard. The day began with a pot-luck dinner, they then exchanged gifts and played Bunco for the remainder of the afternoon. Lizzie Thompson was high for the day with Flora Carr taking second and Helen Page, low. •"MO" Club Miss Mae Wiedrich was the hostess in the Flora Carr home for the "500" club which met on Wednesday afternoon. Bud Whiting was high with Flora Carr Jow for the day's playing. Here 'N' There Mrs. L. E. Hawley is spending a few days visiting with her sister, Mrs. Maude Dessenbaugh, in Chicago. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn attended the wedding of her nephew in Racine on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seegert of Mineral Springs in McHenry and Will Claxton of McHenry were dinner and supper guests in the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Crystal Lake spent Saturday afternoon visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley home. Thursday supper guests in the Bob Brennan home were Fred Wiedrich and Butch Leonard. Miss Pat Hogan is spending Monday thru Thursday as one of the hostesses at the FaVm Bureau meeting in Chicago. On Friday Mrs. L. E. Hawley along with Mrs. Bill Reinwall and son, Mark, of McHenry Visited in Meadowdale. IMrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry was a supper guest in tr*e Bob Brennan home on Tuesday. jvlr. and Mrs. John Hogan and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson of Greenwood were quests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Schoenholtz in McHenry on Saturday evening to s°e the wedding slides of the Jerry Hogans. They also celebrated Jerry's birthday, which was Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were callers in the Eiill Reinwall home in McHenry on Sunday. Loren Harrison was a Tuesday supper guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iirennan. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn of Richmond called later in the evening. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn spent a few days in the home of her sister Mrs. Paul Miller, in Kenosha, Wis. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson of Park Ridge were callcrs in the L. K. Hawley home. Miss Jane Leonard of Lake Geneva spenl the weekend in the Wiedrich-Wegener home helping take care of little Freddy while his mother, Mrs. Wegener, was in the Sherman hospital with her new baby. Well, we come to the end of another week's writing ol the Ringwood column, and another week closer to Christmas. For you who don't have your shopping done, it's later than you think, from today( Thursday) there are only ten more shopping days left until Christmas. With the kind of weather we've been having so far, Christmas has crept up on us without our realizing it. See you next week? Bye for now. SANTA SENDS FESTIVE CARDS TO YOUNGSTERS The Post Office department is getting together with Santa Claus this year to make sure that children who write to the North Pole get an answer from the best known citizen there, Postmaster LeRoy Smith said today. "Part of the post, office efforts to encourage a wider use of zip coded addresses assures children that they will receive a message from Santa Claus if they write to him at 'North Pole 99701,' and use their own ZIP codes in their return addresses, "Mr. Smith explained Santa's reply to the children's note, to be delivered free of any additional charge through the courtesy of the Postal Service, will be a gaily-decorated card with an appropriate reply to please the children. All that is required is the child's note to Santa with regular 5 cent first class postage on the envelope, together with the ZIP coded address and return address. "We are very pleased to make this service available to the children for their big day," the Postmaster commented. "Actually, we in the post office have been Santa's biggest helper for many years, and I think it is very appropriate that we extend our lines of communication a little at Christmas for the youngsters." IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE \>?« ;«1»«>ut the Charge Plan at GLADSTONE'S, INC. FARM SKRVI(EV\VAY INSURED AUCTION LOCATION: ^ mile West of Marengo, 111., on U. S. Highway 20. REASON. Sold Farm SATURDAY. DEC. 14. 1963 to Start at I'. M WILLIAM CORSON Marengo, III. 24 HEREFORDS -- Top Quality 14 Cows, 4 and 5 year olds, bred for February; 6 Heifers, 500- 550 lbs.; 4 Steers, 500-550 lbs. FEED 1,200 Bales Alfalfa Hay; 600 Bushels Oats; 1,500 Bushels Ear Corn. V. TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Massey Harris No. 33; Case VAC; Case on steel; 3 Plows, IHC 3-14 in., IHC 2-14 in., MM 2-14 in.; 2 Tandem Discs, Minn.- Moline 8 ft., IHC 9 ft-I John Deere Manure Spreader; Gehl Hammer Mill; New Idea 7 ft. Power Mower; New Holland No. 76 Hay Baler; IHC 4-row Corn Planter; Universal 40 ft. Elevator with motor; New Idea 1-row Corn Picker; Broadcast Seeder; Lever Drag, 4 Sections; 3 Wagons with racks; New Idea 4-bar Side Delivery; Air Compressor; Crib Vents; De- Laval Milking Machine Pump; Corn Binder; Large Quantity Old Iron. LIBERAL TERMS: Usual Friendly Farm Service Way Terms Available. For Farm Real Estate -- Sales & Purchases -- Contact Our Affiliates Bob Keefe £ Associates. j AUCTIONEERS: Win. Sullivan, Marengo, 111. -- Win. Russell, Woodstock, III. CASHIER: Milt Relk, Lake Geneva, Wis. CLERK: Wally Vaa Esmond, Clinton, Wis. Spring Grort OFFER ADDITIONAL WINDOW SERVICE AT POST OFFICE Eva Freuad Christmas shopping and mailing is, for most people, one of Ihc heaviest chores at Christmas. So if I can jjersuade some people to get it done right now I think they will agree later-when they arc taking it easy while others rush around - lhat 1 have given them good advice. Observe the following five suggestions - 1. Do your shopping for Christmas gifts now. 3. Check and revise mailing lists for cards and presents. 3. Package and mail Christmas paictls promptly. Don't worry about being too early - just mark them "Do not open until Christmas." 4. Mail your Christmas cards immediately with zip codes on them. 5. Buy plenty of stamps now while post office windows are unerowded. The new schedule for Christmas at the Spring Grove post office will start Dec. 14 through Dec. 2'5. Window service S a.m. to 5 p.m. Lobby o[»en from 7..'i0 a.m. to 5;*10 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 24 the pest office will close at X p.m. and remain closed ail day Christmas, Wednesday, Dec. 2.1. Christmas Party The annual Christmas party at St. Peter's parish hall for the members of Christian Mothers Sodality will be held on Thursday evoniiig. Doc. 19 at 7 o'clock. Chairmen for this affair are Mr-;. Betty Murphy and Mrs. Agnes May. A program is being arranged and a pot-luck supper will be .served. There will lie a. dollar gift exchange. All ladies are asked to help the missions by contributing some of their* old costume jewelry, old gold and spectacles. Home and School Meets Home and School committee -)f St. Peter's held a meeting on Dec. 4. Plans for a spaghetti dinner were discussed. The date >et for this event is Jan. 18. County Postmasters Elect Officers At the December meeting of the McIIenry-Boone County Postmasters Mrs. Eva Freund, postmaster at Spring Grove, w;is unanimously elected as I i ^:dent of the association. Frank Weideman, postmaster at iiingwood, is secretarytreasurer. Postal Inspector Elmer Black was present at the meeting and there was a discussion and last minute advice on the handling of Christmas mail. COUNTY HOSPITAL MAKES PLANS FOR ANNUAL MEETING A voice in the management of your hospital comes with a membership in the Memorial Hospital for McHenry County association, Jack Byers, board of directors president, reminded this: week as he reported on progress of the 1964 membership drive. The association is a nonprofit group with the responsibility of governing the activities of the county-wide hospital. Day-to-day administration is handled by Bert Hanson, administrator, and a volunteer board of directors. Directors are elected at the annual meeting, scheduled this year for Tuesday night, Jan. 28, at Marian Central Catholic high school. An association membership entitles a member to attend {fee annual meeting dinner without additional charge for the dinner. Checks should be sent to Robert Collier, secretary, at Memorial hospital. Cheeks should be made out to Memorial Hospital for McHenry ( County Association. The happiest ending at the movies--the last of the popcorn right behind you. -i-- WATER SOFTENER SERVICE - i: MAHFS & MODELS • Rebuilding • Cleaning Out • Installation • Removal ALL WORK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES X^LW _ 1 -SKI > REBUILT 385-5566 KAMK 1>AY SERVM'F ON • Service • Repair • Overhauling 9 Reconditioning J(„L etlO WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois nv nok? wn nR SHOP YOUR THRIFTY AcP STORE! PORK AAP's SUPER-RIGHT LOIN ROAST 7 RtS PNO LOIN IND 25135 Cantor Cut Clioj» %59c % u. LEG OF AtP's SUPER-RIGHT TOP QUALITY VEAL OR VEAL RUMP ROAST Lb. Veal Loin Chops FRESH IE60F AAP's SUPER-RIGHT TOP QUALITY A&P's SUPER-RIGHT TOP QUALITY FRYERS IAMB 59 WHOLE SUPER-RIGHT U.S. Gov't In>p«cl«d T*nd«r -- Plump ~ S*l*ct Id«al for toniqhi'i dinner. SHIN BONE REMOVED Lb. Loin Lamb Chops 98' Lean lender A4P s Supf Right top Quality Super Right C«p'n Compare This Pricc (18 «. 37d Or K»ll«||'« Irntid Flakes Kellogg Corn Flakes Comport This Priori Cheerios Cereal Grade A SwnnysicU Brand u A Fresh Eggs 39 Compare and Sav«l Kraft's Miracle Whip t-oz. Pkg. 15-oz Pkg. Large Size Doz. Compare This Pricot Yollow Cling CMpan HI* M p. Campar* This PrM mm G.W. Pure Beet Sugar 5 £ 55 loita Sweet Peas ** 2 sz 25 Flavorkist Crackers 27c Powdered Sugar - 2-a 35" Tow Umiln Havoc 0«lathl Compar* This Pricol A*P Exctvriva 1" | Jell-o Dessert 2£»3&29 Nutley Margarine 225 25 99 37 25 Country Style Rib Lamb Chops Rib Veal Chops Veal Breast for Staffing Frozen Fish Sticks Fresh Spare Ribs Shoulder Veal Chops " Round Bone Veal Chops Lamb Breast For Stew m ;a:ssL!s;s:a;B VALUABLE uiuin.u'.nin VALUABLE g Qt. Jar 19« lona Sliced Peaches MStrcimed Variety--Hpci Hnut or H 0^ c Gerber's Baby Food 10 M ft _ For Bathroom Us* 4^ 49 Scott Tissue -3s5- 3 «Compare This Price! White or Assorted Colors Kleenex Facial Tissue Or *•-©*• Halved Con COUPON Purch«M •< C lb So*» it J cake 3 4% ox. Jars 1000 Sheet Rolls Pk9. of 400 II Foil 18" siie 69 "" | m c,'le M Coupon Expires Oi»c 14 M g|j M Cog -- -- M Limit One W«» lipirti Oet W. '41 Per Cut'cmrr - -1 I.mil Or»# Per Coilomor m* ell VALUABLE COUPON -sjts u<ai8iB cXr « R^nni1! 'J111 si HI AQC Mi " OO 61 btl. f O Hi mm Dressing !»••• Or J' 2 -01 Morion's tinners King Oscar Sardines Tang Breakfast Drink A&P Chunk Tuna fry/en 1 l-«z. 7 Varieties 3%«. CM 21*z. 39* Llbby Tomato Juice «>• 25c S.O.S. Scouring Pads .n>39 29* Gold Medal Flour 5£55< Pet Evap. Milk do. :15C 1 Fresh Apple Pie Cr 139' Active "ALL" ^ 52 Syrup JH5 Clo. iu inp oitn Ofanpt irPeetr OCecu.f ttIe ["Jl * Limit One P» r CuHo-n.r uiui wisi!m mu:* [ » _» r i r s i _ a s; ss; s; ss; s i ::: s: lb i s: s:: 8 VALUABLE H' y ii VALUABLE M COUPON COUPON f! I m t n BIBS light 4V4** Meat cm 89 25 2<» iB N,i.m 2i!»k,sl" Orange Juice A&P Frozen Concentrated 4 99c Charmin Tissue ISlif 4^ 29' Re6 Washington State to 1I 9MMj Cio iumptot n OEnxep irPeesr OCecu HUo- 4J Ui25Lsi;a;s;B VALUABLE MI COUPON !?|\ BlSS KISS Cou•np>oln OEn«ep P<»r Cu sissm.uissia VALUABLE M COUPON " ioo !£°: |SS v |JQC KjjSItt t'iluxe vl Pickles jar Nylons A in pkg. I __ IjS..! CI oupon OEnx-p ires D-r 41 B R co'upon t.p.r,, 0« t«. •« fl Per Cullom.r - --- L ,m ,t One Per Cullomar Smucker's 12-oz. AA^ Brand jar VW qt. btl. Supreme Cookies Drops pkg. Ice Cream Toppings Realemon Hawaiian Punch Karo Syrup Salada Tea Bags Margarine Puffs Facial Tissues 49< Reconstituted Lemon Juice Rosy Red or Sunshine Yellow Red Label, for Popcorn Balls 46-oz. cans btl. 16 Free with b« urchase of... of e4 Fleischmann's Corn Oil 69( 79° 33< es 39c r-2s< ENJOY eigh* QTLOC*. cbf M COFFEE MILL FLAVOR fresh-ground flavor you can't get in a can! MILD AND MELLOW l-LB. BAG EIGHT O'CLOCK 3-LB. BAG 55 $l.59 RICH ANC FUtl-BODSFD RID CIRCLE VIGOROUS AND WINEY B0KAR X 59c 3.;s *1.71 I S'o 61* 3,1. *1.77 SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS TOO! S CfPtMSMit (030 MiKCHAhl JI«C[ ilia- t kmm m.s-m ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU DEC. 14, 1963 A .11. Raymond Brand-Cookie 5V4-OZ. AA* VOeli ClieS and Cake Decorations pkg. Bathroom Tissue B 2X 25c Surf Detergent MT 9,t 64c Breeze Detergent Rinso Blue Detergent Fab Detergent Ajax Cleanser Ajax Cleaner Washday large AF* Favorite pkg. Ov* 10c giant Off sin OiT Washday Favorite giant "VA^ pkg. fir 14-oz. 9c Off leaves Sinks and Tubs Sweet and Pure For Floors and ^alls 33c p«9- 95® i pkg*. 54-oz.