< • ) Thursday, Jaausgk ft 1§§4 Ring wood YOUTH CENTER GROUP CONDUCTS 53 MINUTE MARCH V THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ... ,.a Lor Brennau - WX. M45 Ringwood's Cerebral Palsy chairman, Doris Low, announces that the 53 minute march for Cerebral Palsy will be this coming Sunday, Jan. 12. between 1 and 3 sometime. Don Klapperich, president of the Barnard Mill Youth Center group, has cheerfully volunteered the services of his group. These young people will be identified with lapel labels telling that they are helping with the Celebral Palsy Drive. Remember, when your doorbell ringk (or a knock) answer it with a donation,for this very worthwhile cause.. Thank you! Sr. HI. M.Y.F. Report*. Linda Low reports t On Dec. 28, 1963, the Sr. Hi. M.Y.F. went Christmas carolling in Ringwood. After carolling for about an hour, we rktijrned to Mr. and Mrs. Baker's home for refreshments and entertainment. Jim McFarland and Les Decker presented an unusually Hhouight-provoking play concerning the birth of Christ. Ida Mae Walkington and Linda Low sang a duet of "All's I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth." A group of fifteen were present. On Jan. 5, a meeting was held to get things back in order again. Next week, Jan. 12, Jim McFarland will give the worship service. Later this month we plan to have a parent-teen discussion. Announce Engagement The engagementof Miss Wanda Tojiyan, daughter of the Vincent Tonyans, to Wesley Bruce, son of the Clayton Bruces, has been announced. Wes presented Wanda with her diamond on Christmas Eve. Wanda and Wes have planned a June Wedding. Congratulations to both of you young people. It's A Boy It was a. boy, their second, born on Christmas Eve to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Petska. The little fellow was born at 2:39 p.m., weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 ozs., and was 19 inches long. He put in his first appearance at St. Theresa hospital in Waukegan. His brother, Bruce, Jr., celebated his first birthday the ime day. The Petskas livtf at J006 Barnard Mill Road. Maternal grandparents are 'Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pope, Sr. of Ringwood. The paternal grandfather is Alfred Petska of Ladysmith, Wis. "500" Club Met At Lows Ruth and Daniel Ramson, Helen and Lou Winn, Florence and Mike Kane, Dorothy and Glenn Benov, Eleanore and Bob Runyard, Alice Mae and Walt Wilcox, Althea and Paul Walkington gathered for an evening of "500" at Doris and Walt Low's Saturday. High men's scot;e was Mike Kane with Alice Mae Wilcox high for the gals. Low prize went to Eleanore Runyard and Paul Walkington. Even tho the score wasn't so high, they all had just as much fun. Norma Spent New Years Eve At Lows Norma Mendoza spent New Year's Eve in the Walt Low home. The Lows met Norma at the airport in Chicago, and after spending the night with them, the Lows drove her down to DeKalb, where Norma is a student at Northern Illinois university. Norma had spent the Christmas holidays with her parents and family in Mexico. Belated Christmas News On Dec. 21, an early Christmas dinner was held in the Ken Pope, Sr., home. The entire family was present with the following in attendance; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Pope, Jerry, Shiela, Pete, David, Brenda and Dianna of Pana; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pope, Jr., just home from candidate school in Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Pig® Nine Bruce Pet«ka and Bruce/ Jr., also Tommy arid Judy at home. Junior Ken Popes Visit Parents . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pope, Jr., who have just finished candidate school in Smithville, Mo., have visited with his folks the Ken Pope, Srs., and have now traveled to Say re, Penn., to make their home and do their deputation work in the New York and Pennsylvania area. They will return to the Ringwood area sometime in March, when Ken will fee ordained and Sherril will be comraissfoned for the Missionary" Field in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Pope will be ordained and commissioned at the Wonder Lake Bible Church ii» March. Here 'N' There Mrs. Ruby Shepard has returned to her home in Ringwood after spending* the holidays with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard, in Atlanta. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn spent last week with her son, Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman, in Antioch. Her grandson from Denver, Colo., was there. He is attending college in Denver. Laura Lucido of Dallas, Texas, spent a few days at the home of her uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce. Melody Lee of Marengo visited in both homes. Susie Fossum has returned home after visiting with Rev. and Mrs. Jim McChesney and family in Rochester, Minn. You will remember the Mc- Chesneys as the former minister in our local Methodist church. Loren Harrison was a supper guest in the home of Mr. and Mi*s. Robert Brennan on Wednesday. Loren called on his father later in the evening. Roy is a patient in the Rest Home in Genoa City, Wis. Mr. and DMrs. Stephan from McHenry were callers on Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Butler of McHenry were supper guests on Saturday in the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, Robert, of Waukegan were callers in <the Wiedrich-Wegener home on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce visited his -mother in Opedyke over the weekend between the holidays. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard called at the McHenry hospital to visit Mrs. Ila Hogan as well as Mrs. F. Bose of Crystal Lake on Friday. Jane Lee Leonard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend in the Wiedrich-Wegener home. Mrs. Ruby Shepard visited in the Ray and Helen Page home in McHenry on Sunday. Mrs. Kunz had the 500 Club Christmas party in her home on Monday. Mrs. Michael Pajack and family of-^Vootj^tock called on Wonder Lake;.u-i^ BURN TREES IN TWELFTH NIGHT CEREMONY SUNDAY Mary L>o^ llartog • Last Sunday, Jan. 5, the Twelfth Night ceremony of the burning of the trees took place. Rev. Thummel told the story of Twelfth Night. This project was performed by Kiwanis, Chamber of Cpmmerce, W. L. Fire Department and other local groups. The tree burning took place at Wonder Center beach. Pot-Luck Supper On Sunday, Jan. 19 at 6 p.m. the annual meeting of the congregation of Nativity Lutheran church will be he}d in the social hall beginning with a pot-luck supper. Happy Anniversary To Doc , and Mary Ruggero who celebrated a wedding an* niversary last week. Christ The King Church News Tonight -- Thursday -- will be the January meeting of the Altar and Rosary Sodality. This meeting is one week later this month because of the New Years Holiday. Important Notice: His Excellency, Bishop Loras T. Lane, Bishop of Rockford, will administer the Sacrament of Mrs. James Wegener on Friday to meet the new Wegener baby Charles. Mrs. Krane of Lake Forest called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn on Thursday. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wicorki from Kenosha, Wis., called on Mrs. Nellie jHepburn. I MrST'Laihsg) V. Sfnith of Crystal Lake and Miss Ruth Henne of Chicago spent the weekend in the Harrison home. On Sunday, Mrs: Nelie Hepburn visited friends in Elgin. Now all you mothers can relax and get back into the old routine, since- the youngsters have all returned to school. Of course, you may lose your builtin baby sitters too, as I did. Here is last minute reminder for the serving ladies at school. For Jan. 15, it will be Helen Barker and Doris Low serving the hot dogs. Serving barbecues on the 22nd will be Doris Low and Gloria Harvey. For you gals who have your schedules and are wondering what's up, instead of starting out yith the hot dogs as was on the Schedule, the chairman decided as long as the barbecues went over better than the hot dogs, to start out after the holiday vacation with them again. Your schedule will run just the opposite of what you have done. In case you have any questions, Call Doris Low. That's the news from Ringwood for Another week. See you next? LOST FOR WORDS? Then say it with a CARD from BOLGER'S Greeting Card r' Corner You'll find just "Ihe right card" for all occasions when you come to . . . BOLGER'S Confirmation here at Christ the King Church, Monday, at 7:30 p.m., Jan. 27. The Sisters, assisted by Mrs; Bird and her staff, will be in complete charge of all arrangements and will determine those who are eligible for' the Sacrament. Therefore, • parents and children should check with the Sisters (on Sundays) concerning the details ... All (children who plan to be confirmed who were not baptized at Christ the King oiurch must bring a copy of their Baptismal certificate to the sister as soon as possible (do not bring them to the rectory.)" The choir needs more members -- particularly men. Practice for the new Mass for Easter will start January 14, so why not come to the rehearsals each Tuesday at 8 p.m. Please call Mrs. Fuentes at 653-6813, if interested. Kiwanis Meeting, Dec. 30 President Floyd turned this into a business meeting to try and wind up the old projects for the year. Report was given on the peanut brittle sales and collections. Final report was given on the Christmas baskets. Treasurer Guy White was authorized to pay our share. A complete report wiU be submitted to each of ^the participating organizations. Frank Higgins reported on the outdoor Christmas. decoration contest, sponsored -by the W. L. Chamber of Commerce. The six winners were Gene Jakubowski, George Janssen, Frank Oakley, Tom Peek, Kenneth Schroeder, and Dr. Raymond Watkins. Awards were given at the Wonder Lake Fire House Sunday, Dec. 29. Art Lau reported on an International Kiwanis Project to send a choral group to Europe to be underwritten with trading stamp books. Each club is asked to send in three full books, which the stamp company will redeem for cash. kids so she rings the bell when she wants attention. TOPS Officers See Play The five; officers of our local TOPS group had a contest for the months of November and December to determine who would lose the most weight. The prize was a. ticket to a stage play in Chicago -- paid for by the remaining four. Sally Russell won the prize -- so last Monday Sally plus Ronnie, Betty, Ruth, and myself all went to Chicago to have dinner (rye-krisp, what else??) and enjoy the show at the Opera house. Now we'll all start working for -the next prize. Florida Visitors Vee and Greg Mieling decided not to try to face out the holidays without their two sons, Skip and Tim. and all their friend^ so they took a sneaker to" Florida to spend Christmas. I'm a little late to say bon voyage so I hope you'll settle for "Welcome Home." Returns To Newfoundland Joyce Motulevvicz took her fiance, Jack Yegge, to the airport last week when he left for Newfoundland to finish out his 6 months in the Navy. It'll be a long six* months, but then he'll be home for good and that's the best part -- so she'll just grin and bear it til then. 'opma brother, ° Bill ArmlgpPfcalled from Palo Alto Helen Armstrong from Chicago, Bud and ^Georgia Armstrong from Pompton Lakes, N. J., Alden and Dorothy Armstrong from Ft. Worth, Texas, (and beyond), and Leo and I were alk the house guests of Carol and Fred JHummel and son in DesPlaines. We all had a wonderful time together for a week.. On Christmas the Califo stron and joined the group by phone. (I'm just glad I'm not paying the phone bill). 1 Christmas is always a nice time but I think this one was' especially nice for my family. Betty and Sam Lamont took on their yearly chore of keeping our collie for us while we were gone. I gained 5 lbs, too and how am 1 going to e*pl&in that away when TOPS meets again. I'm supposed to set an example for the rest but believe me this isn't the one I'm supposed to set. I know it won't be as much fun takinir it off again but off it will cdme. GIL STRESSES IMPORTANCE OF COMMITTEEMEN^ • At-large elections afjd the Blue Ballot system going into eflect will continue in the1 news for the months to come. The final outcome and workability of each will have an impact upon each citizen and each citizen should' know at least 'a little bit' about these matters of government which are going to affect us all, according- to the Government Improvement League. - Proper questions, members say, include: Can we leave the1 election-at-large matter in the questionable hands of those who helped create the problem? Is the proper functioning of the Judicial branch as effected by the Blue Ballot a sacred subject or too- difficult to understand? Is the voter being locked-out in really having a choice in selecting 'his' government functionaries? Is some cne person or group of persons drawing up 'a list' which the voters are supposed tp rubber stamp? Unfortunately, the answer? ; could be 'yes', but it doesn't 1 have to be. The1 League points out that the precinct committeeman is your voice and the - position should] be given the attention it merits. The League urges fifty interested person to become a candidate for precinct committeeman in the party of his choice. A candidate must file a properly completed nominating -petition. between Jan. 20 and 27: Trap form is obtainable from the County Clerk's office in Woodstock. ^---- ^ The full and complete name of the signer must be on the petition and the signature must be obtained by an adult resident of that precinct. Th£; person obtaining the signatures must certify that the signatures were1 obtained in his presence. When returned to the County Clerk, the nominee's name will be printed on the primary ballot to be voted on April 14. Bridge - Canasta Tournament The Bridge-Canasta tournament held at Christ the King church hall will resume next Sunday evening at 7 p.m. Hospitalized After Fall Bill Wines, son of Delores and Leo J. Wines, started the New Year out with a "bang" -- on the head, that is. Bill was ice skating on Saturday and he fell forward and scraped up his face and lip and he was hospitalized late in the day for a concussion. He is at home now but will have to, be very careful and take it easy for several weeks. If you happen to hear cow bells ringing at the Wines household -- don't imagine you are. hearing things. Delores has Stricken Christmas Eve Friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Mary Gillis, who was visiting her family in Chicago on Christmas Eve, became seriously ill during the rvening and was taken to Swedish Covenant hospital in Chicago where she will be for at least two weeks or longer. Cards and get-well wishes can be sent to her at the hospital. Off To Canada The Sam Lamons and the J. Kellners spent New Year's Eve in Leamington, Ontario, with relatives. I'm sure they had fun because this group has fun wherever they go. Notes: Hi -- did you miss me last week? Quite a few of you were so kind as to inquire as to "what's the big idea of not having the W. L. column in the paper" etc. Thanks for those words. It's nice to be missed. The truth is we went away for one night and like "the man who came to dinner" we stayed for a week. We always spend Christmas -Eve in DesPlaines with my -iMiece and family r->- but this year was something special. All of my family were together (with the exception of one brother in California) for the first time in years. My laryngitis and can't yell at the sister from Chicago, Alan and 1259 N. Green St. Phone 385-4500 TCBELESS 6.00-13 $15.00 6.50-13 $15.80 7.50-14 $18.85 8.00-14 $19.95 8.20-15 $22.85 TUBE TYPE 6.70-15 t $17.35 7.10-15 $17.70 7.60-15 $19.75 All Prices Plus Tax 1st Line Tires Not Retreads All Other Sizes Proportionately Sale Priced BATTERIES Special Trade-In Allowance From $1 to $5 on Your Old Battery. enry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 3931 W. Main St. Phone 385-0294 McHenry, 111. WE WILL THANK YOU To come in and see our beautiful display of fine oil paintings -- -after you have seen them, you will thank 'W&M. us. WM /hi fSSM iverdiae 1402 N. Riverside Drive >emember A" loved one with a beautiful OIL PAINTING on canvas. Perpetuate the memory of a dear departed one. No sittings -necessary. Paintings^Sre varnished at the studio for permanence. Painting^re framed at the studio at no extra charge. detail Ouiie 385-590Q McHenry, Illinois There are 30 Poiitlacs in Wide-Track Toiyn Did you my y@n wanted a 4°(S©or o@(Cati WltHfe WMe-Track and that lmigfidiii Font iac comfort? ,(k {w e've got four different models to choose from.) your Wide-Track performer at your local dealers HE HAS A WIDE CHOICE OF GOOD USED CARS, TOO ©WiifON CADILLAC - POMTSAC CO. 1112 N. Front Street McHenry, I1L insure y 1/.Q/ Per Annum •> /2 /O On Investment Accounts IT PAYS TO SAVE . . . , WHERE SAVINGS PAY! Saving's deposited before the 15th of tho month earn dividends from the 1st. ^ • ' and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 W. Elm St. Phone 385-3000 McHenry, III. / Our Services To You . . . I 1. Traveler's Checks . ( 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository ^Savings Availability Your Saving's Have ALWAYS ACCESSIBLE -- WITHDRAWABLE At ONC E -- I pon Your Request. reach the highest rate of d i v i d e n d c o n s i s t e n t w i t h safety, when they open an account at McHenry Savings and Loan. Every account is insured up to $10,000 by an agency of the Federal government. Have you started your account?