• THE MeHENHY PLAINDSALETt Thursday. Issiuaff li.- 1964 Jm' a er&onalS -- Michael. Wirtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Wirtz, and Wayne Klein, son of the Norbert Kleiiis, have enlisted in the Marines and left Monday of last week for San Diego, Calif., where they will take their boot framing. Miss Helen Modine and Mrs. Sue Lindo of St. Charles were guests of Mrs. Rita Ullrich Saturday evening. Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital, left Sunday for Del Rio, Texas, where he will train as a fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force. Due to his ROTC training at the college of St. Thomas in St. Paul he w^as qualified to enter as a 2nd Lieutenant. He made the trip by car and enroute stopped for a visit with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fowler in Tulsa, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. George Glosson and Mrs. Edward Tonyan were guests of Kenosha relatives Sunday. Dr. B. Rodal and family have moved from the home of the late Mrs. Kathryn Conway on North Park avenue to the Joseph L. Bauer place fermerly the Joseph P. Miller home at the comer of Green and Washington streets. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dowe, who have been residing with his parents the Charles Dowes on Rt. 31, are now making their home in the apartment over the garage on the Bauer property. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dwyer and childrenrLoretta and Phillip, of Chicago, were guests in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Walter Walsh, Monday. Richard Jordan and^ son, Richard, of Oak Lawn, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson, in Chicago. Among the out of town folks here to attend the wake 6r funeral of Martin Conway last week were Mrs. Anna Cole of Dubuque, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sourek of Cicero, Mrs. Jean Saelens of St. Charles, John Aylward, Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickels, Barrington. Frank Kempfer, Sr., left Tuesday to spend sometime in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Betty Thatcher, in Resada, Calif. Norbert Adams spent a few days this week with friends in St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Louis Stoffel returned home Sunday after spending a few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roland Ekstrom, in Elgin to be near her husband, " a patient at St. Joseph's hospital, where he underwent eye surgery last Friday. Miss Mary Kinney and Mrs. Katheryn Dask spent the holidays in Minneapolis, Minn. The Robert Wayman family of Arlington Heights were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren of Crystal Lake were McHenry visitors Friday evening and paid their last respects to Martin Conway at the Peter M. Justen funeral home; Mrs. Eleanor Wiater of Long Beach, Calif., is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff, and other relatives here where Dr. Wiater will join her when he comes to Chicago to attend a medical convention. They plan to return to California next Monday. p " Mrs. William Staines and Mrs. Joseph Glosson visited Mrs. Mary Pattinson of Woodstock iri a Waukegan hospital Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Smith of Berwyn were here'to attend the celebration of the fortieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolfs of ICeAosha, Wis., visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Albert Kempfer, stationed with the Navy in New York, is spending a (month's leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer. The Kempfer family spent Sunday in Chicago jn the home of Mr. Kempfer's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simon. Pvt. Raymond Wisniewski and PVt. Peter M. Fischer of the Marine Corps have returned to Camp Pendleton, Calif., after spending the holidays with their parents in Country Club subdivision, McHenry. They have finished 12 weeks of basic training at San Diego and will now have 4 weeks combat training and infantry at Camp Pendleton, Calif. SOIL DISTRICT PLANS ANNUAL MEETING FEB. 1 The annual meeting of the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation district will be held in the First Congregational church of Huntley on Saturday evening, Feb. 1, at 7:30 p.m., according to Myron Pihl, chairman of the district board. Speaker for the evening will be William H. Brown Jr., director of natural resources for the Illinois Agricultural association. As IAA director, Mr. Brown is concerned about such areas as soil, water, forestry and the conservation development and management of all natural resources. One of his main projects is water re source development, including soil and water conservation programs on all watersheds in Illinois. The meeting will be preceeded by a roast beef dinner. During a short business session annual reports will be submitted and three directors will be elected. Board members whose terms are expiring are Henry M a r k i s o n, Edmund Krunfus, and Myron Pihl. Other members of the board are Kenneth Fiske and Harold Swanson. Ralph Burnett, chairman of the nominating committee, will present William Harris, Henry Markison and Myron Pihl as candidates. The election will be conducted according to the rules set up under the revised Soil Conservation District law. All McHenry county land owners and operators are eligible to vote. District directors are responsible for conducting a soil and water conservation program in the county with the assistance of Sam Haning and Clayton Bruce, Soil Conservation service technicians; Ralph Burnett, farm adviser and other agricultural workers in the county. Reservations for the annual meeting dinner can be obtained by contacting Clayton Bruce, Ringwood or the Farm Bureau or SCS office in Woodstock. AMERICAN'S H&tjj Inventory Clearance SALE StSBB Song On COME IN AND SEE T *1°° WILL'II NEW SPECIALS ARRIVING DAILY THBOXJGHOUT THIS SALE • YOU CAN BUY ON? CREDIT OR C HARGE IT • PICK UP OUR NEW 1964 CATALOG TODAY • FAMOUS BRAND ITEMS -- FULL GUARANTEE © ASK ABOUT OUR LAYAWAY PLAN STORES-ft CATALOG OUTLETS 1880 N. MveffsM© Dr. NEW STORE HOURS: McHenry. minoto DAILY -- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone: 885-4080 FRIDAY -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SAT. -- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Two Oilier Stores Nearby To ServeJYou. Route 59 £ Grass Lake EUL 501 E. Lange St. fc AnticHUlnois &£ Ifandetola, Illinois 1 Pbocod £*-8850 *1 •'> " -V. FEB. 15 DEADLINE SET TO DISPLAY LICENSE PLATES With the holiday season now past, Secretary-"dl" State Charles F. Carpentier reminds motorists that again this year Keb. 15 will be ihe deadline.for displaying curreftt motor vehicle license plates. He " emphasuod that that date is-the deadline for havihg Ihe plates mounted on the vehicles, not merely a deadline for having submitted an application, and advised those motorists who will apply by mail to have their applications in his office by Feb. 1 to be assured of having the plates in time. So far this season, the number of applications received is about 40,000 fewer than at the same time a year ago, Secretary Carpentier said. At present, 1964 registrations have reached about 1,400,000, he j{; '!« .• !' said. For the entire year, the total is expected to he in the neighborhood of 4,500,000 he added. Urging early application, Mr. Carpentier pointed out that it" has abvantages' for both mail applicants and those who purchase their plates at over-thecountcr outlets in Springfield and Cook county. For mail applicants, tVie sooner the application is received. the sooner the plates can be forwarded, and for overthe- counter purchasers, there is now little or no waiting in line to obtain the plates, Secretary O'.rpentier said. RECOGNITION DINNER Business, civic and political leaders from northerp .I'linois will join in honoring State Senator Robert R. Canfield of Rockford, through the recognition dinner to be held Wednesday. Jan. 22 at the Hotel Faust in Rockford. MCKENRY MAN IS AMONG CANDIDATES FOR GOP DELEGATE -- Two candidates for delegate and two candidates for alternate Irom the 12th Congressional district to the Republican national Nominating convention in San Francisco next summer'will campaign as "allout" (ioldwater backers. They are William H. Rentschler of Lake Forest and Atty. Max E. Wildman of Lake Bluff, who will file as delegates; and Howard K.'^Green, Jr.. of Deerfield and Theodore (Ted) Wickman of McHenry who will file as alternates. Their names will appear on the ballot in the ll'th Congressional district, comprising Boone. Lake, and McHenry counties, in t-he April 14 primary election. If . elected, they would vote for Barry Goldwater, R.-Ariz., for GOP- candidate for president until released from their pledge by Goldwater, according lo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ft. Davis, Board Members of Voters for Goldwater/' . wickman, 60, of 1215 N. Ridge road, McHenry county, is a retired executive of a Mor-. ton Grove manufacturing firm. He is a GOP precinct committeeman from McHenry township and a member of the McHenry County GOP Central Committee. S HQ P AT I0ME t ___ r THREE LICENSES ARE SUSPENDED; PERMITS ISSUED Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the suspension of the driver licenses of Donald F. Kibbe of 132 W. Sunset, Lakemoor, John F. LaBarbara of 216 W. Sunnyside, ' and itclwiii Mitchell of 1710 Meadow Lane, both of McHenry, all for three violations. , • Probationary permits were issued to Max P. Balzer of Algonquin, Anthony B. Carnz of Woodstock and Herbert J. Winters rif Spring Grove. Use The Classifieds P.hrM justen & Ston OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 385-0063 Hione: -- XT 80 / / AfrP'S FAMOUS SUPER-RIGHT oTOP QUALITY NORTHERN GROWN-U.S. NO. 1 fcou mutt be iciHitM wtk any ort of fiupof Msotf *•* b muoniflifatoUy to IMMCT yput MplMf* «Xf»c4**ta«i •r yW wilt b« RUMP ROAST •r licioln Tip Ovfc or T-ftoivo Mock (•<••• F |«i| temov 4)« 8vko Mntlaii, RoHotf Qfj SiRUHN STEAK RIB ROAST CHUCK ROAST 500 EXTRA €VT Dcs=3 k» Si Betow i ft An 69* 163 PLAID STAMPS J0t Belo- • Yr Afo if you redeem each of the coupons below VALUABLE COUPON -o-THinn^v • WV STAMPS' SjM With tho Purchase of . . . Ptftiofl, Whole HUi HH1 * Mill at regular retail iNi PARKE Coupon expires J 18, 1944--Limit One For Customer VOBMlK VALUABLE 1 COUPON VlAiniBlBl VALUABLE COUPON MEATS .tej With the Purchase of I PU Any Vartoty of SCHICK Price « QAZ0R ILADIS miM E| r«» Jan. II. '*4 HI •ay£a: . , . fl&o AM fUwl .... tdMA fiiil'k t«N«* HJll SS?{a4Wkfi»u*Jr With tho Purchase of Kitchen ^ 21-oz. 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SINCE 10S9^ ALL PRICES EFFECTIVK THRU JAN. 18, 1964 WE INVITE YOU TO SHOP AT AIf SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS T00I Chocolate Banana Wishbone B-oi Brand bti I Omnm *iyl« lotto Select Ovotity: t,tnmp6r+ f»Ce STORE HOURS: T Daily 9 io 6 Thurs. & Fri. 9 to 9 3710 W. Elm St. o! i .in.1.1 '/ , ti. I