20. 1984 THE McHENltT PLAINDEALER McHENRY PLA1NDEALER •81# WmI Elm Street ATAHIHRD /IV Published Every Thursday at McHenry, Illinois l__rv E iif n fl PUBLISHING COMPANY. Carry E. Lund - Publisher Adele Froehlich, Editor Stwad Pass Postage Paid at McHenry, IIAinoia PRESS ssociHTion NATIONAL EO0?@„ AS^Jcgtl Subscription Bates ; „ In McHenry County Outside McHenry County J*ear .$4,00 1 Year .. $4.50 ® JJos * $2.25 6 Mos $2.50 ^os $1.50 3 Mos. .$1.7& McHenry Hospital Auxiliary Newt On Tuesday, Feb. 11, the regulur monthly board meeting of the woman's auxiliary to McHenry hospital was held in (he conference room of the hospital. Plans for the lecture series sponsored by the woman's auxiliary were discussed, as well as the card party and style show which will be held early in April. This affair will begin with luncheon followed by a fashion show. A course for Candy Stripers will be held in May. A girl desiring to become a Candy Striper must be 14 years of age and must be an established high school student. Applications may be obtained at the hospital switchboard and mailed to Mrs. Peter Griesbach, 3705 West Clover, McHenry before or during the month of April. Mem hers c* me board of the woman's auxiliary were asked by Mrs. Jack Cooper of McHenry to remember the annual rummage sale while they arc about their spring cleaning. This year the sale will be held late in August. Please save usable items for this event. Mr.?. Lee Gladstone, Mrs. Edward Frett and Mrs. Harry Eckland informed the board regarding progress of Art Fair plans. On Thursday, Feb. 13, twenty members of the Art Fair committee met in the conference room of the McHenry hospital. It was announced that Miss Mary Klein of McHenry will be one of the three general chairman of the Art Fair to be held June 19, 20 and 21, along with Mrs. Edward Frett and Mrs. Lee Gladstone. The addition of Robert J. Freund of Crystal Lake, Jerry Olsen of McHenry, and John Greene of Crystal Lake as members of the hanging committee was also announced. This year a photography exhibit will be included among the exhibits at the Art Fair. It will be open to McHenry county residents just as the Art Fair is. Please contact Cecil L. Kanter of 801 W. Oakleaf, McHenry, for details regarding the photography exhibit. Mr. Kanter's phone number is 385-2635. Details will be available soon regarding the theater-in-the* round, which will be a new feature of the Art Fair this year. The committee is pleased to announce that there will be two children's matinees presented. Luncheon will be available and a gallery tour for children is being planned. This promises to be a pleasurable and rewarding experience for the children. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plalndealer invites the public to use this column as ail expression of their views on subjects of general Interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) THE RIVER SITUATION "Dear Editor: "Last summer when the algae blooms and the attending stench, together with its green Waters, filled our river and lakes the meetings of the Clean Streams group were so large we had to use the public school. Now it is winter and 'out of sign out of mind'. But come a nice, hot dry summer, 'the Fox will bloom again.' "People ask us, 'What are you doing about this?' Here is our answer. We are helping to set up a governmental agency called a conservancy district which will police and protect all public land and waters with authority and finances to do this. Now it is up to all public-minded citizens concerned with this problem to come out and vote for this district when it is presented for your approval. Sure, it's going to raise your taxes, but very little -- .083 on each $10,000 assessed valuation and how many times have your taxes been raised for schools, with us senior citizens getting small benefit from these? Now, at least, your land value real estate investment, your very home and living conditions, will benefit besides protecting a great natural resource, the reason for moving into, living and enjoying our community. "Neighboring Lake county, or a part of it, feels because of its established Public Health service and Public Works program they need no part of a conservancy district. We need and could use Lake county's cooperation because of its adjoining locality and lakes draining into our river. So lets us be more vigilant and establish this district which can do the job for us with qualified assistance. Vote for a conservancy district and protect your land investment. "M. Byrne, "Secretary, McHenry Clean Streams" Your Advertisement in the McHenry Plaindealer reaches approximately 93% OF THE MsfflENM TfSME Mil with over 5,065 PAID Subscribers Spend Your Advertising Dollar Wisely in a Paid and Proven Media GENOA CITY, WIS. SPRINGGROVE RICHMOND C ) WONDER LAKE JOHNSBURG* McCUILIMJM I.AESEn HENRY LAKELAN0 PARK LILYMOOR PISTAKSE HIGHLANDS SUNNYSI0E AVOLO LAKEM00R 0 TERRA \ \ COTTA V " • ISLAND® LAKE Study Reveals Illinois Tax Climate To Be Favorable One Since everyone is interested in taxes, they most certainly should have some interest in the latest edition of "The Illinois Tax Climate," which is compiled by...a taxpayers' group whose alms are similar to those of the average citizen. The study, which is revised every few years, contains comparative tax data for Illinois and her neighboring states and the effect of such taxes upon the attraction or expansion of industry and business in Illinois. The latest report lists our state as having a "favorable tax climate." / With McHenry's kelh interest in attracting industry, the study is worthy of some reflection. The relative burden of state and local taxes has become a very important consideration in the location of new or expanded facilities, and because of this the Federation has brought this study up to date. Other considerations, of course, include relatively mild weather, a market of skilled labor, availability of materials, transportation systems and the St. Lawrence Seaway. Sections of the report are devoted to a comparison of income, corporate, general sales, property, inheritance and gift, motor vehicle fuel and motor vehicle license taxes between Illinois and her sister states. In the particular field, of taxes, the study points out that Illinois levies no corporate or individual income, taxes, nor a tax on real^o/ personal property for state purposes. News About Our Servicemen HAROLD REMY, JR. Marine Private Harold E. Remy, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Remy, Sr., of 4417 East Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake, completed recruit training Feb. 11 at the Marine Corps Recruit depot, Parris Island, S.C. Mrs. Norman A. MacDonald, Jr., of 3904 West street, McHenry, completed recruit training Jan. 30 at the Marine Corps Recruit depot, San Diego, Calif. David R. Miller, fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thane Miller of 8710 Ramble road, Wonder Lake, is serving aboard the anti-submarine aircraft carrier USS Essex, Operating out of Quonset Point, R. I. Essex is currently in the New York Naval shipyard, Brooklyn, undergoing overhaul. Upon completion of the overhaul, she will rejoin the fleet as flagship for an anti-submarine hunter-killer group. Essex is the Navy's oldest operating aircraft carrier, and celebrated her twenty-first birthday Dec. 31. s NORMAN MACDONALD Marine Private Norman A. MacDonald, III, son of Mr. and LI. Col. Merle C. Davis celebrated his fiftieth birthday last week Tuesday in Honolulu- Hawaii, and the Marine aviator was assisted in the observance by the 1st Marine Brigade at Kaneohe Marine Corps Air station and the Marine Aircraft Group 13. When Lt. Col. Davis arrived on the flight line that morning, instead of just his plane, he found a large group of people, including Brig. Gen. Marion E. Carl, the brigade commander, Air Group Commander Col. W. H. Hise and a birthday cake decorated with naval aviator wings in gold frosting. Colonel Davis, who at one time made his home in McHenry, is married to, the former Maxine Bacon, daughter of Mrs. Nellie Bacon of Main street. He is the oldest Marine jet aviator still flying at the Kaneohe air station. He enlisted in the Marine corps in 1936 and has been «nwarded the distinguished flying cross and six air medals during the Korean conflict. ENTHUSIASTIC ii: CROWD GREETS" STATE AUDITOR Praising the record of Governer Otto Kerner as one , of "progress and performance," Michael J. Hewlett told an enthusiastic McHenry County Young Democratic meeting recently several ways they can help assure continuation of Kerner's administration. Howlett, Illionis' auditor of public accounts and a candidate for re-election, was greeted by 450 cheering persons at Union. Herbert Franks, Marengo attorney who heads the Young Democrats, served as master of ceremonies for the evening. Candidates for county offices and for the state convention, as well as for the national nominating convention, were presented. "We must register the unregistered. We must drive home the issues to our neighbors. We must bring out people to the polls and be sure their ballots are counted," Howlett said. Democratic candidates for some of the leading offices who were introduced included: Ed McGirr^and Frank Daukes, De- Kaib county; John Pulliam, Boone county; and William Giblin, Jesse Armstrong, and Tom Hanahan, McHenry county, candidates for the Illinois state convention; Rita Slater and Draper Daniels, Lake county, and William Bolger, McHenry county, candidates for the national convention; Ted Graham, McHenry county, and Dave Levinson, Lake county, candidates for state Senator. Bolger, seeking a third successive term as delegate to the convention, said: "The Democratic party takes great pride in knowing it has produced some of the greatest leaders the world has ever known, from Thomas Jefferson to John F. Kennedy. It is fitting and proper that we pause and pay tribute to these great men, but we would betray their honor if we did not now look forward to the future." He continued to cite the many things which must be accomplished in the future, adding that all of them can be done "with your help." On the refreshment committee were Mike Yerke and Richard Kruhen. Guests included Democratic Central committee chairman from neighboring counties -- John Bush, Boone, and Carl DeBarr, DeKalb. How Can Bv Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may write to Anne Ashley In care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor building, 37 W. Seventh street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed envelope.) .. • JAMES D0BAK NEW*- CO-DIRECTOR OF WISCONSIN CAMP f H *i| ' HERE AND TH2RE IN BUSINESS ATTENDS SEMINAR Bill Dumalski of Chain-OLakes Travel Service in McHenry attended a seminar on International Air Travel at the Pan American World Airways district office in Chicago. Chain- O-Lakes Travel is the only Pan American World Airways travel agent in this area. Q. How can I prevent the formation of spot rings when removing stains from garments? A. Yon can prevent these ugly-looking rings by placing a felt-covered furniture floor cup under the spot before applying the cleaning fluid. In addition to preventing u ring from forming, the brush-like fibers of the felt also keep the material from slipping while rubbing the spot. Qs^How can I remove grease stains from plastered waits; and thus prevent their bleeding through new wallpaper? A. Tape a paper pocket over the stained area, then fill this pocket with fuller's earth. Remove the whole business after the fuller's earth has absorbed all the grease. Q. How can I keep potatoes from sprouting in their bin? A. Place a few apples among the potatoes. Q. How can I restore the appearance of a rain-soaked felt hat? A. First let it dry partially, then press, out the creases In the crown. Next turn down the band and place the hat in a cool place away from any heat, and lot dry thoroughly. Then reshape the crown, and brush the hat gently. If this vvdrk is done carefully, the hat should look almost as good as new. Q. How can I clean off old stains from leather upholstery? A. By coating it with a mixture of powdered pipe clay and water, mixed to a paste. Allow this to remain for several hours, then brush off, repeating the process if necessary. Q. How can I keep the locks on my doors in good working order? A. By giving them a shot of graphite powder, obtainable at any hardware store, at least once a year. Pencil-point shavtAf I V|l' ' Vv, ^ y y ,0 . ..... , : JAMES DOItAN Jamqs Doran, a teacher in the McHenry Junior high school, has been appointed codirector of Camp Arrowhead, summer reading camp for boys, at Minocqua, Wis. : Among those attending camp the past two seasons have been more than twenty boys from this area. Doran, a graduate of Marquette university, has had twelve years' experience as a ,teacher and coach, foitr years' experience in municipal recreation departments in Wisconsin ;>nd director of community and church youth groups. He also was tennis pro at the-Oconomowoc Lake Tennis club for four seasons. The McHenry man, is a former member of the state board of directors of the Wisconsin Tennis association. Mr. Doran is an Army Air Force veteran, serving between 1941 and 1945. ings will do the trick fine, too* Q. What is an easy way to remove a stubborn glass stopper from a bottle?- A. If the glass stopper persists in sticking, revolve the neck of the bottle slowly in the heat of a burning match or cigarette lighter. The heat will cause the neck to expand, thereby'releasing the stopper. Quality Radiator Repair By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 11 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE il®S. REPAIR.. Next to V.F.W. Phone 385-0783 3004 W. Route 120 McHenry, 111. m E3CTEA TENDER 1 "HUR'Y WE ARE MOW FEATURING EXTRA TENDER I® y©ir fotifed EXTRA TENDER wweb St©re in Tenderness In Every Cut Every Time WESTERN LAZY AGED BEEF Pleasure Packed with Goodness, Tszidhrness and Natural Beef Flavor GUARANTEED TENDER OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK YOU "TOO CAN BE THE BEST COOK IN TOWN--TRY SOME SOON Mendota Brand Skinless WEINERS 2 lbs. Trading Stamps are 'Old Hat' Smart Shoppers are Turning to Cash Savings COMPARE OUR PRICES AND SAVE CASH WISCONSIN FAf&JH FRESH CHICKia PARTS Legs & Thigs Breasts 45 TENDERIZED 6-8 Lb. Avg. PICNIC ^ C HAMS "Oh So Good" Bulk Pork SAUSAGE 49* Wilson Certified BOLOGNA Lb. F 59* 1 Pkg. Raggedy Ann Dark Kidney Beans ... Raggedy Ann Pork & Beans .. Raggedy Ann Peas & Carrots Raggedy Ann Irish Potatoes .. Raggedy Ann Apple Sauce ..... Raggedy Ann Tomato Juice .... 303 tins 2 for 23c 5-oz tin 29c 303 tins 3 for 45c 300, tin 10c 25-oz. jar 25c 46-oz. tins 2 for 49c Country Delight CHERRY PIE I* Banquet Dinners Chicken - Beef - Turkey Salisbury FRESH FANCY PRODUCE MEAT LOAF OK e§» SyiY MIX . 59n, 100% PURE FRESH Ground 2 lbs. 89' a 7/2-OX. 8? Mrs. Grass ih Noodles 25c PILLSBURY CAKE DM. Dutch, WW*. . ___ MIX Yellow er Choc. ^ OFF Kraft Macaroni- Cheese Dinner 3 for 57c NESTLE Semi Sweet Morsels 5c0FF n? 45° 3R.g. Pkg,. RAGGEDY ANN 2A.Ot. AQG S y r u p • « • • • • • • • • • • » PETER PAN IMtCflC Peanut Butter Z"**? • • • Jar Or Kraft o n . . . . . . S!: 57c 39* HILLS BROS 3-Lb.. $189 Mb. S|29 Coffee *0," . . • Ti" I Tin I STAR-KlST OVi-SiieOOc Chunk Light Tuna 3c OFF 3 Tin* O# HOFFMAN ti0fc ^QC Shrimp Sauce ••••••• *-T FRESH CC tY EGGS Grade A 1 Dozen Medium CERTIFIED Rfc'D LABEL " ^ Atc piour • « • • • • i » i « • « ** Sego ASSORT© FLAVORS • .4 Tin.1* *1 ' Rap-In-Wax ESQUIRE Lano Wax 100-Ft. O ft«9. OOe sim 33 California Navel ( alifornla Calavo North Dakota ORANGES Avocados Red Potatoes 10 c ea. FOOD CENTER Zf _ • L Mb. 70c Dog Food *•••••• / 3 R.'iKUcdy Ann • «'*• " '46-oz. Orange Drink 4 for $1.00 JOAN OF ARC M ,M APe Great Northern Beans JL TI«» CHICKEN OP THE SPA H Tuna • • • • • • • • • * v Tim oT