Page Twenty-Two THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEH Thursday, Jun« 14, 1961 Lakemoor FORMER NEIGHBORS WRITE OF ILLNESS IN THEIR FAMILY Annette Schmit They say that into each life some rain shall fall. Recently Mrs. Murl Rosing received a letter from our old friends, the Prices. They have left the little duplex on Valley View Drive and had been residing in Overland. Mo. Mrs. Price writes that much has happened since she left the village. Mr. Price is at present at the Naval hospital at Great Lakes. He has had one operation on his throat a't which time he j spent one month in the hospi- j , tal. He is back in the hn>piia! | atiain for a second operation-; and a schooling program to | teach him how to co:mol his j new jfiechanism for speech af- j ter 'The operation. ° ! As if the Prices hadn't had ; enough hard luck. Mrs. .Price j fell down and broke t\Vo ribs. : then took the flu, and now has , fallen down the stairs a^ain ; and has injured her back. The Prices were always the t kindlie^pf neighbors, ami "this , reporter felt that all their old friends would like to know how they are getting along. Mrs. , Price is at present with her son in Overland inn l-.lmer is i still at Great Lakes and ex- j pects to be there fur about . tHree or four men-lis. j Mrs. Rosing l-a^ written j back and expecl.- in hear soon. ; just what his a-1.dress is and j then we will all be able to ! send our get-well wishes and. j letters. As soon as we know j how to address our lpt\ers, we'll publish the acklress'^sA It's a 4• irl Tender as tjie smallest1 rosebud. . .Sweet "CKL honey in the! comb. . .There's >a tjny l i t t l e ; girl babe ... .ire the Tom i O'Leary home! * Her name is Kelly Anne and she made her appearance in j the McHenry hospital on .Tunej eighth. She weighed a full Si lbs., and 5l.-2 O:/S. She makes j her home as the eldest child j of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | O'Leary ( the former Ginny ; Grayi. Congratulations folks! The paternal grandparents a r e F r a n k a n d J e n O ' L e a r y o f • Bui I valley and maternal grandparents are Do;'-ir and Mrs. Gray of the village." Another Here's a little tiny ono. no bigger thar. a spark. Who's made a Jovely couple, as happy as a lark' - She's made of spice and sugar, honeycoated to a tee, -- She's the l a t e s t new a d d i t i o n to O'Leary's family tree! Introducing, Peggy Ann O'Leary, making her appearance at McHenry hospital on June 8, and weighing in at 7 lbs. and 9'/2 ozs. She's the fine daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Dale O'Leary and was welcomed home by her big sister, Tammy Marie, who was two years old in April. Congratulations! Two C rand children, Juno 8 Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Leary will feel as though I'm about to wear the O'Leary name out. Seems 'hat they became grandparents, twice in fortyeight minutes. The two baby write-ups in this column are first cousins. Both mothers had :he same d'-ctor. the same hospital. had their children both icrn on the same day and last hut not least -- only forty- ->ight minutes* apart. I dare say. I didtt't think that old tnrk bird was 4that fast, nor hat full ftf surprises. All parents and grandparents of these •wo little girls ars bearing up we'll. Lakemoor Scouts Getting the rave notices on >ur fine Color Guard and Drill Team of the Lakemoor Scouts makes us all so very prr>ud "and hapry- This fine group is a really outstanding batch of hardy children who are one hundred percent a team. T'.iey -ame in for a first place trophy cor the best marching unit in Huntley last week Sunday. Honor Graduates In recognition for perfect attendance, Genene Dembcr was honored at St. Patrick's gramme!" school. Graduates of our area from St. Patrick's wcie Genene Dcmber, Linda Dc Cicco and Tommy Para. X, At St. Mary's gram m e r -chool. Leonard S/nrek was nresented the essay award of he American Legion. Graduates of our area were Samuel Kiela and Leonard Szarek. McHenry high grad u a t e s were Gayle Bonder. Rosanne Br^ezinski, Bill DeCicco, Daniel Kinnerk, Jim' Neff, Edward Steadman, Diane Tushkowski and Cheryl Wolf. From ihe Junior high school ; of McHenry. our graduates ' were Jim Arbogast, Lorraine ; Beahler, Leonard Blades, Thomas Bostler, Violet DeCic- 1 co. Charlene Kawell, Lonnie O p a l k a , S h e l i a S c h u r i n g a , Shirley Schuringa, Audry Slateczny, Diane Winter and Diane Wolf. Summer Vacation Terry Brady returned home from St. Thomas college in St. PaiCH, Minn., last weekend. He is now entering his senior year and we are proud to state that he is in the upper ten percent of his class. He has been elected class president. His , dad tells me that he is studying business administration and has his eyes on journalism. Welcome home, Terry, and good luck in yoiilr fine work. Speeders, Beware! I have been asked to mention the fact that since improvements hare been made on the roads in the village, this was not necessarily done for the benefit of speeders. Although many of our young ones have grown up, many, many more little ones are still trying to grow up, and a speeding automobile is no match for their life. Speed limit signs are posted in the village for, all to see and obey. Curfew Hours The village still has curfew hours" which are expected to be upheld. The hours are 10:30 from Sunday night to Thursday night. Fridays and Saturdays the hour is midnight. It will pay all parents in the long run to take note of these hours and see that your children are in their abode by that tipie. These hours were set up by most towns and villages for the protection of our youth. Let us parents help in enforcing^- Ujem. News Bits Mr. and Mrs. Rosing spent a day in the home of her son, Richard Molidor, of Zion near Benton Harbor. The James Schmit family spent last Sunday at the home of Richard Tr Herrmann in F r a n k l i n Park w h e r e t h e y a t tended a graduation party for Annette's nephew, Robert. At Wotne Our Friends,V Lil and Red Sumnierville, moved into their brand new home in Larkdale last Sunday. Their new home is a very large six room, full basement house, with plenty of play space for the children. We hope they will be very nappy there. We wish them all the good fortune and happiness that can be^ha.d, --- Airport Visit The small Schmit children had their very first view of an airplane last Sunday, when mom and dad took them to O'Hare airport to see Aunt' Millie Kopis off on her flight 23 on the golden jet to Denver. The children watched with telescope eyes while the tube retracted and Millie, Diane and Donnie taxied around the field and then took off. They never dreamed that jets were so big and that the terminal was so full of hustle and bustle. Millie was met in Denver by her husband, Donald Kopis, after a two we&k visit here. Finis Again, another week has gone by. I-'m still waiting for a call for you, telling me that everything is .fine at your house. An item that seems common place to you, could be news to your neighbor. Won't you share it with them? Yoyr column is for you and by you. You mean something to your neighbors. Call 385-5536 and let me help you with your news item. Don't forget, tonight is the village meeting for the month of June. We all enjoy seeing many faces at the meeting, renewing old friendships, and making new faces feel at home. If you're new in the village, this is a good time to come out, and see how your community grows. See you then? Whenever we want to express a clever thought, it always comes by slow freight. V. F. W. NEWS In reporting on the annual Department of Illinois V.F.W. convention held in Springfield, I do not have too many accurate details of the events. Saturday afternoon, the gigantic parade kicked off at 2 p!m. All drum and bugle corps units, color guards, drill teams and various marching units were participating in this parade, representing their home V.F.W. posts. Marching in the torrid heat and high humidity was V.F.W. post's 4600 Red Devils senior drum and bugle corps, all-girl color guard and post and 5th district color guard. Delayed and marred by intermittent showers, the parade still lived up to its tradition. Now! A special mention -- A citation was issued to our commander for 1961-62, namely, Howard W. Thomas, for an outstanding job as a post commander in the state of Illinois. A double honor was bestowed on Post 4600, as our post quartermaster, Gene Dobyns, also received a citation as a member of the all-state team of post quartermasters. These men and Post 4600 placed in second place behind Park Ridge V.F.W. Post 3579, among fourteen other Illinois posts. 1 Arthur Muller, Department of 111. commander who issued these citations, has visited our V.F.W. club in McHenry on several occasions and knows the job these officers and members do for |the organization and the people in our community. Your scribe feels very pleased to be a member of a V.F.V^ post which has received three top awards in one year from a department which has 545 posts. The award not heretofore mentioned was for tenth place in community service competition. Let's back our officers and organization this year for more recognization as the best little V.F.W. post in Illinois. j| Lo w Operating Cost. Low Mainto nonce / „ - Declared Dividend Rate A MUTUAL ORGANIZATION Organized under the laws of the I'nited States, MARENGO FEDERAL is operated as a mutual organization for the exclusive benefit of its members. All assets ... all reserves ... all (G(Dl net earnings . . . belong to the people who save here. There are no "inside" or outside" stock holders to receive part of the earnings, special profit or other advan tages. The "mutuality is one reason we can pay a better than average return on"® your savings A Mutual Company lllllllllllllll Organized In 1926 total assets over $14,000*000*00 More and more people ore buying Oldsmobiles! And now's the best time to buy I -SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER! R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES, 1109 N. Front Street -- ---- « WINNERS sorrow White Sport Shirts The Decton - Batiste, short sleeves, dacron, cotton. In your collar size. Regular collar, biway and button down. $5.00 Other White Shirts at $3.25 Woven Sport Shirts Plain colors, plaids, figured and stripes. Regular sport collar or Ivy button style. Wide selection of patterns and colors. $3.25 to $5.95 Knit Sport Shirts The most popular sport shirts on the market today. Cotton, Orion, Banlon and Durcne Lisle. Give Dad Solid Comfort j HUSH PUPPIES I $4.00 to $8.95 U. S. KEDS "The Shoe of Champions" $9.95 pr. | • | blip-on or tie. New colors and The 12 ounce shoe he can wear j styles 12 months of the year. Bouncy j crepe sole with steel shank i support. ' i Also in Golf Style $12.75 i i $6.95 & $7.95 Neckwear New styles, new colors and new patterns. Banlon, dacron and rayons. $1.50 to $3.50 Jackets Martin of California For sportswear or dress. Quality of a precise nature. A gift he would love to have. $15.95 to $25.95 A Jackets Lightweight hip-length, lined or unlined jackets in plain colors and plaids. $6.95 to $17.95 Sport Coats Lightweights, cool, comfortable. Dacron and cotton twill, retain it's shape, in checks and plaids. $19.95 to $29.95 Fine Wash-N-Wear Slacks Lightweight, long wearing and shape retaining, dacron and rayon. Black, beige, charcoal and green. A. $6.95 to $ 11.95 rrow White Dress Shirts "Arrow Declolene" Wash without worry and wear without ironing. $8.95 "Arrow Decion" Tw ice the wear and stays fresh all day, wash-n-wear. $6.95 "Arrow Whip" All cotton, wash and wear, convertible cuffs. $4.50 "Golden Arrow" 100'y cotton, self ironing, convertible cuffs. $5.95 J White's MEN'S SHOP 1214 N. Green St. Phone 385-0019 McHenry, 111. Store Hours: Daily 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. -- Fridays 'til 9 p.m. -- Sundays 9 to 12 noon Complete Formal Rental Service -- We give S&H Green Stamps Summer Suits In the newest styles & colors. Da cron & Rayon or Tropical Wool. $ 37 95 to Top Coats Bei $22.95 to $26.95 For Rain or Shine. Beige, Black and Olive Green ^4dditiona( .Suggestions Walking Shorts $5.00 to $6.95 Boxer Shorts $1.50 or 3 for $4.39 Jockey Briefs $1.25 or 3 for $3.69 Jockey T Shirts $1.25 or 3 for $3.69 Pajamas, Shorties or Regulars $4.29 to $6.95 Swim Trunks $3.25 to $6.95 Catalina Cabana Sets. $13.95 to $16.95 Wallets, Black, Brown, Tan & Olive Green $3.50 to $15.00 Pajama & Robe Sets in Gift Box $12.95 Handkerchiefs, initialed, 3 in box $1.50 Handkerchiefs, linen 75c & $1.50 Belts, leather or elastic $3.00 to $6.50 Cotton Lisle or Banlon Socks $1.00 Jewelry Sets, gold or silver $3.50 to $5.00 Tie - Tacks $1.00 to $3.50 "For The Dad Who Has Everything" Look over our Special Gift Dept. i