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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1964, p. 18

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gif-a.) «?/'*• (?y{ it ^ r^ST ^4- ? s r %~ _l_. * A) f1 , .^. „*•" y ^ - • * -* 1 • ,« yp x •*',--•• ^ -r, ^^i'1; §>#-.* * *•» *}* * ^ V •» : - v ' . v M c I » l 3 ? B y ! ^ J g f c £ a L S B f h a n s d a ? . & « » & s . l i t Wilutfr. •«»vy ». -- .-?• ^.*w)>T.t4ii» Jr. v . *#•••.•-*i*j^-. tftv ffACSEm dinnm fit JNDAY MARCH 8 Ines Young Stinday, March 8, you £•* #•!} can take the day off--that H'M-. fe-if you or your better half Tfw e purchased your tickets for spaghetti supper that our ; Ic-c il Boy Scouts from troop 132 th't> presenting at the Commun- '" °lty Congregational church in ' Isl. ;nd Lake. Everyone from 8 I? to 30 can eat all they want for is; a small donation, with chilever attended a smorgasbord at St. John's Lutheran church, and wondered if and when there would be another--the time has come. Saturday, March 14. Gerry Breede has tickets here in Holiday Hills. Blue and Gold Pot-Luck Supper h Under 8 admitted free of rge. tw Just think, no preparing, and better yet, no dishes. Beside all •«©f > those advantages, you will :f.fea helping the Boy Scouts. They and need some new campling equipment, and they aren't afraidlto-work for it. See you . thereJ-.' ^ Oct Your Easter Bonnet? I Easter is early this year, . --wth€P6 are only a few weeks be- * "March 29. And Spring is i _-« around the corner. If you've ~ - »goi those winter blues, give - IL^^toiur morale a lift, and nothing ^ -ifdoes it like a new spring hat. 1 T there'll be 200 hats to choose •-from- at--the gala hat sale to * "b^ Tifeld at St. John's Lutheran church tomorrow evening, 2 ' March 6, from 7 til 9 and Satur- ^4ay_from 9 til 2. Refreshments ~ -^wiil-be served so you can browse 2 .ancTcoffee clatch a little too. .... Qreat Grandma Shalemberg Arrives on Birthday t The Weiss home had an addition-- no-it's not what you think, it's Carl's grandmother. Mrs. Mary Shalemberg arrived at the Weiss home at 1506 W. 'B'/dK^Stf&et oh Thursday, Feb. 27, her seventy-second birthday. She has been in West Suburban hospital. Carl, Irene and Diane, who is her great granddaughter, enjoy her company so much that they've asked her to come tc theif'hOfnie while she is convalescing! from a broken leg. A warm welcome to Holiday Hills and our best wishes for your continued progress in getting back on your feet. Woman's Club Next Wednesday, March 11, the Woman's Club will hold their next meieting. Phyl Harper has once again offered the use of her home for the meeting which will begin at 9 o'clock so that those wishing to attend Lenten sendees may do so before the meeting. Games will bo the entertainment for the evening, so don't forget your white elephant. Smorgasbord For those of you who have' the evening complete! Onee again it was my pleasure to be invited, as a guest, to the annual Cub" Scout Blue and Gold pot-luck supper. Held on Saturday Feb. 22, the fopjj was delicious and plentiful, as always, and the program interesting.- Joan Schroeder, past president of the Holiday Hills Woman's Club, presented certificates to Marge Connell, Midge Teuber, Shirley Haufe, Carol Krysiak, Roy Lundeluis, Bill Schmidt, Lou Laskowski. Ciair Raska was unable to be present to receive hers. Guests for the evening, included Mr. Phelps, Commissioner of Cub Scouting, who presented the new charter to Joan Schroeder, Mrs. Phelps, R. King Neighborhood Commission, and Mrs. King and Victor Justes, Sr., Scoutmaster for our Holiday Hills Boy Scouts. Awards were presented to the following boys; Frederick Jende, bear badge, bold and silver arrows; Dean Heise, gold and silver arrows; James Cymanowski, Bobcat pin; James Perkins, bobcat pin; Steve Schmidt, bear badge, and assistant denners stripe; Greg Smith, wolf badge and denners stripe; Gary Connell, wolf badge, gold and silver arrows; Allen Estes, wolf badge; James McWilliams, denners stripe and gold arrow; Danny Ahlsen, denners stripe and gold arrow; Phillip Nottoli, wolf badge; James Haufe, wolf badge; Joseph Foreman, lion badge and silver arrow, and Ricky Audino, wolf badge. Tom Burchfield earned a denners stripe and Jeffery Kasprgyk earned an assistant denners stripe, but both were unable to be present to receive them. Roy Lundelius received a graduation certificate from Cub Scouting, and was received into the Boy Scouting program by Victor Justes Sr. Service pins were presented to all who received certificates and have put time and effort into the Cub Scout program. The boys put on a skit on the history of Scouting by putting feathers into an Indian's war bonnet, each feather contributing to Scouting. The program concluded with a veiy interesting movie shown by Chuck Heise. Marge and Jack Connell, who did a fine job on the whole affair, give credit and gratitude to the entire committee and all who helped in any way to make Milwaukee Trip Rene and Larry Jende, Sdott, Rick, Mark and Leslie, drove up to Milwaukee on Sunday, Feb. 23, for dinner and a nice visit with Larry's sister and her family, Mr. and , Mrs. Ed. Krawczyk. v. Family Birthday in Freeport The Mettelka family, Earling, Elmer, Ray and Rita Ann Went to Freeport last weekend, to celebrate Rita Ann's eleventh birthday, which was Friday, Feb. 28 along with three more birthdays. Her cousin, Jimmy Mettelka, was 18 on Feb. 27, her Uncle Norbert and her Mom, Earling, both celebrate theirs this week. A happy birthday Rita Ann and Earling whose birthday is Saturday, March 7. Christening Hal, Gerry and Roy Breede attended the christening of baby Laurie Peavey Bankus in Barrington on Sunday, Feb.- 23. Little Laurie is the daughter of Judy and James Bankus and sister to Marcie, who is 15 months old. Judy Bankus is Gerry's niece. Pbiake* TerraciK * WOMEN DISCUSS EASTER EGG HUNT AT GAVIN HOME Joyce Toepper -- 385-8044 The Pistakee .Terrace Women's . auxiliary Will meet Wednesday evening, March 11, 8 p.m. at the home of Grace Gavin, 1208 W. Oakleaf Avenue. Main topic for discussion will be the annual Easter Egg hunt which should be held at the end of March. It is hoped the attendance will be better than the last few months or there is a very good possibility the children will not be treated to their usual Easter joy. 1 t Surprise Party Have you ever been to a surprise party where both hostess and guests were surprised? I had one on Saturday, Feb. 22. Right after I came home from the Cub Scout supper, and had changed into pajamas, robe and slippers, I heard a knock on the door--My guests were Amy and Bud Street from Wonder Lake who thought it was the night that our Kuples Klub was supposed to meet. I'm not sure who was more surprised, Amy or I. Shortly after they arrived Joan and Bob Rankin, also from Wonder Lake, arrived. They had talked to Amy. Soooo, with half the club there, we had half a party and laughed about the whole thing. This was a real surprise party, on everyone, but fun anyway. The next meeting will be a mystery dinner at my home on Saturday, March 28, when the whole club will be able to make it, and I'm sure we have the date straight this time. Anyway, I won't be in my pajamas. BE WISE USE THE CLASSIFIED High Gar sosts burn you up? Paralyzed by payments? Squeezed dry every month? Rambler American savings include America's lowest prices, low upkeep. Price comparisons based on manufacturers' suggested retail prices for lowest-priced models. Need constant doctoring? High repair costs got you feeling low? Rambler has the ruggedness of Advanced Unit Construction; keeps running so faithfully, it's America's top-selling compact. Only ^QKtifeior gives you taBS extra-vaS&QQ @©ataes aft no osrSra cost: V Stronger Advanced Unit Construction) ^ Double- Safety Brake system ^ Roof-Top Travel Rack on 5 of Rambler's 6 wagons it Deep-Dip rustproofing V Ceramic- Armored exhaust 7 Many, many more! Get cool avings-- lit ffiamblsr American ii§ proyeii Economy King vug- J W Rambler American 440-H hardtop, with new room, new ride, new beauty M0.1 IN COMPACT-GAR SALES RAMBLER NO. 11N USEFULNESS TO THE USER SEIBEL MOTOR SALES,4611 w- 120' McHenry. 111. ^v1,- Watehtii# Danny Kay* Show on CiS-TV, Wednesday awnings < , '•V«f Ken Froehllg Leaves for Service Ken Froehlig, quitting his job two weeks ago, has had nothing but parties since as his friends and relatives gave him a proper send off as he goes to serve his country for the next two years. Climaxing the two weeks •was a party held at the local tavern in Sunnyside on Friday evening. Between forty and fifty people, local, McHenry, and his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Froehlig of Elmwood, were present with glad tidings. On Saturday another aunt and uncle were at the Froehlig home, Mr. and Mrs. Irv Knoblock, Park Ridge. Sunday, his last night home, neighbors and friends stopped at his parents' home to wish him well. Bea's mom, Mrs. Johanna Modloff, Bea's sister, Carol, brother, Bill, and another sister and family, Joanne and Bob Hayes, Des- Flain^S, were alsoin the Terrace Sunday helping* to- keep the party going. Early Monday morning, Bob, Bea, and Bobby accompanied by Carl Sallez and Ray Kasperski drove Kenny to Chicago where he joined other young men from the area for the trip to Fort Knox, Ky. Following a ten week training jprogram Ken should be back for a short furlough before establishing a pej*-^ manent base. We extend our wish for God speed and will be keeping you posted to hishctivities for the next two years. Terrace Tidings Walter and Lillie Steidle are the proud grandparents of their eleventh grandchild a girl presented to them by their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bleatman of Elk Grove Village an Friday. This baby girl brought the Bleatman family total to four children with two boys and a girl already at home to welcome the new addition. Steve Phillips and Jim Vyduna, members of Boy Scout troop 162, joined about one dozen of their fellow Scouts on an overnight camp out Saturday, at a farm west of McHenry. The Donald Zamastil family visited at the Wheat on home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zamastil, on Saturday. Leaving Dart and Betty with jgrandmother, Barb, Don, David and Dale attended the Sports Show at the Amphitheatre. Spending Friday and Satur day with her mother, .Anna Vesely, in Westmont was Pat Merhaut and her two daughters. Tom joined them after working hours. Howard and Agnes Secord accompanied the Richard Welters of Pistakee Hills to dinner in Richmnod on Sunday as a belated birthday celebration for Howard.. George and Mary drove their son, George^ Jr., and his family out to Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday, saw them settled, and returned home again early Monday a.m. The Anthony Kurowski family attended the christening party on Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. David Richter's fifth child at Niles, 111. Sick Motes Grace Gavin is beginning to think the month of February has a jinx on the Gavin family. Harry injured himself at wprk recently, baby Patricia had an upper respiratory infection and on Thursday morning Nancy fractured her right collar bone while she jumped from bed to bed. Good thing this is a short month. Birthday Greetings .Many happy returns of the SMffHING SPECIAL MCDONALD'S NEW FIL ' flSH On Sal® Daily Try this McDonald's exclusive in good eating--you're sure to agree it's the best fish sandwich anywhere. tiNiir 24 cans- ISO Virginia Street Crystal Lake, III. AUCTION Having sold the farm, the undersigned will sell the following personal property on the premises located 2 miles Northwest of Johnsburg, Illinois. 3 miles North of McHenry, being on the Ringwood Road, between Route 31 and Johnsburg- Wilmot Road on f0 7 at 1:00 p.m. FARM MACHINERY IH Farmall 460 Tractor w/fast hitch, w/660 hours; Ford 8N Tractor w/Wagner. loader; McC. No. 455 4-row cultivator; McC. 4-14 2-point hitch plow w/trip bot.; McC. 4-row 450A planter; McC. 10 ft. 8-in. wheel disc; McC. Nq,y 16 7-ft. tractor mower; M-M 8-ft. grain drill on RT; Woods rotary mower for 3-point hitch; Post hole auger w/2-point hitch; Rubber tire wagon; Wagon w/grain box & hoist; Utility Trailer; Hyd. Cylinder. Many other items. SHOP EQUIPMENT A HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES 12" Band saw w/motor & stand; Delta belt sander w/motor & stand; DeWalt radial saw on stand; Steel work bench; Homelite chain saw; A3 Porter-Cable belt sander; Electric drill; Jig-saw; Floor model drill press; P.C. Saber saw; No. 60 Stanley Mitre box; Glue clamps; New 9-ft. sectional garage door; 1 h.p. air compressor; 2 lawn mowers; 2 26-in. bicycles; 7% h.p. Johnson outboard motor (almost new); Go-cart w/Westbend engine; Typewriter; Office desk & chair; 120 base accordion; Early American Walnut dining room set; 21" Magnovox T.V.; 2 portable sewing machines; Antique dinner bell. Many household & miscellaneous items. FEED 9 Ton Timothy Hay SO WITNESSES OFAHEA f V FOH CONFERENCE More; than fifty Jehovah's Witnesses from the local area congregation have begun plans to attend their next ministerial conference in Lombard at. the Glenbafd East high school the weekend of April 3 to 5. Steven Sovlak, presiding niinister of Jehovah's Witnesses in McHenry, has announced that more than 1,200 persons from eighteen northern Illniois congregations will attend the threeday convention, Upwards of 1,600 persons attended the main feature of the Witnesses' last day to the following birthdpy celebrants this week: Susan Kaiser and Bill Pritchard, March 7; Ingeburg Treptau, March 8, Bob Jorgenson, Jr., March 9 and Fred Woerner, March 12. semi-anhuaL Elgin, v "A unique feature of , this *jb- Sembly will be the first locpl area showing of the just-released film of last year's convert* tions, "Soviak stated. The twohour color film is entitled "Proclaiming 'Everlasting.Good News' Around the World." Documented in the film will be highlights of thie twenty-seveiicity series that began June 30 in Milwaukee and climaxed Sept. 8 in Pasadena. A total attendance of more than 590,000 was reached. Sovlak explained that the Lombard assembly will strata the international unity tliat exists when the full force of Christianity is exerted. The climax of the weekend will come on Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Angelo A. Catanzard, district minister for 200 midwest congregations, will deliver the public address, "ITacing Up to the Urgency of Our Times." PANKONl Located 3 miles North of Lake Zurich, Illinois, 3 miles South of WaUconda, % mile South of Lakes Corners & Old McHenry Road, being on Route 12 (Rand Road) on 12th at 1Mex@ a.m. 28 HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 24 Milk cows, many springing & fresh, balance bred back and milking well; 2 Heifers, 15 mo. old, open. Test forms will be furnished. FEED 300 bu. Corn; 10 ton Alfalfa Hay; 300 bu. Oats; 5 ton Straw; 5 ft. Silage in 14-ft. silo. MILKING EQUIPMENT Girton 200 Gal. Bulk Cooler; 2 Conde double milker units; Pails, Strainers. FARM MACHINERY "H" Farmall tractor, recently overhauled; Allis WD tractor w/2-16 plow; Allis 3-14 mounted slat plow, throw away shares, like new; New Holland 66 hay baler; Allis No. 60 combine with engine, scour clean, wagon loader, hume reel, straw spreader & pick-up attachment in excellent condition; Woods Bros. 1-row corn picker; Papec ensilage chopper w/engine & corn & hay heads; Allis ensilage blower w/apron; 40-ft. Economy elevator; McC. 7-ft. disc; J.D. 3-16 plow; Int. No. 30 PTO corn sheller w/cob stacker on wheels; 2 RT wagons & racks w/silage & corn sides; 2-row McC. cultivator;' 2-row McC. corn planter w/disc openers; 4 section harrow; wood & steel fence posts; barb wire; roll of new 42" woven wire; platform scale; 15-ft. x 4-in. grain auger w/hopper; buzz saw; U.S. corn shredder; 75-ft. drive belt; McC. sheller; wagon unloading jack; 300 gal. fuel tank; J.D. side rake; V-plow for H or M; U.S. grain blower; Gehl feed mill w/chopper head; PTO corn binder; 2- section soil Surgeon; Century 10-ft PTO fert. spreader; 4-row weed sprayer; broadcast seeder; box wagon; milk cart 2 Int. fencers; 3 stock tanks; poultry equipment; snow fence; Economy 16-ft. brooder house; 10'xl2' brooder house; 2 section spring tooth harrow; milk cooler unit; large amount of scrap iron; Stewart clipper; hay rope & pulley; milk cans; umbrella; Allis tractor cab; seed treater; round feed troughs; seed cleaner. Many other small items. HERMAN RANK IITH, Owner AUCTIONEERS Gordon Stade -- 312-223-5155 Ed Vogel -- 815-678-6114 McHEHBY STATE BANK - Clerks TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount, one-fonrth down and the balance In six monthly payments, with interest at 6%. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS AUCTIONEERS • Gordon StajS© Grayslake, 312-223-5138 Owner Wm. S&ade, JJn". Mundelein, Illinois 312-566-8355 McHENRY STATE BANK • Clerks TERMS: All sums of $25.0® aiid under cash. Over this amount one-fourth down and the Balance In six monthly payments, With interest at 6%. Make arrangement for credit with clerk before sale. Not responsible for accidents--Zoellner lunch wagon on grounis wfrnnirmmir CttM Mi•iWtttinm• ntiw hts.s tcj«Mn A CASHIfeCHECKEK i OERICAIS-ACCTG *70-85 DURING NATIONAL WANT-AD WEEK MARCH 8-14, If you need extra cash for the things you need for your home, your garden, your children, yourself, there's a perfect solution for your problem . . . the usable, but no longer used articles and the fastacting Want Ads that quickly find cash buyers for these items. Just check throughout your attic . . . house and garage for the articles you have tucked away and forgotten. Luggage, tools, appliances, furniture, toys, sporting goods, musical instruments and hobby materials are being wanted every day by many of the thousands of Plaindealer readers. Go after that cash this very minute . . . call 385-0170 a courteous and helpful ad-taker will place your ad, you'll be amazed at how quickly a Want Ad can turn unwanted items into extra cash! T® IPfee Run A Want Here's HowT© Get A Fi e Ad -- , Place your Want Ad in the Plaindealer before Wednesday, March 11 -- 10 a.m. # Pay for your Ad when it is placed v If you do not receive the results you want, call us by Wednesday, March 18-10 a.m. and we will rerun your classified ad FREE OF CHARGE (Non-Commercial Accounts Only) nit SAl£ HOMES AND CARS APARTMENTS jjCSX |Oll SMS LOST /yo> psu::B> 85-0170 for an Ad Taker A The McHenry Plaindealer .mm '?4SMVr:

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