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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1964, p. 6

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wInsertion~" * per w««r^ Ma ids counted less than 20 eatlnsertions -- 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum ; r (iBwyfiSfCharge Oh All Blind Ads. I llations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and fcrd of Thaaks must be paid in advance. COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITY fOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 3854170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD .ami lljtoplsy OlaaslfM First Insertion -- • . . $1.30 per Ool Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions - , . 11.15 per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 ft. typi P« to- w!tf> Signature. COP¥ DEADLINE -- • 10*00 wa omcE KOTOS T a . Daily except Saturday -- 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Wx 19)9 CADILLAC 62 series. 1 Ft> 11 power with air cond. Like nev tires. Excellent condition. Will consider trade. 385-7227. * *2-20-64-TF 19159 CHRYSLER convertible. Tcp, seat covers, rugs, arm tocker arms, mufflers, tail pipes & engine pipes all brand new. 385-2763. ' 13-12-19-64 1931 CHEVROLET Impala ^convertible. Reasonable. Leaving for service. Phone 385-3244. i . *3-12-19-64 1956 PYMOUTH, V8 standard transmission, good shape, good tires, ntye second car. $193. £$ll 385-554T after 6 p.m. 3rl2-64 1958 CHEVROLET station wagon, 6 cylinder, automatic. Good condition mechanically. Price $395, Call 385-4641. 3-12-64 X'Rteplacement Parts ^ ^For^ All Cars .i^elsprles and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY v 1 Route 120 i Wk^Eost of the River Bridge -sa #• r..-*-- .. v. . ,•«. ' pm weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 pjn. Huiidays: 9 a^m. to 1 p.m. ?. . i 9-1-60-tf TEXACO flew combination built plantservice station available in Mc- Ir.enry either on a distributorsnip or consignee basis. A real opportunity for someone Int .vested in the petroleum business. |W Further Information Call Qeiprge Duncan Code 312 HE 7-2600 3-5-26-64-TF CANT SEW? Let me do your repairs and alterations for you. "385-7639. 3-5-27-64-TF ; WHARTON JBleck Topping "..•.Pre-Season Prices • • New Drives • Re-Surfacing • Patchwork • Seal Coating Call 312 KI 6-2513 Anytime 3-5-26-64-TF 2 Specializing in Selling : Suburban : ' Business Fast Confidential Service NATIONWIDE : BUSINESS BROKERS - 3#L2 W. Elm McHenry, 111. r "* , -- CALL -- * 815-385-4411 -- 815-385-4285 " Anytime 3-5-26-64-TF . ELECTRIC MOTORS and au- * tomotive generators and start- I ers, all types repaired, rebuilt ;• and rewound. Phone 385-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lily- - moor. 2-13-64-TF • Concrete Work @ Driveways : # Side Walks • Foundations k • (parage Floors ' # Patios ' No money down--Terms to suit * Phone now for free estimate DUKE ^ CONSTRUCTION CO. : Wonder Lake 653-6161 ! 5-2-63-TF \ ,t|, CUSTOM BUILT : -GARAGES * 'and REMODELLING * Roam Additions -- * Dormers -- IJJ Aluminum Siding -- U No mney down--Terms to suit * Pteste now for free estimate I DUKE Ml CONSTRUCTION CO. WONDERLAKE 6534161 4-25-63-TF MIMEOGRAPHING * ADDRESSING Area List Available PHOTOCOPY TYPING McHenry County Letter Service 1212-A N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-5064 3-5-64-TF Piers - Seawalls Boat Hoists New and Repairing Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Phone: 385-4929 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE a3-5 thru 26-64 TREES AND bushes removed and trimmed, also light hauling. Reasonable rates. 385- 3560. 3-5-26-64-TF FURNITURE REFINISHING made easy --• We take off the old finish^ you put on the new. Bix-Ridgefield, 459-3400. *2r6 thra 3-26-64-TF ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Canter St., Grayslake, 111 Pb BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tT COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SEE]R V1C adio Dispat Repairing • Radio Dispatched Pumping Installing # Field i>ines Cleaned Black Dirt Sand Gravel Phone 385-2101 RUSSELL RHOTON 385-6445 Residence -- 233 N. Kent Rd. 9-19-63-TF McHenry Disposal Service Phone 385-2221 far DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 9-1-60-tt [ COMPLETE ROOFING SERVICE New Roofs --- Repairs Re-Roofing -- Small Leaks Wind Damage, Etc. FREE Estimates & Inspection Call BERGSTROM ROOFING COMPANY 385-4997 2-20 thru 3-12-64 ART'S UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St McHenry, HI. Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 8-30-62-TF McHenry Glass & Mirror Company Glass for Any Purpose • CUSTOM MADE STORMS • AUTO GLASS • COMBINATION WINDOWS Prompt Service Rt. 120, % Blk West of Bridge PHONE: 385-4949 1-16-64TF Bales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry. 111. 385-6027 10-10-63-TF Are You Unhappy with the limited benefits of your present hospital plan? Our hospital policy has ENTIRE COST FEATURES guaranteed renewable for life; noncancelable. Complete information without obligation. -- PHONE McHenry 385-5725 Or Write Box No. 155 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 2-27 thru 3-19-64 INCOME TAX SERVICE Prompt Handling of Your Tax Problems and Preparation Of Your Return McHENHY ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE 371§ West Elm Street 385-0343 McHenry, Illinois Accounting and Taxes -- Our Only Business *3-12-19-64 CHUCK'S GLASS & MIRROR ALL TYPES OF GLASS, MIRROR AND ALUMINUM PRODUCTS PHONE 385-3560 Free Estimates Pick-Up & Delivery "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" CHARLES HOLLENBACH, Prop. 3-5-26-64-TF INCOME TAX SERVICE Lee J. Spiegel, Tax Consultant Bookkeeping Service -- Weekly & Monthly For: # Contractors # Professional Office • Small Businesses • Cost Work 3907 W. Main Street PHONE 385-1749 McHenry, Illinois *3-12-64 McHENRY WINDOW & AWNING CO. Aluminum & Fiberglass Awnings Roll Ups & Stationary -- Wide Range of Styles A Colors • REYNOLDS Aluminum Products Alum. Windows, Doors, Siding & Gutters 9 CONTINENTAL Alum. Awning Type Windows • I-XJ* Kitchen Cabinets PHONE 385-1180 No Carrying Charge -- Convenient Terms $Mf W. Waukegun Rd. , McHenry, Illinois 10-3^83-TF Wm* SHI* UPHOLSTERING dinette sets and chairs. Wide selection of fabrics. Free estimates. 385- 3560. 3-5-26-64-TF INCOME TAX SERVICE •'Fast • Courteous • Reasonable •-- Call For Appointment -- BAYSHORE, Inc. 3440 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Phone 385-3620 1-30-64-TF FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom apartment. Hot water heat & water furnished. Large living room, dining room combination. $90. See or call Arnold May Builders. 10002 Main St., Richmond, 111. Phone 815-678- 2861. 2-13-64-TF APARTMENT for rent. Downtown Johnsburg. 2 bedrooms, 1 children's room. Large kitchen. Carpeted living room. Tile floor over-all. Tile bath & shower. Phone 385-0413 for appointment. 3-5-26-64-TF FOR RENT Wonder Lake With option to Buy 3112 Pheasant Road (% mi. west of Thompson Rd.) Corner of Oriole 3 Bedroom Ranch t. Built-in Oven Stove & Refrigerator Attached Garage 1% Baths -- Call -- Code 312 OL (Olympic) 6-3400 P. H. HUYSSEN 5817 W. Cermak Rd. Cicero 50, Illinois 3-12-26-64-TF WONDER LAKE, Wooded Shores -- 5 room house, attached garage, automatic gas heat. Phone Lake Geneva, Wis., CHestnut 8-4780. 2-27 thru 3-26-64-TF 3 ROOM APARTMENT -- Bath, garage space, centrally located. Call 385-0748 or 385- 0010. 3-5-26-64-TF HOUSE FOR RENT or sale -- 6 rooms. Round Lake. Gas heat. Call 385-0919. *3-5-12-64 MODERN 3 LARGE room, 1st floor apartment in Volo. 1 bedroom, basement. Heat, water, stove and refrigerator furnished. $75 per month. Near store and church. Call 385-4139 after 6 p.m. 3-5-26-64-TF LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartment. Stove, refrigerator and electricity furnished. $65 per month. Lease only -- 6 months or yearly. References required. 653-2041. 3-5-12-64 2 BEDROOM HOME on river. Furnished. Fernwood Subdivision. Call 385-6079. 3-12-64 CLEAN, LIGHT 3 bedroom home, living room, dining room, kitchen. Apartment - 2nd floor. Phone 385-1322. 3-12-64 Fw S«lt DON'T STOP eating but lose weight safely with Diadex Tablets. Only 98c for a fyll weeks supply at Bolger's Drugs. 2-27 thru 3-19-64 4 ROOM DOWNSTAIRS apartment, 2 bedrooms, utilities. Ringwood, 653-2302. 3-5-26-64-TF MOVING -- TV set; couch; lamps; floor polisher; gas stove; refrigerator; drapes; 9x 15' rug; bedroom set; bathinette; play pen; bedspreads; blankets; children's clothing Call 385-0057. 3-12-64 REMINGTON STANDARD No. 10 typewriter. Good condition Bird cages. Reasonable. 385- 5976. *3-12-64 MODERN OFFICE space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385- 0184. 3-5-26-64-TF STORE SUITABLE for office. Available March 1st. Centrally located in good business district. Call 385-0748 or 385- 0010. 3-5-26-64-TF LOVELY ROOM for rent. Good location. Private lavatory. Call 385-0297. 3-12-19-64 2 SWISS OPEN heifers. Call 385-1079. 3-12-64 30" BAR FOLDER; 36" roller; combination electric washer & dryer. Call between 4:30 & 5:30 or Saturday & Sunday. OLiver 8-4467. 3-12-19-64 9 PC. DINING room set; 26" riding mower with snow plow attachment, never used; Nesco roaster. Phone 385-4824. 3-12-64 NICE ROOM on river. Use of entire house, laundry & kitchen. 2 T.V.'s $8.00 per week. 385-6519. 3-12-19-64 2 TYPEWRITERS, 1 Royal portable, 1 office Smith-Corona. Both have many years of service left. Call 459-4629. 3-12-64 MODERN 4 ROOM apartment. Young married couple, school teachers or professional people preferred. McHenry area. Phone 385-4010. 3-12-64 APARTMENT -- 1% rooms. All utilities, stove and refrigerator furnished. Shower and bath. Buck's Town Club, 3308 W. Pearl St., McHenry. Rent reasonable. Free Parking. 385- 3573. 3-12-19-64 FOB RENT 1st FLOOR -- 4 room apartment. Nice view facing river. $125. 2nd FLOOR -- 3 room apartment, furnished $100.00. 3rd FLOOR -- 1 room, furnished. $80.00 3rd FLOOR -- 2 rooms. $90.00. 3rd FLOOR -- 3 room furnished, $95.00. One price includes rent, light, heat, water on the following listed apartments. Will decorate to suit. Leases available at low winter rates till April 1st. RIVERSIDE HOTEL 3308 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 3-5-26-64-TF CONCORD MANOR Invites Your Inspection of Our New TWO BEDROOM PATIO GARDEN APARTMENTS INCLUDED in the LOW Monthly Rental Crystal Clear Swimming Pool Immense Cabana Area Exclusively for you and your guests Rich walnut wood finish Two twin size bedrooms Seven big closets Separate dining area Hotpoint Range Hotpoint Refrigerator Walnut kitchen cabinets Kitchen vent fan Formica counter tops Bath vent fan Marble window sills Draw drapery rods 6 Foot patio doors, 11 foot patio Storm windows and screens Built-in TV antenna 3 Planned telephone outlets Spacious paved parking area Landscaped grounds -- we maintain Snow removal -- walks and parking areas Refuse removal -- we pay Gas Heat -- you control -- we pay Water and sewer fees -- we pay IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Rent From $120 Per Month 385-3118 Evenings - 385-7828 Days Agent on Premises 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily Located on James Street, McHenry, HI. -- From Rt. 120 turn South 4 Blocks on Green Street to James Street, turn West H Block. 3-5-26-64-TF HOOVER VACUUM cleaner & attachments; TV set; Silver Fox jacket; rugs; juke box; odds & ends. Cheap. 385-2880. 3-12-64 EARLY AMERICAN sofa, dark brown; black leather lounge; black & white leather recliner rocker; Rocks maple end table; Crosley 21" TV, table model, new picture tube; swing set, 2 swings & glider; refrigerator; dresser; and misc. household items. Best offer accepted. 151 Greenfield, Crystal Lake, 111. 4^9-6015. 3-12-64 COMPLETE BEDROOM Set, double bed complete, dresser, chifferobe, night stand; odd chairs. Miscellaneous items. 385-6323. 3-12-64 RUG & FOAM rubber padding, brown, beige & white tweed, 9x18 ft. rolls, good condition, $36.00. Call 385-2425. 3-12-64 Grams Custom Lamp & Shade Studio SAVE - SAVE - SAVE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SLOW SEASON Bargains Galore Hand Sewn Silk Shades Also Shades Recovered Lamps Made to Order w Imports, Cut Crystal, etc. Pole Lamps from $5.98 & up We Repair & Remodel Lamps Also Lamp & Pole Lamp Parts 256 E. Grand Ave. Fox Lake, 111. (1 mile E. of shopping plaza) *3-5-12-64 Fat Overweight Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our drug called ORDINEX. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, massage or taking of so-called reducing candies, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum. ORDINEX is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. When you take ORDINEX, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions because ORDINEX depresses your appetite and decreases your desire for food. Your weight must come down, because as your own doctor will tell you, when you eat less, you weigh less. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. ORDINEX costs $3.00 and is sold on this GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for any reason just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. ORDINEX is sold with this guarantee by: BOLGER DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green St. McHenry Mail Orders Filled 3-5-12-19-64 COMPLETE STOCK of lawn mower parts; 1 drive on car hoist; used tires; Foley saw filer complete; 1 midget. Buchert Gas Station, 3^5-0919. •3-3-12.64 MALE PERSIAH 9 months old. Smoke. Paper & shots. 151 Greenfield, Crystal Lake, 111. 459-6015. 3-12-64 REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, 9 cubic foot, nearly new, $75 or best offer. Phone 815- 385-6352. l!'3-12-19-64 PRINTING OUTFIT -- Kelsey Press, type, inks. Complete accessories. $100.00. Phone 385- 2034 after 7 p.m. *3-12-19-64 SORREL RIDING mare and registered Buckskin quarter horse mare, 5 years old. Norma Anderson, 5918 W. Route 120, McHenry. 385-6387. 3-12-19-64 NEWLY RE-UPHOLSTERED traditional 54" love seat, gold and white damask. French Provincial chair, fruitwood finish, choice of fabric. Reasonable. 385-3560. *3-12-19-64 DRAW DRAPERIES to cover 66 ft. of windows. Floral print. Can be seen hanging. Call 459- 4629. 3-12-64 Bulk Garden Seeds "More for your Money" 79 Varieties Certified Seed Potatoes Onion Sets BOHN'S ACE HARDWARE Garden Shop Woodstock's Most Interesting Store 3-12-26-64- E.O.W. SPRING CLEANING PENNY SALE BUY ONE ITEM GET THE 2ND ONE FOR lc Mix or Match Lots of Items More Added As We Sell MARGE'S STRETCH-A-DOLLAR Located on Rt. 120, 1 Ya Miles E. of McHenry at Kent Acres Open Thurs., Frl & Sat. Till 9 p.m. Sundays Till 5 p.m. 3-5-64-TF IT PA ADVi ELECTRIC COUNTER top stove, 4 burner, very good condition. Call 385-0937 after 5 p.m. *l-9-64-TF LIVE BUNNIES and rabbits for sale for Easter. All colors. Phone 385-3596. *3-12-19-64 SHOES Women's & Teens Sizes 3V6 to 12 (A to AAAAA. B. C Widths) AH Name Brands (Values to $24.95) FLATS $2.88 HEELS $3.88 New Shipments Weekly The Fashion Shoppe (Lee & Ray Bldg.) 1007 Front Street Rt. 31 McHenry, 111. 385-7747 Use Our Free Parking Lot 3-5 thru 4-2-64 FOR SALE Medicine Cabinet, $4 Bathroom wash basin, $6. Brass hanging lamp, $5. Mahogany dresser, $12. Metal Venetian blinds, ass't. sizes, reasonable. Maytag mangle, $30. Walnut record cabinet, $10. 16" Table T.V. * CALL 385-0297 3-12-19r64 TIDY'S CARPET Warehouse Clearance Hundreds of remnants & used rugs, all sizes. Free alterations. Over 400 oval braided rugs at cost. Remnants up to 50% off. This months' special; large shipment of 10 yr. guaranteed nylon tweed. Reg. $10.00 sq. yd. Tidy's price $7 and $8 sq. yd. 12' & 15' wide; 9'xl2' foam back rayon tweed $15 ea. In our daylight lighted showroom, we feature carpets by Lees, • Mohawk, Alexander Smith, Bigelow, and others. Open daily, and to 9 p.m. on Monday., Wed., Fri. -- Special evening hours until Easter only. TIDY RUG June. Routes 120 & City 14 Woodstock, 111. 2-13-27-3-26-64 E A R L Y S P R I N G SAVINGS on 1964 Nimrod Camping Trailer Sign up for FREE Rental on a Nimrod Riviera For a Memorial Day Weekend Vacation SALES and RENTAL of Dreamer and Huntsman Pick-up Coaches and Nimrod Trailers -- Open Sundays -- FREUND'S CAMPEBS 1% Miles East of McHenry on Rt. 120 Phone 385-6333 3-12-26 E.O.W. tt START YOUR SPRING WARDROBE NOW x USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN DRESSES for all Occasions * Jr. Petites (Reg. & Half Sizes) Complete Line of SPORTSWEAR See our Reversibles from Florida Sizes 6 to 20 -- JOIN OUR MERCHANDISE CLUB -- THE FASHION SHOPPE ii 1007 Front St. (Rt 31) Use Our Free Parking Lot (Lee & Ray Bldg.) McHenry, II. 385-774T 3-5 thru 26-64

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