\mm ,« f'ti- *•& ft ftgWObd IT ^:A A-ii& A. tfc. to:." A .i'i *£•6•• <W WJ THE MeHENRT FLATNDEAiEfl Thursday. March 26,1964 ,'. i WW*,*, :<• ':'&*$£ LUB HOLDS HOP AT 61*1? ER hoi Brennan Club is sponsoring " " R fcmed. 1he name is a Bunny /•vS'llI' prtd be h&id on April 4 .it >rife* youth center in Ringwood flatted %v«if start at 7.30 rs p. n. and continue until inid- 1 >«*. ' j j - Interested tti jftteottimg 4 It: Memier of Teen Club? £11 you teens who ar.2 inter- '" •cs ed in becoming members oi 'Z tfa ? Hfithai'd Mill Teen Club are v m ;> e thrih welcome to attbiif1 ' 1:'1 Jlieetih^ on March 30, this -crrning Mcnrlay night at 7 p.m. at the youth center. All teens ^ ar«? welcome to join.' H6j>e to sei ^ou there. Sr. m M Y F. Report Tljfe' Ringwood Choirs sane; n' - M."Henry Sunday night. Many ' """my the choir membors are also ; V ftj., Y; "F.' members. So, onte - . ajairi, the M.Y.F program • X Wi;re laid by the tvayside M6rny tiroes things like this cci ie up in nil types of organiz- - ««ations. The important thin^ to do, when the schedule i«> mixed ,~"upiJs to try to get back onto - Hie road fi^ain. That's what we're trying to "•so, for the third week in a row, I will say that the next ~ nesting will L? at Susie Low's -Suae will hfive the program on --• 'i£ lair.ism." It should be su since slip's had such a lor;g time to prepare lor it. ^7 " ' unless something else .•» comes tip, we'll see you next a"B'-S iriday, March 29, at the Lows. TV Linda Low, reporter - AV*- <*** here; Oh Where 'ere The People??? On Wednesday evening of w£fek, the Cotnmurtlty Club I-aid iiis monthly meeting, ^Vith _'yTjfe saitte fevV people in attend* aaze. Thare was much discuss-' fe on ad to the reasons, btlt flro- ^TsV^'iy c&me up with the answer t» the question. Why don't the ~ jparcnti attend these meetings? ,. \/HY???? Notes were sent tome With all students notify- " their folks as to the meet- Lir. but still ohly a handful filmed out. There are many „ taings to be discussed next month, the trip 'If you are inmi? rested for vour children) the - -graduation and the picnic. If do not like to attend these . Meetings, how about calling ~"'o:.ie of the officers and telling .Oom why? They will be more --t ian happy to find out the rea- This is not just something - i'iat has come up this year. I ~ know. 1 was an officer and it __\vas ..the same thing. All talk - tut no action. If you don't .-V'ant to taik in front of a --group, write a note to me, if ~*y_3U like, and I will see that ... t'le jight persons get your let- --t«r. • We'd like to see all the fam- - ilies represented at these affairs. It has come to the point, .„iliat unless- each family sup- ---ports the Community Club and __A~s "affairs, the school young- --sters will ba missing out oh a it of things. The Community -ZiJlub purchases items such as, --tables for s^rvm^, a tape reco£(] er. hot burbocues and hot - dogs each week, some games Hjcic. They furnish the food for the Halloween party, gradual- lion party and the picnic. And - we must hot forget that each ,,,jear the upper grades take a - bus trip to some educational V^JIgce, with the Community Club paying for the renting of Mikiteli 21 thru 29 CmCAGO'S GMAT :.ih@ $mjmi!US (Mm® BOAT smw Plum EXCITING TRAVEL. CAMPING "gr»£.FISHING TACKLE EXHIBITS :pm» Spectacular Alt-Star Revue. 36 performers featuring PhH Ford and Mimi Hines I of TV and nightclub fame at no .cost A boatload of fun everyone... see it all! Pina t.: H-STAR REVUE *<" (TABBIHO MO It D-HIN E S KXCIT«£3Q ea®T ®»» 99 uttorcntlowc^S^asics^m &tHH.r9**j»9 cmumim-VQo mamucKn&k CHW1D the bus. So- J^oU see, it does take money, and to -get it there are affairfc coming up that must make money, or something will be dropped. This year, the fcake walk and fun fair were the main money making affairs. . I don't want to sound like a complainer, but When you car Loll before hand who will be a' thesb meetings, it's not good. HovV about it? Won't you r,lease contact one of the officers or myself if you have any Ideas that will attract more persons to these meetings? Please try. The officers for lhe remaining school year are: Mr$. Clayton Bruce, president; Mrs. Helen Barker, vice-presir pnt; Mrs. H?len Barker, vicedent ; Mrs: Dolores White* secretary; and Mrs. Mary Han: o.r:ka, treaj'.irer. One othfer item' I forgot to. mention, Mrs. W< Low, Mrs Artidd Harvey aftd Mrs. ftobert Betts are on the nominating committee for gettintr lrmes for next year's officers. They will be contacting persons around here soon, and give the results at the next, month's meeting also. I'll find out the date of the next meeting and notify you in advance, and I know the officers, leathers and all the rest of us will be • extra happy if each and evfcry family (whether you have youngsters in school or not) were ^presented at the coming meeting. Won't you try? Thanks. IJndqufet Family Arrived In California Mrs. Richard Lindquist and sons left, a week ago on Friday for their new place of residence to await the arrival of Mr. Lindquist. a Chief in the Nav$r stationed in Okinawa, who returns to California in May. Mrs. Lindquist and boys had beeirt staying with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. John McFarland. since Idst November, and arrived filt Fort Hueneme, Calif., safely on Tuesday. The McFarlands missed the femily after having them with them for such a long time. T^e Rev. John R. McFarland, of Cedar Lake, Ihd„ son of the Sr. John McFarlands,, visiteu with his parents and the Lindquists before they left for California. Rev1. McFarland returned to his duties in Indiana after' a short stay. were Mrs. Lester Carr, T.lfss Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Viola Loff, Mrs. Ruby Shepard, Mrs. R6- lanci Bauer and Mrs. Urban Bauer. * After a delicious luncheon a": enjoyed ah afternoon of play hiig cards. Return After A Texas Vacation Mr. and Mrs, B. T. Butler have returned , to our little town of Ringwood after spend irtg several weeks Vacationin. ih San Juan, Texas. The Bu. lers had a little snow in par of Texas on their journey, bu toe majority of the time en joyed 75 to 80 degrees tempers, ture. Nice to see you folks back fho little met rope is. Here «N* There MiS's Mftrgeiy McFarland arlived at the hor.e. of her par entr., the Johin McFarlan'!?.' Iris past Saiurtfey to spend hc; spring vacation with them Margey attends the In'.ia.i; lrniversity at Bloomin.^t'in Tnd., and will return to her studies after faster. Frank Hawley of Crystal L^».ke called in the home oi Mr and Mrs. L. E. i-Iawley on Tuesday. Mrs. Ruby Shepard paid hei last respects to Earl Colby a' the Crystal Lake Funera Home on Wednesday evening "On Wednesday, Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Vera Frey and Mrs Doris Low were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Wilcox. Mrs. Kenneth Brennan and son, Wayne, of Twin Lakes visited in the Charles Brennan home on Thursday. Mr. .and MrS. Kirk Harrison nf Anur.ch were Sunday visit- '(irS in the J C. Pearson home. Mi's. Nellie Hepburn visited iri the homes of Alice Roepke and Mr. ano Mrs. Louis Winn of Richr.iori;! Sund&y afterftbon. Wi!! Claxton of McHenrv visited in the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Sunday. On Wednesday, Heldge Carlson and son of Chicago called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Loren Harrison was a Wednesday evening supper guest in the Bob Brennan home. Mr^. Leslie Ca.'.e of Rockforc1. called on M1-3. Nellie Heflfeurn •>n Thursday. Mr. p.nct Mrs. Mike Fr^tind :>f McHenry called on Mrs. Nellie Hepburn over the weekfold. With Easier coming up, I'rri ..ure there will be some item.1" ;f news for thj Rlhgwood cdlumn, so hovv abouf giving in? a call? I'd sure appreciate it. Closing the Ringwood column u;r another v.eck. with tha very best of •KnstT-'greetings, fhir s Lcr By°. KNTEI? CHOLERA PROGRAM Illinois is tlie 14tn State to pnter the second phase of a four - phase, cooperative hog cholera eradication, program. Robert M. Sehneidcr, state director of ai>rieu'iure, announced last week. Schneider said 158 sU-lo; and Puerto. Rico are now in the program designed to eradicate the costly swin,1 disease. In addition to Illinois, the nation's second largest hog producing state, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Wisconsin have progressed beyond the initial stages of the program to eradicate hog cholera, he said. Things net coming your way? Maybe you're on the wrong road. "500" Clnb Mrs. Ruby Shepard entertained the "500" Card Club in her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Bud Whiting took high for the afternoon with Mrs.- Bertha Peet being low. , Attend Spring Luncheon At Spring. Grove Thfcse from herd to attend the luncheon card party at Spring Grove last Tuesday JOHNSBURG FARM 4616 N. SPRING GROVE RD. Summer dchoot of fine art Painting, Drawing, Sculpture Ceramics From June 22nd through August 14th Competent Profession Staff Classes For Young People and Adults ENROLLMENT NOW, DAY PROGRAM Call or Write: LOIS FINEBERG 540 Drexel Ave., Glencoe, Illinois PHONE 312 VE 5-0328 Mondays are like , since I started sending all my Laundry and Drycleaninq to Laundry & DrycSeaners All Washables SHUTS 16c ea when included with bundle For that Extra Margin of Quality Call F©i FREE Pickup usid Delivery Service by Mary Elnspar McHenry Unit 401 of the American Legion auxiliary met for their regular monthly meeting Marclh 10. President Batty Lin«?enfelter presided. Americanism Chairman, Eleanore Reid ahourtced tlie following winners of the essay contest: first, Libby Stines p r i n g ; s e c o n d , C a t h e r i n e Francke; third place, John Anderson. All are stucferlts of the McHenry Jurtior high. The title of the essay w3s '"Our Gr5at Documents of Freedom". The contest" winhers' and their mothers wil be our guests at our dinner meeting in May. Sue Wirfs, Legislative chairman, stated that the American Legion is very grateful for the amount of letters vvriten to our Representatives and Senator:', supporting the veterans' bills now in C°hgress. All those who have received replies are asked to send them fo- Mrs. Wirfs. 1714 N. Court st. McHenry Unit <*91. on March 18.. Our part of the entertainment was furnished by the McHenry high school stage band, under the direction of John Leighty. Representing McHenry Unit 491 were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lock, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Owen, Pearl Pietsch, Mary Kantorski, Delia Freund ahd Pearl Cooper. On March 19, First Vice- President LydH Fenner, Marie Howe, Eleanore Reid, Ruth Mrachek and Dorothy Weichmann attended the thirty-ninth annual Patriotic Conferencee held by the Department of Illinois American Legion auxil* iary at the Morrison hotel fh Chicago. Department President Mrs. Homer Roman presided over the conference attended by 650 worn eh from all over the state. Speakers were Paul H. Winckier, acting deputy director of Civil Defense, "Mr. Quaker", Val Gould, and Carter Davidsoh of television. After the luncheon the junior pages of the Irvin A. Borliek Unit 1109 presented a very impressive memorial • service- in the meniory of the late Presi^ dent John Fitter aid Kennedy. GUest speaker at tffe afternoon session was Mrs. Omar J. Mac- Makin, national vtee-president of the Central division. Mrs. John. Weichmann will present a very interesting report of this conference' at our . Apfrl tneei- The ex«NMtfVf 'b<is«3 Heriry Unit 491 mel oft Tuesday at the home 6f Pdarl Cot^p*- et. Twenty-one officers and chairmen were in attendance. They prepared several recommendations for policy changes which Were unanimously endorsed by the members alt the March meeting. During the past week. W5 have had leveral occasions til use our auxiliary hats. We have dlwtQ's kept a supply of these hats at the Legion home fttf these and other auxiliary duties. This supply ip1 practically, cut in half. If anyone has inadvertently forgottihi tum ft Wit, will you please do • so now. Anyone who washes a hat of their own may purchase one at any tirne. These hati were nieant to stay at the Legion honrip for the use of thdae who do not have their own. We \yiJI 'desperately need thfem for the memorial Day parade. •jTeh more members are needed to i-eacH qtlota in our membership, according to Chairman Lillidrt Millet4;. If you have neglected to your dues or if you would like to join our organization, now is the time. If you are the mother, wife, sistei* ot* daughter of a veteran, "Vbu balong in ifhe American Legion jhiKilltfrK". Be modern with NEW MOEN DIALCET FOR KITCHENS One hdridle does work of two i SO CONVENIENT Even children use it without danger of spilling or breakage.. .10 quick it fills a glass in three seconds! ALTHOFF'S Inc. Plumbing & Heating Watch for our New Showroom 907 N. Front . Ph. 985-5700 fresh milk 'on tap" in your refrigerator Refrig-A-Pak is a new, disposable milk container that fits any refrigerator... puts 10 quarts of fresh milk in half the space of glass bottles. A special, sanitary plastic spigot lets you quickly draw cold, fresh milk -- by the glass or pitcherful--without retnoving the container from the refrigerator! Milk stays colder, fresh longer and tastes better. Sealed in a sanitary plastic liner, it's never exposed to light, air or refrigerator odors. Non-returnable and non-breakable, Refrig-A-Pak is the most convenient way to buy and use fresh milk ever offered. Order yours today! FOR SERVICE PHONE: EISW-SH1-5515 Md Wit - (V *0O2 CHICAfiO - HE 4-4151 6LEM B1YM - HO 9-0130 STAYS FRESH 10 days or more because milk stays colder... is sealed from air, light and TAKES LESS SPACE 10 quarts of milk in the Refrig-APak take only half the space of | odors in a sanitary plastic liner! -4^- glass. b ottles! t I I I | ms ML Renmomom I I The spigot swivels to disperise whether container is upright or | lying down! DISPOSABLE No bottle* to rinse or itiuirn! itfllMMI M4NUrACTVIt» »V KWflUl CONTAINS* COIKMUTIO* ^ FOR QWCK, ¥€@MATm& PAINT mm BFMIBED BATON tmsM The Easiest Wall Paint to Use ... and It Washes Like Enamel NEWl Creamy Smooth -- No Tedious Stirring. A few stirs and it's ready to use. It's Homogenized! NEW! Clings to brush or roller until you flow it on. Dries in 20 minutes. NEW! Most colors cover in one coat. Painting tools rinse clean In soapy water. NE$! Grease or "steam" can't harm the finish. Hundredsof "Locked-in-Latex" colors! NEW! Use on walls, woodwork, any room. Flows on faster, easier. Wears like enamel. £ SQUEEZE Finish '"sat Extra with dur New 1fi>4 Line of PANELING with New Baked on Plastic Finish in Blonde to Mahogany. No maintenance required only 35 ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 S©ufh of Han Street* Pi e illcMM >q. ft. M 3