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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1964, p. 11

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I S?Wfff«P®,' THE MsHWfKT ST-AHTOEAtES flowat* S4TH Y WMjr L0« Hwrtog Menrer -- 88M8M fo and Mra. Charles Van Wrten of. South Drive oele* W; their fifty-fourth wed» anhtyersary just recently, now that ai! their friends neighbor* wish this won* il.Coupte the very beBt of 5#gratuli*tlorls. The Vander- J, are well known for the (full work they do on dec* jg their house at Christ. Mi. time and they have wpn prizes with thfcir handi- |£u . Congratulations and . '- * vEl s s ! i # l o l i©8 ' ^ Mr. and Mm. Arthur E, .who were married last at 12 noon at Christ g church. Detail? of rj,, Unfe are In another sec- Of this paper. Mrs. Doyle Informer Sharon LaGreca. ; jfeul Gergltr In _ BDibipi Hospital was operated on oriday morning at Billlioipital at 930 East 59th In Chicago. Paul came he operation just fine but A|Ve to be at the hospital lalidther 10 days to 2 weeks. r£re all glad he is corning " OK and hope he will be goon. Why not send him ? . ' ^ ; f Happy Birthday Happy bifthday, many hap- I^tUrns, felicitations, con- Utk)its, and all the other wishes to Viola Rccho- . ^Ho celebrated her birthdti April 1. I think somei| me Vi was 97. Myi she look it does she? She's tbly led a sheltered life. the King Church News Saturday, April 4. two Wings are scheduled. At Hot a.m. a, nuptial Mass for i Hunt and Lawrence lpwa. At 12 noon Lynn itdy and Harold King will $ .married. tt Communion will be 19 at 9 a.m. The school will be open for recejvlypient for the religious > articles needed for First Comriutnton on Thursday and Fri- | Apuil 9. and 10. * ]. On Thursday, April 23, the I Altftr and Rosary Sodality will j nave its annual spring card j pttrty. Tickets may be Ipui-- 1 Ibty&d fron^ members. § Sunday, April 26--from | p.0i.- there will be a.Mc- | ' Bnanery Workshop > at I f-ili for the P.C.C | All ladies are invited., | Catechetical school will rei' fctfinpriext Sunday after 9 a.m. and High School of He* ' a^t. ll a.m. jjgpmtem are greatly need- ' V many - of - the parish ac* and affairs. Both men vyomen are needed. If you <Help out please call those Ihfli'ge of the various activiand let them know about It. Ject. TbefoUowing met for this workat the home of Betty ,'FIala on Thursday afternoon, March 19, Helen Sullivan, NevaFuhrer, Mrs. Walter Faust, Mrs. Ted Wielock, Vera Wohnrade and Mrs. 'George Halbauer. Neva Fuhrpr won the hostess prize. Canasta Club Meets Ainy Street was hostess to the Canasta Club Thursday night March 26. Eloise McCafferty, Mrs. Ted Eltoft and Mrs. Lincoln Koch had high scores.' Others playing were Grace Markle, Judy Rasmussen, Marlerie Lundborg, Neva Fuhrer, Mildred Lundborg, Mrs. Ed Gallas Sr., June Kiddell and Marie Milbrandt. Local Firemen Attend Fire Prevention Conference The fir© department sends members of the twenty-first annual conference and seminar of the Illinois Association of Fire protection Districts at Peoria, Assistant Fire Chief Ed O'Brien, Capt. Don Condit, Attorney Francis Higgins, and Trustee Horace Wagner attended the-two day conference and panel discussions. They heard addresses by James McMahon, Assistant, Director Dept. of Public Safety, State of Illinoh on "It Could Happen In Your Area", Keith Royer, Supervisor Firemanship Training, Iowa State University 'fThe Boss And The Worker", a message from State Fire Marshall, William J. Cowley, a discussion by Richard Solomon, Illinois Inspection and Rating Bureau on "Fire Protection Districts Ca'n Provide Fire Prevention Too." The afternoons were spent in panel workshop discussions. A separate workshop was held for fire chiefs one for attorneys, and one for trustees. The whole theme of the conference was based on the best way to fight a fire -- is prevent it. More and more districts are setting up "Fire Prevention Bureaus" as a separate unit to handle all inspections and take Steps to enforce corrective meawith the road problems in the subdivision. Three of the officers of .the associatiion attended a meeting in Crystal Lake pertaining to the road assessment lAw being considered for the area. The law is still being tested in some of the subdivisions and progress is being observed. The results should enable us to proceed with a solution to our road problems. Very soon the Women's Auxiliary will be having their rummage and bake sale. If you have any articles to donate please call 653-4741 or 653-6416 and someone will pick them up. Although funds are low--the electricity in the association house will be turned on so we can start making It ready for use. Officers meetings are held the first Saturday evening of the month. If you have any suggestions or problems--^you are welcome to attend. Hobby and Handicraft Show Keep in mind the hobby and handicraft show and sale to be held at Barnard Mill Community Center April 26 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The show will be free to the public. Booths containing Items of jewelry, knitting, crocheting, embroidery work, rug making, ceramics, china painting, and many others will be on display. If you have any articles to exhibit the group would be happy to have them. Please contact Mrs. Arthur Meyers-- Wonder Lake 9, 111. Phone: 653-6416. Refreshments and sandwiches will be available. reported on the informal meeting they were invited to attend, which was addressed by Dr. Jeffries. Jim has been asked to secure Dr. Jeffries to talk to our group. Our speaker, Art Lau, presented a very good talk on "Green Candle of Hope" sponsored by Kiwanis. t'Luck Supper on Tuesday Iji Tuesday, April 7, there 1 be a pot-luck supper at ^ ^Ocial hall sponsored by the 'ftiefoh church women, for members and friends of the parish. Pastor and Mrs. John pp&id wilt give an interesting '^and informative presentation , the camping program carspied on by the Illinois Synod iafc Alpine Lutheran Camp near Elchiriord and Camp August- &ti& on Geneva. Wis. :<Qra Wednesday. Arrij 8, at fiS© there will be a Lutheran School of Technology development fund training meeting at Grace Lutheran church at 311 ^Washington St., Woodstock. tAnixlUsry Make Hand Puppets ' (The Sew n* S 'ws continue to ip?ak& hand puppets for tho Mefnbrfdl Hospital Auxihmy pro- SMCIM. JPMNAU» , On Sale Daily exctu- 00 ba casta®--you're • #j6 Co <£C7C0 W% the; cair^v^sCi! onywh@r®< ONIr 14 CINTS j ( ; . - 18®, ty&F^Snila Street Eiftlwv, -III. sures. Emphasis was also enhausen placed on training the public. By state law any vehicle following a fire truck must be at least 500 feet away from the truck. No vehicle may PARK WITHIN ONE BLOCK of fire apparatus in operation. It is illegal to, drive over a fire hose unless kn authorized officer so directs. • < Klwanls Meeting, March 28 We were surprised with an interclub with Crystal Lake Club. Pop Barker, Cliff Honn, Oral Beeber, Col. Terpen and Doc Brandeau were the members who were here from Crystal Lake. Oral invited our club to attend the Division Fellowship Night, Tuesday, April 7 which the Crystal Lake Club is hosting. Principal speaker will be past governor, George Schar- Meet The Candidates Night The Wonder Lake Chamber of Commerce arid the Wonder Lake Area. Kiwanis are sponsoring a candidate night for |he Harrison Elementary and McHenry high school boards, 'the. meeting will be held at 8, p.m. on Thursday, April 2, at th0 Wonder Lake fire house on East Wonder Lake Road. Each candidate will be permitted a short talk and then the floor Will be opened for questions. All the public is invited. Be an Informed voter. Little League News It'd about that time of the year again and the Wonder Lake Little League is about to Start their 1964 baseball season. . As in the past, our largest hurdle to get over is getting enough revenue in to support our boys with enough equipment, proper equipment, and uniforms for the season. Therefore, the Wonder Lake Little League has declared May 23 as FUND DAY!!! Please be prepared to give the boys your backing. Womlervlew Improvement Assoc.--Unit No. I News Please check Into your dues situation now. Election of officers will be held in June. Only members in good standing will be eligible to vote. Officers will be vMtlng property owners. To date no definite suggestions have been ofigred to nelp Lois Mathews won the Battle Axe Award -- Good work Lois, it pays to make Tom eat out! Jim Robison proposed that the Kiwanis Club co-operate with the Wondir Lake Chaml> er to put on "Candidate's Night" at the Wonder Lake Fire House, Thursday, April 2. It would give all members of our community a chance to meet all the candidates for the Harrison school board and t,he McHenry high school board and for the candidates to express their, views. Phil Kinzer and Jim Robison New Patrol Added To Boy Scouts ! ! With the growth of the Wonder Lake Boy Scout Troop 145, going along at on enormous rate, a new patrol had to be formed to accommodate the new Scouts. Welcome Eagle Patrol!! Bob Ruggero is the new Patrol Leader with Edward Eberle as his Assistant Patrol Leader. Since so many boys are joining and will be eligible this Spring, help, help, HELP Is needed. Fathers, older brothers, uncles grandfathers, and all men interested in the boys in our Community are necessary to give the Scouts the type of program they deserve. Ail it COSTS is a few hours each month. Anyone can afford that much. Monday evening, April 20, 7 p.m. is Parents Night at the American I region Hall. All the Mothers and Fathers are Invited to hear about the plans for the Spring Camporee, which will be held May 1, 2 and 3. The plans for the summer camp at Camp Lowden are being made for the week of July 26 to August 1. Thus far eighteen boys have registered and if possible, there will be more. Any good used pots, pans and cooking utensils would be most appreciated by this troop. With the additional patrol a whole set will be necessary for the camporee and thereafter. If anyone would like to donate any of the above items, please call 3-7276 or 3-3931 and the Scout Leaders would be more than happy to pick them up. JUNIOR HKH PUPILS WIN PUCES ON TOP HONOR ROLL ADULT PRODUCTION On Wednesday, April 1, and Friday, April 3, all aspiring thespians in McHenry county are invited to read for the adult production scheduled to be presented on four nights the last week in May. The play chosen is "Boy Meets Girl," a rollicking, three-act comedy written by Bella and Samuel Spewack. Present plans are for a rehearsal schedule of three nights a week over a six-week period, beginning the third week in April. Th readings will be held at the Woodstock Opera House, begining at 8 p.m. ori eaOh of the. scheduled evenings. -•-A total of tweny-eight students of McHenry junior high school were placed . on the eighth grade "A" honor roll. They were Lynn Anderson, David Backhaus, Sue Bitterman, Kathleen Bolger, Doris Buch, James Chobot, Rodney Cole, Jean Dixon, Mark Domoto, Dennis Drake Kathleen Eternick, Kenneth Jensen Also, Barbara Kidd, Phil Krebs, Jennifer Kuhlman, Timcf.hy Morock, Valerie Olsen, Barbara Redetzky, Charles Reilly, Fran Robbins, Debbie Samen, Carol Schuh, Danny Sickafoose, Leota Stjnespring, William Smith, Richard Tomlinson, Leora Varese and Barbara Wertke. Seventh Graders There were twenty-eight seventh graders on the "A" honor roll including Carole Back, Gary Becko, The mas Burton, Eileen Cooper, Susan Crouch, Sharon Davidson, Denise Dethlef acn, Jeannie DeVries, Larry Drake, Joan Farr, Julie Fen wick, Cindy Ficken, Andrea H'tmmack. Also Judith Koch, Pat Ko?hn, Nancy Kraymer, Michael Krickl, Linda Lawrence, Marv McVeigh, Charlene Meyer, Jim Meyer, Clifford Morris, Phil Owens, Caryn Peterson, Marie Pike, Steven Snlter, Cand.v Walters, and Nancy Winters. Sixth Graders A total of thirty-six sixth graders made the "A" honor roll including John Ariont, Terry Burton, Debra Davidson, Bruce Davis, Debra Droesser, Kurt Easton, Linda Exline, Sheila Farmer, Frank Ficek, Debra Fuhler, Dale Fulton, Arleiie Grandt. Also Georrj ne Grek, Debra Croff, Don Hachmeister, Glenn Hannemann, Sharon Hoffman, Both Houser. Carol Jaenicke, Steven Jaschk ? Karyl Koepke, Jimmy Koopke, Donna Kaminski, James Lightner. Also Denise Lottchea, Craig Ludford, Catherine Marchi, A'- ice McCulloh, Cynthia Miller, Juanita Rcpta, Terry Roewer, Helen Salter, Jim Sobacki, Barbara Vilini, Donna Weichmann and Cor- Inp Wilhelm. "B' Koll A total of thirty-five eighth graders of MoHenry junior hit;h school were placed on the "B' honor roll. Included were Vinton Alderson, Ann Alexeyuk, John Anderson, Marylou Cassell, Robert Conrad, Patricia Cook, Margaret Dean, Diane Dimon, Lynne Dixon, Terry Doran, Katherine Francke, Charmaine Galion, Linda Goss. Also Beverly Hickrod, Doreen Kumpula, Steven Kutnick, Susan Lambert, Deborah Mayer, Theo Mickelson, Scott Nolan, Edwin Olbinski, Dawn Parenti, Jacqueline Pribyl, Susan Pries, Ken Reid. Also Laurie Sanford, John Santilli, Beth Saynor, Karen Smedberg, Ardelle Voeltz, Anthony Wagner, Gwenda Walters, Margaret Weyland, Nicole Wirtz and Daniel Wolf. Seventh Graders There were thirty-eight sev enth graders on the "B" honor roll. Included were Patty Atkins, Gre^ Borter, Robt?rt Brand, Bill Butler, Sandra Dawson, Diana Evans, Vicki Ferrsstrom, Scott Fisher, Jack Fulton, Tim Greidanus, Dawn Guettler, Robert Haagenson, Glenda Halcom, Betsy Haufe, Robert Houser. Also Lynda Infantino, Barbara Jesky, Donna Johnson, RUPTUREEASER per B race Tn W lib ift $495 T.M. Reg. U.S. Ptt. Off. (A PiperBneeTnus) Doubl«M45.93 Right or toft P*t. No. 2606591 ffniiit UqgirMl Abi «futrlonntfi ,h (eorrnmia-.n BtOacnks Lwaatainhsa baldo jwutpupboktt. S(onrt rpet dupu icn ible •bteoeu]t o Ar ldejautihtaebr lsb utiad *s.t rUanpc. uSaoilfet,d f lCito r fcraoiml]f poartd .A Nlioo •«twand. Ohrt moMpeiruartti oanr wsunptfp olrotw ftttrt mpanrt, e(fr emttvchV •n* itata rlfht ar Ml w IniMa. BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. Phone 385-4500 Use The Classifieds ipiiig mmmwm Vote For r"irgaret C NEIL Republican Candidate For CIMIT SLIii PRIMARY Ricky Karls, Michael KSempfer, Diane Kraymer, Lorilee Klontx, Nancy Lamberg, Patricia Lapinski, Karen Larson, Mike McVeigh. Also C?rol Moll, Beth Okal, Delores Pickett, John Reinke, Charlotte Rigsby, Susan Riordan, Carol Springman, Mike Swedo. Carol Tiggemann, Rosalyn Wagner, Jeffery Wheelock and Mike Mori'is. Sixth Graders Thirty-eight sixth garders made the "B" honor roll. They were Joanno iiesserud, Pat Boden, Gayle hiraun, Beverly Dimon, William j^ckhart, Debora Fair, Terry Flu;*cr, Linda Greene, Blake Hammack, Pat Henneberg, Judy Homo, Amy Howell, Keith Klonl/., Kurt Knaack, Shirley Lenart. Ateo Debra Mackinder,; Mayer, Jane McCrary, Ho^eirl Minor, Maureen Moore, Mik« Morenz, Scott Nickels, Brak Olson, Nancy Olson, Pam Pi>t* " ratz, JoAnn Qual, Joan Quillco* Also Robert R,iloy, Ron Ritrfi. ter, Steven Rohrer, Kenneth Schlottman, tfvonne Stracht' Debby Stratford, Jeff Thoma* Vicki Varese, DeeDee Weylandi^ Marie Wilson and Cheryl ZlT zlk. • --^--04 LIVIU LONGER Take longer and live lort| The Institute for Safer Livini says don't wait until the las moment to start that auto tri#*' Always start in time to alio# for moderate speeds and relaxed, unhurried driving. Mow is ihe TIME TO CHOOSE ior GOVERNMENT Choose BUSINESS rather than JUST POLITICS CALVIN L SNNNER FOR COUNTY AUDITOR EXPERIENCED ADMINISTRATOR PROVEN ADVOCATE^ OF ECONOMY QUALIFIED RESPONSIBLE DEDICATED REPUBLICAN WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SEEV1GE ON MOST MAKES A MODELS • Service •Rebuilding • Repair 9 Cleaning Out • Overhauling # Installation • Reconditioning 9 Removal ALL WORK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT JU 3IS4H* etlO WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois SAVE-UP TUES., APRIL 14, 1964 To the Voters of McHenry County: Your support of my candidacy is respectfully asked for the office of CLERK of the CIRCUIT COURT. You can thereby be assured of endorsing the candidate with the most experience in the affairs of this highly technical office -- 25 years -- an office that requires a trained and fully qualified official to guarantee its effective and efficient operation. y Your vote of confidence will be appreciated. DUIBNG THIS SALE AT JRNSE . J Hundreds Of Unadveriised Specials! GENERAL'S QUALITY TUFF' PAINT A durable, easy-to-apply paint for every purpose. Satin finish wall paints, semi-gloss enamels, porch & deck paint. Decorator colors. II Margaret O'Neil Republican Candidate MUSIC a one A RECORDS SHEET MUSIC INSTRUMENT SALES DANCE ORCHESTRA udic <Stuck 10 Instruction in PIANO ORGAN TRUMPET DRUMS GUITAR, etc. 1 NEW: Put Your Wedding on Record BONALD BYKOWSKI Across From Jewel Shopping Plaza 3719 W. Elm SSs-eet , ALYCE JOyCE SHAY Phone 385-4646 MeH@KFy, Illinois SlA m $1.00 Pure Gum Turpentine 69* ALL PURPOSE Plastic-Paint \v\\\m\\v PUSH - BUTTON I 7/i. SHADES i VVHiTfc SHELF paper 115 *eet 1 For professional results on any surface. Dries in minutes. A rainbow of durable colors. REG. B inch bV " 'd Beg 4ft H Mmmi 100% VISCOSE -- 36" Wide -- Cut to any desired length. CARP NEW --- JUST ARRIVED FOR SPRING DRAPE For Spring Planting & Summer Beauty Begonia (Double) 4 for 69c Dahlias (Giani Flowering) 29c Cannas (3 in pkg.) 49c Lillium Bulb 39c-49c Jumbo Size Glads 69c doz. BRACH'S "SUNSET RIDGE ASSORTED CH@e<9LATIS 3 days only! Fresh, creamy - smooth, delicious ! Flavorful creams, caramels, nougats. peppermints. REG. 69c Also MUFFLED CURTAINS And PANELS JUST ARRIVED .LAMP SHADES New Spring Styles 49* ,, $8.86 On Display -- Come See WORLD'S SMALLEST HORSE It's Live -- It's Real 1 and Only Showing in this Part of Country 10 to 6 Sunday No Admission Addition to ou|* Pet Shop HORNSBY'S HOURS: OPEfi DAILY 9-9 -- SUNDAY 9-6 ALWAYS PLENTY OF FHEE PARKING IN OUR STORESIDE LOT!

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