THE McHENRY PLAWDEALPB Thuwdsy. April 9. 1984 C, apitof Report Fificently I was named as one - of seven members of Congress to :erve as United States delegat ss to the Inter-Parliamentarv Union conference taking pJa je in Lucerne,Switzerland, fro i March 30 to April 5. Accoi iinly, this report will be api earing at a time when I am representing our nation at this international meeting of partial lentaiy delegates from various nations around the world. The Inter-Parliamentary Union had its origin in 1889 when pai liamentary delegates from nin? nations gathered in Paris, seeking to arbitrate various international disputes. Since that modest beginning, this orgar ization has developed in sizt and influence. At the present time, it has a permanent headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland, with a full-time secretariat. Sixty-five nations hold membership and are eligible to send parliamentary delegates to its international conference. The United States delegation to Lucerne, Switzerland, this year is headed by Rep. Katherine St. George of New York. In addition to your Representative in Congress, it includes Senators Gordon Allott of Colorado and A. S. Mike Monroney of Oklahoma, and Representatives Emilio . Q. Daddario of Connecticut, Alexander Pirnie of New York, and W. R. Poage of Texas. The parliamentary delegates will be discussing such diverse subjects as (a) arms control; (t) tariff and trade problems; fc) international economic and so?'al problems; and (d) cultUPiil and educational exchange art development. My assignm ?nt is on the cultural committe?, which will consider illiteracy and other such critical educational problems in the developing nations of Asia and Africa. While my experiences wlt i the subject of student exchanges have been significant, a jreat deal of new information hi s been brought to my attention recently, emphasizing the inn-easing importance of educational and cultural developm -Jit in promoting greater inte -national understanding. In ac dition to the valuable experierce which will come from this assignment, I hope to be able to contribute substantially to thi reputation of and the resf set for our nation* through th2se meetings with representtl. ves from other lands. Before departing for the Luc t r n e m e e t i n g , t h e U n i t e d Spates delegates met with Sec retary of State Rusk for the pi.rpose of coordinating the work of the Lucerne conference w^h the foreign policy actions of our nation. In addition, hnve had the benefit of volunrnous "position papers" prepared by the Library of Congress, and have had occasion to review the reports and proceed in ?s of earlier sessions of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. An interesting sidelight, occurring shortly before the departure of our group for the Lucerne conference, was a visit from the Charge d'Affaires of t h e E m b a s s y o f S o u t h V i e t Nam. He expressed apprehension that delegates from the North Viet Nam Parliament might appear at the conference in an attempt to represent Viet Nam. The visit was hardly necessary, as the uniform attitude of our United States delegation is such that no delegates from the Sino-Soviet bloc will receive any comforting reception or treatment. THE POLITICAL CORNER SECQND IN CONTEST Goldwater. She will be escort for Senator Goldwater at the rally Friday, April 10, at the Ampitheater and serve as hostess at a pre-rally. Each area chairman has designated time and place of meeting: Davis and Loren Masse y will meet their caravan at McHenry high school at 11 a.m... GAIL MARQUART Miss Gail Marquart, McHenry, daughter of Mrs. Jean Marquart, was first runnerup in the Miss Illnois Goldwater contest at Chicago Saturday. Gail's beauty and speaking poise helped her capture second in a field of 13. Gail was Miss McHenry County in 1962. She was sponsored in the state contest by the 12th Congressional District "Goldwater for President" committee after winning the district contest a week earliev. Winner of the state contest, was Vicki Tennes, Glenview. MEET FOR GOLDWATER Several bus loads of persons will attend a political rally for Senator Barry Goldwater, GOP presidential candidate, in the International Amphithea ter, Chicago, at 8 p.m. Friday, according to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis of McHenry, board members of Voters for Goldwater of the 12th Congressional district. . Tickets for the rally are available at the Voters for Goldwater headquarters in Woodstock. Senator Goldwater's sons, Barry, Jr. and Mike, will be guests of Voters for Goldwater all day Friday. They will be met at O'Hare Field, taken to luncheon at Crystal Lake, given a private reception at Deerfield in the afternoon and feted at a dinner open to the public at 5 p.m. that day. After the dinner the group will go by bus to the amphitheater. Since dinner reservations are limited to 100, any person interested in attending both the dinner and in going to the amphitheater by bus should telephone Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Because the pre-rally at the restaurant is sponsored by Young Americans for Goldwater, whose headquarters are in Deerfield, teenagers may order a sandwich plate for which no reservations are needed. At the dinner, Young Americans will stage a Miss Teen- Age Goldwater contest for which there are twenty-five contestants. Winner will be an attendant to Miss Illinois Goldwater at the amphitheater. If any McHenry teen-ager wishes to be a contestant, she may telephone Mrs. Davis. Voters for Goldwater will stage a caravan on Saturday in the 12th Congressional district, Boone, Lake, and McHenry counties. Purpose of the caravan is to remind citizens to vote in the primary election on Tuesday, and to distribute information about Senator Barry M. Goldwater, GOP Presidential Can didate. Gail Marquart will ride in the caravan on Saturday. She will be luncheon and dinner guest of Voters "TEENS FOR PERCY" Over 100 young people met at a "Teens for Percy" party in Wonder Lake Sunday afternoon. Sam Schmunk, McHenry area co-or<Jinator, and Karl A. Koch, county chairman of the Percy for Governor committee, conducted the meeting. The program consisted of a discussion of practical politics in which such subjects as polling place procedures, the proper way to enter a "write-in" candidate, and the duties of a voter were discussed. The afternoon ended with a dance contest to the music of the juke bo*. A feature of the afternoon was a long distance phone call from Roger Percy, high school age son of Charles Percy. A seasoned campaigner, he has acted as a driver for his father during the summer and on weekends and vacation periods during the school year. He conducted a lively question and answer session through an amplifier attached to the telephone receiver. Some teen-agers have already been active jn their support of Charles Percy. For example, a group of girls who call themselves the "Percyettes" were organized by young Miss Nancy Schmunk of McHenry to handle the kitchen chores at coffeeklaches and to pass out Percy for Governor literature. The teenagers are planning to blanket McHenry and Greenwood townships with information about Mr. Percy before the primary election on April 14. make the decision in 1964, Bolger feels he will be ready because his constituents are letting him know how they feel. An interesting sidelight or. this poll is the large nurpber of favorable comments on the splendid work of Adlai Stevenson at the United Nations. HOLD RALL1 As Republican leaders in McHenry county last week made final plans to generate a bi^ turnout of voters Tuesday, they met with several candidates at rallies in the county. At Woodstock, Edward G. Pree, one of several candidates for Lieutenant Governor, hosted a dinner for workers from Boone and McHenry counties in a final swing through northern Illinois before the primary election. Edward Dowd, McHenry cour.ty sheriff, was chairman. Pree invited several other candidate^ to share the platform and available to answer questions. They included Sen. Robert Coulson, candidate for re-election as State Senator: Howard K. Kellett, clerk for the Appelate Court, second district; and Lester Cunningham, Belvidere mayor who is a candidate to become a delegate to the Representative convention in June. ENDORSES CANDIDACY Rep. A. B. McConnell of Woodstock announced this past week his endorsement of the candidacy of William J. Scott for governor. Another trouble with feminine opinion is that it is expressed in too many words. Short statements -are gener-. ally distilled from lon^ experience. STATE-EMPLOYMENT Employment in industry reached peak levels in Illinois during 1963, John E. Cullerton, Illinois Department of Laboi director, said last week. Nonagricultural employee totals reached an all-time high of 3,- 675,600 by the year's end, an increase of 48,400 over 1962. For 26 consecutive months since October 1961 Illinois employment has exceeded the levels for the corresponding month of the previous year, Cullerton said in his report to Gov. Otto Kerner. Earnings reached new highs in 1963, Cullerton said. Production workers averaged Aoto Financing Bank Rates are Cheaper McHenry Stale Bank an all time high of i $110.80 weekly in December, an increase of $3.50 over ttye s&iria period in 1962. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS State's Narusir Attorney ELECT BERNARD V. NARUSIS as Republican candidate for State's Attorney. He is an experienced trial lawyer from Crystal Lake and is qualified to practice law before all state courts in Illinois, the U.S. Tax Court, the Treasury Department, and the Federal District Court. An active Republican party worker, Mr. Narusis seeks your support and pledges himself to responsibility and impartiality in the office of State's Attorney. HOLD RALLY A Republican township rally in behalf of the Bill Scott for Governor campaign will be held at the VFW clubhouse on April 9 at 8 p.m., sponsored by the 6th and 11th precincts, members of which have stated that coffee and doughnuts will be served. An interesting schedule is planped for this rally. DEMOCRATIC POLL In a special poll conducted by William J. Bolger, candidate for delegate to the Democratic National convention, Democrats were asked to indicate their choice for a vicepresidential candidate for the 1964 election. The response was overwhelmingly in favor of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. The percentage results to date: Robert F. Kennedy, 52; Adlai E. Stevenson, 17; Hubert Humphrey, 16; R. Sargent Shriver, 14 and Write-ins, 1. Because of the Democratic convention is still four and a half months away, Bolger asks that voters keep sending in their poll cards. There will be another release just before convention time in August. William Bolger recalled that, as a delegate to the 1956 convention, he had to make a choice between Estes Kefauver and John F. Kennedy for vicepresident, when the presidential nominee, Adlai Stevenson, told the delegates that the decision was up to them. If Lyndon for Johnson asks the delegates to yeans Vote for THEODORE "Ted" WHAN From McHenry County For Alternate Delegate To liailonal Nominating Convention PRIMARY ^ APRIL 14. 1964 i [LIS taomed -- TRAINING -- BOARDING -- Individual large Inside kennels heated -- Covered outside runs. BATHING -- Small Sized Y BECKEI )0f C£[ 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. 385-2436 McHenry, 111. (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) Toy & Juveni 8706 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-1456 WIDE ASSORTMENT OF iS & T@YS Bicycles, Parts & Accessories Complete Bicycle Repairs We Buy, Sell, & Trade Used Bicycles Aez: are invited to our SPRING SALE Opening You'll see a hugh floor covered with lovely Factory Fresh - Living Room - Bedroom - Dining Room Furniture. Real Quality from Kroehler - Valentine Seaver - Crawford Maple - Serta Bedding and Lee Carpets. Come on over - drive a little - Save a lot - You'll be happy you did - Parking is ng/er^ a problem and we're open every night - Use our Friendly Budget Terms. Please Ask About Our Friendly Termst Whet* Parking is Never a Problem I0ICE Lovely Living Room Suite or Fine Quality Bedroom Suite. SAVE 30% 00 ... ...jxtftf ;V $177 monthly Lovely In !§§%< N nr >n -- Feom Cushions KROEHLER A • LUXUQOOUS SOFA • MATCHING CMAIR You'll fall in love with this 'fine quality Living Room Suite--a real quality Kroehler Sofa & Chair -- in decorator colors and excellent construction. '177 00 $14.00 Monthly Look at this fine Dresser, Chest and Panel Bed or Double Dresser, Chest and Book- Case Bed -- in Danish Walnut, precision construction throughout. FINE QUALITY 3 PC. BEMOOM SUITE IN DANISH WALNUT $14.00 Monthly Skorbem's Fun STORE, INC. 320 E. Route 14 Crystal Lake, Illinois m IWERY NIGHT