Thursday, May 21, 1964 Pistakee Highlands SUDDEN DEATH OF MIKE CONTRA STUNS HIGHLANDS Kay Slelliwh Hyatt 7-3414 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB No one in the Highlands knew Mike Contra had been very ill since February, Mike never complained or talked about, it, but we had not seen him around lately. Late Tuesday afternoon, when Stephanie dame into his bedroom to ci&ck on him she found him lying on the floor and summoned her neighbors, Clarence and Miliie Shasta! for help. They called the Johnsburg Rescue Squad, but Mike was dead before they and the doctor arrived. The body was moved to the George Justen Funeral home in McHenry and was taken to Chicago to the Stanley Funeral Home, 3060 Milwaukee Avenue. The funeral was held from the funeral home Friday, May 15, at l'GO p.m. Mke was only 63 at the time of his death. He and Stephanie have lived in the Highlands for more then 13 years the past three years at 907 West Broadway. Before his medical retirement Mike had' worked as a printer in Chicago and they moved to Solon Mills on a farm and from there they moved to the farm which now houses the Mount. Hope church and the Bauer fc.mily are the new owners of the farm home and property. We who live near Mike and S^phanie will miss seeing Mike drive down the hill for the mail and to chat with neighbors. We offer our deepest sympathy to Stephanie. A Bundle In Blue Harold and Beverley Bichler are the proud parents of a baby boy born at the McHenry hospital, May 9, weighing in at 8 lbs. and 5 oz. The baby has been named Bruce Richard. We arc all so thrilled for this wonderful couple and we wish them every happiness with their first baby. Mount Hope Clureh Notes Sunday, May 10, was a big day for two families, for that was Baptism day for them. David Joseph Salbielny has as sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Hobart John Dennis Lee, Gregory Allen and Stephen Patrick Sisk's sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Murphy. May 11, at 8 p.m. the commission on membership and Evangelism meeting was held and much progress was made at the meeting. May 12, at 8 p.m. the Women's Society of Christian Service was held in the church hall. Hostesses for the evening were Hazel Rod go and Shirley Wiley. Other members present were: Shirley Dyson; Haze Morley, Vi Knspin, Marie Perschke, Sally Jo Von Bruenchenheim, Marion Doenecke, Pearl Sweet, Mrs. Benesh, Catherine Rohrbeck, Dee Gregg and Dolores Oakley. After the regular business meeting a baby shower was held for Delores Oakley. She thought she was just attending the regular monthly meeting. She received many lovely and very useful gifts. May 14 at 8 p.m. the recreaton committee met at the church to discuss the new basebiiJl diamond. Saturday, May 16, the BYKOTAS (an evening fellowship for couples) was held the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perschke, 5414 N.. Christine Mr. and Mrs. Don Krispin were the co-hosts for the fun night which was enjoyed by many couples from the church. At the 11 a.m. services May 10, Dor Oil es Gregg was the organist, Phil Wieck, lay reader, Greeters, Dolores and Arthur Oakley, and the candle lighter, Laura Gregg. Open House To Honor Thorens Saturday, May 23, at 8 p.m. an open house in honor of Virginia and Ed. Thoren, who are moving to Oak Park the end of the month will be held at the home of Barbara and Everett Sisk, 1105 Florence Avenue, in Pistakee Hills. Haze and Dick Morley will be cohosts. The many friends near and far of the Thorens are most welcome to take this opportunity to express their appreciation and love for them. Losing the Thorens is a big blow to the Highlands, Ed has been a pillar of the community, working to form the Mount Hope church, and serving on the school board, and doing many wonderful things fqr the community, Ginny too has worked hard and long assisting Ed. Their son, Craig, and daughter-in-law, Gloria, will move into their home, so we welcome them back to the Highlands and at least we are left, wth Thorens still with us. We wish Ed antf- Ginny the very best of luck in their new home and we hope to see them back visiting us, often. Lake Region Post 708 Unit News The following members of the auxiliary, who attended the annual Gold Star Mother's dinner May 11, were: Dorothy Mary Seldon and Joyce Heir. To See Grandson Become •A Decon We ill share the much anticipated" joys of Agnes Wrob- Jewski who will be leaving May 27, with her daughter-inlaw, Msr. Lola Wroblewski of Morton Grove, for St. Louis, Mo., to attend) the beautiful ceremonies for their son and grandson, Marion Wroblewski, who will become a Deacon of the Catholic church. Agnes has been awaiting this day for years and next year Marion will be ordained a priest. Agues makes her home in the Highlands with her daughter. We extend our congratulations to Agnes, who is so very proud of her grandson. Brownie Notes The Brownie Leader, Mrs. Harriet Wilson, and her assistant, Mrs. Jane .Maiek, attended the Adult Scout Training for Day Camp at the American Legion home in McHenry May 20. Any mother interested in. lending a helping hand with the upcoming Day camp to be held June 29 through. July 1, please call Harriet at Hyatt 7-3374. Harriet is still looking for a woman to replace her as Brownie Leader. Community Project For For Cjilrl Scouts May 9, Girl Scout Leader, Mrs. Frances Groth, and assistant leader, Mrs. Rosemary Thelen, and all the Girl Scouts banded' together to clean the community center, their community project for the Spring Saturday, May 16, the Girl Scouts enjoyed a hike around and through the highlands, with their leader and assistant leader. Birbtday's And Anniversaries This is "Tommy" week for birthdays. May 22. Tommy Warczak celebrates his seventh birthday, May 24, Tommy S<bielny celebrates his twelfth birthday. May 22, Tommy Farczak .celebrates his seventh birthday, May 24, Tommy Sabielny celebrates his eighth birthday and May 28 Tommy Hurckes celebrates his twelfth birthday. News Of Your Friends And Neighbors Congratulations to ,the following M.C.H.S. students who are top students, Dawn Misavice, Sandra Heir, -Antje Thode, Rockwell Eide, Janice Erbin and Susan Nurse. We are sorry to hear Roy Reed is a patient at the McHenry hospital and we hope by now you're home feeling much better. May 7, Mitchie Rittorno celebrated his eigth birthday with a party with several of his friends. They enjoyed games, prizes and a beautiful cake and ice cream. May 9, Dick and Haze Morley and children spent the evening with Dick's parents in Zion, to help his Mom celebrate Mother's Day. Sunday the Morleys spent the day in Spring Grove with Haze's parents. Congratulations to Milton Croadsdale who was elected to the office of president of the Holy Name Society of St. John's. Milt will be a busy man, he is also the new Republican committeeman. The wonderful traveling Snells are off and running again. Roy and Gert returned to the Highlands May 11 after spending two weeks in Chicago and Oaklawn where they visited their son and famly and Gert's sister and families. While there they attended the funeral of Gert's brother-inlaw. Their daughter, Grace, and husband, Forrest Rteinhardt, also attended the funeral Monday, May 11. While pn their vacation they enjoyed1 many card games and relaxing and visiting with every one. Members of the Pistakee Highland library board held a meeting at the community center May 9. They made plans for the summer hours which will be announced later. Blanche Haefiiger submitted her resignation a secretary of the board. They hope to have a story hr«ur again this year, it was such a success last year. May 7, Marge Moreth, Lorraine Lindemann and Vi Schuble attended the Pink Lady Sewng Guill of the auxiliary to the McHenry hospital held at the home of Marion Carlson in McHenry. They missed their pal Gert SneLl who was on vacation. May 17, Lorraine Lindemann and Vi Schnuble attended the Fifth District Meeting, as delegates of the V.F.W. Post 4600. We are so very sorry and shocked to hear that Marge Moreth entered St. Therese hospital May 11 and underwent extensive surgery May 12. We send our best wishes to you, Marge, for a speedy recovery and our prayers are with you. The members of the Blessed Virgin Sodality of the Highlands who attended the May 12 meeting were: Rose Schifferdecker, Betty Zenner, Jean Tomsa, Kay Sielisch and our neighbors on top of the hill, Celia and Lois Thelen. Betty Zenner will be one of the hostesses for the June meeting. Jean Tomsa was the big bunco winner and Rose the booby prize winner at our bunco table. I was so sorry when I called Audrey Morin for news last week and found she was suffering from strep throat. Audrey has been a most loyal news contact and I always enjoy our weekly visit. I do hope your feeling much better by now gal. Several students from the Highlands attended the Junior- Senior Prom, at McHenry hgh May 16. After the prom they all gathered in Cary. Millie Shastal has been very busy helping Stephanie Contro in her hour of need and visiting her brother who is a patient in the Sherman-hospital in Elgin. Her brother lives in Meadowdale. All of the women parishioners of St. John's are asked to please bring baked goods for the Memorial weekend bake sale, sponsored by the Blessed Virgin Sodality. The need for baked goods is far greater than the amount brought in, so get out your baking pans gals. The 'Teen club has disbanded for the Summer months until September. May 9, the members enjoyed a' day of horse back riding. May 12, Harriet Wilson attended the M.C.H.S chorus banquet in McHenry. Her daughter, Janet, received a three year pin, the other two girls in the chorus from the H i g h l a n d s a t t e n d i n g w e r e ' Mary Jean Glueck and Lynn Johnson. Mother's Day Ted and Ellie Wroblewski and their two dolls spen' the day in Oaklawn at the home of El lie's paren t s, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Benatti, for dinner. While theTe they paid a visit on Ellie's godmother: - Mrs. Mary Ann Trent and Terry Re illy are the latest victims of the measles which seems to be making the rounds once again. May 21, Ruth Petrov and Haze and Dick Morley attended a meeting in Cary on PTA business. The Johnsburg school received an award for the highest percentage of increase in membership of all of the schools in our district. The PTA is very proud of Ruth Petrov and her helpers who made this award possible, with iheir hard v*ork on membership May 10. Mary Lou and Dick Sabielny had a party in honor of their son David Joseph's baptism. The guests were: Mary Lou's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart John, David's sponsors, from Ypsilanti, Mich., their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eckhardt of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson, Mrs. Ruth Carberry and daughter, Kathy, and William Fuchs. Mary Lou's parents from Tomahawk, Wis., were to have been there but they developed car trouble at the last minute. Baby David received many beautiful gifts, the most unusual one from his sponsors, a gold crown all inlaid with silver dollars. Lorraine Hurckes was hostess for a kaffee klutch in honor of Margaret McNamara who has sold her home on Woodland and is leaving the Highlands, May 23. Many neighbors and friends were on hand to wish Margaret Godspeed and the best of luck in her new home. A dual baby shower was held for* Beverely Lewandowski and Mary Lou Saibielny at the home of Jane Malek, May 12. It was a surprise bat»y shower for the two girls, each came thinking the shower was for the other one. They both were surprised. Jane's co-hostesses were: Teena O'Malley and Jan Juhquart. The gals who were on hand for the evening's festhities were: Barb. Sisk, Rosemary Koch, Lois Leuth, Juanita Blackburn, Veronica Bauer, Millie Shastal, Pat Siciliano and Sally Jo Von Bruenchenheim. Gi initiation And Chahge Of Hours In Masses Attention all Highlanders who are members of St. John's the graduation date has been sei for June 7 at the 8 a.m. M ass. I will have the list of the graduates as soon as possible. Please cut out the item so that you may have it for future references. Starting Sunday, June 7, the Masses will be, 6:30, 8, 9:30, 10:45 and 12 a.m. Cub Scout Pack 452 Notes The theme for ths month's meeting was "Our American Heritage" and entertainment was presented by Den six, which was Indian Dances and talks on Indan lore, presented by Steve Murgatroyd, Robbie Kawahara, iRay Thelen and David Hillstrom. Our Scouts will participate in the McHenry Memorial Day parade. The boys are to meet, in uniform at the American Legion Hall at 9 a.m. A trip to O'Hare Airport is planned for June. The Pack has another Den mother, Marilyn VanZevern volunteered her services. Fourteen new boys were inducted Open Daily for Your Inspedion starting Saturday, May 23rd From 12 Noon 'til Sairk (CLOSED ON TUESDAYS) MILLSTREAM AT McHIMftY By Ladd Enterprises Featuring Two Models Now Under Construction CONCORD, 3 bedrooms, lVz baths, fantastic kitchen and dining room -- 1,225 square feet, $18,500. F Quality Radiator Repair SALEM, split foyer, 3 bedrooms, big recreation room, wonderful kitchen -- 1,632 square feet, $19,950. By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 11 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Meet BR1TT BLAIR, Sales Manager for Millstream He will be delighted to Welcome You. WATCH ALSO for the opening of CLERMONT at Woodstock next month -- smother development by Ladd. You'll also find more than 20 model homes at Co vestry to help you compare* dream/ plan# and then -- to build a home of your own! Abwswi. Next to V.F.W. 8004 W. Route 120 Phone 385-0783 McHenry, UL LADD EfST Inc. -- f-- as Bob Gats, they were: Wayne Wiley,. Mitchell Sietman, Steve Kuutz, Glen Hayner, Kerry Decker, Robert Glueck, Kirk VanZevern, Gary Shastal, Micheal Wolf, Thomas Fiedler, Robert Jenkins, Steve Kanter, Ray Vonobstfeider and Timothy Stallard. Mr. Meckley, Boy Scout Leader, and Gordon Murray and Scott Bourbon were guests of the May 1, meeting. They presented the Weblos with Boy Scout handbooks, and their Weblo patches. The Weblos are: Sean Megley, Mark VanZevern, Jimmy Zenner, John Lak^wske, Bob Sallaz and Dale Hillstrom. Other awards went to Bernie Kennebeck one Gold Arrow, John Miller 2 Silver Arrows, Mark Fredrick a Denner Bar, Jim Fuqua, assistant Denner Bar, Dale Hillstrom, a Denner Bar, John Lakowske, 2 Silver Arrows, Seem Megley, 1 Silver Arrow, and S'eve Murgatroyd, 1 Silver Arrow. In closing please be kind to one another and may God take a special liking to each and everyone of you. INSECT SPRAY Spray the foundation of your home with a 2 percent chlordanc or ":k percent dieldrin solution to prevent spiders, ants, centipedes and clover mites from entering your house. About 3 gallons of solution will spray the foundation aud a 2 to 4 inch band of soil alongside the foundation. Contact your Farm Adviser, Box 108, Woodstock, for Circular 887, "Keep .Outdoor Pests Out Of Your House." :#«ae Seventeen 4-J4 CHERRY VALLEY CLUI^ The Cherry Valley 4-H club met recently at the home of Jeff and Howard Brody. ^11 members were present, qnd guests .were Keith DuLaney,1 Mrs. T. Aamlet, Jim Boarini, Kath/^Boarini and Kathy Clough. The group discussed camp for the coming summer, which is one of the many activities of 4-H. rge> I The record books were checked and will have this same procedure performed each month. There will be a charg of twenty-five cents for an one who doesn't keep a reco: Kevin Schultz gave a report on his tour for electricity qnd it was evident he learned much from it. Mrs. Wright gave out some very interesting material . on baking,. and Harold Woody fen* formed the groqp on the eare of beef cattle. ^ 1 Reports and demonstrationa were given by John Fleck at! "Disease of Beef Cattle." .fc- < OUTDOOR ART Elgin artists, craftsmen and teachers have joined area artists and the committee heads of the Elgin branch of' 'the American Association of University Women in final preparation for the outdoor art fait to be held on Saturday, May 23, in Lord's Park, near rotitet 20 and 58 on the east side of ,Elgin. Hours are 10 to 5. Mrs. Fred Nelson, 146 N, Porter, has announced thig week that a few spaces may still be assigned to artists wishing to enter the fair. Shirley Averyt, an amateur painter in oils, from Wilwood drive, McHenry is entering as an exhibitor from this area. * WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES ft MODELS © Service • Rebuilding • Repair ® Cleaning Oat • Overhauling 9 Installation 9 Reconditioning 9 Removal ALL WORK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT _KoL W5-SIM eno WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois mis CAR * • ...A; iJl Crystal Lmk® Sales Office, 459-5S43 *6* " •' 'B :«sS IN SALES... IN PERFORMANCE Rpmonii sales aae soaring because people like to> side with a winner. And when you look t Plymouth's win record on backs around die country, you know why it's the hot car of tbe. 1964 model yeaH Come in for a test drive todayi <, ?> £YOU CAN GET A HOT PLYMOUTH DEAL HERE: & CHRYSLER M0TOR8 OORPORMIQH \ FURY MOTO Inc. 2508 W. Rouio 120 •Y % r j r< i&v 1 1 4? M C J V , A