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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1964, p. 6

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I Jfag* srix I SaHHBMB THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEH y. May Zl* 1964 I RATES I f First Insertion -- 7c per word -- $1.40 minimum |- No ads counted less than 20 words. Ttep$at Insertions -- ! 6 c per word -- $1.20 minimum 25c Service Charge on All Blind Ads. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. o CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF OPPOR TUN IT IBS FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES Display Classified First Insertion -- $1.30 Per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.15 Per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pt. Signature. COPY DEADLINE -- Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. OFFICE HOURS -- Daily except Saturday -- 8:30 a m. to 5 p.m. Replacement Parts For All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge •pen weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf 1959 CJJEVY Impala Sport Coupe. Leather upholstery, 6 cyl., stick shift, dual speaker radio. $895. H. Bell, 653-2303 after 4:30 p.m. 5-28-64 3957 PLYMOUTH, Fordor, six. stick transmission, $200; 1955 Chrysler Fordor, power steering, brakes, automatic transmission, $175; both excellent condition. 653-4592. *5-28-64 1960 FORD, 4 door, automatic, 6 cylinder, $700. Call after 6 p.m. 053-7827. *5-28-64 FORD STATION Wagon. Call 385-1187. 5-28-64 1963 FORD GALAXIE, 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder, stick shift, low mileage. Reasonable. Call 385-6265 after 7 p.m. 5-21-28-64 1962 17-FOOT CRESTLINE fiberglas boat; 75 h.p. Johnson, electric starting, with generator; built-in gas tank; convertible top; fully equipped; ski bar, 3 sets skis; life preservers; electric horn; heavy duty sterl- 'ng trailer. Call 385-1726. 5-28 thru 6-25-64-TF TRIT O N Marine Service # Johnson Motors 9 Skiff Craft Boats • Trailcar Boat Trailers : : C O M P L E T E -SERVICE FACILITIES for Jdlaats -- Motors -- Storage • -Gas & Oil -- Rest Rooms 1208 N. Riverside Dr McHenry PHONE 385-1076 3-19-64-TF 1957 CORRECT CRAFT 16 ft. Inboard utility, 6 cylinder Gray engine, folding navy type top, radio, new cover, newly refinished, all latest C. G. approved equipment and storage trailer, $1,195. Will trade for outboard or what have you? Europa Motors. 385-0700 -- Evenings 653- 5072. 5-28-64 Thinking Boats? 100 Boats & Motors New - Used All types at discount prices. New 12' Alum. 18 h.p. rating $144; 14' $179; Trailers $99; DeLuxe X15 Runabouts $595, etc. ED WENDT "Complete Marine Center" Hwy. 22 Richmond, 111. New Hours -- Daily 9-8 Sunday 10-6 Phone 815-678-3231 4-2-64-TF L VSilLGOG •EPtorii Business Opportunic Drive-In Dairy Bar Fully equipped and operating. Excellent location. Good parking, high volume. Crystal Lake area. Will sell on contract. Full price $7,700. 385-4411 385-4285 5-28-64 TEXACO New combination bulk plantservice station available in McHenry either on a distributorship or consignee basis. A real opportunity for someone interested in the petroleum business. For Further Information Call George Duncan Code 312 HE 7-2600 5-7-28-64-TF ALL TYPES OF FENCE © Chain Link (5 Colors) © Rustic • Louver O Stockade • Basket Weave • Rail Fence & Custom Residential -- Industrial Financing Available FREE Estimates 385-1469 McHENRY FENCE CO. 1007 N. River Rd., McHenry, 111. 5-7-28-64-TF REASONABLE. Excellent opportunity to own a 1951 18-ft. Chris Craft speed boat. Excellent running condition. For details call 385-6189. 5-28-6-4-64 $250 TAKES ALL - - 14-ft. Fi^ berglas boat, oars. tank, cover. lxk h.p. motor. Code 312 ORchard 5-1785, reverse charges. 5-28-64 F R E E PERMANENTS Monday, Wednesday & Friday with PAID CUT, WASH, RINSE & STYLE $3.50 Starting Wednesday, April 22 Thru Monday, June 1. Work done exclusively by students McHenry School of Beauty Culture 3031 W. Lincoln Road McHenry, 111. Phone 385-9850 4-16 thru 5-28-64 TREES AND Tmshes removed and trimmed, also light haulin e. Reasonable ia*es. 385- 3560. 5-7-28-64-TF C. S. G. Lawn & Mower Service Lawn Cutting -- Landscaping Yard Cleaning -- Lawn Rolling Fertilizing & Black Dirt Estate Care Complete Lawn Mower Repair Sharpening, Power .... $6.00 Sharpening, Hand .... $3.00 Pick-up and Delivery Service Call FRED YUNGNICKEL 385-1606 2504 W. Huemann Ave. McHenry, 111. 4-16-64-TF UPHOLSTERING dinette sets and chairs. Wide selection of fabrics. Free estimates. 385- 3560. 5-7-28-64-TF Specializing in Selling Suburban Business Fast Confidential Service NATIONWIDE BUSINESS BROKERS 3812 W. Elm McHenry, 111. -- CALL -- <15-385-4411 -- 815-385-4285 /.rytime 5-7-28-64-TF A SMALL INVESTMENT will put you in the Lounge & Restaurant business for life. Experienced chef or bartender preferred. Phone 385-9862, ask for Mrs. Phillips. 5-21-28-64 COMPLETE ROOFING SERVICE New Roofs -- Repairs Hot Graveled Built-Up Re-Roofing -- Small Leaks Wind Damage, Etc. FREE Estimates & Inspection CALL BERGSTROM ROOFING COMPANY 385-4997 5-28 & 6-4-64 ART'S UPHOLSTERY 1635 N, Park St. McHenry, 111. Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 8-30-62-TF McHenry Glass & Mirror Company Glass for Any Purpose • CUSTOM MADE STORMS • AUTO GLASS • COMBINATION WINDOWS Prompt Service Rt. 120, xk Blk West of Bridge PHONE: 385-4949 1-16-64TF ctxo&ix Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, 111. 385-6027 10-10-63-TF Concrete Work • Driveways • Sidewalks • Foundations • Garage Floors • Patios No money down--Terms to suit Phone now for free estimate DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. Wonder Lake 653-6161 5-2-63-TF Piers - Seawalls Boat Hoists New and Repairing Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Phone: 385-4929 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE 5-7-28-64-TF WHARTON Black Topping • Pre-Season Prices • New Drives • Re-Surfacing • Patchwork • Seal Coating Call 312 KI 6-2513 Anytime 5-7-28-64-TF McHenry Disposal Service Phone 385-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 9-1-60-tf CUSTOM BUILT GARAGES and REMODELLING Room Additions -- Dormers -- Aluminum Siding -- No money down--Terms to suit Phone now for free estimate DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. WONDER LAKE 653-6161 4-25- 63-TF McHENRY WINDOW & AWNING CO. Aluminum & Fiberglass Awnings Roll Ups & Stationary -- Wide Range of Styles & Colors • REYNOLDS Aluminum Products Alum. Windows, Doors, Siding & Gutters • CONTINENTAL Alum. Awning Type Windows • I-XL Kitchen Cabinets PHONE 385-1180 No Carrying Charge -- Convenient Terms 3318 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, Illinois 10-3-63-TF For Rent BTTOl® ELECTRIC MO'IOKS repaired Industrial, commercial and do mestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tj ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound. Phone 385-0183 ^eaco Sates & Service, Lilymoor. 2-13-64-TF ""MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Area List Available PHOTOCOPY TYPING McHenry County Letter Service 1212-A N. Green St. McHenrv. Illinois PHONE 385-5064 3-5-64-TF GARDEN PLOWING, light roto- tilling and lawn discing. Call LeRoy Harms, 385-3074. *5-14 thru 28-64 DURACLEAN RUG & upholstery cleaning. All work done in your home. Free estimates. 385-0437. 5-14-28-64-TF For Rend APARTMENTS FOR rent -- 1 and 2 bedrooms. Phone 385- 2021. 5-28 thru 6-25-64-TF 2 BEDROOM house in Chapel Hill golf course, gas heat, $75 month. Call before 4 p.m. 385- 4433. 5-28-64 ATTENTION CAMPERS! CAMPING TRAILERS FOR RENT by WEEK or WEEKEND Scottie's Campers Service 365 E. Terra Cotta Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. PHONE 459-3009 5-14-21-28-64 COMPLETELY FURNISHED -- 3 bedroom, double garage, includes washer, dryer, dishes, etc. Available July 1st. $110 per month. 1710 N. Highview. Lakeland Park. Phone 385- 6461. 5-28 thru 6-25-64-TF CONCORD MANOR Immediate Occupancy N-E-W 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Hotpoint range & refrigerator All utilities except electricity included. TV hook-up -- no charge Swimming pool -- no charge. (Agent on premises daily) $120 PER MONTH 3611 JAMES STREET APARTMENT C McHENRY, ILL. or ' Call 385-3118 5-7-28-64-TF RICHMOND ARMS -- Now renting - 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. $75 up. Hot water heat and hot water furnished as well as many other services. Occupancy before September 1st. Contact Arnold May Builders, Richmond, Illinois. Phone 815-678-2861. 5-28-64-TF Summer Season By Week or Month A lovely, modern, furnished l^ room ranch apartment located on river. Boat dock, fishing. 5 minutes to town. CALL 385-0297 5-28-64 PASTURE FOR RENT -- 70 acres, with water, fenced; also 30 acres fenced. Call Arnold N. May. Richmond. Illinois. Office 815-6iX-2861- Residence 815-67S-6681. 5-28-64-TF 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT-- Hot water heat and water furnished, large living roomdining room combination, $82.50. See or call Arnold May Builders. Phone 815-678-2861. , 5-28-64-TF 2 ROOM APARTMENT in city of McHenry. Stove and refrigerator furnished. No pets. 385-0138. • 5-28 thru 6-11-64 VACATION AND year around home, 3 and 5 rooms. For rent or sale, 3 bedroom ranch, no money down. Call owner 815- 385-1079. 5-28-64 STORK FOR RENT -- 1218 N. C.reen Street, McHenry. Phone 385-0010 or 385-0748. 5-28 thru 6-25-64-TF 4 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Call 385-0780. 5-28-64 4 ROOM APARTMENT available on second floor. Large rooms. All utilities included, $90 per mo. Call 385-0780 Friday after 6 p.m. 5-28-64 COUNTRY CLUB Subdivision -- 1 bedroom house. Nicely decorated. Available June 15th. Phone 385-1328. 5-21-28-64-TF 8 ROOM HOUSE, nice location, adults preferred. Reasonable rent. Write Box No. 185, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 5-28-64 James Terrace Apartments 3705 W. James Street McHenry, 111. Deluxe 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with swimming pool. For information call 385-0923 or 385-0285 5-7-28-64-TF MODERN OFFICE space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385- 0184. 5-7-28-64-TF 3 ROOM UPSTAIRS FLAT on Washington Street, McHenry. Call 385-3981. 5-14-28-64-TF SECOND FLOOR apartment. North Riverside Drive on river in city limits. Adults only. Reasonable rent. 385-0439. 5-7-28-64-TF 4 ROOM FURNISHED apartment on Fox river near business district. Call after 5 p.m. 385-7058. 5-21-28-64-TF For Sale PLANTS --- Tomatoes, all varieties; bedding flower plants; geraniums; black soil by the bushel. Schlesser's, 211 E Rt. 120, McHenry (East of Lakemoor). 5-7-28-64-TF EVERGREENS, etc. In the field, you dig them. $1.00 per ft. 385-1251. 5-14 thru 6-14-64 PAINTS & SUPPLIES COfCgSS%T STORES OPEN SUNDAYS 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4-23-64-TF APPROXIMATELY 200 ft. snow fence; black shoe roller rink skates; best offer. 385- 4494. 5-28-64 2 SNOW TIRES on wheels and 1 new tire, size 6.70x15, black, $25 or best offer. Call after 6 p.m. 385-6074. 5-28-64 FOR SALE OR rem Nimrod America's finest low price tent trailer; also Dreamer and Huntsman pick up coaches, rented with or without truck. Open Sundays. Freund's Camper, 1701 W. Route 120, McHenrv. 385-6333. 5-30 & 5-7-21 & 6-4-64 E.O.W. SHOES NAME BRANDS . . Women's -- Teens Sizes 4 to 11 Widths -- A to AAAAA Widths -- B & C $2.88 up THF FASHION SHOPPE (Lee (& Ray Bldg.) 1007 Front St. (Rt. 31) McHenry, 111. Use our FREE Parking Lot 5-14 thru 6-4-64 For Sale 1 CONN SPINET, dual keyboard, organ, excellent condition. Phone 385-5382. 5-28-64 1955 CHEVROLET convertible; 1951 Ford ^Convertible; Juke box for,78 r.p.m. records; 1963 stereo tape recorder. 1401 W. Sunset Efrrive, Holiday Hills, McHenry. *5-28-64 APARTMENT SIZE electric stove, $5; commercial vacuum cleaner, $15; Ship-to-Shore radio- telephone, $125; check writer, $15; patio table, $5; I960 Nash, 4 door, custom, automatic transmission, $700; 120 Bass, 5 switch, accordion, $95; 21" T.V., $25; complete plumbers die set, 1" to 3", $15. Phone 385-0430. 5-28-64 Men's Lightweight Jackets $3.98 Ladies' Reg. & Stretch Slacks $2.98 - $5.98 See Our SALE TABLE MARGE'S STRETCH-A-DOLLAR Located on Rt. 120, 1 Vi Miles E. of McHenry at Kent Acres Open Thurs., Fri. & Sat. - 'Till 9 p.m. Sundays 'Till 5 p.m. 5-28-64 ED'S TRADING Post -- Used furniture, lamps and various articles. Come and visit us. Route 120'& Darrell Road. 385- 6548. 5-14-28-64-TF LOSE WEIGHT safely and easily with new Dex-A-Diet tablets. Still only 98c. Bolger's Drugs. *5-21 thru 6-18-64 PRE-CAST STEPS -- Patio stone, septic tanks, urns, birdbaths and bench ends. Richmond Cement Products on U.S. 12 & 31, Richmond, 111. 4-30-5-14-28-64 E.O.W. BICYCLES SALES & SERVICE NEW AND USED BIKES & TRIKES D and H Bicycles 5613 N. Meadow Hill Pistakee Highlands HYatt 7-3320 5-28 thru 6-18-64 BABY CRIB & dresser in good condition. $40; high chair, $5; storm fence, approximately 100 ft. $10; Call 385-4954. 5-28-64 18" SELF PROPELLED reel mower, very good condition, $35; 14 bundles white roof shingles; 2 rolls felt paper, $10. 385-2425. 5-28-64 MOVING -- 15 h.p. motor, used twice, boat, trailer and equipment, $150; also RCA console T.V., $25. Phone 653-3356 during day. 5-28-64 OIL BURNER and tank, $5; enamel sink on steel cabinets, $25; 3 windows, $4 each; new double enamel sink with faucets, $25; outside door, $5. 459-2245 or 459-3921. 5-28-64 F A T OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our drug called ORDINEX. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, massage or taking of so-called reducing candies, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum. ORDINEX is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. When you take ORDINEX, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions because ORDINEX depresses your appetite and decreases your desire for food. Your weight must come down, because as your doctor will tell you, when you eat less, you weigh less. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. ORDINEX costs $3.00 and is sold on this GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for any reason just return the package to your druggist arid get your full money back. No questions asked. ORDINEX is sold with this guarantee by: BOLGER DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Street Mail Orders Filled 5-28 thru 6-11-64 For Sale §r Sale CARPETS AND rugs. This months' special: Our best qualities of wool in stock In rolls and remnants, values up to $18.00 sq. yd., will be installed with pad during our expansion sale for $12.00 sq. yd. Our best continuous filament, nylon in stock installed with pad $10.00 sq. yd. All other rolls and remnants specially priced. Open daily and to 9 p.m. Mon., Thurs., Fri. Closed Sun. Tidy Rug, June. Rts. 14 & 120, Woodstock. 5-21 thru 6-25-64 COMPLETE 16 M.M. Bell & Howell magazine movie outfit, projector, etc.; Leather reclining chair, like new, $29; 4 pc. reed couch set, $15; golf cart. 385-3971. 5-28-64 12 FT. REFRIGERATOR; deep freeze; plastic dishes, service 8; glassware, service 12, water glass, sherbert, wine glass; step corner table; punch bowl set. All in good condition. 385-1462. 5-28-64 KENMORE WASHER with suds saver, needs minor repair; Kenmore gas dryer, O.K., $25; 11 cu. ft. Frigidaire refrigerator, freezer across top, $50; Hinkley-Schmitt water softener complete with automatic relay, $25. Call 385-5324. *5-24-64 2 COLLIE PUPS, sable and white, male and female, $10 each. 385-6379. 5-28-64 LAWN MOWER with 6 h.p. Briggs & Stratton engine. Will cut 24" - 48" or 72". For quick sale $175. 385-0598. 5-28 & 6-4-64 WATER SKIS -- Hedlund Comet also Slalom single Aqua Flight ski, cost $59.50 new, best offer. 385-0275. 5-28-64 BOOZE BAR and 2 stools, $25. 385-0275 before 6; after 6 385-3175. 5-28-64 4 STRAIGHT BACK oak chairs, $8; small rocker, $4; large dresser, $8; chest, $3. 385-7159. *5-28-64 3 YEAR OLD Pony and saddle. $75. Call 385-1631. 5-28-64 OiL PAINTING; Oriental vases; antique jug; large garden vase; down filled couch; miscellaneous. 459-2184. 5-28-64 PEDIGREED TOY Poodle, white color. Call 385-4266. *5-28-64 NEW 10 CU. FT. Refrigerator, never used; 12x10%-ft. new wool rug, brown. Call 385-4194. 5-28 thru 6-25-64-TF 1956 CHRYSLER New Yorker, needs body work, recent valve job, good second car, $185; also 36" gas stove, good working condition, $20. Call 385-2377. 5-28-64 TWIN BEDS; Antique platform rocker and tables. 906 N. Green St., McHenry. *5-28-64 REGISTERED Shetland mare with foal. Yearling filly and yearling stud colt. 815-385-4419. 5-28-64 TDC SEMI-AUTOMATIC slide projector with carrying case, $35; 3 slide tray storage cases, $4 each. 40 slide trays 35c each. 815-385-4419. 5-28-64 AUCTION Thursday May 28-7:30 p.m. 159 S. Route 12 Fox Lake, 111. FURNITURE HOUSEWARE TOOLS TOYS GAMES Admiral 3-speed record player; couches; chairs; rocker; lawn set; room divider; pole lamp; table lamps; melmac, service for 8 aluminum pots & pans; electrical appliances; pillows and hundreds of other items. Let Us Sell Your Unused Items At Auction. PAUL K. BREAK AUCTIONEER JUstice 7-7922 •5-28-64 CRAFTSMAN JIG saw, $20; aluminum row boat, $40; record player. $10. Call after 5 p.m. 385-5098. 5-28-64 GARAGE SALE over weekend. Rockers; wicker buggy; tea cart; round table; other furnishings. 1615 Woodlawn Park, near Skyline Movie. 385-0236. 5-28-64 CHINA & LINEN cabinet; drop leaf table; six chairs; all solid oak. Also 9x12 floral patterned rug. Cheap. Phone 385- 6176. *5-28-64 30 ACRES HAY -- Mostly alfalfa. 385-1251. 5-28-64 8 ACRES of standing hay, alfalfa & grass mixture, 2 cuttings, $12 per acre. Phone 385- 0647. *5-28-64 NECCHI ZIG-ZAG sewing machine. Assume balance r<» $7.45 month. 338-2970. 5-28-64 KELVINATOR Dehumidifier; Conlon ironer; valet; assorted shades, curtain rods, dishes, tools, toys & miscellaneous. 3710 Clover, Edgebrook Heights, McHenry. *5-28-64 lolp Wanted Female WOMAN OR .reliable girl to watch children during the day at my home for summer months. 385-5106. *5-28-64 SALESLADY WANTED--Full time & Saturdays. Gladstone's, Inc. 1219 North Green, McHenry, 111. 5-28-64-TF WANTED WOMAN to help chef and do kitchen work. Apply Woodstock Country Club, Woodstock, Illinois. 5-28-64 Clerk - Typist for Purchasing Department Interesting detail work. Typing essential and dictaphone and shorthand preferred. Permanent position with excellent employee benefits. HOURS: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday Barco Division Aeroquip Corporation PHONE DUnkirk 1-1700 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) ' 5-28-64 NURSES AID. Will train. All shifts. Call Mr. Stein, 338- 1700. 5-28-64 R.N. OR L.P.N. Salary open. All shifts. Call Mr. Stein, 338- 1700. 5-28-64 HIGH SCHOOL girl, part time, for light house work and caring l':;r small children in new home in McHenry. Write Box No. 187, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 5-28-64 CLEANING LAD if for 2 days a week. Richmond, Illinois. 815-678-6681. 4-9-64-TF WANTED DISH washer for summer season. High school boy preferred, over 16 years. Apply Woodstock Country Club, Woodstock, Illinois. 5-28-64 DRAFTSMAN For Product Engineering Dept. Must have at least 1 years experience in mechanical drafting. Permanent Position Excellent Employee Benefits Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday Barco Division Aeroquip Corporation Barrington, 111. (An Equal " Opportunity Employer) • 5-28-64 MAN WANTED to ^h7a77 Overton Motors, 1109 Front St., McHenry. 5-28-64 TENANT FARMER, ,mmedi. ately, hog and boef operation. Housing furnished. Call ml lect, 815-338-1166. 5-28-64

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