I I Thursday, June U, 1964 THE MCHEHRY MJUNDEALER McCultom LtM REFERENDUM ON DISPOSAL PUNT THIS SATURDAY Only Htgisierftd ¥o£ers Eligible To Cast Ballots Eve Leveaque Registered voters residing within the corporate limits of the village will go. toy the polls Saturday, June 13, to decide whether to have a centralized sewagfc disposal plant or not. The polls will be open frorfi <5 a.m. to 6 p.m. and will be located in the beachhouse. \Vith the large number of complaints handled by the building and zoning committee of the village board, the need for such a system is acute. Very few homeowners are complying with the law in this matter right how because of the limited amount of property avfifilable for a really adequate system. A brochure detailing the proposed disposal plant has been mailed to all qualified voters. information included Is accurate AND factual. In ad<Jitiqn, a citizen's committee was organized and the men have been calling at each home to offer additional information apd Clarification where needed. T*he c6mmittee incudes John Boyje, Haff-y Berry, Ray Aalto, , Alien McKim, Earl Murray, Art Stuhlfeier, Bill Creutz, Larry * Larsen, Ole Olsen, Richard Jdhnson, Gene Shigley, Earl Nelson, Bill Walter and Art Nelson. According to the state statute, you must be a qualified registered voter to cast a ballot in this election. Floyd PeisJm Struck By M6tdrfat Floyd Peisha, 75, was struck by a car driven by Eugene Ahrens of Lakeland Park Saturday about 5:30 p.m. while crossing Green street. The injured man was taken to McHenry hospital, treated for an injury tb his left arm, and released. •McHenry police investigated. Mrs. Peisha who was waiting for her husband in their car, was unaware of the accident until her son-in-law notified Her. Mr. Peisha returned to the hospital on Monday for further treatment. Village jyiourns Death of Frank Parkhurst Frank Parkhurst, 57, entered McHenry hospital Monday, May 25, and died Tuesday, June 2. His obituary was carried in last week's Plaindealer. One of Frank's proudest momerits was being elected to the village board in April, 1963. He served on the road and finance committees. Ma'fiy tmes he attended meetings although he soffered agonizing pain. He was a devoted husband and father and our deepest sympathy is offered to his wife Virginia, two daughters, Karen and Pamela, and to his mother, Mrs. Joanna Parkhurst. Ladles Meet tonight The Ladies of the Lake will hold their last meeting before adjourning for the summer, tonight at 8 p.m. in tne beachhouse. A report will be given on the very successful rumfriage sale held last month. Following the business session, the guls will enjoy a social and refreshments will be served. Stwrnmer Festival Slated For July 25 Tlfe subject of a summer festival was reviewed by members of the Cullom-Knoll Association and they voted to proceed with the idea. It will be h61d Saturday, July 25, with Bill Walter in charge. He will start organizing his committees immediately. There will be plenty of games with prizes, a white elephant sale, "tasty pastry" will be offered and the exciting day will be climaxed by the choosing of Miss McCullom Lake, a little miss between the ages of 4 and 7, in the evening. If you would like to assist in any way at all, feel fr6fc to call Mr. Walter at 385-2639. Accbrding to teen consultant and advisor, Richard jtahhsoh reported on the success of the "chuck wagon" which the young people managed on Memorial Day. It will be back at the beach for the fourth of July and any other time when the traffic calls for it. The by-laws were read for the last time and received unanimous approval from the members. The next meeting will be held the first Sunday in July. Local Students Acclaimed At Honors Day Four of our McHenry high school graduates were named Jot receiving scholarships and awards at the Honors Day program held on June 1, and three °f them ranked in the top Wenty In t'h'dfr class. Sandy Josserand, Elayne Godina of Lakewood road, and Chrys LevejMj( fe received scholarships, and placed in the' top twenty. Don Os>terf)y was named outstanding argiciilture student of nis date. Little League Program In Full Swing The first game of the little league season was held at the beach 6n Tuesday with another game scheduled for tonight, starting at 6:30 p.m. The young lads take their ball playing seriotisly and put on a great show. They love to play before an audience and the public is invited. Managers for the teams include Gene Johnson, Dick Pickett, Bill Sqheid and Stewart Norbfert Lorch. Ed Caron will serve as an umpire. We are very happy that the program was not dropped. It is wonderful exercise for the boys and offers entertainment for the community. Wreath Dropped Irt IVfeiriortaftt It was (Jive years ago, Sunday, jurte 7, that the community was stunned with the drowning of Harry Berry, Jr.,, in the lake. He was ;not quite 16 year old at the time. In honor of his mertiory, his grandmother, Mrs. Abby Berry, placed a wreath bf flowers in the lake Sunday Evening and the lad's parenlts, Mr. and Mrs. Bferry, were present. The drowning was a terrible accident and we are happy to* report there have btten none since. With the swimming season under way, We hope every one will exercise proper precautions so that we may have no farther tragedies. LMI Youngsters "Wing" To Florida The three Hansen youngsters, Mark, Janet, and Guy, left the village last Thursday night with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christiansen of Chicago, and flew to Hialeah, Fla., for two weeks. It was a &lft from grandma arid grandpa. We know they will have a wealth of wbnderful memories upon their return. The Wails Were "Bulging" Diane and Bernice Bjork were hostesses for p.j. party the other eveining and with ih6 huge gang, sleeping space was at a premium, but the young lacfrgfe had a marvelous time. Don't know if mamma Bernice br daddy Whitey got any rest! On the guest list were Connie Ritter, Judy Palmbach, Mary Ellen Wright, Margie Karas, Sherry Hughes, Sarah Borchardt, Cheri Janquart, Gerry Fidler, arid Gaye Vinsik. Also present were Chrys Levesque, Evte Harrison, Char- Johniburg LADY FORESTERS HOLD INITIATION NEXT TUESDAY Betty Hettenfuuin Vfrhen the members of St. Agatha's court N,o. 777 meet next Tuesday evening, June 16, in the community club hall, initiation of new members will be held. If you have joined St. Agatha court within the past year, are a juvenile transfer, or were unable to attend other initiations, you are especially urged to come. Meeting time is 8 p.m. Committee for this evening will be headed by Catherine Dehn. Serving with her will be the following ladies: Marilyn Fuchs, Diane Neiss, Mary Hiller, Lorraine Hitler, Joyce Theil, Elsida Fuchs and Rita Schaefer. Carnival Reminders The weekend of June 26, 27 and 28, the Johnsburg Community Cltib Will sponsor its annual carnival on the club grounds. This is an open invitation for one and all to attend and join on the fun. A fish fry will open the three day affair on' Friday. Various things have ' beep planned by thfe Sofhrriittees to interest all age groups. Lunch will be served pn the grounds throughlene Thornton, Sue Farr, Janice StuWn and Elefty Barach. Elating Events Myra and Earl. Murray are marking their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary today, June 11, and birthday greetings to Wanda Senter also today . . Fred Matthesius deserves natal day Congrats on June 13 . . . Kurt Walter will be 5 on June 13 and li'l brother Michael will be 4 on the 14th . . . One candle on the cake for Denise Louise Parenti on June 17. Best wishes to all celebrating a special occasion this week. That's it for now, and we'll see you next week. out the weekend. Please keep these days in mind. Another three day carnival of interest is in the offing on July 31, August 1 and 2. This will be sponsored b&r St. John's parish. A fish fry is planned for Friday beginning at 5:30 p.m. The ever popular family style roast, beef dinner will be served on Sunday. Remember these two big weekends of activity coming up m our town in the near future. New Baby In Tlf FdiMly Mrs. Emil Debrecht is gone for awhile to care for her son's family white her daughter-inlaw gets back on her feet. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Debrecht welcomed their second son recently. Marie is one of those people who is always on the go helping someone out. She fe real pleased to be spending this time with her own family. This is the fifth grandchild for Emil and Marie. We wish them congratulations and best wishes. Anniversary Celebrant. Verbal congratulatibns to Bill and Marge Barth who will be celebrating anniversary number fifteen on June 11. We wish; them many m'ore years of happiness together. Rescue Squad Calls A 4 p.m. on May 31, the Johnsburg rescue squad was summoned to Pistakee Highlands where a woman's arm was injured when'a car overturned. She was taken in the squad truck to the McHenry hospital for further treatment. On June 2 they were called to a Scene near the Skidmore bridge where a'car ran off the road and hit a utility pole. By the sheriff deputy's request, the victim was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Scholarship Recipient We are real proud of Sandy H e t t e r m a n n a n d D u a n e Schmitt who recently received scholarships as they graduated from Marian Central high, school. I would also like to JOHN F. KELLY OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Qsmn Street, McHenry (Ctaai, Wedn©sitifV ' BMW ISCAJMHlDD -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION CONTACT LENSES HOURS: DAHL1T 0:8© a.m. to 5 PJL FRIDAY EVENINGS 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BIT APPOINTMENT PHOME 385-0452 t , < •'v ' / \v.<\ .'.v.v . vV-v/.v. ':4y -.v. > Rambler Classic 770 Four-Door Sedan POWERFUL V-8 SURPRISE Tliis smart and sporty Rambler Classic has more V-8 power than the standard V-8 in a top-size Ford or Chevrolet, has visually the same room, handles and parks a lot easier, costs o\fer $230 less,* and has many big advantages at no extra cost thtet they don't have at all. What's more, with the savings ot this big-room Rambler, you can keep your budget happy and1 still splurge OA sporty Options like reclining bucket seats, console, floor shift (manual or automatic), power steering, brakes, winddWS... Or Whatever. So come on and have fun. Take a look atthis powerful surprise at your Rambler dealer...especially now when you can make extra savings. Rambler Classidurm fist Big »ml Selling buy iproe •Comparisons based on manufacturers' suggested retail prices for topHine 4-door sedans with V-8 engine, heater and front seat belts. extend wishes f6r a most successful future to any other scholarship winner in this vicinity. Parties, Parties, Parties With all the graduation activities going on the£e past weeks, lots of parties were the results. Pam Marshall and Donna Jean Frett were guests of honor in their respective homes at doings celebrating their graduation from tho McHenry high school. A four-way celebration took place here last week honoring the high schbol graduation of Sandy Hettermann, Diane Stilling, Kathy Hettermann. and Jim Herdrich. About 100 relatives and friends joined in on the celebra'tion. Ricky Wakitsch was host to many guests at his home in Jak-Ana Heights last Sunday following his graduation from St. John's school, Throughout th6 day June 6, Carol Dehn received relativesand friends vVho flroppecj. Ijy tx) wish her best wishes? oil, her; eighth grade graduation/ #om St. John's. v v-V; Last Wednesday.. / ey^enirt^ Kathy Barth received- heri tfiploma from the Johtisburg public school. Following the program she celeebrated with her family and Grandma Barth. On Sunday a second celebration took place in th6 Barth home. Joining in on a 'most delicious buffet served by Bill and Marge were: Grandma 6arth, Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Grens and their ciht children, Frank Nesper, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald1 Honey. .Gertie Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mangold, Joe Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Geske and Mrs. Paul O'Leary. • Barbara Michels was so hap-< ALL TIRES 6.00x13 $11.85 7.10x15 $14.80 TUBELESS 6.50x13 $13.50 7.50x14 14.56 TUBE-TYPE 6.70x15 $14.00 8.00x14 ,70x15 7.00x15 $13.85 Add $1.25 for Wliitewalls -- All Prices Plus Tax McHen Mart WALT ^TIEUND, Prop. 39S1 W. Main St. Phone S85-0294 McHenry, 111. py to have *h'6r grariChnpther and family, the George Logsdons of Alvada, Ohio, here tor her graduation from St. John's school last Sunday. Along with the Logsdons, Barbara's godfather, Mr. and Mrs. LeO Michels, Hafry Marubio, aiid Lizzie Mfchels were jdfinner gUests of the Michels in the afternoon. Still later in the day thirty neighbors afid friends stopped in to relay their congratulations to Barbara. The Harry Freund home was also loaded with company last Sunday. The reason was Mary Ellen's graduation. That's all the parties I've h£ard about; this week. If you had one and it didn't; afrpfenr| please give trie' a cult rtoon tietft Monday. • ^ ' # BUen foresters To Meet The men Foresters will h61 _ th£ir monthly meeting In th# ^crAmunity club hall at 8: this evening (Thursday). Av, memberd are Waited to "attend. . 4 That's it for this Week. Re-.' member to keep thoie phon4 calls coming. ^ ' Homest ead, Florida* & wettest area in Florida, whll^ Miama Beach, not too far away is the second driest area . Ill Florida. • ' uie\ ^Emerson Radio NEMA Model 4E7Z INSTANT INSTALLING AIR CdNDITgflNEIl Certified 4.@O0 BTU's of Cooling--Cools Rooms Up To 15' x 15' or 2,000 Cu. Ft. • Installs Instantly without tools, KHsrOr extras • Single switch cooling • Whisper quiet comfort • Easy access permanent filter • Economical 115-volt operation Quiet Kool Air Conditioners' From 4,000 to 24,000 BT$s. CAREY APPLIANCE I 124i N. Green Street Phone 385-55500 «11 W. Rte. 120, McHenrt. 111. Watch the Award-Winning Danny Kaye Show on CBS-TV, Wednesday evenings WITH STORAGE TWO-CARS WiTH STORAGE RIGID FRAME" CONSTRUCTION IT'S NEW - AND SO DIFFERENT --- AND-WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY YOU CAN BUILD IT YOURSELF ON A WEEKEND-- • OR, WE HAVE RELIABLE LOCAL £U!LDc.RS READY TO BUILD YOUR GARAGE 4DCompare the Features! Compare the Quality! COMPARE THE PRICE! AND REMEMBER -- IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED Br ALEXANDER LUMBER CO THi BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER OH lf§iiw<ay 31 S®ith of - Pi@iie 3Si°l JjS5» •Ml 18$ mI £ I: M,