THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEH Thursday. June 25, 1964 McHenry Beauty Queen Lovely Miss Judy Hans is shown above as she jx, sed in the car for which she was vying :-- a prize for he National College Queen. Although the McHenry beauty failed to capture the coveted title, those who saw her oh the Sullivan TV show last Sunday placed her high among the fifty entries. Judy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry *Hans of 1503 Lincoln road, represented the state of Wisconsin in the contest. She recently graduated from the Univerity of Wisconsin and was named College Queen of that state. -- Personals -- - Miss Erna Henise, R.N., of Glendale, Calif., a former McHenry resident, and a friend, "Mrs. Glenys Skinner, of Elgin, were luncheon guests in the "home of Genevieve Knox Thursday. Miss Henise had just returned from a trip around the 'world, with a group of doctors •.and nurses. " Miss Ella Ibsch is vacation- „ ing in the home of her grand -niece, Mrs. Mel De Thome, in ^Yucaita, Calif., for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hopkins and children have moved from the Trine place, on Grove avejjue, to Milwaukee, where he resumed his work with the Mil- . waukee Journal after a leave •of absence in which he visited "Russia. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund and their daughters, Mrs. Ernestine Christian of Chicago, -and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz, and the latter's husband enjoyed dinner ^at a popular eating place near Crystal Lake Tuesday evening "of last week in observance of -the fifty-fifth wedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund. Mrs. Nellie Sterling and .grandsons of Chicago were visitors in the William Doherty home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peterson of La Pluente, Calif., former Wonder Lake residents, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Wirtz for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. 'Schmitt have returned from their winter home in St. Petersburg, Fla., and are spending the summer in the Diedrich apartment on N. Park avenue. Miss Emma Bacon of Round Lake is spending several days with her niece, Miss Inez Bacon. Mrs. Carl Hiatt and daughter, Roberta of Waukegan were visitors in the Bacon home Thursday evening. Mrs. Robert Conway, daughter, Judy, and their guest. Sister Mary St. Hilda and Sister Sabath, were luncheon guests in the Robert Saelens home in St. Charles, Friday. * Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and daughter, Lynne, have returned from a ten days' vacation at the Clinton Martins winter home in Bellevue, Fla. Sister Mary Henry (Anna Bolger) of Chicago visited rela- I tives here a few days the past I week. j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zoia and i children returned to their home ' in Minneapolis. Minn.. Sunday ' after vacationing with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George ; Pfaalin. the past week. I Relatives from here who at- | tended The wake of Mrs. Fred . Lohaus in a Burlington, Wis. funeral home for her funeral in the Catholic church at New Munster, Wis., last Wednesday, included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso. Miss Mildred Kinsala, Bill Kinsala, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tonyan. Mrs. Mary Dowe and son, Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tonyan and Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitt. Mrs. Lohaus, sister of the late Mrs. Minnie Vandenboom of McHenry, passed away in a Burlington hospital, at the age of 77, following a short illness. Father's Day guests in the William Jordan home were their son, William, his wife and son, Gary, of Downers Grovev. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son, Bobby, attended a reunion of the Low family, held at the Walter Wilcox home in Woodstock Sunday. Sister Mary St. Hilda of Lincoln, Nebr., and a companion, Sister Mary Sabath of Chicago, were guests in the home of the former's brother, Robert Conway, and family a few days the past week, where a family gettogether was held in their MMCCS (that means McHenrys Most Complete Cosmetic Selection) AT NYE'S OF COURSE (All Breeds) • BOARDING (Individual Kennels) • TRAINING • BATHING Rucf S®efcer's 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-3436 (1 Mile East of the STkyline Drive-In 1 TO/ (MOMtUNGtS blends, *"*8 -°" •Yon are the am„ answer that m* T.OQ* caa ana *«* decide. Do„.t stKnl" Bean#« On the mw ?ey°nd y°<* deprive yourself^!# d' don't lloonnge of lif-_ gone jvurself loving » th* We prefer to leav* leCtlOD ^IrTyoTr Respectfully, °n<? *eho bands. OSVKS honor Thursday evening. Those present to enjoy a social evening and picnic supper were the Jack Whaien. Wm. Wilson, Maurice Powell and Wm. Adams families. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and John Aylward of Elgin, the Albertf Dunlap family of ElkhornJ Wis.; the Robert Adams, Wm. Wey- Iand and Robert Conway families, Mrs. James Doherty and Mrs. George Miller, McHenry. Guests in the Henry J. Stilling home Sunday to honor him. on Father's Day, and also help him celebrate his eighty-firs; birthday were the Robert Crichton family of Rockford. ;he Arthur Caparelli and James I Caparelli families of Lombard j and the Arthur Stilling family of McHenry. Mrs. Kathrvn Worts, Mrs. Helen Moriarity and Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer attended the St. Therese hospital auxiliary June luncheon and card party in Waukegan. Mrs. Charles Vycital was a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs.. C. W. Beckenbaugh, in Bettenriorf. Iowa, a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staines of Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting/)!' Woodstock. Mr.,and Mrs. Herman .Jacohson, ^on. Ricky, of Harvard and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staines were entertained in the Joseph Glosson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams, accompanied by their daughter, Joan, of Chicago returned Saturday from a vacation at Minocqua. Wis. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ot;o Adams a; Park Falls, Wi<. Mrs. Anna iMedrich. daughter. Van. Mr. and Mrs. Ale\ Adams, Mrs. Jo^. Diedrich. th^ James Abner.'Kenneth Diedrich and Leonard Thennes families attended a gathering at the Michael Thill home in Aurora honoring their daughter, Janice, who graduated from Northwestern university as a dental hygienist. Mrs. Andrew Paluch and Mrs. Eva Cromwell returned recently from St. Petersburg, Fla. where they visited in the home of l he former's daughter. Mi's. Alfred Young, husband and'family. While there attended graduation exercises in which the young's daughter. Charlotte, received her eighth i;ratio diploma. Guests in the Ray Page home on Father's Day were the Elmer G. Meyer family of Johnsburg. the Neil Foster family of Klmhurst and the Charles Vecchi family of Orchard Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bartelt have returned from a vacation :n -Mmoequa, Wis. I.oss of range animals to coyotes averages $20 million worth yearly. FORMER McHENRY RESIDENT WINS DEGREE AT BROWN go, former McHenry- residents; was one of eighty-four to receive the doctor of philosophy degree at the 196th annual commencement at Brown university. Providence, R. I., this spring. The young man. who received a scholarship to Trinity college, Hartford, Conn., while a student at McHenry high school, previously received his Sc.B. from Trinity. • .» Letcher is engaged, in the field of physic He is married to the former "Betty Havens of Rochester, N. Y., who received a master of arts degree at Brown. They have a y&tr old son. The, young Letchers . live in Kingston, R. I., at present while he is teaching at the University of Rhode Island. STKVE LETCIIEK Steve Letcher, son of Mr. and Mrs." Edwin M. Letcher of 6403 N. Olcott avenue, Chica^ Auto Insurance Cancelled? NO ONE REFl'SIJD --.ANY AfiE » Reasonable Rates Financial ResponsibiMy Filings Stay nut of "Pool Insurance" and have Full Coverage TEENAGE INSURANCE -- Full Coverage JAN-MA& INSURANCE 385-7667 the values around! HAVE GUARANTEED at! IN THE Meal "•GUARANTIED 7 INCH MBS * ™ •ESS""- • EMERY POUND IS MONEY • Ml SHORT RIBS REMOVED BACK GUARANTEED IE • BACKBONE lOOSENED! (SSS) YOU'RE NOT SATISFIED 5 BEEF RIB ROAST 5th AND 6th RIBS 1st THRU 4th RIBS Rib iw AmiImt Grsig? Sink fiaesnSs Beef Rib Steaks Now Youri to Enj*V At Th» Law Price Pork Butt Roa! Fresh Yellow Pile® AftFi Sew lTi««nMd» •ro apn dq vjiwliitcfr •Md full fic* M#Jiqi Hmr Fully CwoiiMtd ATP*i Supor-Right 79! 39 stsh ground Beef •OB Anlfcnr Cull »«l riotwi At Atf 5 9c Super-Right Ducks D*n1 torfit !• <r«N« tfvcki m U rmII m wv«hwtHr HbfatAr^mf !!•«». tit-- } LUNCHEON MEAT CANTALOUPE I;', AAP"S Super Right n (l|||| Top Quality K 0 I. V IVV Reg. 39c ea. Cans ^ , Fresh Meaty SIMM Western Grown FOR 1V W w 1 < • " 500 EXTRA PLAID STAMPS v«tu*m coupon »- lAft ill,V • W Wit* IM NrdiMt A4T'| B«p«r >I|M Ground Beef or win I. 49* CWplH BlHijIlriVM 1'. IfM CANNON BATH EHSEMB! Mm MCtad bif week a Ws bath ensemble brings yw doable value--WHh ft* two cscpoos below yog im $1.00 en high fuElf Canaoa Hem. Cwflett year entire iBiiwbli is 4 itiwl weeks. O OATH YOWR-WO^ CM SAII O MAND TOWa-iCOW SALE O WASH QOTtW^ SAII JULY 2nd • GUEST TOWB.-ON SALF JULY 9Hi • BATH MAT-ON SALE JUIY O SKOWH TOWB. C3 SAIS JUIV 23 YOU CAK SAVE JVS MUCH AS 1 . • • »U"Y I HOVf SXVE IT'S FREE AT A'P & 1 BUY 3--GIT 1 FREE--A&P S--RCG. .00 Mr Mtteppie €r«pelndt Y0UMT tUY 4 Of ¥OU» CHOICI--OCT OWE FREE-REG. 4/19< tmUkae. •fOBtU eruMrt» vey Gs7 j Syrup 5^ f mato Ketchup 5 it FlOftAl FESTIVAL 6--Gal ©no frtt--m( 16-oz. Sult*n«--tff. 6/70c DESIGN 9 PI H) WINDSOR 4'W 0M froc--Tco 3-es. clatin Dessert 7 50c Off tfUfii This Coupoa A CANKCCJ-STYLED BY WINDSOR 16" x 26* Wand Towel fw<hl"l> Co*»aM CfcpcQ (titer §1.39) fcit 4. CC3 tJ Ol m Wcr&hey--Dca. ^Tomati ^aste 5-.5C5 i CBf-Bcg. 3/C?« B«r S-6«f I i Be 6 Bay 5-M 0M Fre# Y»» Gc3 lSW-GX hMtPt FINEST FQ@2SN - UIT i-MT 1 FRII , Off With lis Coupe ON A CANNON-STYLED BY WINDSOR 24"x4t" Bath Ttwel Win 29 (Without Coupon Coupon I *1 7f) Gccd Dro ioty C3h lo ofl AflP Food Storca Jlwic!1 latps 100 ct. PllSliC pkg An Purpose fljax Cleaner Liquid iax CbiBser 11 Soft Spun Bool VA-n. aia; VAIUABIE COUPON WitH IN Pwrch«M el • Plem 8-ox. $«19 Gelatin Juno If. ' ir-^: s?n* vmauiit v; B : IIIK BJ n D VALUABLE COUPON lro*4t*tt-Brg 4 9Be Buy Q 0ft On* fr»«-Y»u G»t VALUABLE COUPON TelUw -Hi lima linage 5-9 CroBSraon» Bwy 4-6#i 0m« Frc*-Y»u 6«|t |S 0«ioQt C[-m Urownies pig. ^ V K £S(~\ C ftA» I | 9 C#uc>00 0'Oi'Oa tono j; M PIP Coupoa Qipi'OS tvno 11. "M L< I15 li#iliIII 99 I Pirhtr P All Butter Oroonies Ano Peoo-lrf 4 69c luy 4-6tt On Go? Is luf 4-C*t 0«4 IrH-TtD Gai tfilffliie 5" £ Qsg J 46* iwr J-6«l 0»( Ff»«-Y»u G< iqyi itirsh 3>'. 46 v«w Cfcai n • CF»t l (A»T CB« rf«N • CNMK fpinocts • ifctrcj3r ccce*) wm an Beg. 6 for S' 00 aacKt ftmBw en@E8N-mnr s^oc? * pra.^Om^an1 ** 0 >«»i> 4. tea •O | Cwit« IUw im Wtntm t BKKKyE2w2S2c2£s3STEW iBH Wf Gold BM Flour ^ Ofl( AaLa ROnwAA Layer Betty Crocker » W U2K6 UflHCS AH Flavors 0 iSripfefii life lit fo Ip Detirpnt Fil 8iSir|@it Reg 5 for SI 00 S400 VlUBiRI VALUABLE COUPON COUPON Inttant 8^171 Ploin or Self Koisiog Excellent Biscai Mix 40-oz. SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS TOO! mcksun-ws fe Y ^ tk • " THE GREAT ATLANTIC k -PACIFIC TIEfl COMPANY Dirt Do«m) )4., )«. H«vt A . Chance F*§- AMERICA'S OfPEMOABLE FOOD MERCHANT SINCE 1I55^=V All PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU JUNE 27, 1964 aillsism, wiee Liptei Tea lags Uncle Ben's lise Rei!»onlsBonJ Krif llfesi lief Auat lilliis !§§!§ SilMoiSifFniSiii Ste^d f® P i r - p l e Birfaye "Awake" MaMfdl louse Coffi _ Del Monte ICS Brwid Del Monte Sliced In Syrup WE INVITE SAVE CASH SHOP AT A&P PLAID STAMPS TOO! A Brisk Hb. 13<ei 3tm-0L fuM. FUvorH Dm* 3710 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. STORE HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 6 THURS. & FRI. 9 TO 9 SUNDAYS 9 Tfl 9