\ &•>£ Page Ten THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* July 2, 1964 WONDER LAKE NEWS MARY^tOU HARTOG 655-7176 Guests Attend Meeting Of Legion Auxiliary Members This picture shows quests attending a recent meeting of the Wonder Lake Legion auxiliary. From left to right: Vi Jurs, county secretary; Lois Haak, auxiliary president; Elsie Jordi, county president; and lllh District Director Lillian Johnson. Bake Sale Having company next weekehd? Why knock yourself out in the heat making pies or cakes for them when all you have to do is get yourself down to the firehouse next Saturday and load up on baked goods at the Wonder Lake Garden Club's bake sale. You can't find any better cooks than these ladies are so why not give your guests the best and help out the ^Garden Club at tiie same time. Judie Cummings and Bob Johnson Married ? Judie Cummings, daughter of Mrs. Florence Hauri of Highland Snores, and Bob Johnson of 4X1 Crystal Lake Road in McHenry were married last Sunday, June 28, at 2 p.m. at Grace Lutheran church in Woodstock. Reception took place immediately following the ceremony at the Highland Shores Community House in Highland Shores. Wonderview Women's Club Remember the next meeting of the Wonderview Women's Club will be held Thursday, July 9, at the home of Irma Fleming at Michael and Widoff Drive. Plans will be made for the August Moon Hop scheduled for August 8. Mrs. Vicki Smola, a former Art Institute student, has been helping with the designing of the posters. Refreshments and games follow each meeting so why not attend and enjoy yourself. It's not all work and no play at our meetings. Wonderview Improvement Association The road commission of the Wonderview Improvement Association has been donating their evenings to the job of grading the roads of Maplewood, Balsam, and Walnut Drives. Their help is greatly appreciated. There will be a board of directors meeting on Monday evening, July 6, at 8 p.m. at the association house. This meeting is for members only. association Company From Iowa Beula DeCoster's sister and brother-in-law from Iowa visited with the DeCosters last week. Belated Congratulations Belated good wishes to Le- Roy and Marge Fleming of Wonderview who celebrated their wedding anniversary on May 16. Belated birthday wishes to Jean Motulewics, who observed her special day June 21. Birthday Surprise Irene Menolasino was pleasantly surprised last week when Gussie Haerle, Clara Meyers and Mrs. M. Lorenz called on her with cake and coffee to celebrate her birthday on June 24. Wonder Lake Kiwanis It pays to have good attendance, as Mrs. Wagner won the battle axe award check because Horace was there. CrERT (All Breeds) • BOARDING (Individual Kennels) • TRAINING • BATHING !y !®®ts@r's 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-2436 (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) 11 WSf To S@@ Us If You Heed A Water System or Well 1. Only trained personnel In their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory In the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Parts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations We do both well drilling and drive well points 1L EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY BEE TOEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located In the Vilkg© of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry 885-3252 or Residence 885-0718 mmm MMM i Floy 1 Leigh was pressed in- j to emergency water disposal I service late Monday afternoon. I so missed the meeting. .Tim ! Robison presided. He took ad- j vantage of this to appoint Fred Zendier as chairman of the badge committee and Bob Howe and Paul Kberle as oochairmen of the Little Miss Peanut Contest. In co-operation with ihe McHenry Club, we- will conduct a Little. Miss Peanut Contest, the winner of which will be eligible for the district contest ann from there go on to the Greater Chicago Contest. Our selection will he made July 14 at the" American Legion Home : in McHenry. Entry blanks can j lie procured from Paul Kberle ! or any of the Wonder Lake"' merchants. Prizes will be j ;-warded for lirst. second and third place winners. The first j place winner of the contest 1 will represent Kiwanis in the \ Fiesta Day Parade. • Our rpeaker for the' evening ' was Scott LaGreca, whom we •sponsored throiigh the C>>n- -oja'ion Workshop held at the 1'nivfisit v of Illinois at \ormal lrorn June 7 to .Euno 12. Scotl'v; gi\>up consisted <>f thirty-me boys an{I eight girls, ail •-;><> n-'.0 red by a Ki\vani< Ciub. The course covered both classroom and field work in contour 1 :i:iiing. water corwivati'- n U'-rds. I ore try, nifin:'- als. Wish ami animal ':V. (ii«-a! -i. •» u.i- made on water ;w aiu' :< and the mcmnef'. ed to control it. Stanley Plumbery, the di.veil r of M.jleni \ County Hi !'li| Lil Melvinr They celebrated their thirty-first wedding anniversary last Saturday. They have only been, here twe years but they have made n:an> friend.- and everyone wishes them mar.) more happy anniversaries. northern I,rish. that; is. Marse will be 21 and I'll be on that day. C!ir.i.\ v. tin speaker ine P S State < W- .in - 'r-r enough! i'i-,'- otic Mir :1a t Scot! reports that i 1 nois claims I.. !;.• i-; not fi h^il •.Voi-.-Vr where the • 1- - Happy Anni\ ersiry To You He Sated anniwr.-ary greet-j ings to that sihgin' swim'in' couple from Km/land. Bill and Another Anniversnrv The Leo Hai togs (I wendet \lio they are? > ce!'brat4 I •iieir thirt-v-iih anniversary Morula June 29. Birthday (irtftincs To Mr-. Norman Williams • Gail i w ho celebrates her 1 irthday Jul> 4. Nice to have | i!:e whole country ce!ebrnu ; at birthday w»th you. Also happy birthday to Maige OV . <r and myself. • .10 both c^iJ'.at.' their birthon Jui.. V. This is also < angemen's I iy and if v.m >iit to kn 'w what thyt means ,ust ask Sa:h I rmont and he'i! •Jvc you a.l li.c detail^. 'Tiz a great dav for the Iri<h. The Notes: I didn't have a K>t n-ovw this u'vk. MavNv that VOO degree beat over the \v»*okxxtul had something to do with 11. Too hot to even call up and give the local sc\xv*. Dn"! forget next week - you'll be having gue-ts over the weekem'. <0 why not let us know ;.bout it so we enn giw then", n little publicity in pis coiu.r.n. You'd Hist be surprised how pleased are to know ,hat you thought enough of rht • • visit and any little item'; about them that nvjh! be interesting and ihen send the paper to tliem and vou'll be surprised how pleased they will be. I know. I get comments about it all the time. Don't torget now •- it 'might be hot but I, have a reql cool phone so v'ou . call me with your new -- y'hear. WITNESSES WILL HOLD CONVENTION IN EARLY JULY Steve Soviak. Crystal Lake, presiding minister for Jehovah's Witnesses in Woodstock, has announced that about sewntv- five members of the local congregation will be leaving svHm as delegates to their summer district convention to be held in Cicero. According to Soviak, the four-day convention will open July ,9 at the Hawthorne race track. Advance requests for over-night accommodations indicate that upwards of 15,000 persons from Illinois. Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana will attend the gathering. The Cicero meet will be one of thirty-six similar conventions being held this year in the United States, being sponsored for Jehovah's Witnesses by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York. It has been labeled the "Fruitage of the Spirit" Assembly. Soviak said the assembly program\ i» geared to assist everyone in attendance to learn how to apply Bible principles in solving the everyday problems of life. The assembly will feature Bible talks throughout the four-day Christian gathering. Everyone who anticipates attending has been encouraged to bring his personal copy of the Bible with him. The series of free Bible talks will climax with the muin public address on Sunday, July 12, at 2 p.m. on the subject "peace among men of good will". Some of the local delegates who will attend are the Charles Infantino family, the Friedle family and the Patterson family. READ THE WANT-ADS jup HAS GUARANTEED eat IN THE meat EVEN BEFORE YOU GET THE CHARCOAL ... SEE A&P'S GREAT SELECTION OF FRYERS, ROTISSERIE ROASTS, THICK JUICY STEAKS, '•> PORK CHOPS, HAM STEAKS, SPICES and SAUCES-ALL PRICED RIGHT-- k*" AND ALL, RIGHT IN THE "COOK-OUT" SECTION OF THE MEAT DEPT. Well all agree that meat is one of the most Important ingredients for any family outdoor "barbecue." So why not'Start with the MEATS that actually are money-back guaranteed to EAT as good as they look . . . A&P's "Super-Right" meats" From the nation's top packers we select the hearty, flavorful, corn-fed beef and pork from which we cut all of our special "outdoor cooking meats. Our buyers know that if they can't be guaranteed -- they're not "Super - Right" quality. They also know that when they are "Super-Right" quality, they can be fully guaranteed either for controlled indoor cooking or the less scientific "outdoor" kind. This week plan an outdoor barbecue--at A&P the EAT in the MEAT is guaranteed. Either you're completely satisfied or your money back. If that's going out on a limb, we'vfe done it! FRESH FRYERS CHINES (LEGS NITI THICIS FRESH CIIWEI Hi EASTS C Rushed to A&P-Packed ill ke to Insure Freshness Tender White Meat FRESH CUT-UP FRYERS FRESH SPLIT BROILERS Removed Buy New and Save--Super-Right Boneless CAN „ AGAR HAM Cooked and to Servo 3ib. s-i m I 95 BEEF CUBE STEAK .89 FREE! FREE! A&P's Super-Right Top Quality--Barbecue Speciai FRESH SPARe RIBS 49 Breaiii Shrimp Sisni 10-oz Cap's fcfcafc pfeg Fully Med Ham ASP's Super. Right. 12 «o 16 Lb. Sues. Whole w-'. IS* ».GI< A&P's SuperHiqht f^s. Vacuum Pack , M%IV Ub. Pkg 55c P«#- fcV @raad Dudbess 2(ta. Brand-frozai fkf. W Fish frojen Cap'n John's 1-fe. |4!§ Easy to Fix-Easy lo Serve pkg. MUSTARD f tne to Ana Peps Mot tin! •iHk'lli# o? WATERMELON Yoor Choice, None Priced Higher Halves and Quarters Abo Available MELONS 69 Fre@? Sand PaiS orstdl Shovel Wlo&a--AAP'S m4 Ml of Ivy Nv Hf tMt thlft tpoicwnic ptit*. 4k. 2 B«#y Now and Save at A&P-Hi-C-lteg. 3/1.00-Save 33c m FLORIDA PUNCH 4 lb. Plastic Pail 46-0z. S Cons 59e 400 H Makes Good Foods Taste Better--Reg. 2 35c mmgg SNIDERS CATSUP > 2 "25 Easy to Fix--Easy to Serve A&P's Super-Right a mm LUNCHEON MEATS3 - 1 CANNON IBISEWU PLANTATION Reg. 99c SAVE 20c 20-79 NEW YUKON CLUB IN A CAN BEVERAGES Nmt at A4P-- Crif«, >iaft, led B«>pb«fry, Imofi liiM, KaU leer Choica 6 "49 The third big week in bath »ns*mbl« brings you dovblr *alue--With the two coupons below you uvi $1.00 on high quality Cannon items Complete your enfir* «n»emble in A ihort weeks Mert art the items. e BATH TOW&.-NOW ON SAIE • HAND TOWEL-NOW ON SALE • WASH CLOTH-NOW ON SALE • GUEST TOWEL-ON SALE JULY 9th • 8ATH MAT-ON SALE J01Y 16th e SHOWER TOWEL ON SALE JULY 23 Buy Nerc? sacdl Ssivg ©? TMs S.©^7 Price--JJsjsdg Parker Trttk, crita chips b a btndr convinicnt twl« facktgt. ktf. $«v« l*c Specfd? If Safe 'w/eeEr £$1 A&P--B<s7djcn's YOUR CHOICE • ORANGE • CHERRY • LIME • LEMON 'Rag. 12/79c-Sav* 29c R.0RAI FESTIVAL DESIGN BY WINDSOR 50c Off With This Coupon ( ON A CANNON STYLED BT WINDSOR 16"x26" Hand Towel With Coupon (Without Coapas Cm4 <fc/« July 1*44 |« *a raw SSerM 12 49 lir Ible Kernel Corn iliiei £ Sea Am Page Reg. 39c Sultana Brand ' 18-01. Mlu 12-m. Chunk 6Vi-n. hunt can Kraft's 2c Off label 1*. ctn. |( Mle Gkptuis Bond's ^kkles Peanut Butter i Tea Bags Tour CboiM PDoiUll.i hK, oPslhaeinr.. Hamburger Stftcct ALL A&PSUPERMARTS WILL BE OPEN TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY Canned, Fully Cooked Hams, all turkeys and other poultry, all luncheon meats, bacon and seafood may be purchased 'til 9:00 P.M." Closed >(l,!--Oay Saturday, )uty 4 All Of Us At A&P Wish You And Yours An Enjoyable Holidoy-Pleose Drive Safely SAVE CASH AND PLAID STAMPS TOO! \YI---\W .>* WwW-avM I y TMI CHI At AllAWIIC & PACIHC If A C0WPANT. IWcl^T V ,| -\V vv- -ir ,\v II >A V, r • w A 50c Off With This ON 3 CANNON STYLED BY WINDSOR 12 x 12" Wash Cloths 3 $100 (Without Coupaa tor I 3/$lJ0) Oocd R>ru Jvty T1. 1944 la cfl AAP Food Stored AMERICA S DJPffjOABLE ffOOO MIRCHflKlI SINCE S0S« All WICK EFFECTIVE THRU JUir 3, 1964 3710 WEST ELM ST SH AND ST McHENRY, ILL. 15c OFF ON ANY 3-LB. BAG Eight O'Clock, Bokar or Red Circle Ritz Brand Reg. 25c Ea. M 203 ISc oM with this coupon on the pur chair ol any 3-lb. baq of A&P Coffee. Buy now and save w i t h t h i s v a l u a b l e rlotiftrs •read A Brisk Tc* <30vNJK«i VALUABLE COUPON ON ANY 3 IJ. BAG 0? m> C0?PGSIKJHT O'CLOCK, BOKAR AMD m CHOC Good Thru July 3 in all , Air MOO STOtIS Hi STORE HOURS: 1 DAILY 9 TO 6 THURS. & FRI. 9 TO 9 SUNDAYS 9 TO 2