Thursdny, July % 1954 Wed Saturday MRS. WESLEV BRUCE This pretty bride is the former Wanda Tonyan of Ringwood, now Mrs. Wesley Bruce. On Saturday,,.June 27, she bccanie the bride of Mr. Bruce in a nuptial ceremony Solemnized in St. John's church, Johnsburg. A reception followed at the Legion home in Richmond for relatives and friends. The newlyweds are now enjoying a honeymoon trip to New York, where they will visit the World's Fair. Upon their return they will reside in Mc- Henry. The former Miss Toiiyan is the daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. Vincent Tonyan and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoyton Bruce. McHenry Hospital During the past week patients admitted to McHenry ,-hospital included Lorraine Reynolds, Edward Olsen, Miriam Gurewitz, Peter Mitchel, Richard Hinz, Ingleside; Barbara Beall and Rev. Frank Miller, Richmond; Verna Perryman, Spring Grove; Eric Mer dine and Debra Hansen, Fox Lake. Irma M. Rockstead, Sophie Stankus and Raymond Mendyk, Wonder Lake; Lowell Basford, Wauconda; Jerry Leighton, Deerfield; Sherron E. Schjpwe, Lombard; Michael Boykin, Eddie Heathscott, Charles Clark, Henry Wentzel, Ray Laster and Willibald Link, Chicago; Donald Cameron, Island Lake; George Vincent, Genoa City, Wis.. Sandra S. Ivie, Charleston, S.C.; Dan Johnson, Norridge; Charles Beaty, Glen Lyons, Gladys Garman, Crystal Lake; Lewis Bochette, Fox River Grove; Lillian Steinsdorfer and Lynn Martin, Round Lake; John Krahulec, Skokie; Scott Sveen, Bertha Marie Canady, Nancy Carlson, Lillian McCarthy, Audrey Tonyan, Evelyn Eppel, Leo J. King, Sally Foreman, Marcella Farmer, Debra Hansen, Diane Neiss, Lorraine Erdmann, Robert Wohnrade, Vera Baumgartner, Anthony Locascio, Mary Hess, Mamie Sue Spencer, Lorraine Rutzen, Leland Anderson, Hortense Brennan, Robert Lopez, William Brennan, Patti F. Brett, Josephine Bartelt and Dorothy Hesly, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Woodstock Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Diana Breit and Frances Pechoc of McHenry and Margaret DiGraa? THE MeKENBY PLAINDEALER PamThnf- HENRY F. NELL HEADS McHENRY K OF C COUNCIL Henry F. Neil, Jr., was elected grand knight of Council 1288, McHenry, at the annual election of officers held in June. Others named to office were Michael J. McDonagh, deputy grand knight; Eugene Kraskiewicz, chancellor; Ronald J. Vacula, recorder; George E. Kalsch, financial secretary; Joseph E. Kalsch, treasuer; Richard F. Golbeck, advocate; John R. Heelein, warden; Anthony Piasecki, inside guard; Jesse J. Freund, outside guard; Vincent W. Charles, three-year trustee; George A. Larkin, two-year trustee; and Wiliiam J Nuber, one-year trustee. THE TORRANCE HARTHS After a trip to Michigan, newly weds Mr. and Mrs. Terrance E. Harth will be at home at James Terrace, McHenry. The couple exchanged vows in a lovely wedding ceremony which took place Saturday, June 20, in St. Patrick's Catholic church, with Rev. Fr. Eugene Parker officiating. Attending the bride were Emmy Falsetti, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, Linda DeiCicco, Violet DeCicco and Sherry Nellis as bridesmaids. Carl Harth, brother of the groom, served as best man and ushers were Dennis Smith of Chicago, Charles J. Miller and Allen Miller. The bride is a 1964 graduate of McHenry high school. The groom is employed by his uncle in the McHenry Sand & Gravel company. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors in Pistaqua and Worthmore Estates who have contributed to the gift for our trip. \ye wish to express our ap* preciation to each of you fot your thoughtfulness, and we are sincerely hoping and praying that we can make this trip together. Thanking all you nice folks; Marian and Mike. 7-2-64 zia of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Oscar Unholz of Wonder Lake was a patient during the past week in Harvard hospital. ^ McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Wlliam J. Slater, Jr., of Ingleside, are parents of a son June 22. A daughter was bom June 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bell of Lake Villa. A Richmond couple, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Courtemash, became parents of a son June 23. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs of Ingleside announce the birth of •a daughter June 23. A son was born June 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Decker of Woodstock. Twins, :a boy and a girl, were born June 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ossler. Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce welcomed a son June 27. A girl was born June 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pri<fce. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mc- Grane are parents of a daughter born June 27. A son was born June 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krohn. Memorial Hospital, Woodstock A daughter was born June 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of Wonder Lake are parents of a daughter born June 25. July 1 Regular, Meeting, Fox River Valley Gimp, R.N.A. -- Mary Kantorski Home -- 8 p.m. July 8 C. D. of A.-;. Garden Luncheon •--Mrs. E. A. Hogan Home, McHenry Shores -- Boating and Cards. July 8-9 Casting Call for "Annie Get Your Gun," to be presented by Ann Varese & Co. -- High School Auditorium -- 7:30 to 10 p.m. July 9 Installation of Officers, Knights of Columbus Council, No. 1288--K. of C. Hall. July 10-11 Rummage Sale -- McHenry Acacia Club Building Committee-- 3929 W. Main Street, McHenry-- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 19 Aid Association for Lutherans Picnic (Including McHenry and Island Lake Branches) --Algonquin Park--12:30 p.m. July 29 Riverview Camp, R.N.A., No. 6818, Chicken Dinner -- 6 p.m. -- Martinetti's. MARRIAGE LICENSES James Neff and Sandra Bucaro, McHenry. John Regner and Audrey Tonyan, McHenry. Henry Kenyon, McHenry, and Marie Dow, Crystal Lake. Wesley Bruce, McHenry, and Wanda Tonyan, Ringwood. Trouble still seems to be the best teacher in the School of Experience. A fisherman seldom catches a fish big enough to make lying unnecessary. Custom & Decorative Accessories Wedding -- Anniversary -- Party Decorations For Sale or Rent ORIGINAL ARTWARES and GIFTS Bill Kinsala 3405 W. Elm Street PHONE 885-0864 McHenry, I1L JULY IS © montm 5fof-@o£©AS" Wfoeew PORT-A-TABLI wm wins WITH IMAU •OWN JMVCj3OT_ SEAT QcmiMr**'99 Danish tocA g?08ncd pcSCcra. ©peso to s 72s® tag x S3S0 UjIgJ?b PoMo Co 30 n S3 n 3S300o P@@9urest ra^fe teWCT cpc-aHnQ ad eSoalng; Cop roototsif ts «mi> &0 cjsscodboq;, aScsSiol® &3o8do cp Co fica «lta©® N*a •ra ©slcbOo SccOo 1® to 12 pcoploo (JP?3334«S) ©i&able secotls cSuECo psty*prapf° 0C3J0 plastle caGSo EesJCaw •oldcd as albsrp osScso c# cameras Vinyl covered) ?ovorfllbl* Ad|uatobU nctol «tond ddJuDCo to 6 pc. Loots Set ($160 Value) Yon receive a ticket (or this FREE Drawing each time yon shop at Coaatto- Coast. Drawing held on Fiesta Day. Y STALER frnt.fr34.fS I pt&IUfci •»«Stssls§, Isdba Pttft M39 Ad MMff tepo ChottHfl* aid ayWa aplwlstaMd I Mi m toil vinyl. Caaplafa wltfi baki. JMia to v oMfsct CARD OF THANHS The family of the late Albert Pepping, Sr., would like to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to relatives, neighbors and friends who sent cards, flowers, spiritual bouquets and other acts of kindness during his stay in the hos? pital arfd also during their recent. bereavement. Mrs. Albert Pepping, Sr. * Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (HelenI Amann Mr. and Mrs. Edwin (Vera) Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pepping Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pepping Mr. and Mrs. Melvin (Marie) Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Chester ((Lorraine) Watkins PUBLIC AID ROLLS DECLINE BY 4,899 FOR ONE MONTH The public aid rolls declined in- April by a total of 4,899 persons. Harold O. Swank, director of the Illinois Department of Public Aid, has reported that there were reductions in the Aid to Dependent Children, Old Age Assistance, Blind Assistance and General Assistance rolls, and 'a small increase in the number of persons on Disability Assistance. There were 434,285 persons receiving public aid in Apri^ compared to 439,184 in March- The April, 1964^caseload was 8,227 persons, or 1.9 per cent, below the April, 1963, total of 442,512. Public aid . ,, April were $24,227,800 com* pared to !^,23i34i: In The April expendituresmete $465,350 lower thin the~fOtal expenditure^ of $24,603,650 ill April, 1963TTlH«e^t«te^ elude payment.lor burialtrJ|>iter care for ADC children movd from unsuitable hriWes, and care for the medically fR| digent in Cook*'county. / }•<* 1327 N. Biw©fsii© IMve •PI •f I f There s SUBSTITUTE FOR We Are Proud Of Our Growth Comparative Table of D E P O S I T S DECEMBER 31st 171.140 448.446 644.707 1.119.693 6.54.772 9 4 13,916,753 6 16.143.313 6 j 1 9 0 6 in ank you can withdraw your savings with no delay and no formal application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's no substitute for "Money in the Bank". 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