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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1964, p. 16

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THE McHEHBY PLAINDEALER Wordih Lake News becoming a Catholic or who wish to learn more about their .faith. All are welcome. MARY LOU HARTOG 653-TITS CUB TEAM ASKS SUPPORT AT PONT LEAGUE GAMES Summer Vacation, School Summer vacation school for to the association by one of j all grade school children, first the residents. It, was stated ' through eighth grade, who attend public school will be held July 30 through July 31 at Christ the King school. August 1. 2 and 3. Sunday. Monday and Tuesday. Forty Hours Devotion win take place at Christ the King church. Mass each day with devotions each evening at 8 p.m. I that Wonder Center has the best roads and the best road maintenance in the area. - One of the boys from the Wonder Lake Cubs, Pony j Wonderview Assoriatioa • League, called me the other Meeting night and asked if I would put , At a special meeting of the gome news in about them and board of directors of the Wonask the Wonder Lake people if derview Improvement associathey won't come ^oyf and give tioo it was decided on that them a little support. I'll ne- insofar as grading and snow- Wooded Shares News ver get any medals as a sports plowing of the roads was con- j Residents of Wooded Shores j writer because I usually don t / cerned -the work be limited to j *the male variety» will please; know- what I'm talking ab^ut association members only The : at the beach, armed! when it comes to sports but I'll 4 board has mapped out a route j %vith >'<?ur trusty shovels and j sure give rt a try. Ill give pub- , they plan to follow which will ! rakes, to assist in the annual i licity anytime to a group of j enable each to have access to clean-up operation. The date is j fellas who are sports minded j the Wonder Lake road. It is I Saturday. July II. between the and who ask for a little cooper- j true that many non-members , hours of 9 and 12 ajn. George at ion and- enthusiasm from the j will also benefit by this but i Riehert, beach commissioner, parents. How about it folks? j jt has been estimated that ap-jwelcome all community Why .not give the boys the sup-1 pr cdrnateiv S of the roads will minded workers and direct op- j port-they -deserve. - Be glad be eliminated from service. TTie \ erations. Junior gentlemen are • faoard feels that work on the roads should be limited to the tfie^ are interested in baseball ?ek they beat the Yankees at Spring people who have paid their dues Grove 20-1. So far they are thereby making it possible to the unbeaten champs with 6 wins and no losses. I'd say that deserves a. pat cm the TjpcK. anytime. -- Next Saturday, July 11, at T" pDn. the'V will play against Woodstock at Woodstock citv obtain the needed road equipment so a concentrated effort will be made in these areas. They feel sure that all property owners realize the necessity also invited. In the not too distant future the association expects to have ! a"water slide" and other play j apparatus at the beach. ' j is Virgil R. Pollock of McHenry. Paul Eberle. Wonder Lake's amiabie postmaster, wiil be in charge of the Wonder Lake entries. The winner will ride in the Kiwanis Peanut Float in the Fiesta Day parade, and represent this area in the district and Chicago area contest. Dr. Len Pawlikowski will be the M. C. for the evening. Registration blanks wiil be available at all of Wonder Lake's leading merchants. • It is imperative that each Kiwanis Club member try to secure as many entrants; for the Little Miss Peanut Contest as possible. For entry blanks cal'. your Little Miss Peanut Chairman, Virgil R. Pollock or Horace, Wagner. Both Kiwanis Club members and their wives are asked to attend the dinner which will precede the judging. The dinner will start at 7:15 sharp in order that we will be through with the dinner by 8:30 p.m. The dinner will be our weekly meeting which will take place of the meeting that would normally be held on Monday, July 13. Please be sure to mark your calendar that the Mondav i meeting is cancelled and In its I place the Tuesday night meeting. We should have 100 per cent attendance at this meeting. At the June 29 meeting President Floyd held the "end of the month" business meeting. Guy White was authorized to send in a check to the Kiwanis Illinois Eastern Iowa District Spastic Paralysis Research Fund. Flach member in the Kiwanis Club contributes S3 each year to the research effort carried on at Children's Memorial hosj pital in Chicago. J Due to the extreme beat. Stan Blumberg's talk was re- | scheduled. Joe Sullivan was babysitting j Monday evening and Pat missed Igettmg tbe Battle Axe Award. { Strojnys Entertain I M.r. and Mrs. J. Strojny and ;.daughter, Roseann, entertained !over the Fourth of July weekend. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. ! Robert Kraske of Chicago. Mr. Kraske is commemorating his j thirty-fifth anniversary of j scouting as leader. District Commissioner Eagle Scout and is one of the verv few who has been awarded the rare and distinctive horior of the silver beaver award for scouting. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Barnes and daughter, Cynthia, of Chicago. Happy Anniversary To Ed and Jean Motulewicz who celebrated their twentyfourth wedding anniversary on July 3. They also left last weekend for a vacation in northern Minnesota. Joyce and Jack Yegge will baby-sit with the house while they are gone. Notes: Well did you all have a nice holiday? Last week I asked for some of you to call and tell me about your company and no one called so I guess no one had company. I don't know where ail those cars and people came from and what they were doing out here unless they were all here on the "QT" 'cause no one admitted having guests. It was one of the most crowded "QTs" I've ever seen. The area was packed with people. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and' the odor from barbecues would make you hungry. just driving down the road. And as sit here writing this I can see all the cars loaded up and heading back for the city. They can have that city bound traffic. I'm glad I live here and don't have to travel back in the bumper to bumper parade. I know one lady, and I ijever mention names you know, but she started out at nine o'clock Saturday morning to celebrate her independence and she celebrated all day and when her company arrived at her house she was snoozing blissfully on without even being aware of their presence. Such a celebrater she is! Thursday, July 8, 1054 WATER FOR INDUSTRY In several parts of northert Illinois enough heavy water u support heavy industrial 0f municipal use can be obtainoJ from wells in shallow dolomitl rock formations, the Illinoi State Water Survey reports More than a thousand well production tests on 800 shallow dolomite wells were analyzed ir the northern third of Illinois Dolomite is a limestone-likj rock rich in magnesium. Ave! rage depth of the well is abou 140 feet. SHOP IN MCHENRY Auto Insurance totalled? NO ONE REFUSED -- ANY AGE Reasonable Rates FhancJal' Responsibility Filings Stay out of "Pool Insurance" and have Full Coverage TEENAGE INSURANCE -- Full Coverage JAN-MAR INSURANCE 385-7667 Kiwanis News The McHenry and Wonder Lake Kiwanis Clubs will sponof keeping the roads in the i sor a "Littie Miss Peanut" conbest condition possible with ev- i test. This will be open to all ' W'th the ^exception^of . pry effort made to keep these j girls six to nine years old who roads open during the winter j reside in the McHenry and months for emergency' service, j Wonder Lake areas. Selection i milk and mail deliveries and to J of the winner will be based on enable people to get out to the poise, personality and pertness. j highway to go to work. It is | iThis is neither a beauty con-| unfortunate that some will be j test nor a talent contest). Judg- ! inconvenienced by this measure j ing w ill be held on Tuesday, but the board feels that the - game*, all iheir other ^ameg-are played at 6 p.m. X .liie toys playing on the Won- •^^er lake-Cubs team are as follows: Manager, Allan Schimke: Coach--Terry Haak; Gaylord ' Gale. -Ron Zidek. Dave Sard, Jim Smith, Bob Freund, Babe 1 ^ Peterson, Wilbur Haak. Eddie | RagkeA Casey Kasperszak, Ghuck -Marke, Bobbie Lehr, | 'RttTff Olezuck, and Phil Schim- • dCmon now you adults -- let's get out there and give th^e'champs a little moral sup port. Wonder Center Annual *»«••• Meeting ,,The Wonder Center Property Owners Association held their annual meeting on Sunday, July 5, at the firehouse at 1:30 p.m. Paul Kocan and Jay Rishling were elected to serve as park and beach commissioners for the next three years. Mary Polerecky, who has been secre-! tary and treasurer pro tem, filling out an unexpired term of Mrs. Chaloupka, was elected to serve as secretary and treasurer for the next three years also. Other officers still have one or two years to serve on their terms as each election is for 3 years. The complete list of officers and board at present is as follows: Robert Bruce, president; Larry Fuhrer, vice-president ; Mary Polerecky, secretary and treasurer; Ken Gable, road commissioner; Albert Topp, assistant road commissioner; Paul Kocan, Jay Rishling, beach and park commissioner; H. Mortimer, assistant beach and park commissioner; and Francis Higgins, legal advisor Approximately sixty people attended the meeting. One of the subjects up for discussion was Hancock Drive, from the intersection with the county road 'Wonder Lake Road) west to East Lake Shore Drive and north to South Drive. The group voted to turn this particular section of road back to the township. A vote was also taken and passed to give the board of directors the right to get bids and let the contract for resurfacing all the roads in Wonder Center. > A fine compliment was given complete lack of interest by some who refuse to cooperate in any way makes it necssary. It is unfair to give the same service to all when only some of them pay for it and others do not. They feel that the association members are entitled to receive the best service possible for their dues. July 14, at the McHenry American Legion Home at 8:30 pm. All entries must be in by July 11. The general Chairman New Residents Wonderview residents extend a hearty welcome to Tom and Audrey Burrows who have recently moved from Chicago to their home in Wonderview. The Burrows have a seven month old son, Tommy. Baby Shower Mrs. Joseph Vidovich and Mrs. Clara Meyers were cohostesses at a baby shower on Sunday, June 28 honoring^Severin Lodewyk who is expecting a wee addition very soon. Wonderview Resident Dies Mrs. Oscar Unholz of Maplewood Drive died last Friday in Harvard hospital. Services for Mrs. Unholz were held in Chicago. Rummage Sale The Wonderview auxiliary will have their monthly rummage sale on July 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the association house on Walnut Drive. If you have anything to donate please contact one of the members. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Ins. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Yon Need Insurance oi Any Kind Phone 385-3300 3439 W. Elm St., McHenry, HL Christ the King Church News Bake Sale Next Sunday The Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King church will conduct a bake sale next Sunday after all Masses. They always sell out early at these sales so get your bid in early for any specials you will want. The sales are conducted in the school basement. Next Sunday, July 12. Inquiry Class At Christ the King Church An inquiry class is being held at Christ the King rectory for all those who are interested in 11 Reasons WIf To Se© If Yen Heed A Water System or Well L Only trained personnel In their respective field erf Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing 6. We service all makes Including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps 7. Our men and machines are completely insured 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection 9. Farts available for all makes 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points 1L EAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON DISPLAY , 8KB THEM WORK -- OVEB 70 PUMPS IN STOCK .IWBLLS BULLED OR D1IVEW We lEepak and Serv2ca ALL MAKES of PUMPS Located In the Village of MeCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. ~ McHenry 885-5252 or msalifonce 885-®f2J DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 383-0186 Res. Phone: 383-6191 Honrs: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & FrL Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed AH Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-64 SCHROEDER IRON WORK? Structural Steel and fTmii-- ntnl Visit Onr Showrooms Fireplace Equipment J Miles South on Rt SI Phone 383-0950 8-64 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 678-7491 Vt Mile South of Rt 12 on Johnsburg Wilmot Road 5-64 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined--Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. A Fri. 4:00 pan. to 6 p.m. Tues^ Thurs. & FrL Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a-m. to 5:00 p.m. No ESOSBPS on Wednesday Comtact Lenses Phone 385-2202 8-64 DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 3327 West Elm Street Office Phone: 385-0743 Residence Phone: 383-0347 Hours: Mon., Toes., Wed. ft Fit 10 aan. to 9 pjn. Sat, 10 ajn. to 2 p>n 6-64 JAMES M. McINTEE Attorney-at-Law NEW ADDRESS 3436 W. Elm Street Phone 385-2440 Services in the Churches DON EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHUJECM (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Road (Highway 120 West) Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor Sunday -- Services: 7:45 and 10:30 a.m. 9:00 ajn. Sunday School and Bible Class FAITH FEE3BYTEB3AH CHURCH West of the outdoor theater John O. Mclntyre, Pastor Church School -- 9:30 ajn. for 1st grade through adults and 11:00 a.m. for pre-school children (3-5) Worship -- 11:00 a.m. Nursery facilities available. ST. JOSHPHJS CATHOLIG CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Rev. Ft. Frank J. Miller Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7:00, 8:30 and 10:00 "m Holydays -- 7:00 and 9:00 »m, j « f. M. T-:> r w-; :• y v. :£: :S r . 'o' ' " ' 'S "/i < . '4/41/ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 509 N. Front St. 385-0081 Virgle L. Chappell Sunday Services -- Sunday 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Training Union 7:30 pjn. Evening Worship FIRST BAPTIST CHAPEL Wonder Lake Charles B. Rader Sunday -- Sunday School, 9:45 ajn. Worship Hours, 11:00 ajn. Training Union, 6:00 p.m. Worship Hour, 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Midweek Service WONDER LAKE BIBLE CEU1&CH Box 2, Phone 653-7961 Rr*'. Richard N. Wright Pastor Sunday. -- 9:30 ajn. Sunday School 11:00 ajn. Morning Worship 5:30 pjn. Youth Meeting 7:00 pjn. Bible Fellowship Hour RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Bruce Brenemann Minister Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Church School 3:30 p.m. Jr. Hi M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi. M.YJ. METHODIST CHURCH Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Mr. Burret Church School -- 9:30 a.m Regular Worship Service -- 11:00 a.m. When I watch the otae mason at his trade... then Fm sure I eaa shape a sfcona, // • • • I had the right tools! // • •. I could apply just the right driving force! Bat my stone always splinters, shatters. It should be easier to shape the future. Tomorrow seems so formless, so pliable. Yet there are so many tools. Which to use? So many kinds of force, of power. Which will shape, not destroy, my hopes? I am realizing fast that the vital tools must be spiritual. My Church is training me to understand, to use them. •f And centuries of Christian heritage convince me that the driving force ought to be spiritual A Power that flows from God ... is grasped by faith • • . and in the reverent hands of dedicated men will shape -- rather than shatter -- tomorrow. THE CHURCH PON ALL* The Cluardi fa fta poM ftcter OC22& for ftt building at mhum <al spiritual vahxa. Without a Strong Church, Kyife? &2E»cn»cjr Be? civilization anvivo. There are four sound icrana diy evjfy should atteid savisES rego- ALL FOR THE CHURCH larly and Kipyurt the Chnrdi. The? are: (1) For Mb <r3n ealsa. (2) Ffar faia children"* «cka (3) FcrCistak* of his community and nn&m. (4) Far the mhe of tha Church itadf, which Tsssfi.3 ha mora] and malaria) support. Floii to go to church i larly and read your Bible daily. Copyright 1964, Keister Advertiaing Sovica. Inc., Strasburg, Va. Sunday I Chronicles 28:11-21 Monday I Chronicle# 29:10-19 Tuesday Jeremiah 1:4-10 Wednesday Matthew 9:1-8 Thursday Matthew 28:11-20 Friday John 1:9-18 Saturday John 10:19-80 ST. MAffiYTS CCTOUO Rev. Eugene Baumbofer Rev Raymond Holmgren Asst. Paster Sunday Masses -- 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:43 and 12:00. Holydays » - 6:00, 7:00, n.y/), 10:00 a m and 7:30 pjn. Confessions -- Saturdays, Thursdays before First Fridays, and days before Holydays: 3-4 in afternoon and 7-8 in evening. ST. PETER'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. E. J. Lehman, Pastor Sunday Masses -- 6:30, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:10. Saturday -- 3:15, 7:15 p.m. Confessions METHODIST CHURCH 3717 W. Main Street McHenry. Illinois Rev. Ernest C. Carder 385-1352 Sunday Worship Services -- 8:30 and 11:00 ajn. Church School -- 9:45 ajn. MOUNT HOPE METHODIST CHURCH 1015 Broadway Pistakee Highlands Rev. C. J. Doenecke, Pastor Res. ft Office HYatt 7-3601 1306 Jasper Drive Whispering Hills McHenry, Illinois Sunday Services -- 9:4b Church School 11:00 Morning Worship ST. PATEKDL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Edw. C Coakley Pastor Rev. Eugene D. Parker Assistant Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00 Holydays -- 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 9:00 un, and 8:00 pan. Saturday -- 4-5, 7-8 p.m. Confessions Thursday (Before First FrL) NATIVITY * LUTHERAN CHURCH 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157 Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois W. L. Thummel, Pastor Sunday -- 8 & 11 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Church School 8T. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Johnsburg Rev. John Dording Pastor Rectory phone: 385-1477 Convent phone: 385-5363 Sunday Masses -- 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:45, and 12:00. Holy Days -- 6:30, S:00, 10:00 and 7:30 p.m.' Confessions -- Saturdays and for First Fridays: 4:00 and 7:30 . p m. COMMUNITY CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Serv* ice ST. PAUL'S EPI8COPAL CHURCH McHenry, 111. Rev. FT. R. S. Northway Vicar Masses -- Sunday 7:3G and 9:00 a.» Weekdays: * Tues. & Wed. 9:30 a.m. Thurs. A Fr. 7:15 a.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. Confessions -- Saturday 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. & by appt. GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Harold L. Carlson, Pastor Church School -- 9:45 a.m. The Service -- 11:00 a.m. May thru September, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH 3815 West John St. McHenry, Illinois Rev. Odus K. Eubanks, Pastor Phone 385-1519 Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 6:00 p.m. Youth Services 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangel Wednesday 8 p.m. Bible study Prayer Meeting CHRIST. THE KING CHURCH Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, Illinois Rev. James Vanderpool Pastor Masses -- Sundays, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 & 12:00 Holy Days -- 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 pm. Confessions -- Saturday 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Holy Days and First Fridays, one-hall hour before Mass CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 1309 N. Court St Masonic Building McHenry, 111. Sunday services at 10:30 Sunday school same time. 3rd Wed. of each month Testimonial meeting, 8:00. All interested are welcome to attend. MCHENRY GARAGE 926 N. Front Street McHenry, Illinois 1VAR FREDICKSEX & SON, Inc. General Contractors and Builders Wonder Lake, 111. FURY MOTORS. Inc. Imperial, Chrysler, Plymouth, Valiant 2508 W. Route 120 -- McHenry, I1L GEORGE R. JUSTEX ft SON Funeral Home 3519 W. Elm St. -- Mr-Heary, HI. KAE MOTOR CORPORATION 5801 West Rotate 120 McHenry, IMMoSs McHENRY DISPOSAL SERVICE 2402 W. Third -- McHenry, UL Phone 885-2221 McHENRY SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 W. Elm St, -- McHenry, HI, McHENRY STATE BANK Serving; McHenry Since 1906 McHenry, Illinois McHENRY SAND £ GRAVEL CO. 902 North Front Street McHenry, Illinois ACE HARDWARE 8729 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois PETER M. JUSTEN ft SON Funeral Home 8807 W. Elm St. -- McHenry, 111. SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOC., Inc. 519 W. Sheridan Road McHenry, Illinois H. E. BUCH & SONS, Inc. Plnmbing & Heating Contractors 8912 W. Rt 120 -- McHenry, Illinois

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