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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1964, p. 15

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iy, July 18. 1384 THE McHENST PLAINDEALER LAKEMOOR LILYMOOR SHIRLEY SCHUERR SCOUTS DRILL , TEAM AWARDED PARADE HONORS The Lakemoor Scouts Drill Team sponsored by the McHenry V.F.W. Post 4600 have won honors on their recent parades. The boys received first place and the girls received third place at the V.F.W. State competition in Spring field. They also received first at the parade in Mundelein. Congratulations Lakemoor Scouts Drill Team and hope you come back home from all the rest of your parades with first place. Paper Drive The Lakemoor Scouts Drill team sponsored by the McHenry V.F.W. Post 4600 is holding a paper drive. It will run till the last Tuesday of July, which is the 28th. You can contact any one of the boys or girls from the drill team or Squib and Pat Morrison at 385-6396, arrangements will be made to pick up your papers. Let's help the team out with your papers. Auxiliary News The Lilymoor Woman's auxiliary held its monthly meeting Monday, July 6. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Boots Davis. Mrs. Davis gave a very interesting talk on political party structure. Winner of the monthly prize was Toni Ehredt. Hostesses for the July meeting were Helen Rodde, Ruth Young and Lil Wijas. The next monthly meeting will be held Monday, Aug. 3, at 8 p.m. in the large hall of Club Lilymoor. „ Hostesses for the August meeting are Marian Vorkahl, Lee Bassi and Lena Belino. Girls, the annual outing will be held soon, the place has been picked out, time and date will be set next month. Rummage and Bake Sale held by the Woman's auxiliary was a success. Those who worked hard to make it a success were Susan Crowly, Sharon Neumann, Mary Schuerr, Marion Leske, Pearle Stineman, Eunice Tobey, Lee Bassi, Lil Neumann and Connie Johnson. Officer* Meeting The officers and board of directors held their monthly meeting Tuesday, July 7, at the home of Charlie Rogers. The next monthly meeting of the officers and board of directors will be held Tuesday, Aug. 4, at Lawrence Schuerr's home at 8 p.m. Engaged Herb and Marge Polinski are happy and proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathy, to James Kelley of Averey, Texas. James is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kelley of Averey, Texas. The wedding date has been set for Sept. 5. Congratulations and best wishes, Kathy and James. Ladies League Held its monthly meeting Wednesday, July 7. After the business on hand was taken care of bunco was played. Winners were Nattie Sarley, Sharon Meyers and Jean Dember took the crown away from Lu Gravenstuck. Jean lost fourteen games in a row, where Lou only lost thirteen games. Sympathies No words can express our S RODEO July 29, 30, 31 August 1, 2 FAIR GROOTDS Rts. 45 and 120 (10 Ml. W. Waukegan) MIDWAY-RIDES LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS HORSE SHOWS RODEO Fri. - Sat. -- NiSes Sun. -- Mat. and Niie FIREWORKS Fri. - Sat. ADMISSION Adults -- 75c Under 12 Free Parking FREE deepest sympathies to Mrs. Mary Roland on the sudden loss of her husband, Doyle, who was, killed in an auto accident Sunday, July 5. He leaves his widow, Mary, and three small children, Freddie William, Mary Becca and Connie Sue. Attends Wedding John and Marie Behrendt attended the Wedding of their grandson, Keith Behrendt, to Betsy Ann Darly. The wedding took place June 26 at the First Presbyterian church in Arlington Heights. The reception was held in a country club in Arlington Heights. Congratulations and best wishes to you, Keith and Betsy Ann. Family Reunion Was held at the Abels on Sunday, July 5. Everyone had an enjoyable day. A Surprise Birthday party was held Monday, July 6, for David T&bey. Many of Dave's friends helped him celebrate his seventeenth birthday. Many happy returns, Dave. Vacations Back from a three weeks vacation are John and Dorothy Bonder and daughter, Bonnie. They saw the interesting sights of Yellowstone Park, Las Vegas, the state of California and Washington. They also visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Banknieder of Washington. Vern and Toni Ehredt and sons, Bobby, Frank and Kenny, spent four days up in northern Michigan. Jake and Connie Johnson spent last week relaxing on their yacht and doing a lot of fishing. Their guests were State Representatives A. B McConnell and his wife, Alice, also Tom and Boots Davis and their family. The kids especially had a swell time aboard the yacht!! Western Daze . . . Thursday, July 2, Connie Johnson with the Tom Davis family of McHenry attended the Goldwater Roundup at Frankfort, 111. While there they witnessed cattle cutting, roping, horse races, sky divers, and many other events. They returned home, tired but happy. Congratulations Go to Eunice Tobey on becoming the Junior Regent of the ladies of the Moose in McHenry. Guests of Walter and Josephine Schuerr were Donald and Harriet Caswick and son, Don, of Chicago. Guests of Lawrence and Shirley were Dave and Jean Jacobson and children, Danna, Sharon, Connie and Little Dave of Wildwood. Have You Any new neighbors? If you do please phone me with the information. We would like to welcome your new neighbors. In Closing Yours truly and the rest of the Schuerrs are celebrating and are very happy to be back in their home after being out of it for three months due to the fire. We're all busy unpacking boxes and filling up dressers, you name it, we're doing it. See you next week. It's fine to plan for Sonny's college --- but what if he flunks out of high school? (He may need more than money). NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals for the improvement of the thoroughfare herein described will be received at the office of the Road Commissioner, McHenry Road District, 3703 N. Rt. 31, McHenry, Illinois, until 10 o'clock A.M., C.D.S.T., July 21, 1964, and at that time publicly opened and read. The proposed work is officially known as St. John's Ave. and North Ave., Mc- HENRY ROAD DISTRICT. The proposed improvement is to be Earth Excavation; Gravel or Crushed Stone Base Course, Type B; Concrete curb and gutter; Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Sub-class B-5; Drainage system; Grading, and other incidental items of construction. Plans and specifications, with the proposal forms, may be obtained from the office of the Road Commissioner, 3703 N. Rte. 31, McHenry, Illinois, until 10 o'clock A.M., July 18, 1964. All proposals must be accompanied by a bank cashier's check, bank draft, or certified check for not less than 10% of the amount bid, or as provided in Article 2.7 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, State of Illinois. Prequalification of Bidders is required, and notice of prequalification shall be submitted before any. proposals are released. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities. By order of CHARLES MILLER Road Commissioner, McHenry Road District (Pub. July 9-16, 1964) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given by the Board of Education of School District No. 156, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1964, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the Office of the Board of Education, 1012 North Green Street, from and after 12:00 noon on the 17th day of July, 1964. NOTICE- is further hereby given that a public hearing oh said budget will be held at 8:00 p.m. on the 18th day of August, 1964, at the Office of the Superintendent, McHenry Community High School, 1012 North Green Street, in this school district. Dated this 15th day of July, 1964. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 156, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois DONALD HOWARD, Secretary (Pub. July 16, 1964) MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY GEN NO. 64-611 ELEANOR M. ) BORCHARDT, ) Plaintiff,)! vs. ) MARY SMITH, BEN J.) SMITH, GRACE H. ANDERSON, BETTY F. McDANIEL, RUDINE SWANSON,) ELEANOR M. BOR-) CHARDT, Administrator of) the Estate of Rubin B.) McDaniel, Deceased, HAR-) OLD SMITH, a Minor, and) GERALD J. CAREY,) TRUSTEE OF THE ES-) TATE OF HAROLD) SMITH, a Minor, and UN-) KNOWN OWNERS OF) THE PREMISES, ) Defendants.) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois in the above entitled cause on the 9th day of June, 1964, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 20th day of August, 1964, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof Daylight Savings Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot 15 in Block 1 of Dr. C. H. Feger's Addition to the Village of McHenry, a Subdivision of part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 17, 1895, as Document 'No. 16171, iit Book one of PISTAKEE TERRACE JOYCE TOEPPER 885-8044 NEW OFFICERS ASSUME DUTIES FOR TERRACE Main business on the agenda at the July 6 Pistakee Terrace meeting included election of new officers for the 1964-1965 season. Elected unanimously on Monday and assuming their new duties at the close of the business meeting were: Val Pa tula, president, Mickey Ferrell, vicepresident, Frank Dack, secretary, Vern Mondl, treasurer, and Jerry Dicks, Jim Deppmeier and Anthony Kurowski, directors. The contract for the additional surfacing on May avenue along with coating of the intersections as recommended by the contractor had been received in June and approved by the executive committee. This work along with other portions in the Terrace that was contracted separately by the individuals concerned wilt be done as soon as the contractors schedule permits. It was suggested one of the first jobs for the new officers would be getting the weeds along the road cut as in previous summers. However the treasury is not overflowing with the road bill awaiting payment. Several donations have been received toward the road and more would be appreciated. Have you sent your contribution? Other business of the evening included a thank you to the outgoing officers for their time and trouble in the past year and a job well done. Meeting places in the coming year will wary with the first meeting. Sept. 14, being held at the corner of May Avenue and Elmleaf Drive in the Patula garage. Auxiliary Plans Dance The Pistakee Terrace Women's auxiliary met on Thursday evening at the home of their new president, Jerry Dicks. Aside from a report on the bake sale from which the entire profits were turned over to the association discussion centered around the dance set for Sept. 19. A band has been hired to play from 9 till 1, the fee for the American Legion hall paid, and tickets are in the process of being printed. A light lunch, included in the price of the tickets, will be served. Birdie Deppmeier will be in charge of tickets. Mark your calenders and contact your friends. Support the auxiliary and their worthwhile fund raising affairs. Plats, page 59, In McHenry County, Illinois. ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorneys for Plaintiff Siftion Stickgold 215 West Judd Street Woodstock, Illinois (Pub. July 16-23-30, 1964) T RE 6.00x13 7.10x15 $14.80 TUBELESS 6.80x13 $?3.§0 7.50x14 14.50 6.70x15 8.00x14 $11.25 TUBE-TYPE 6.70x15 $12.50 7.00x15 $13.85 Add $1.25 for Whitewalls -- All Prices Plus Tax McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 8931 W. Main St. Phone 885-0294 McHenry, I1L YS I© ITISE Terrace Tidings Fourth of July guests at the Russell Parker home were Adelaide and Henry Tesch of Park Ridge. The Ewald Predeliski family spent the holiday in Lombard visiting Virginia's sister and family, the Robert Zimas. Saturday company at the home of Mickey and Pat Ferrell were her father, Gus Trampas, her grandmother, Ann Trampas, and her sister, Mary, as well as other friends from Chicago. Arriving on Friday and staying until the end of the holiday weekend at the Vern Mondl home were Millie's sister and husband, Sybil and Harry Boston of Hazelwood, Mo., accompanied by friends. The Joe Benoche family spent Friday in Lake Forest helping Lynn Perschke celebrate her birthday. Harry and Grace Gavin, Mike and Nancy, attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary dinner on Sunday of Grace's godfather, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Markowski, Chicago. Tuesday luncheon guests of Dorothy Parker's were two girl friends from early childhood, Lorraine Saliano and son, Perry, Lincolnwood, and Joan Dwinell, Chicago. Arriving at the Benoche home on Wednesday to surprise Susan for her fifteenth birthday were four of her school friends, Jo MacDonald, Candy Thompson, Kathy Doran and Adrian Perrino. They turned the party into an all night pajama celebration. Unexpected company at the pleasantly surprised Gavin home on Wednesday evening was an old friend of Harry's Norb Parol and family of Round Lake. Joyce Toepper and sons Lance and Lorin, were luncheon guests at the Twin Lakes home of Mrs. Don Davis, on Thursday. We understood Mary Hess underwent an operation at McHenry hospital this past Monday and is recovering well. Hope our calls next week find her home after such a long stay in the hospital. Our sympathies to Rosalie Wadecki of Riverdale oh the loss of her nephew via drowning in Long Lake on the holiday weekend. Birthday Greetings Many happy returns of the following birthday celebrants this coming week: David Zamastil, who will be seven , years old July 17, Mitch Sabajr July 20, Jay Connerty's sixth birthdate July 21, Irma Jorgenson, July 22, and Virginia Pradelski and Jackie Weiss on July 23. AiujlvertaryWI«h<* Congratulations to week's anniversary CQUple^ Robert and Maron Rabb, on iuly IT. Terrace Rescue Squad' 1 Representative ' Birdie Deppmeier is onc« itgain representative in the Terrace for the August Squad dance held in Johnsburg. Tickets can be had f6r the $sl^ ing from her and she will no doubt be around asking you if she doesn't hear from you. I \-w A , I for one have been fortunate , enough not to have to cajt on the Rescue Squad yet, knock on wood, but it gives comfort to know they are there if we ever need them. Let's show them our appreciation.--ItY thtf time each year they ask. for a helping hand -- a small -comparison to the time they lend helping hands. * HAMBURGERS ' i ^ Yes -- try 'em today at McDonald's. Find out just how good a Hamburger can be whesa made with care and prepared to your taste. McDonald's Hamburgers axe made of 100% pure beef -- never frozen meat -- but top quality beef ground fresh daily. They're served hot off the grill on toasted buns -- the way you like 'em best. Plenty of parking ... tipping ... instant service ... an<} the tastiest fo j* town at prices that please7 look tor thm goidnn mrehoo food McDonaiis-^s 180 Virginia Bim@t Crysfial Lake, 111. >mokeless broikiig means sr again.. • you'll tay Gas Now thru July 1 M perso* HOWARD DUFF "Undistr Tie Yum -Yum 33 The deliriously funny hi-jinks of a bachelor landlord and his female tenants eonm JOLT 28 thru AB&9BT 9 JOHNNY BESRS8I30 "Sunday also stoTtao _ CHRISTINA CRAWFORD In New York** DINNER AND PLAY FROM $5.95 plus tax Wednesday lunch and matinee $5.25 plus tax Fat rpsiMvcitions phone584 1454-Chicncjo no. • 261-7943 or wnti- Pheasant Run Playhouse, Si Chatles, l l l i n c , i s EMISSION TICKET •s § «oz « u. II IN Admit One Family To: Happiness Unlimited Starring NEW HOMES -- REMODELING With Special Attractions KITCHENS -- BATHROOMS -- ATTIC ROOMS ROOM ADDITIONS FAMILY ROOMS FOR FAMILY FUN Richmond, Illinois Office: Phone 815-678-2861 Sales Representative McHenry 815-885-8294 mMIDLEONC '•c SUMMER SHIPMENTS JUST ARRIVED ALL PRICES THEY'VE GOT SLASHED mi v BIG 18-FOOT, /TWO-TON VALUE \ ATA SMALL CAR PRICE 5. ' luDEL NOBODY matches , M °UR ii TrADE.iN M MtJ( v\\-; See your Chrysler dealer--the best oS the feig ear men FURY MOTORS. Inc. 2508 W. Route 120 McHenry. Illinois

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