S* > \ ; Sscllon Two ««• rags Two liiL mcnuin i «rj?u AIwugitn/^gr&t*Ti ?i^!i^ Thursday, August 13, 1384 MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS CAROL BATEMAN VILLAGE HEAD. CANDIDATE PERCY TOUR COUNTY Our village president Jake Levesque, who is also county chairman for the Republican central committee, and his bet- : tef half. Eve. were host and I hostess to the Illinois candidate j for Governor. Charles Percy, j last week. Mr. and Mrs. Le- i vesque. along with other repre- ! sentatives from this county. ! met Mr. Percy at the Gait Airport in Greenwood and proceeded to take him on an official I tour of McHenry County. The ! group, along with other inter- . ested parties, toured the coun- j ty as a public relations team I and stopped at various points of interest. 385-5183 is busy trying to he mother's little helper now. David is the fourth grandchild and second erandson for Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tabor and ; the second grandchild and first J grandson for Mr. and Mrs. A! Horn. Sr.. of Wonder Lake. ; - - - • - | Announces Marriage Plans Congratulations to 'George' Baumbeck. Sr.. of Fountain _ Lane who has rc-cen'ly made known his intentions to wed Miss Shirley- Lattchea of Eastwood Manor. The marriage ceremony will be performed in the | Lutheran Church in Richmond ' on Sept. 29. Mr. Baumbeck will j be leaving our community at that time to make his home ; with his new bride in Eastwood Manor. to Mr. and Mrs. George Luto who will celebrate theii thirty- eight years of wedded life together "n Auur. 14.. Also to Mi. and Mr* Gene Fro-t who w;M hn\o .-h fifteen y ars o g e t h » r "M A i : ; l i . Birthd;-.> ^'>n_ratulati<'ns to Sandv mn whp turn> five i,>n A'.;_. 1 '• Ail'.:. 14 is the birthdatc < t h'ne Crick ar.d Terr: L> nn M.i: uh'i will have 'wo cTn ile- "n her cake, and also Sherry Jensen who. will "urn e;_h' i ••••* ' rnri'? of Au*-s. 16 are T.r!> Michels who becomes • -ixteen". Michael \Vh:*e v. • turns four, and L"i« Pftr-'nM. Saliy Olsen. Earl Nelvn. H- n L'>n-h and Eve Levesqu»:. Plea For News I a;>-_;/e for the brevity of th> eoiu.-r.n but I did not receive one single solitary phone call from you out.there in.readr er land this"wr-ek.' Once again V. F. W. AUXILIARY NEWS by Renee Jcnde The Women's auxiliary t> Fox River Post 4600 held it > last rtieeting on July 27. The delegates to the national convention held in Cleveland, Ohio I make my plea for news. news, news, of any shape or form. I'v> l>een spying on you people and know a lot of you have been up to all sorts of interesting things but I just don't have tht time to corner all of you. S< why don't you call me about it and clew me in on what's going on? ? ? ? - The magic number is 3S5-31K3. Don't forget now!!!! on Aug. 21. are Gen Bradley and Daisy Smi'th. I was on vacation and therefore have not had the chance •o say "how wonderful I think our young people are for the ;;,,at they built which took fioat they build which took •...vond prize in the original iass on Fiesta Day. Orchids to Yi Abbink who was chairman m charge of this project and ?o Linda Abbink who was in charge of the float. The float ,11 m> went to Woodstock for the V. J. Day parade. The steak cook-out is scheduled for Aug. 18. The ladies are asked to biing a dish to pass, also bring your own grills. The next Downey party is on Aug. 19. Please try and go. Your help is greatly needed. If you can go. contact Kathy Fuh- ( r. who is the hospital chairman. The men's kick-off dinner is Sept. 19. This is for the members of Post 4600 and* their wives. The next 5th district meeting is on Aug. 16 at Cole City, 111. All delegates are asked to try and attend. Reports on the state convention were given by the delegates wiio had attended. These were all very interesting and informative reports. The hospital equipment was checked and three wheelchairs were ordered. Crutches in child^, junior's and adult sizes were ordered. This equipment is available to anyone that needs it. The next meeting will be on Aug. 24, at 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. AH officers are asked to wear their uniforms. If anyone has V.F.W. auxiliary news, contact me at 385- 2429. Over 100 varieties of dogs have been developed, by selective breeding in the last 3 centuries. The young and old, each seem to have all the answers. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE WATER SOFTENER SERVICE SAME DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODEL? § Service " • Rebuilding • Repair • Cleaning Out 9 Overhauling ® Installation # Reconditioning ® Removal ATT. WORK GUARANTEED WATER SOFTENER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT J(oL 385-55M OtetZO WATER SOFTENER SERVICtf/SALES McHenry, Illinois Drag News Drag racing addicts Tom and Carol Bateman (that's us> have been back on the scene touring the local strips again. Two weeks ago we traveled to Rockford with Joe Bush and company for the opening of a four lane dragstrip. Mr. Bush, who runs his Class A fuel dragster out of his shop in Chicago, was not able to compete in the meet due to a broken push bar that gave.way during his warm up run. However, there was lots of excitement on hand with dragsters and stockers from all over the nation competing for the title of Top Eliminator. Sunday, August 9 found us once again traveling with Joe Bush, this time to the strip in Union Grove, Wis., where Lady Luck, really smiled on us for a change. Joe's dragster, "Speed Sport** eliminated the nation's record holder, the Stellings of Hampshire "A" fueler from Long Beach, Calif, for the crown of Top Eliminator. In "doing It, the "Speed Sport" Tail not only set a low E.T. < elasped time) for the quarter mile of 8:03, but turned in a top speed of 200 m.p.h. This is only the fourth month this car has been in competition and already it is breaking the 200 m.p.h. mark. With records like this there is a good possibility of it becoming the No. 1 dragster in the nation. ^ Drag racing has now become the No. 2 spectator sport in the nation and with increasing attendance all the time more and more people are getting interested in this competition. It is not a matter of a bunch of punk kids who squeal their tires and try to outrace the others but of responsible adults ahd businessmen and automobile manufacturers who pit their knowledge of highly intricate engine mechanisms and driving skills against one another. Hospital Patient Mrs. Ben i Violet i Gates of Fountain Lane was admitted to Memorial hospital in Woodstock Tuesday. Aug. 4. While there she underwent surgery and came through with flying colors. Mr. Gates reports that Violet is feeling just fine and is very thankful it's all over with. She is expected to return home during the latter part of this week which is none too soon as far as she is concerned. Violet is the type that just can't be kept down and before you know it she'll be up and around again feeling better than before. Neither Rain Nor Snow Mrs. Frank Godina of Lakewood Subdivision seems to be vying for the title of "Most Devoted Grandmother of the Year". Neither rain nor snow, nor sleet nor hail, as the saying goes, will prevent her from visiting with her grandchildren. Not being able to drive a car, she has come up with various other ingenious methods of travel. When the snow lay heavy upon the ground she was a familiar figure walking down the road to her grandchildren's home on East Lane. During the spring she was often cited peddling her trusty bicycle along the road. Now that summer is here she has devised a method of traveling as the cro\V flies, that is, in a straight line. Mrs. Godina can now be seen rowing her seaworthy? rowboat directly across McCullom Lake. She then docks it at the village beach and from there it is only a matter of a few blocks to her destination. Wonder what unique mode of transportation she'll come up with next? Heard a rijmor that she has asked Santa Claus for a motorcycle and daughter, Elayne, has offered her her black leather jacket and motorcycle boots!!! •Congratulations Corner Anniversary congratulations Proud Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tabor of 4312 Lakewood Road are just beaming with pride over their new grandson. Their daughter, Diane,.<Mrs. Al Horn. Jr.) gave birth to a baby boy Thursday, August 6. The little lad made his appearance at the Sherman hospital in Elgin weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs. 3 oz. and measuring 20 ^ inches in length. David Allen is the spittin' image of his father with his blonde hair and big blue eyes but his dimples he owes to his mother. Al had taken Diane to the hospital Tuesday evening. Aug. 4, but it was a false alarm and little David didn't arrive on the scene until a day and a half later. Proud papa Al brought them home td Wonder Lake Sunday, Aug. 8. where David s big sister, Connie, who was three on June 16. w as anxiously awaiting them to meet her little brother. She pui her A OK stamp of appro", al on him and EIIPERT GRUv/MING (All Breeds) • BOARDING (Individual Kennela) • TRAINING «o BATHDJG JMy Sddier's Kennels 1018 \V. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-2436 fl Mile East of the Skvline Drive-In) w'_ 1 ...j BLADE CUT A&P's Super- Right T@p Quality leaf. Tender and juicy as only tenderly can be Ground Chuck sueip larger BOLOGNA AAP's $wp@r-Q5gj&i)tf Top ©u@6Sfy !©©# Q tv» 4fk Ik STEAK UVER SAUSAGE lyfe-lb. ARM CUT, BEET bag mdi or ffRs^sdl fiiFo fapcr-Bsfcf ©aaSSp- 2V4 IKHSU a ESJC Fin* Quality D<riv»4 WVli»| 1 TIRE FREE with purchase of 3 Tires BUY 2 TIRES 2nd Tire V2 Price On All Passenger Car Tires That We Have In Stock, Whitewalls or Blackwalls 20% OFF as low as r Mchessry Tire WALT FREIXD, Prop. 8931 W. Main 8t. Phone 385-0294 McHenry, 111. la smmm4 Ito.L Mk 4 MImm. VP RIB STEMS Peeled & DEVEINED SHRIMP MMshHens vH- '^19* ilssfe Fancy Halibut Steak Choke Slices ft. 45* Fresh Lake Trout Buy Now and Sov« At This Low Prko-- BORDEN'S DUTCH Um&m ¥urfcoy, Chlckcs, @7 5oSlabury-R«g. 49* Chocolate ~ Drfak y, ft j Cta. 11-Oz. 5WW E < H ' "# Ss & ' • r f r r l t i r ~ ' •• r Jglk * RkI Froien Dessert with Toity Ooodne-- lodiB'I r-\ 39* CHAIL0T1E FREEZE "49 10 e Btyiy Now ©sud! Save A(? Tfolo &©w Price 39' MEHVMir 45' Buy Now and Save 10c--Reg. 55c FRESH CHERRY PIE Iona Brand PEACHES EA. A flopping 51-Oz. COR 229-OZ. C C cans 30 OFF SALE SEAMLESS NYLONS OO |Mch Full Fashion 2^*1" |li®iyge,Tiliiiir2K.|lc Writing Tablets s'Z $1. Ten Pen isri 1 kj" 89c FRESH. RIPE CANTALOUPE 4 ">'69 lbs. SWEET CORN 12 for 39c fiiSow bag 29c Red Potatoes Northern 59c Northern v§$ Crown 2§£ IIs Sni ^ California fliaS Grown lb. OTTER Lisghfly Salted Silverbrook Buy Now and Save at this Low Price--Sultana Brand T0MAT01S Our Finest Quality Barra's Frozen Pizza Hawaiian Punch 1 S-or. pizza P:w Bed F.-::en 98< 2^' QQ< cant VV 'sl > n S e a T u n a 10-oz. can 6V4-OZ. can @C Chicken 7-or. M •• " •"" 40c Soi.d Wesson Salad Oil 48-oz. 77. btL I «C Mazola ten Oil Wbipped Mines Lanbreci Wisfebnelri ° Swift's Baby Food Pecan Sandies Excellent for frymi 69* y iMs Sliced Aunt Nellie's 4^r 25e fei Cap't Kit? All Tun* 2 r 16-oz. I«n can i Italian Style Strained High Meat Supreme Cookies le 6le lr« liSir^it H I- 39s lins® Hi© iiterisi 2 39* Fili@t@r|ent ^ 49' Oxydol literpt is Wfc A Washday Wonder Seal Deep Cleaning IS 1* , ^01 pkf. laivo fillets Sill iiriiii Fans. T ° ir§®iii Qwory i@ap Baggies Plastk Bags Dixi© iup idiils Washday Hb., 7-oz. Wizard ph|. 114 Mb., 3'4-ol pkg. 77' er.'V' lle fcakto 100 ct. » Comet Cleanser 2'c«3 ONE MICI . . . ONK QUALITY ... AT All A&P STORES CK JK' IT: THE GREAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TU COMPAKY. IttxvS; ivv n -vn w • rr u .vv • r • w y AMERICAS DtP£10A8l£ FOOO MERCHANT SI*CE1«HH| All PKICIS IFFtCTIVl THRU AUGUST 13, 1964 U TO S Stock up ond taif gm ICI n 3710 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY. ILL. STORE HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 6 THURS. & FRI. 9 TO 9 SUNDAYS 9 TO 2