Thursday, August 13. 1964 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Obituaried DOHIS MUNSON Mrs. Doris Munson, .15, of 3405 East Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake, died Wednesday, Aug. 5, in Illinois Research hospital, Chicago, following a lingering illness. The deceased was employed as an industrial nurse at Modine Mfg. Co. Prior to working for Modine, she had been employed two years at the Woodstock Residence. From 1955 to 1960 she made her home in Taeoma Wash. Mrs. Munson was a member of the Volunteer F iremen's woman's auxiliary of Wonder Lake and the Democratic wcunen's organization of the county. Mrs. Munson was born Feb. 23, 1929, in Woodstock. She is survived ny her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. Carl (*ulgren, of Crystal Lake; four children, Cathryn, 16, Joan, 12, Robert, 11, and Deborah, 10; three brothers, Eugene and Le- Roy of Crystal Lake and Wayne of Carv; two sisters, Mrs. Jack < Floisel McCafferty of WondeV Lake ar\d Mrs. James (Carol l Dingle or Crystal Lake. The body rested at'the Querhammer funeral home in Crystal Lake until Friday, when services were held at 2 o'clock from the chapel. Burial was in ! McHenry County Memorial ! Park cemetery, Woodstock. FRED MATHEWS Fred Mathews, 90 years old, a native of the McHenry area, died Monday, Aug. 10, in an Flkhorn, Wis. rest home. Mr. Mathews was born near McHenry and made his home here until being tranferred by the Borden Milk company, for which he was employed, to Wisconsin about 1913. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Agnes Wisseli of McHenry. Lodema of Bur- Seciion One -- Pag® Three lington, Wis., and Marion of Shelby, Mich.; two sons, Fayette and Leon, both of Wisconsin; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The body rests at the Derrick & Haas chapel in Lake Geneva, Wis., until Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when last, rites will be held from the Methodist church. THEODORE WORTS A funeral Mass was sung Saturday morning in St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, for Theodore Worts, 73, of Elgin, who died Thursday, Aug. 6, in McHenry hospital. Burial was in Ascension cemetery, Libertyville. Mr. Worts had been found unconscious in his car on Rt. 31, south of the city Sunday evening, when he was taken by ambulance to the local hospital. The deceased, a retired lineman for Public Service company, was born June 9, 1891, in McHenry county. Ho held the Brit ton I. Budd medal for saving the life of a man suffering from electric shock. Ho is survived by his widow, Hilda; a daughter, Mrs. Donald (Betty) Sams, of Lake Geneva, Wis.; a granddaughter; four sisleis, Mrs. Tess Guge and Mrs. Rena Belrichard of Elgin, Mrs. Emma Roberts of Waukegan and Mrs. Cecelia Parsley of Round Lake. The body rested at the ^Jeorge R. Justen & Son funeral home until time of last rites. OPAL DeSTKFANIS Mrs. Opal Mae DeStefanis, 46 mother of six, died Sunday, Aug. 9, in McHenry hospital, where she has been confined for thirteen days. The deceased, a resident of 20K N. Ridgeway, Lakemoor, was born Jan. 12, 1918, in Nappa nee, Ind. She is survived by her husband, John ;six sons, Frank, Philip, Fiederick, Charles, Thomas and Michael Sehmitt, all al home; her parents, John and Mathilda Robinson of Khnmell, Ind.; two sisters, 'Mary .lean Gorsuch and Peggy Heffner, both of Kimmell; and one brother, John J. Robinson, of Albion, . Ind. The body rested at the George R. Juston & Son funeral home until Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, when Mass was sung at St. Mary's Catholic church, with interment in the church cemetery! ALKERT FESL Albert Fesl of Arlington Heights, husband of the former Betty Wright of Wonder Lake, died Monday, Aug. 10, He had sustained injuries several weeks aw in a water skiini/ accident ESTHER KCHKLL Mrs. Enos (Esther) Schell, a seven-year resident of 5215 W. Hunter, Lakeland Park, died early Saturday 'morning, Aug H, in her home. She was born June 30, 1900, in Waupaca county, Wis. Survivors besides her husband are a daughter and son, Mrs. Henry Bonesteel of Villa Park and Theron Ferris of Dalton, 111.; two grandchildren; two sisters,- Clara Begrow of Marion, Wis., and Mabel Busby of Hot Springs, Ark. The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home until 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, when services were held there, with burial in Memorial Park, Woodstock. \ I MBBBillL V-RROOM!! MATTEL'S NEW BIKE ENGINE HAS REAL-SOUND-OF POWER SALE PRICE Reg. Price $5.98 V-RROOM . . . you start it . . . rev it . . . idle it race it . . . stop it . . . lock it . . . with your own key! Attaches easily; looks like a single cyclinder engine, sounds fantastically real! Remote control; uses D*pell batteries, not incl. LOUISE LARSON Mrs. Claus (Louise) Larson, 79, of Hebron, a former resident of the Wonder Lake area, died Saturday, Aug. K, in Memorial hospital, Burlington, Wis. Last rites were conducted Tuesday afternoon from the Sehneider-Leueht funeral home, with Rev. Luther Mueller of Harvard officiating. Burial was in McHenry County Memorial Park. Mrs. Larson was born March 3, 1KH5, in Sweden. She was married to Claus R. Larson on Feb. 25, 1905, in Woodstock. He preceded her in death in 19H2. The deceased was a member of Gia.e Lutheran church, Woodstock. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Sylvia Johnson of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Gladys Miller of MeGullom Lake, Mrs. Clarence Haller of Gadsen, Ala., and Mrs. Norma Thomas of Hebron; two sons,' Gordon and Clarence ..of Wonder Lake; a sister, Mrs. Agnes Rossendeutchcm\ of Wauconda and eleven grandchildren. FRANK KALAMYEK Private services wore held at 10 o'clock Wednesday in Fox Lake for Frank Kalamyer, 69, of 6708 Normandy drive, Spring Grove, who died Sunday, Aug. 9, in his home. The body rested l>efore that lime at the Hamsber funeral home. Mr. Kalamyer, a World War I veteran, was born Nov. 21, 1891, in Chicago. Survivors are the widow, Clara; two daughters, Mrs. Lorraine Mytys, Chicago and Patricia Eekman, Richmond; a son, Richard, with the Army in Fori Leonard Wood, Mo.; eight grandchildren and a sister residing in Indiana. MAKY DIERKING Last rites for Mrs. Mary Isabelle Dierking, 74, of Waukegan were held--trt-4t3Q---e^eteck- Tuesday afternoon, with burial in Pine Grove cemetery in that city. The deceased died Saturday, Aug. 8, in Elgin. She was a native of Spring Grove, where she was born March 26, 1890. She leaves her husband, John; two sons, Howard Scott of Lake Villa and Lynn Scott of Phoenix, Ariz., a daughter, Mrs. Gwendolyn Mordhorst, of Waukegan; fifteen grandchildren and twenty-two great-grandchildren. COURT BRIEFS Several drivers were fined in Branch 3 court, McHenry| for July as the result of arrests made locally. Roger L. Hunt of 3019 W. Rt. 126, McHenry, Sarran A. Staeben, Jr., of 5100 N. Memory Trail, McHenry and John DeMar of 4520 Parkview drive, McHenry, were each fined $10 and $5 costs and Walter E. Schultz of Rt. 1, Spring Grove, was fined $15 and $5 costs for loud mufflers. A $50 fine was made against Alvin Collier of Woodstock for having an expired license. Ashley Granger of 3611 James street, McHenry, was fined $10 and $5 costs\for not having license plates ^ and $25 and $5 costs fbr not being in possession of a driver's license. Audice C. demons of 2901 E. Rt. 120, McHenry, paid $15 and $5 costs and Joe P. Condon of Algonquin was fined $13 and $5 costs for speeding. Kathleen Olis and Jack Eckhardt, both of Chicago, were cited for stop sign violations and fined. $10 and $5 costs each. Robert Becker of W. Crescent drive, McHenry, paid a $10 fine and $5 costs for striking a fixture on the highway. John P. Heider of Woodstock had a fine of $10 and $5 costs imposed for not having an outside view mirror. A $10 fine and $5 costs were imposed on Joe A. Geneser of 2927 N. Stilling blvd., McHenry, for failure to have his car under control. 1 In charges made during th^ week from Aug. 1 to 9, Noah Lester cf Chicago was cited by Officer Schoenholtz with following too closely. Dorothy Pearson of Crystal Lake was arrested by Sgt. Espey for not having a driver's license in her possession. Francis E. Mazzone of 3807 Maple avenue, McHenry, was apprehended by Sgt. ESpey for fictitious license plates and loud mufflers. Charges of having only one license plate and drag racing were made by Sgt. Espey agttinst Ray Lilly c-t 8Q2 River' There are over 28,000 known The Dead Sea is so brackish species of birds. that no fish can live in it. SERVICE NEWS < 'AMP Fr.JI, .JAPAN Marine Lance Coiporal Richard J. Polka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward I*', polka of 8712 Shady lane, Wonder Lake, is a member '<1 I lie Second battalion, Ninth Marin • regiment which is unload. McHenry, and Thomas R. Schuai 1/. of Fu\ Lake. Ernest Schooley of 5219 W. Vn-ior drive, McHenry, was cited by Officer Hummel for ^ peed i n-.;. William Wright of 2!H)8 N. Oak wood avenue, McHenry,' ua> apprehended for loud muflleis and speeflin.n by Sgt. Espey. Charles Jahtil<e of Schiller Park was arrcslcd by Sgt. Espey for a slop sign violation. In cases before Judge Coonoy, .lack li. Morris of McHenry pleaded' not guilty to reckless driving and was assigned to Bra-neb. I for trial. dergoing tactical field training at the base of Mount Fuji, Japan. Q Pvt. Gary .J. Freund, son of" Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Freund of 4312 North Pioneer road, MeII( nry, has been enrolled in the U. S. Army Signal school for twenty-four weeks' intensive training as an electronics technician. He attended ihe McHenry Community hii;h school. Admission to the Signal school is limited to men of outstanding promise. Classed as a technical institute, the school gives training chiefly in the operation, maintenance, and repair of forty different types of electronic equipment, from radio and television, sets to "electronic brains." Courses are given also in [Heterology and both 'motion-picture and still photography. A yearly average of 6,600 enlisted men are selected for admission. All are chosen from among the Army's best in point of intelligr nee. educational attainments, and practical ability. Roughly 90 percent are high school graduates and, 21 percent have completed one or more years at engineering school or college. Army Reserve Lt. Col. James ,S. Cuilison, whose mother, Mrs. Laura M. Cuilison, livf\s at 2904 N. Wooded Lane, McHenry, participated in two weeks' annual field training at Fort Mac- Arthur, Calif., as a student, attending an Army Reserve Command and General Staff College course conducted by the Presidio of San Francisco. U. S. Army Reserve school. Colonel Cuilison is regularly assigned to the 8220th Ajjny Reserve school, an Army Reserve unit at--Fort' MacArtWut» Calif. / V A 1935 graduate of Evaiwton Township high school, he IS a 1941 graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. He is a member of Delta Tyu Delta fraternity. Colonel Cullisorj is employed by an aviation firm i» Loft Angeles, Calif. He and his wife, Barbara, live at 3909 Via Solano, Palos Verdes Estates. REAI) THE CLASSIFIEIjS - NOW - At Casey's Resort LAB1ES* NIGHT Tuesday Nile All Drinks 30 MEN'S NIGHT Monday Nite it FISH Ocean Perch BEER -- glass FRY FRIDAY P„„ - $100 Music Friday & Saturday NigKls • Boat Rentals • Speed Boat Rides • Picnic Area CASEY S RESORT 4518 N. Riverdale Drive Sunnyside Phone 385-9837 ^!flSIIII!EE3lllf^lllll=llllli^ \ '&?A STOP! Improved 11 y 1 ** This Is NOT" A Sale on PREMIUM good/^ear Water, Gas, Electricity, Hardtop Streets, Private Boat Docks, Recreation Area, Private Beach, Baseball Diamond, Volley Ball Court -- Priced from $1,995. i ' b ' / * - % *100 [ Starts You 11k m J -- V Here's the community that offers everything for the growing family and couples thinking of retiring in a few years. Go fishing one minute after you get home from work. Start using your boat dock privileges the minute you make your down payment -- So Don't Wait! Enjoy wonderful swimming, boating, fun with other friendly couples on the fabulous Chain-O'Lakes waterways that's at your front door. PLUS THESE EXTRAS Acres of private land for fall hujtting. Every home custom built. , No project book. One mile from beautifuk^McHenry. Also -- Ready to move into: Custom built ranch home with garage including lot -- $15,995.00. Beautiful three bedroom tri-level home including 13 acre lot -- $17,995.00 \ jc! P-ii McHonry's Finest Subdivision Open Saturday & Sunday All Day -- Weekdays by Appointment PHONE 385-1322 or 385-0773 Take Highway 31 or Green Street I mile South of McHenry Follow Signs This Custom Super Cushion ; ©silly Tip©., approved as or! (gqpipment ALL U. S. Car manufacturers It is "NOT" a 2 ply cheapy selling for $9.95 (who wants 'em?). It is "NOT" disebntinued because of obsolescense at $14.95. It is "NOT" an odd sized 6.00x16 or 6.70 , xl5 advertised as a special at $19.95. These sizes haven't been put on new car's for over 7 years) We are "NOT" having a going out of business sale at $21.95. Supplies are "NOT" limited for one time only at $23.95 <we just happen to have a warehouse full). This "IS" a premium tire that delivers lower cost per mile, safety and peace of mind driving for $27.75. IT "DOES" sell for $27.75 plus tax exchange for the up to date popular size. 7.50xl4f LET'S CALL A SPADE This Is the kind of tire we need in McHenry (if we are ever going to drive our car out of town, that Is), Keep Us In Mind When You Need: WHEEL ALIGNMENT -- BRAKE ~~ JEPSEN : TIRE CO. -- Automotive Center .•*- --*nm} 3314 W. Elm Street Phone 3SMM24 BEN FRANKLIN