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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1964, p. 9

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Thursday, September % 1964 Lakeland Park News BARB MEUHER -- KAY DRUML 885-4856 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER SscilcnTwO -- Pags Cas WOMAN'S CLUB STARTS SEASON SEPTEMBER 10 All of you ladies mark your calendars for next week Thursday, Sept. 10, which will be the first Woman's Club meeting for this season. We will have a short business meeting and a social to follow. We hope to see all of the old timers back as well as many new faces. This will give you a chance to see some of your friends that you have been intending to see all summer and never did. / Football Registration I Saturday | Football registration for boys between the ages of 9 and 13, not having their fourteenth birthday before Nov. 1 will take place at the community house field on Saturday, Sept. 5 at 10 a.m. Their age must be proven with a birth certificate if they haven't been in Little League. The football team is being0 sponsored by the Boy's Baseball Club of Lakeland Park. All boys will be required to furnish their own helmet, mouthpiece and shoulder pads. There is a weight limitation of 130 lbs., and there is a registration fee of $3. The team will belong to the Lak- Mac Junior Football League Association which consists of four teams at present. They are Lakeland Park, Bull Valley Woodstock, Round Lake and McHenry. Anyone unable to register on Saturday morning, can call Joe Prazak at 385- 2861. Golf Tournament Anyone interested in participating in a golf tournament at the Fox Lake Country Club on Sept. 27 should contact either Jim Wickenkamp, 385-3069, or Norb Kwiatek, 385-0362. The starting time is 11 a.m. and either foursomes or individuals can be entered. The entry money must be in by Sept. 20. All Star Games Last Tuesday evening our All Stars were hosts to the Wonder Lake All Stars. It was a very exciting game and had our boys coming out on the winning side of a 4 to 3 total. Sunday's game with Round Lake proved to be another story for our team as they suffered a 13 to 1 defeat. Our team came out with a total of two wins and three losses for the All Stars. At the Little League meeting last week the date for the father-son banquet was set. Mark down Oct. 24 as the date for all fathers to attend this affair with their sons. The place will be the Ringwood Methodist church. More details will appear later. All Little Leaguers are asked to get their uniforms turned into their managers as fast as possible. They must be checked and stored so please, mom wash your boy's uniforms and have him return it as fast as possible. Boy Scout Troop 459 Our troop has resumed its school schedule with meetings beginning at 6:30 with Indian Dance Team practice followed by their regular meeting at 7 p.m. and ending at 9. The community house must be empty by 9:30 so please, parents pick up your Scout after 9 and before 9:30. The leaders have received the information on the Kishwaukee Fall Camporee. It's scheduled for Sept. 18, 19 and 20. Information will be given to the boys at meetings., Monday of last week had the Troop's Dance team performing at the Cub Scout Pow-Wow in Highland Shores held on the beach. Community House Schedule Following is the schedule for the coming week at the community house. For any cancellations or reservations please contact Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Wednesday, Sept. 2, 8 p.m., Cub committee meeting. Tuesday, Sept. 8, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 459. Thursday 10, 8:30 p.m., Women's Club meeting and social. Rescue Team Last Friday the Meurers' dotf, Lady, who is due to have pups any day, decided to take a walk or swim across the creek but found once she was down there she couldn't get back up. Luckily for her, the kids noticed her and called to Joe Prazak and Ken Vanak for help. Being very gallant gentlemen they each took an end and boosted her back up the hill. Brownies There is still room in the Brownie troop for second and third graders, so if you are interested give Marge Webber or Fran Quast a call. Birthday Wishes are extended to David Ladd who celebrates on September 4. Billy Eckhart will be 12 on the 5th. Sue Funk adds another candle on the 6th. Reaching age 8 on the 7th will be Debbie George, Debbie's dad, Marv, adds another year on the 10th. Also celebrating on the 10th will be Russ Rode who will be 13. Belated wishes go to George Webber who became the same age as Jack Benny on the 31st Qf August. Togetherness is shared by Anna and Cypryan Kosieracki as they celebrate their fifty-sixth year of wedded bliss on the 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Piasecki will celebrate their twenty-seventh year of togetherness on * the 9th, Connie and Sam Parisi celebrate anniversary number thirty on the 10th. Couples Bowling League At a meeting of the league held last Friday evening everyone learned what team they are on and also everyone was asked to please put out an extra ounce of energy by being on time. Starting time is 9 p.m. sharp, alleys are reserved for that time. The starting date has been changed due to the Boy Scout Camporee. Our opening date is Sept. 12. Strolling Through The Park Virginia and Carmon Hodges and children returned last week from a vacation back to their home town in Kentucky. According to Virginia, they had a wonderful time while down there, but rather a hectic ride home. Donald Prazak 1s visiting with Don and Delores Hammer in Stickney for a week. Donna Rose Nicolai was baptized Sunday afternoon at St. Mary's church, in McHenry. Her Godfather is her brother, Ronald, and her Godmother is her cousin, Geraidine Simon. Ajfter the christening, supper was served at the Nicolai home for Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koukl, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gray and daughter and Geraldine's father, Ray Simon, and her girl friend, Ginger Neuhauser. Tony and Carole Knor held a family picnic at their home last Sunday for members of Tony's family. A pot-luck dinner was held with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Knor and their children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Floral, and their two children, Phil Knor and his girl friend and Karen Knor and her boy friend. Gerry and Lloyd Wagner spent a most enjoyable Saturday evening at the home of Eleanor and Ray Roberts of Winfield. They enjoyed a bar-bque and card games. Maryann and John Brown spent the weekend In Michigan visiting. Dorothy and Rudy Lense had Rudy's folks, Mr. and Mrs., William Lense of Antioch, as dinner guests on Sunday. Tuesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oswald visiting with their nephew and his family in Fox Lake. Then on Wednesday they visited with Barb and Joe Herman of Evans ton. Barb and Rose are old, old friends. On Sunday the Oswalds went into their youngest daughter's home for dinner and a report of their trip to Canada, Niagara Falls and a visit with their second daughter in Ohio. Heard that Gert Krug proved her prowess as a bowman and took a prize in the IIlini Bowmen Safari. Gert at present is on the sick side. Hope she's better by this time. Barb Murphy is spending the week visiting with her aunt in Meadowdale while her cousin, Richie, is spending the week here with Pete, Mary and Joe, A very wonderful time "was had by these families who attended the Democratic picnic in Marengo. The Hromecs, Flannigans, Murhpys and Hickeys all enjoyed the ball game between the older and, younger Democrats. The old timers came out as the victor. La- Verne Hromec and Mary Murphy attended the Democratic Women's meeting at Crystal Lake and enjoyed hearing Barbara McGee, Marge Evans and Theresa Schultz speak. The Flannigan family joined a large group of their friends for a picnic at Powers Lake. The families come from all the surrounding areas and all meet at Powers Lake for a terrific time. Ann Herzog just returned from the "Windy City" where she attended a reunion of long time friends. Chuck Lexow took his mother and father-in-law on a very informative tour of O'Hare airport last week. Lyda and Bill Radisch enjoyed it immensley. The Radisches had Mabel and Joe Brozek out for a steak fry during the week. They are old schoolmates of Lyda's. Kathy Burmann celebrated her third birthday in true birthday fashion last Wednesday. Helping her remember the day were Susie Wickenkamp, Julie Brooks, Laurie Dargetz, Anita Rebel, Bonnie and Cricket Hoffmann, her cousin, Angie Burmann, and her two brothers, Billy and Michael. 4mong the visitors to Bev and Jim Wlckenkamp's home last week were Bev's aunt, uncle and cousin. Judy, Fred and Karen Turcotte hale from Burbank, Calif. Weather wise and companion wise it was a terrific weekend for Dottie, Irv and the Becker children, Bette, Bill and the Kamp children, Kay Ed, and three of the Druml boys. They all spent a very wonderful weekend at Starved Rock. Glad to report that Charlene Wimmer is home after her stay in a Chicago hospital While sitting around talking one night last week, J^ne and Chester Gilbertson decided to take a trip. Within two hours they were on their way to Canada and New York. They did sight seeing and drove straight through from New York to get home. June's dad was also a most welcomed visitor from Florida. Werner Henneberg, Jr., his wife and young daughter also took a ride for the day. They drove in from New York to visit with his folks who live here. Nedra, Les and Billy Eckhart went into Norridge to have a combination birthday party with their families. Billy and Nedra's sister, Hazel Dalton, were the honored guests. Bobby and Steven Miller had a combination birthday party last week. Seems the whole neighborhood attended and enjoyed the games, prizes and refreshments. Petey, Jack and the Oakford children had a most active week. On Thursday, June, Arvey and five of the Anderson children spent the day out here swimming and having a wonderful dinner. Friday, Petey and Jack were fresh fish fry dinner guests of Helen and Larry Strandquist. Petey reports that Helen seems to be improving. We're glad to report. Saturday, the whole Oakford family attended Jack's company picnic in Lisle. They spent the night with Petey's sister, Marilyn McCullough. On Sunday they visited with a long time friend, Sister M. Fides, who will be teaching in Chicago for the first time in her 30 years of teaching. Helen and Gene Kraskiewicz and their youngest son, Mike, spent the weekend in Chicago visiting with their oldest son, Gene, Jr. Gene was recently injured at work and has been having a very rough time. He sustained head, back and eye injuries. Gene, Jr., is going to Spend the weekend out here with his folks. Meg Humann's aunt "Chuck" had a wonderful birthday party for Meg. It was a gathering of the aunts, uncles, cousins and grand parents of Meg's WHY McHENRY SAVINGS LOAN SAVERS EARN A FULL , WZ t Savings snjiy mixes 3,1 »vii, 3*11 WSST EtM attd her best present was being allowed to return home to her mom. Carol now has three of her daughters at home. Carol missed her family very much and is so very happy to have them back with hir. Keep on smiling gal, it sure does help. Barbara and Jim Emery spent 5 days in Bloomington, their home town last week to visit their folks and to show off their new baby to all of their relatives. Their 2% year old son, Roger, came down with the mumps right after they got there so it put a little damper on their activities. , The Matthews family had What must have been like open house last weekend as relatives from the city plus neighbors dropped in to see how Nancy was. She went into surgery on Friday morning and was recovering well enough on Saturday morning to be released and come home. On Friday night M:r. and Mrs. Sandre and family, (Jessie's sister) came from DesPlaines. Saturday afternoon, grandma Reid and Jessie's sister, Kathy Beck, came out and were very surprised to find Nancy at home, and Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Gampet. ro and two girls were visitors. We hope Nancy will continue to improve so she can start school next week. P.S.S.S. At our woman's club meetipu for Thursday, Sept. 10 we ire having a "Give Away Party" which means that everyone who comes should bring something they are willing to give away such as old hats, shoes, lashes, girdle, sweater, etc., the WALWORTH FAIR OPENS SEPT. 5 s4 AT ELKHORN Nationally famous entertainers of radio, screen, TV and records, a $14,000 harness racing program, horse show, drum and bugle corps competition, carnival and hundreds of thrills await the crowds at the 114th annual Walworth County Fair at Elkhorn, Wis., Friday through Monday (Labor Day) Sept. 4, 5, 6 and 7. The fair will be launched on Friday, Children's Day, with a free grandstand afternoon and evening for the annual horse show competition. The event is in charge of Hap Keyes and the finals are scheduled in the evening. Children under 14 are admitted free at the outside gate every day of the fair. More than 200 of the fastest horses in the middle west will race for $14,000 prize money in the three-day harness meeting Saturday, Sunday and Monday afternoons. New this year is the visumatic timer that flashes the times at each quarter. Lakemoor SHIRLEY SCHUERR 885-SM9 HOLIDAY CHANGES AUXILIARY MEET TO SEPTEMBER 14 Due to the Labor Day holiday the monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held Monday, Sept. 14, instead of the 7th. It will be held in the large hall of Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the September meeting are Diane Fuhler, Toni Ehredt, and Connie Johnson. Don't forget girls the meeting has been postponed a week due to the holiday. Birthday Greetings go to Mark Fuhler who became a great big one year old Sunday, Aug. 23. Greetings also go to Kevin Epperson who celebrated his eighth birthday Friday, Aug. 28. Many happy returns Marie and Kevin. if it - yift Get-Well Wishes go to Vernon Lehar, known to a lot as Smokey, Smokey is in the McHenry hospital after being hit by an auto. Here's hoping you are home and just fine Smokey. School Will be starting in a few days. Just think mothers, our vacation starts, from September till June. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS older the better. This should be wrapped and tied as a gift. Your entertainment and refreshment committee hope you will go along with this gag and humor party. SHOP IN MsHEHlY Announcing Opening -sere Th@ra Monday, Wednesday, Friday by Appointment Telephones 385-3120 -- ON 2-1845 2309 W. Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, 111. 638 N. Butrlck Waukegan, 111. LADIES' NIGHT Tuesday Nile- " All Drinks -- JU MEN'S NIGHT Monday Nile V A BEER -- 1U WEDNESDAY NIGHT Spaghetti 8z Sauce FISH FRY FRIDAY Ocean Perch $100 Plate -- m SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST Music Saturday Nights • Boat Rentals • Speed Boat Rides • Picnic Area CASEY'S RE 4518 N. Rlverdale Mve Pistakee Lake Phone 885-9837 BRACH'S A taste tempting candy treat. Reg. 59c lb. Low Prices! CRAYOLA CRAYONS 24 Brilliant Ass't. Colors! Reg. 35c 24 cr 27* Also Box of 16, Reg. 25c < 17c BARGAIN PACK! Top grade, No. 2 Lead PENCILS Pkg. of 36 77 s^UMBO • PACK itu im riuEi pmr- Sheets r.uLER PAPER Excellent writing surface! Ruled, punched, 5-holes! 46 500 Sheets - FSLlLIi Highest quality, full count P Reg. $1.00 . Mt $1.00 Value! F R E E WEAREVER PEN with 12 INK CARTRIDGES $1.49 i Value! FOR THE BEGINNERS Beginner's Tablet 25c Paste in Unbreakable Jar 24c Husky Beginners Pencil 10c Wood Covered Crayons 15c to 59c Large Size Beginners Crayons Lg. Crayons .. 39c Children's Apron with pockets 49c Economy School Scissors 25c First to School -- Then to Hornsby's to fill your needs! Y E S ! w© will be DAY 10 Stick BALL PE Reg. $1.00 FOR THE STUDENTS Reg. $1.45 Filled 3 Ring Binder ... Vinyl & Canvas Other 3 Ring Binders .. Wide or Narrow Line Filler Paper Stand Pat Edges -- Reg. 39c Steno Note Book Wire Bound -- Reg. 39c Composition Books Deluxe Bond -- Reg. 49c Typing Paper Reg. 59c Elmer's Glue Roy Rogers -- Reg. 25c Pencil Tablet 97c 59c to $1.00 25c 32c 32c 42c 42c 21c IT HORNSBY'S OPEN DAILY 9 lo 9 -- SUNDAYS 9 to 6 FREE PARKING IN OUR STOBES10E LOT mm" "*$.v • M

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