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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1964, p. 3

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T*k i««iaJnn 6MA9MJ^(A»«0MIMVUA9M( 4A« 1iAmA.J THE MeHEKSY PLAINDEALER Sacilon One -- Fm Th»a -- Perionais -- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wright and Miss Gladys Batty of Chil- Uwack, British Columbia, and Miss Myrtle Wright of Elgin were guests in the Robert Thompson home Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, Maribeth and Thomas spent a fejy days in the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Carl Elshoff, nnd family in Springfield. Other recent visitors there were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Homo and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Basejey. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson and family have returned from an enjoyable,ten days trip to Florida in Which they visited St. Petersburg, Tampa and Daytona Beach. Mrs. George Anderson of Milwaukee, Wis., called on her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Sunday. Mrs. A1 Wiftz, Mrs. Leo Thompson, Mrs. Francis Wirtz and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz attended a pink and blue shower given by friends, in Crystal Lake for the former's daughter, Mrs. Jack Reinholm (Sandra Wirtz) Wednesday evening. Mrs. Herb Simon, Mrs. James Thompson and family, Mrs. Charles Hansen and family, Mrs. Kenneth Homo and dauehter, Pam, accompanied by Mrs. Kathrvn Wayman and family of Arlington Heights were guests in the James Wagner home in Milton, Wis., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son, Bobby, were Sunday visitors in the Thurlow York home in Sharon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Trapp of St. Louis. Mo., were guests in the Herbert Engdahl home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson spent a few days last .week with relatives in Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer spent a few days in St. Paul, Minn., where they motored with their son, Donald (Butch), who has entered Hamline College there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer and Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer visited friends in Waukegan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith and children, Michael, Patty and Tommy, have returned from a motor trip to Denver, Colo., where they visited in the Edwin Sherman home in Lakewood. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan were guests of Woodstock friends on Friday and on Sunday visited in the Oscar Hecker home in Palos Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steele of Grand Rapids, Mich., who had been visiting relatives in this vicinity, were entertained in the home of their niece, Mrs. Robert Low, Wednesday of last week, before leaving for their home. Her other luncheon guests were Miss Myra Speaker of Richmond, Donald Houghton, James and Richard Olsen, Crystal Lake and her mother, Mrs. Leslie Olsen. Messrs and Mesdames Robert E. Knox, Howard Knox, John Knox. Robert W. Knox, Glenn Huska, Ronald Mauer, Paul Doherty, William Doherty, Maurice Foley, Martin Foley, Joseph Mahoney, Mrs. Eleanor Foley, Colleen Mahoney and Kenneth Hettermann attended the wedding of James Mahoney, son of the Senior James Mahoneys, to Miss Judy O'Brian at St. Angela's church. Chicago, Saturday, with Msgr. James McLaughlin of Cleveland, Ohio, a friend officiating. A reception followed at the Merchandise Mart. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schoewer of Oak Park have returned from a trip through the south where stops were made at New Orleans, Biloxi, Hot Springs and many other places of interest. Mrs. Anna Barron of Milwaukee, Wis., spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Foley and accompanied her to Chicago to attend the O'Brian- Mahoney Wedding Saturday. Mrs. William Althoff and daughter, Mrs. Eleanor\ Wiater, motored to Jeffersonj Wis., Wednesday of last weel/to return Jimmie Wiater Ito St. Coletta's school atfer spending a month's vacation here and in California. The Wiaters returned to their home in California, Friday, after a few weeks visit here. Sister St. Lawrence of Minneapolis, Sister Susanna of St. P^ul and their brother, Adolph Koehmstedt of Libertyville were recent guests in the home of the daughter, Mrs. Earl Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. George Pottner ((Elsie Harmsen) and sons of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Martha Feltz. James and Cam Clark, sons of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Clark of John street, left Tuesday to attend Springhill college in Mobile. Ala. Edwin Michels of Phoenix. Ariz., spent a few days the r>nst week with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels. Gary Vvcital was a weekend truest of Terry Smith of Gary, Ind . a classmate of the College of St. Thomas. St. Paul. Minn. Rev. Kenneth Brown of Kiln, Miss., was a guest in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill. Billv Seaholm of Chicago visited his grandmother, Mrs. Art Edstrom, a few days last week. Miss Marv Walsh of Chicago was a weekend guest of Genevieve Knox. Mrs. Lena Riley. Mrs. Georere Sullivan. Mrs. Louis Yeppe and Mrs. Frank Elsesser of Woodstock were euests in the Gene Dobvns home Sundav at a shower for Mrs. Jack Yeetre. Edward Dwyer of Chicago was a weekend guest of his sister. Mrs. Walter Walsh. Other visitors, on Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kinnel and son, Donald, and family of Elein. MSPT. James McLaughlin returned to his home in Cleveland. Ohio, Tuesday, after cnendinpf a fpw davs in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Foley. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson were Sunday visitors in the Georee F. Johnson home in Arlington Heiehts. Mr. and Mrs. John Thorjnes »nd Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thennes drove to Port Washington. Wis., Friday to view tb" ruins of the tornado. Miss Judy Conway entertained a grouo of her friends Saturday when swimming at Griswold Lake was followed by a barbecue and social evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Guss. dauehter, April. Mrs. Violet Badolato, Dean and Billy, Naomi Sorkin, Margaret Yelacic, Jerry Wisniewski, Chicago, and Pamela Adkins of Lisle. Mr. and Mrs. John Leighty spent the weekend in Pana where they visited Mrs. Leighty's father who is confined in the hospital fallowing a fall from a tree. He sustained broken ribs and a punctured lung but was responding favorably to treatment. $ McHenry Hoapltal During the past week patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Roberta Schmidt, Joseph Jesse, Gary Yerkey, Ivar Lomblad, Michael Duncan and Sondra Deven, Crystal Lake; Walter Crook, Lake Villa; Peter Ranke, Audrey Riley, Margaret Sodano and Steve Savage, Spring Grove; Rickie Knowlton and Virginia Perkins, Richmond; John Archibald, Park Ridge; Cecelia Larson and James Clark, Wonder Lake; Anna Posch, Chicago; John Beranek and Lois Hansen, Ingleside; Elmer Nixon, Kathryn Gouley and Albert Johnson, Round Lake; Frank Knizek, Dundee; Elizabeth Walters, Wauconda; Melvin Savage, Wildwood; Gladyce Pecktel, Fox Lake;" Richard Mikyska, LaGrange; Vernon Lahre, Ole Olsen, Arthur Gibbons, Mattie Scharf, Leonard Medley, James Fuqua, Jacqueline Dulleck, Robert Polacek, Faith Peters, Lorraine Bernis, David Steinsdoerfer, Maude Stuhlfejer. John Robbins, Theresa Kuna, Linda Mc- Gunn, Scott Wilbelm, Patribia Diedrich, Marsha Cochran, Nancy Jean Matthews, Lawrence Doney, Robert Gers, Fred Karpinski, Cheryl Hansen, Kathleen Polinski, Charles Blake, Thomas J. Weeks, Walter Zientek, Jr., Albert Jteindl and Thomas Ranks, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Nina Jepson, Jessie Carlson and Jacqueline Aissen, Ringwood; Anne Buetow, Kitty Bartelt, Robert Cormier, Helen Gallas, Raymond Mischke, Myrtle Tobin, Ruth Hunter and Laura Munson, Wonder Lake; Frank Leon, Myrtle Proctor, John O'Holleran and George Scarbough, McHenry. CARD OF THANKS Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to those who expressed their sympathy and helpfulness so beautifully at the time of our sorrow with cards, spiritual bouquets and other kindnesses. May God bless all of you. The family of 9-3-64 Marian Kravarik DISTRICT NURSES MEET SEPT. 14 [N WAUKEGAN Mrs. Clifford Benham will preside at the sixteenth district nurses' meeting to be held at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, at 8 o'clock on Monday, Sept. 14. Election of officers from McHenry and Lake counties will be held.v Mrs. Paul Harris, director of nursing at the hospital, will greet the registered nurses. September 5 Social Meeting of Catholic Daughters of America. September 17-18-19 "Annie Get Your. Gun" -- Presented' by Ann Afarese -- Lake Ttfieatre -- 8:30 p.m. September 19 Pistakee Terrace Association "End of Summer" Dance-- Legion home 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Square Dance -- 8 p.m. -- Spring Grove School -- Sponsored by Mount Hope Methodist Church Women's Society. October 1 Public Card Party -- Sponsored by Catholic Daughters of America. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mrs: M. Matchen of " Green street, MdHenry, announces the marriage of her son, A/3C Kenneth E. Larson, of Luke Air Force base, Arizona, to Jeannette Swearingin of Phoenix, which took place June 27. After spending one week of their honeymoon here, they returned to Phoenix, where they will make their home the next three years. PRIZE WINNER Mrs. Wayne Gratz of Mundelein recently won first prize on her sample of soybeans at the Illinois State Fair. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreciation to all those members of the Teenage Softball League, Johnsburg Softball team, • the De-Outs and the McHenry Shamrocks who have been so kind expressing their sympa thy concerning our loss. Thank you. 9-3-64 The Schmidt Boys Home-cooked meals prepared to suit your taste-- at moderate prices. Your favorite cocktails -- the way you like them. FEATURING . . . Steaks - Shops - Lobsters Bar-B-Qued Baby Back Ribs plus -- ITALIAN CUISINE Fish Fry Every Friday "All you can eat • Cocktail Lounge 9 Bamboo Dining Room AHOY MATES! Tie up and dine in our Famous Marine Room. ew McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rezin of Lake Villa became parents of a son Aug. 24. A daughter was bom Aug. 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaudio of Cary. . Mr. and Mrs. James Wheeler of Palatine announce the birth <>f a son Aug. 26. A son was born Aug. 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dawley. Mr. and Mrs. "Robert Smith of K ox Lake are parents of a son born Aug. 28. A Crystal Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tewes, are par*-Ms of a daughter born Aug. 28. Harvard Hospital On Aug. 29 Mr. and Mrs. Earl White of Wonder Lake became parents of a daughter. Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathews of Wonder Lake announce the birth of a daughter Aug. 28. Mr. and Mrs. David Huevelman of Richmond are parents of a daughter born Aug. 31. Mrs. Huevelman is the former Ann Lundborg of Wonder Lako. Other Births Mr." and Mrs. Ronald Glosson are the proud parents of a girl, bom Aug. 21, at the Sherman hospital in Elgin. Her namo is Julie Ann and she weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. at birth. Julie Ann was welcomed home to McHenry by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HOLD HOOTENANNY TO MAKE POSSIBLE FLAG PURCHASES Representatives of each Lake county pos.t of the American Legion comprising the tenth district, under the direction of Past District Commander Bernard Sheehy of Highland Park, held a meeting at Deer Haven, Fox Lake, on Sunday, Aug. 30, to make plans for an official Lake County Hootenanny championship. It will be held at Deer Haven on Saturday, Sept. 19 and Sunday, Sept. 20. Proceeds will be used by the American Legion to furnish a new Lake county flag for each school building in the county. Trophies will be awarded in each of several classifications: Single act, duo-act, quartet act and best group act consisting of five or more participants. / Competition is open to ftlf professionals, semi-professionals and amateurs upon payment of a small entry fee which will be used to help defray the cost of the trophies. Applications for enrollment may be obtained from local Legion posts or at the Deer Haven box office in Fox Lake. No entries will be accepted after 6 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 13. While all entries should be sponsored by a Legion Post, this is not a requirement. Elimination contests will commence at 10 a.m. on Saturday and continue until ail but two acts in each classification have been eliminated. On Sun- MARKIAGE LICENSES g Edward Boss, Crystal Lake|t and Diane Olosson, McHenry. Hafty J. Peters, NfcHenry, and Judith O'Brien, Wonder Lake. '»; • / „ L •- The headwaters of many of our great rivers form in our /National Parks or Forests •-- such as Colorado, Rio Grande, Sacraijienlo, Tennessee, Chatlahoochie, Arkansas, Missouri, Platte, Allegheny, Monongahieia (and thus, Ohio), Snake, plus many otners. day at 10 a.m. the two remaining acts in each contest will compete for final honors. Niesen and Mr. and Mrs. William Glosson, all of McHetfJty. Interesting is the fact that the baby was close to arriving on father Ronald's birthday, which is Aug. 22. Catherine Ann is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sharp for their first daughter, born last Thursday, Aug. 27, at Sherman hospital, Elgin. The little miss weighed in at 6 lbs. 12 oz. Her homecoming was greeted by three brothers, Robert, Michael and Thomas. Mrs. Sharp is the former Mary Ann Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Mc- Mahon of McCullom Lake announce the birth of a daughter at Sherman hospital, Elgin. Just One Big THANK YOU For the wonderful support, you the people of all the local and surrounding communities gave to our 12th annual Johnsburg Rescue Squad Dance. It was a tremendous success. Thank you From All The Members Phone 38 FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- PRESS DELIVERY -- Locally Otoned sad Operated or 385-0232 on ALL TARES 6.00x13 $16.40 7.50x14 $18.85 6.50x15 $17.80 TUBELESS 6.50x13 $17.40 8.00x14 $1f„S0 6.70x15 $18.35 7.00x13 $18.80 8.50x14 $20.86 6.70xl5-T.T. $14.50 Add $1.50 for Whftewalls -- AH Prices Plus Tax McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREtTND, Prop. 8981 W. Main St. Phone 385-0294 McHi in an old place . • • Port O' Call" Cocktail L©gog3(hg & Restaurant $1.00 1406 N. Riverside Drive Phone 885-0841 from 9 a.m 'til closing fMHOOL SUPPLIES You will SAVE More when you shop at the :ore... Millstream Drugs 3720 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza PHOME 385-5057 THE McHENRY STATE BANK proudly announces that on Saturday, August 22, 1964 the BANK'S total resources reached $25,000,000.00, thus enabling the BANK to maintain its leadership as McHenry County's largest financial institution. Resources have increased more than $20,- 000,000.00 in the last 20 years ($10,000,- 000.00 of this increase has been in the last 5 years.) This tremendous growth is due to many things . . . but primarily, it is due to the confidence the entire community has placed in the BANK. We at THE McHENRY STATE BANK would like- -to- thank our customers for making this splendid growth possible. We know you are the BANK'S MOST IMPORTANT ASSET and we pledge to continue to merit your trust through sound management and courteous service. To our friends who are not currently depositors of THE McHENRY STATE BANK, we invite you to open an account at the bank with $25,000,003.00 in total resources. You will enjoy banking in the convenient, attractive colonial building. You can rely on the BANK'S 58 years of experience with community needs. You are assured of safety, sound management and customer satisfaction at THE McHENRY STATE BANK in--the heart of McHenry where savings draw the maximum rate ol interest with maximum safety. ' "There's No Substitute for y©ney in the ta McHENRY STATE BANK "ALWAYS SERVING YOU -- ALL WAYS SINCE 1906' "McHenry County's Largest -- The Area's Finest Financial Institution Whom 385-104©

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