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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1964, p. 5

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"f i Thursday, September 3. 1964 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB McHENRY PLA1NDEALER 8812 West Elm Street Established 1875 Phone 885-0170 Published Every Thursday at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY. Wry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich, Editor Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois "RBII EDITORIAL SsbcjATIjrflN C >MICIBTIBBT Subscription Rates In McHenry County Outside McHenry County 1 Year ./. $4.00 1 Year $4.50 6 Mos. .{. $2.25 6 Mos .. $2.50 3 Mos. $1.50 3 Mos. ...... .. $1.75 Police Chief Warns Drivers Of Holiday Weekend Hazards Anticipating a heavy weekend of travel in McHenry over Labor Day, Chief Richard Lemker of the city police this week reminded that in four out of five fatal accidents, one or more driver violations are reported. The warning was 1o give special attention to the weekend Red Alert urged by the state's traffic safety committee. Many of these violators feel that traffic laws don't apply to them. They know all the angles and short cuts always drive faster than the posted limit, jump red lights at intersections and weave in and out of traffic. Citing the record, McHenry's; chief notes the most frequent violations in fatal accidents as excessive speed, failure to yield the right of way, failure to keep to the right of the center line, disregard of an officer or traffic control device, and driving while under the influence of alcohol. Only a personal responsibility on the part of each of us for our own safety and that of other drivers will keep the holiday weekend toll to a minimum. COURT BRIEFS Because of repeated violations of the city ordinance regarding no parking on city streets between the hours of 2 and 6 p.m., and failure to pay for tickets issued, Fred Leonard of Wauconda was found guilty of these charges of Judge Joe Ritter of Branch 3 of the Circuit court, last Thursday and fined $22 and costs. Daniel L. Kuehn of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., and William J. Funk of 3109 W. Lincoln road, McHenry, were cited' by Officer Hummel for stop sign violations. Robert O. Bauspies of 4212 Ponca, McHenry, was charged by Officer Murray with driving through a red light. James H. Giddings of 2413 N. Alton road, McHenry, was ~cited by Officer Murray for not having state plates. Kenneth R. Kollenkark of Rt. 3, McHenry, is charged with speeding and loud mufflers by Officer Murray. Oliver B. McCradic of Chicago was charged by Officer Murray with driving without headlights. In cases heard before Judge Cooney last Friday, Bill Hduser of McHenry pleaded guilty to theft and was fined $25 and costs. M. Y.F. News The M.Y.F. will attend a planning retreat at Wesley Woods on Sept. 11 and 12. On Sept. 13, at 2:30 o'clock, there will be a Career Day on the district level. More details will be carried later. Offer Attractions For New Music Center Two of the finest attractions in comedy and in music will appear in Waukegan high school Sept. 28 in a benefit concert for the Music Center of Lake County, Inc., a non-profit organization. The two are Jack Benny and the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra, headed by its internationally famous conductor, Stanislaw Skrowaczewski. Tickets can be bought at the home of Mrs. T. R. Slipiec at Channel drive, Fox Lake (near McHenry) JU 7-0565. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) JOB WELL DONE "Dear Editor: "Very rarely, it seems to us, do school officials receive any praise for a job well done. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to give them a well-deserved "pat on the back." "Approximately a year ago, a group of McHenry county parents of children with hearing losses, ranging from hardof- hearing to deaf, banded together to seek proper education for their children here at home. Most of them were faced with the alternative of sending their very young children to a residential school, public or private, far away from home. Thanks to the cooperation of the special education committee in McHenry county and Lawrence D. Vuillemot, director of special education in Lake county, a joint agreement approved by the state of Illinois has taken place. A great stride forward has been taken in the education of the deaf. This faill, children with severe hearing losses will travel by bus to the pre-school and primary classes for the deaf in the public school system of Lake county. This will augment the classes in the two-county program to si*1. It is an excellent beginning in tht education of the hearing handicapped. "Before our group joins the parent association of Lake county, we would like to publicly express our sincere feelings to Richard Tazewell, county superintendent of schools, the special education committee, the superintendents and school boards of the districts involved, and in particular, Edward Hall, assistant county Superintendent of S c h o o l s , a n d V i i i l l e m o t , without whoge untiring efforts and concern for the educational welfare of "our children, this joint agreement would never have become a reality. "The McHenry County Easter Seal Therapy center with its staff and speech department, both past and present, cooperated and we were given use of their building for our meetings. "Sincerely, "Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Zingrone "1003 N. Cold Spring Rd. "Woodstock" READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Your Pan Am Travel Agents Invite You To Read Our Ad In Time, Newsweek, New Yorker And Saturday Review Air-Ship-Rail Tickets Cruises Tours' Hotels-Resorts Drive-Ur-Self Planned Vacations Your Authorized Travel Agent CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 885-7500 8917 W. Main McHenry Reservations and Tickets at No Extra Charge Back to School Be ready with shoes perfectly styled -- perfectly fitted from Roth's wide selection of famous brands. For the boys you'll find Robin Hoods, Continentals, Kushion King, Pedwins and Edgertons. From $6.99 up For the girls and young ladies we have Robin Hoods, Robinettes, Williams and Jolenes to choose from starting at $3.99 Plus a Complete Line of KED'S Roth Shoes 1246 N. Green St. McHenry's Only Complete Shoe Store McHenry KNOW YOUR FIREMEN HENRY E. BUCH Pictured' above is Henry E. Buch who is presently serving the McHenry Township Fire Protection district as assistant chief for the second year. He served as captain of Station one at McHenry in 1960 and has been a member of the water fighting team for several years. He is a native of McHenry, born here June 26, 1925. He is married to the former Alice Mlotkowski and resides with his two children at 1614 N. Court street. He received his education at St. Mary's grade school and McHenry high school. He also attended the Chicago Tech college. He is a steam rmer by trade and is employed by the firm started by his father. Hank also finds time for his hobby, wood working. He joined the fire department in August, 1951. He also holds membership in the Foresters, Knights of Columbus, and the American Legion. Hank is another excellent example of a dedicated individual who is serving the public on a volunteer basis, twentyfour hours a day. If you are 21 years of age, why not contact him or any other member of the department for an application? See if you are eligible for membership to this elite group of dedicated men. HERE AMD THERE IN BUSINESS BUYS BUSINESS James Selvaggil of McHenry Shores has purchased the snack shop at 1206 N. Green street from Arthur Johnson. Mr. Selvaggil, who has named his business Jim's Snack Shop, plans to expand the line of service offered. The new owner was formerly in the bakery business in Chicago. , Attic cleanup jobs should be done by those who can't read. (Capitol Discrimination against our midwest industries and universities in the awarding of News About Our Servicemen Rielwird J. Anderson, son of Mr. ;ind Mrs. Clifford Anderson of 4407 North Poplar drive, and Kdward V. Foster, son of Mrs. Alyee Foster of 337 North Will ow road, Lakemoor, all of McHenry, are undergoing recruit training at the Naval Training center, San Diego, Calif. They are learning basic military law, customs and etiquette, seamanship, and a basic knowledge of shipboard routine. Upon completion, they will be granted a fourteen-day leave before reporting to their new duty station or a service school. federal funds for national defense and research projects appears obvious. The coastal and southern states have enjoyed "boom" times as a result of the hug£ defense and space budgets, while midwest industries and campus research centers have been limited, for the most part, to non-defense projects and contracts. Twelve midwest governors, including Governors Romney of Michigan, Reynolds of Wisconsin and Kerner of Illinois, were recent Washington visitors. They conferred with a number of United States Senators as well as many of the 128 U. S. Representatives from these midwest states. The theme of the conference was simply this: (1) We want more national defense and space contracts for our midwest industries, and (2) we want more federal research projects assigned to our midwest universities. The shoddy treatment accorded our midwest area was spotlighted during, the past year when decisions were made to locate (1) the new space research center in the Boston area, and (2) the Environmental Health center in Beltsville, Maryland. Illinois had made an impressive bid for both of these "plums," only to find that the die was to be cast in another mold. Unfortunately, the midwest governors' recent campaign for a fairer share of the federal defense and space dollars was coupled with the political campaigns for re-election of some of them. (Illinois' Otto Kerrier missed part of the Washington meeting in order to accommo- HANS Body & tender Complete Repairing & Painting Glass Installed -- 25% Discounf 919 N. Front (Rt. 31) Phone 385.0358 A HEALTH SC At South Route U.S. No. 12 -- Fox Lake, Illinois ALL TYPES OF EXERCISES Hours I p.m. to 9 p.m. 7 days a week, Mon,. Wed., Fri. & Sun. for Men; Tues., Thurs. and Sat. for Women Our Program Takes 2 Hours to Complete Fees as Follows: Daily Tickets $1.00 per person Weekly Tickets for men $3.00 Weekly Tickets for Women $2.25 Weekly Tickets for Man & Wife $4.00 Come at 1 p.m. & slay until S p.m. if you wish . All Admittance Fees are Plus Tax GEORGE D. WATTS Prop, and Instructor-- JU 7-1011 date the TV cameramen and newsJ reporters.) The meeting ended -- as do most such affairs -- by the appointment of a committee. Perhaps something more will come of this effort. However, I'm informed that an equally enthusiastic group assembled just about eight years ago (during another election year) for the identical purpose of this recent meeting in Washington. National security and scientific progress are goals toward which political consideration should play no part. Contracts should be awarded where they can best be fulfilled with «*- flciehcy and economy. M* searc^1 should be carried on where-rthe greatest skill and brain power and best facilities are ,available, But until ther® ^ivincina proof tnSat declisni is., opnvi ncin . stons fri Wasnington are baied on other erations, political "leaders'^] unabated. political considdemand for more sure front the to continue 5 J • 4.. Rhino horns are highly valued by Chfnese -- the going price is' half their weight in gold, or abdirt $18 per ounce. STOCK CAR RACES KENOSHA COMITY SPEEDWAY Wilmot, Wisconsin Season Finale -- Saturday, Sept. 5 100 LAP 'FEATURE $1,000.00 Extra Prize Money RAIN DATE: SUNDAY NITE, SJIPT. 6th Time Trials -- 7:00 P.M. First Race -- 8:30 P.M. Adults -- $1.50 tax included All Children -- 50c tax included FRESH 3-lbs. GROUND BEEF. $1.47 I BONELESS ROLLED BEEF Etottiseri ROAST. 89 Certified Red Label 1-ib. box Potato Chips ... " 49c Manor House 5-<>z. jar Instant Coffee 75c Manor House 2-ll». tin Coffee $1.49 Thomas J. Webb 2-lb. tin Coffee $1.49 Sniders i l-oz. Catsup 2 25c tb Oscar Mayer 12-oz. Smokie Links .... 55c Oscar Mayer Thick 2-lbs. Sliced Bacon .... 98c Oscar Mayer All Meat Wieners 49c lb. Oscar Mayer All Meat Bologna 49c lb. OUR OWN Sweet Italian 79c lb. Blk. Pork Saus. 59c lb. Fresh Polish 79c lb. FRESH Brattwursit 79c lb. 24-oz. Realemon 49c 16-oz. Lemon Juice 39c 12-oz. can Hydrox Soda 10c quart bottle Hydrox Soda 2/29c 10-oz. btl. 6 49c Regular or Diet Dr. Pepper . WISCONSIN NEW WHITE POTATOES 10-lb. bug . 39 tt> CALIFORNIA NECTARINES HONEY DEW MELONS 19 tt> 39* PUNCH Yellow or Rosy Red 3.^ $1 Tins J Patio Chef Briquets 20-lb. bag 79 Miracle OF THE WEEK/:'"" RAGGEDY ANN APPLESAUCE 35-oz. jar j ^ HAWAIIAN GARDEN FRESH RUBY RED RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS 5e each fjff Phone Sale Dates Corner Elm 385-0080 Sept. -3 - 1 - !> & Green Open Sundays 9 to Noon KRAFT MM Philadelphia 8-oz. Cream Cheese . . . 27* Blue Bonnet 1-lb. pkgft. EVUapfarlne . . 4 for ft® Standard 25' roll Reynolds Wrap . . 29* Economy 10c off 1 75* roll Reynolds Wrap . .59* Purity 9-oz., 25 et, £®ld Cups . . *. . 25* Bond ware 9" 100 et. White Plates . . . .59*, ;• • 50 et. pkfj.; ' Dixie Cup Refills . .31^ Raggedy Ann - Peach, Cherry, Apricot Preserves . . 2 for 49* Raggedy Ann - Plain ^ Kosher pt., Hamb. Slices . 2 for 43*! I Raggedy Ann - Plain or Koither qt.> j tah Pack Dills . . 31* Raggedy Ann 24 j (©rep® Juice • 2 f©p 15*! Raggedy Ann G2-o/„ tin, Pork & Beans . . . 29*; JIM'S SNACK SWOP jX.k 2 (Formerly Johnson's Snack Shop) 1206 N. Green Street •. McHenry, 111. Italian Style Beef Sandwiches Sausage Sandwiches Italian Style Cold Cut Sandwiches Malts -- Sundaes • f - • « I Open Every Day Except Slinky Hours: 8:00 A.M. - 9;0d P.M. s OUDAYAHEAO' U.S.D.A. CHOICE TENDER SWISS or R COUNTRY m/£UUI& RIB MEATY *

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