inursaaaayyv, uuccxxooco er Z9/1964 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Legals NOTICE Monday, December 7, 1964 is the claim date in the estate of RICHARD J. OVERTON deceased, No. 64P238, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. CLARA C. OVERTON, PAUL R. OVERTON of 803 N. John St., 3903 West Oak St McHenry, 111. are the Executors{ CARROLL, LEALI GITLIN of Woodstock, 111. .are the attorneys. TPub. Oct 29, Nov. 5-12, 1964) MASTER IN CHANCERY SALE OF REAL ESTATE [STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS •COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE blRCUIT COURT • THEREOR IN CHANCERY GEN.\ NO. 40545 .McHENRY SAVINGS AND) LOAN ASSOCIATION, a) . corporation of Illinois, > Plaintiff,) vs. ) . HELEN ZUEGE, STANLEY) FINANCE CORPORATION,) CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION) • COMPANY, INC., MARVIN) •ZUEGE, EDWARD MISEK,) MARGARET MISEK, CEN-) TRAL NATIONAL BANK) IN CHICAGO, JOEL SALK) • and UNKNOWN OWNERS,) Defendants) 1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- -BY GIVEN that pursuant to a "Decree made and entered by -said Circuit Court of McHenry bounty, Illinois in the above I entitled cause on the 13th day •of October, 1964, I, ROBERT "J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of ^McHenry County, Illinois, will Ion the 19th day of November, -1964, at the hour of 10:30 'p'clock in the forenoon thereof ' Central Standard Time, at the •East front door of the Mc- | Henry County Courthouse in .the City of Woodstock, Mc- " Henry County, Illinois sell at public auction to the highest • bidder for cash all and singular the following described real .estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as ; shall be sufficient to satisfy Isaid Decree, all situated in the •County of McHenry and State ;of Illinois, to wit: ! Lots 9, 12, 13 and 16 in • Block 10 in Sampson, Sex & ; CD's Lily Lake Subdivision, . a Subdivision of part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Town- . ship 44 North, Range 9 East • of the Third Principal Meri- | ($an, and of part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 45 North, | RJange 9 East of the Third > Principal Meridian, according to the Plal thereof recorded July 28, 1926, ns Document No. 74254, in Boole • 5" of Plats, page 81, in TTc- Henry County, Illinois. , • ROBERT J. LEAH Master In Chancery | Attorneys for Plaintiff . Looze and Kinne 3431 West Elm Street , McHenrv, IJlinois i (Pub. Oct. 29, Nov. 5-12, 1964) MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE •STATE OF ILLINOIS ) : ) COUNTY OF McHENRY) ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT JtHEREOF IN CHANCERY GEN. NO. 40900 FIRST SAVINGS & LOAN) ASSOCIATION OF WOOD- > ! SX0CK, a Corporation, ) -- Plaintiff.) vs ) ! ROGER H. SPLITT, MARY) ANN B E R G , f o r m e r l y ) MARY ANN SPLITT and) EDWIN E. BERG, her hus-) baml. JOHN F. KOHL, as) Trustee under a certain) Trust Deed dated June 6,) 1961 and recorded October) 9, ""1961, as Document No.) 392600 in McHenry County,) Illinois, and UNKNOWN) OWNERS. ) Defendants.) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois in the above entitled cause on the 20th day of October, 1964, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 25th day of November, 1964, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof Conical Standard Time, at the East front door ot the McHenry County Courthouse in (he City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois sell at HEDDI'S PETS PIT STOP 1P18 N. Green St. McHenry THIS WEEK'S WINNER! DAVID BERNA 1713 Habe Road Woodstock, Illinois has won a Free Gift from Reddi's Pet Shop Sunday -- 10-2 M-T-T-F-S -- 10-8 Wed. -- 10-S public auction to the highest bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated In the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot 19 in Kohl Manor, a Subdivision of the South Half of the North Half of the northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, of Section 32, Township 46 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded December 10, 1959, as Document No. 363544 in Book 14 of Plats, page 44 in McHenry County, Illinois. ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorned for Plaintiff " Eckei t, Caldwell, Gleason & Berner 100J.a Cass Street Woodstock, Illinois (Pub. Oct. 29, Nov. 5-12, 1964) SEVENTY-TWO ON JUNIOR HIGH TOP HONOR ROLL Top students at McHenry Junior high school were named this past week to the' first honor roll of the year. Eighth Graders "A" ratings went to Greg Borter, Tom Burton, Eileen Cooper, Susan Crouch, Denice Dethlefson, Jeannie DeVries, Julie Fenwick, Dawn Guettler, Robert Haagenson, Lynda Infantino, Ricky Karls, Judy Koch, Diane Kraymer, Mike Krickl, Karen Larson, Linda Lawrence, Clifford Morris, Beth Okal, Phil Owen, Carlyn Peterson and Lynn Wagner, enth Graders rry Burton, Gary Fairens^ d, Kurt Easton, Georgine Grek, Glen Hanneman, Carol Jaenicke, Steven Jaschke, Edward\ Koepke, Karyl Koepke, Thqm^s Meyer, Pam Potratz, Juanita Repta, Susan Voorhees, Corrine Wilhelm and Sandra Goettsche. Sixth Graders Diane Alvary, Ed. Anderson, Jeanne Burton, Hope Clark, Charles Claypool, Carol Crandall, Scott Curry, Steven Drake, Larry Dresdow, Cathleen Durkin, Diana Easton, Linda Eppel, Steve Fain, Carol Fluger and Annette Haines. Also Cynthia Jones, Susan Kelsey, Lorenz Lennon, Dee Dee Levesque, Rebecca Liebman, Kendall Macdonald, Deborah Marchi, Robert Matthews, Rita Mettelka, Beverly Morrison, Danny Nosal, Susan Peters, Ann Peterson, Susan Phipps, Bonnie Repta, George Shelton, Deborah Smith, Donna Virgens, David Watkins, Eric Weiss and Patricia Wissell. The "B" honor roll will appear next week. MILK PRICES Aided by sharp increases in fluid milk sales and manufacturing milk prices plus an assist from superpool reserve paybacks, the September milk price to be paid Chicago market producers on 70 percent of their deliveries was $3.86 per cwt. -- the highest superpool price since November 1961. The $3.86 includes a 13-cent superpool premium. -- f-^erdonafd -- Diane Bothering, daughter of the Herbert Rotherings, Carol Miller, daughter of the Alvin Millers, Sue Gerasch, daughter of Mrs. Tillie Gerasch, all freshmen at St. Xavier College, Chicago, and Miss Barbara Shannon, a sophomore there, all resumed their studies, Monday, after spending the mid-term break at their respective homes here. Mrs. Henry J. Stilling and Mrs. Walter Brooks were luncheon guests in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Chicone in Skokie, Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Robert Conway and Mrs. William Weyland were in Chicago to attend the perMrhiance of Carmen, at the (Civic Opera House, in which their daughter and sister, Miss Judy Conway, took part as one of the dancers. Mrs. Mary Buch accompanied her daughter, Miss Helen Buch, to Evansville, Wis., for a weekend visit with another daughter, Mrs. Ernest Lohr, and family. Mrs. Henry Stilling spent a recent day with her sons in Lombard. Mrs. Teddy Stermer of Libertyville was a guest of Mrs. Irene Guffey Sunday. Evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Pope of Woodstock. Miss Mary Ellen Bacon, a frashman at St. Xavier College, Chicago, who was spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weston Bason, in Crystal Lake, called on her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Wednesday evening of last week. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund spent a recent day in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ernestine Christian, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl were guests at a gathering at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Richard Sedar, in Waukegan, Sunday, honoring their son, Richard Sedar, who was one of the class who made their First Communion at St. Bartholemew's church on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin called on friends in Beloit, Wis. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Meyer and baby have moved from one of the apartments at 3816 W. Main street to McCullom Lake. The place they have vacated is being occupied by Mrs. Natalie Reiss of Chicago, a former McHenry resident, and her sister, Mrs. Beirwaltes of Wisconsin. Jon Meyer, a student at Quincy College was home to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer, and attended the gathering honoring his brother, Joseph, who made his First Communion at St. Mary's church that day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gabinski and family of Bloomingdale were visitors in the Dale Dixon home, Sunday, and helped Loridale Dixon celebrate here birthday. Pat Freund, daughter of the Ernest Freunds, served as one of the models at a style show and luncheon given by the Lake Woman's Club at Northbrook recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson, daughter, Lynne, and Miss Norma Anderson were in Chicago to attend the Horse Show sponsored by the Blapk Horse Troop of Medinah Temple which they performed at the Chicago Armory. They are leaving \ soon on a European tour. ^ , Mrs. Ernest Freund, daughter, Pat, and Mrs. Verna Burton spent one day last week in the Edward Rossdeutscher home in Janesville, Wis. Rev. Father James McEnery of Immaculate Conception Church, Blanchardville, Wis., was a guest of his parents, the James McEnerys, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel of Glenview were Sunday visitors in the Lisle Bassett home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman of Indianapolis were weekend guests in the home of Mrs.. F. J. Aicher. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smalfelt of Kenosha were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Irene Guffey. Their grandchildren, Koby and Brian Penz, who had been visiting here returned to their home in Salem, Wis., with them. Miss Helen Freund, Mrs. Margaret Masquelet and Mrs. Verna Burton were recent quests off friends in Buffalo Grove. VovdStoUS Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan and Mrs. Alvir^ Peterson visited in the Frank Hovet home in Elgin Saturday, and on Sunday the Jordans motored to Downers Grove to visit their son. Bill, and family and pick ur Mr. Jordan's mother, Mrs. Mary Turner, who had been spending a few weeks there. McHENRY WOMAN NAMED PRESIDENT DEANERY COUNCIL Members of the board of the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic -Women met at St. Mary's in McHenry on Thursday evening, Oct. 22. Rev. Eugene Baumhofer, moderator for the deanery, was present at this meeting. Election of officers was held. The slate presented by the nominating committee included Mrs. Leroy Welter of St. Mary's parish, McHenry, as president; Mrs. Dolores Wines of Christ the King parish, Wonder Lake, as first vice president; Miss Adelaide Muto of St. Mary's Woodstock, as second vice president; Mrs. Mary Boetsch of SS Peter and Paul parish of Cary as secretary j Mrs. Rose Kamrat of SS Petei* and Paul of Cary as treasure^ | and Mrs. Leonard Pawlikowski of McHenry, director at large. This slate of officers was voted in by acclamation to serve for a term of two years. Mrs. Mary Mclntee of Richmond conducted the meeting. In the absence of the secretary, minutes of the last meeting were read by Miss Adelaide Muto. Treasurer Mrs. Charles Freund gave a report on finances. There was a discussion on the Institute and an explanation on committee reports was given. Father Baumhofer gave an interesting talk and closed the meeting with prayer. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS "...But Not Senator Go Here are the issues and here is how they voted in congress Issues 1. Civil Rights 2. Tax Cut 4. Medie®! sii]@®'tfo©n 5. National Defense @M@n 6. Veeetienal ©fen 8. Vote G.O.P . Vote Goldwater Vote yes 82% yes NO yes 70% yes NO yes 67% yes NO yes 85% yes NO yes 88% yes NO yes 88% yes NO yes 67% yes NO yes 93% yes NO FOR LYNDON JOHNSON ON NOV. 3rd Paid by Mellenry Co. Demo. Central Comm.- Harold McKenney, Chrm., Crystal Lake, 111 POPULAR BRANDS-SMOKED potU°n 6-8 LB. Center SHANK PORTION CENTER CUT -- FULLY COOKED SMOKED HAM SLICES 1st FIVE RIBSf STANDING IIB ROAST JEWEL -- ALL MEAT WEINEI . 2 lbs. for 79* 6th & 7th RIBS -- STANDING RIB ROAST . U. S D. A. CHOICE R!l STiAIS . EC&RICH'S FAMOUS S >KED . 59k .79m 'E. 69* BIG JEWEL ONE CENT SALE! 3 LB. BA.G OF YELLOW ONIONS With The Purchase of DAKOTA RED POTATOES Lb. iyn* 10 Bag BEATRICE BRAND TAFFY APPLES MICHIGAN GROWN JONATHAN APPLES TASTY TENDER BlUSSilLS SROUTS 4 Pkg. of 3 Lb. Bag Lb. 79 19 29 19 BUY 4 AT REGULAR PRICE GET THI 5th FOR ONLY 1c BUY 3 AT REGULAR PRICE GET THI 4A FOR ONLY WHOLESI N Frozen PILLSBURY OR Baitard its WHEN YOU BUY 3 FOR OOC YOU GET 4 LKiHTMEAT E3RO TliMA WHEN YOU BUY 3 for 99c PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT iloite 46 OZ. 6 Vi -oz. Can YOU GET FOR %| °® NIRLETS RN WHEN YOU BUY 3 FOR 5QC YOU GET 60c SABLE SOFT 12-oz. Facial Tissue BOX OF 400 SCOTT FAMILY WHEN YOU BUY NAPKI 3 FOR R YOU GET 4 60 Ct. 3ANQUET WHEN YOU BUY 4 for $1.00 YOU GET 5 for $1.01 WHEN YOU BUY 4 lor $1.00 YOU GET 5 for $1.01 WHEN YOU BUY 4 for 78c YOU GET 5 for 79c WHEN YOU BUY 4 for 58c YOU GET 5 for 59c Grade A -- HILLFARM MEDIUM EGGS doz. CHECK Party Paclc^ CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES Pan of 24 YOUR JEWEL PASTRY SHOP FOR HALLOWEEN SWEETS! 49' Fresh Baked -- Hot PUMPKIN PIE Rog. 69c ea. 59 24-oz. Loaf BUTTERCRUST BREAD 39* 29* 1 'M • iyvs