J WW;* Thursday, November 18. 1984 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIEDS PAIR OF SNOW tires for Valiant, 6.40-6.50x13. Tubeless, $20. Call 385-1012. 11-12-64 CERAMIC TILE, odd amounts. Call 385-2645 after 6:00 p.m. 11-12-64 USED GUNS for sale: 12 gauge, Browning, Remington & Winchester auto,s.; 12 gauge Reifiington & Winchester pumps; 12 gauge Fox, Steven* & L. C. Smith doubles; 10 gauge magnum double A others. Will trade. Phone Union, Illinois 815-923-2261 eve* nings. 6 to 9. 11-12*64 RUMMAGE SALE to be held at 1812 Orchard Lane, Orchard Hts.,,startinjj/Nov. 12. 385-2480 11-12-64 x 13 WEEK OLD German Shorthaired Pointer puppies. Registered, complete with shots, etc. 653-4202. 11-12-64 LIKE NEW furniture 40" Deluxe General Electric range, $50.00; Admiral refrigeratorfreezer combination, $100; 12' chest deep freeze, $60; double bed, Complete with springs and mattress, $30; General Electric automatic washer, $15; General Electric Dryer, $25. Both in good running condition. 385- 7757." 11-12-64 BEE-LINE CLOTHES -- % price to the hostess who holds a Bee-Line style show in December only. For information call 385-7029. Ask for Diane. 11-12-64 BEAGLES -- AKC, female 2 years old, male 6 months, need good homes. Token prices. Call 653-6875. 11-12-64 PRACTICALLY NEW, girl's whife! roller rink skates. Size 8, J. C. Higgins, $lp; Case, $2.00 or best offer. Phone 385- 5114, 11-12-64 '62 MATCHED set of Wilson Sam Snead signature clubs, 4 woo ffs & 10 irons; new '64 cart. Must sell. Best offer. Call Ralph 459-2288, Crystal Lake. 11-12-64 GAS HOT air furnace, like new, $150. Address 5300 Orchard Drive. Owner only on premises Sunday. 11-12-64 HUNTING SEASON? Holidays? Need storage space. See my Coldspot chest type freezer. Reasonable. Call 385-0937 after 5:00 p.m. 11-12-64-TF DUCKS 4,6 LB., Geese 8-12-lb. Fryers - Roasters. Fresh dressed. Spring Grove Poultry Farm. 815-678-6172. 11-12-19-64 Help Wm ' r ' / p i ^ a *4 : Station BOOKKEEPER -- good with figures. Steady work. Hester Oil Co., 4102 W. Waukegan Rd. Phone for interview. 385-0240. 11-12-64 WAITRESS --- short hour or part time. Apply In person. Lamplighter Cafe. 3313 W. Elm St. 11-12-64 EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Apply In person. The Virginian. 394 Virginia St. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake. 11-12-19-64 WOMAN companion needed. One who drives, who can prove helpful with part time services. If interested, please call 385- 7507. 11-12-64 Need Extra Money FOR CHRISTMAS? Beauty Counselors needs additional women to handle increased demand for service. Full or part time. Call 385-2725 11-12-64 I.B.M. Keypunch Operator Opportunity to learn other I.B.M. equipment. Full time position with reputable company in vicinity of McHenry. Give full details, age, experience and expected salary. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box No. 229 An Equal Opportunity Employer 11-12-64 READ THE CLASSIFIEDS WIRERS SOLDERERS ASSEMBLERS (For Night or Day Shift) Experience in wiring & soldering, T.V. or radio chassis, tuners, etc. Top Wages Excellent Benefits & Working Conditions Apply at ersonnel Office OAK Manufacturing Company Division of OAK ELECTRO/NETICS Corp. S. Main Street (N. of Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 459-5000 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) 11-12-64 FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced tuner trackers, testers. Good starting wage. All company fringe benefits. Anyone having electronic test experience may apply. ADMIRAL CORP. 3909 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 11-5-64-TF Wei© PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDER ( Set Up and Operate) Night Shift Stokifs experience desirable. Top wages plus 10 per cent night premium. Excellent benefits and working conditions. -- Apply at Personnel Office -- OAK MANUFACTURING CO. DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street (N. of Route 14) Crystal Lake, 111. PHONE 459-5000 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) 11-12-64 OAK HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR TOOL & DIE MAKERS (Days & Nights -- 10% night shift premium) Must have experience in repair and maintenance of highly complicated, progressive dies. Top pay, excellent benefits and working conditions. -- Apply at Personnel Office -- OAK MANUFACTURING CO. DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street (N. of Route 14) Crystal Lake, 111. PHONE 459-5000 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) 11-5-64-TF Automatic & Hand Srew Machine Operators (Days and Nights) Set tip and operate or operate only B&S machines. Requires 3-5 years experience. We have immediate openings for first and second shift operators. Top pay. Excellent benefits and working conditions. -- Apply at PersQnnel Office -- OAK MANUFACTURING CO. DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street (N. of Route 14) Crystal Lake, HI. PHONE 459-5000 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) 11-5-12-64 Help Waste* « Mmim CONSTRUCTION laborer year around employment. Vacation and other company benefits. See or call Arnold May Builders. Richmond, Illinois. Call 815-678-2861. 10-15-64-TF TRUCK DRIVERS -- Long distance hauling, low aide open top equipment. Must have at least 2 years recent over the road experience on van, trailertractor unit*. Lake County Express, Route 83 (Main Street) North ,of Antioch. Illinois. Phone 312-395-1738. , 11-&64-TF EXPERIENCED married ~Wn for work on modern dairy farm. Completely remodeled and redecorated house. Mike Fabrizius, Maple Park, 111. Phone 312- 365-3015. 11-12-64 MALE part time help-wanted. 2 to 3 hours a day for stable work. Someone on social security! preferred. Reply Box 231 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. \ 11-12-19-64 JOB sriop tool room machinists, lathe hand, mill hand, etc. Clean shop, usual benefits. McHenry area. Call Prem Corp. 385-2700 for appointment. 11-12-19-64 Metal Fabricator Man having mechanical ability and some experience in layout and arc welding. Full time. Permanent. -- Call -- MR. GEORGE 459-6300 11-12-64 ROUTE SALESMEN Manager your own franchise route. No investment. Service our established customers with a variety of 300 grocery and over 2,000 catalog items. Earn $5,200 to $15,600 -- plus profit sharing & fringe benefits. Qualifications: 23-40, married & good work record. Phone Mr. Burmeister Jewel Tea Company Barrington, Illinois DU 1-5421 11-12-64 hi? CASEWORKER -- for State Welfare Office in Woodstock. Mu&t have college degree and pass civil service examination. Social work or related background desirable. Good salary and benefits. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer,, Box 228. 11-5-12-64 BE INDEPENDENT -- Sell Rawleigh products in McHenry or Wonder Lake. Steady good earnings year around. See or write, A1 GreVer, 615 S. Rt. 31, McHenry. 11-5-12-64 WANTED: A good reliable dealer to supply customers with Rawleigh products in McHenry or Wonder Lake. A profitable business of your dWn with no previous experience needed. See or write A1 Grever 615 S. Route 31, McHenry. 11-12-64 3 BEDROOM RANCH, attached garage, full basement, aluminum storms & screens, lot 90'xl35\ hardwood floors, on blacktop street with curbs. Gas Heat. Three years old. Phone 385-1383. 10-22-64-TF ARE YOU LOOKING? For an lrruroved vacant lot 60x125' zoned commercial. Northside of Route 120, Lakeland Park, $4,200. Brokers protected. Call 385-2252 11-5-64-TF HOUSE FOR SALE 1% miles north of McHenry. % acre waterfront. 2 years old 4 bedrooms. 2 full ceramic baths. Slate entry. 26 ft. living room with wool wall to wall carpeting. Oversize 2 car garage. 3,100 feet in all. Facilities for horses, swimming pool available. -- Price $31,500. Phone 385-1304 for appointment 11-5-64-TF Cooney Heights 6 years old, 3 bedroom, finished basement, recreation room, large patio, hardwood floors throughout, aluminum storms & screens, city water & sewerage. PRICE $16,500. 385-1123 10-29-11-5-12-64 Light Manufacturing FACTORY SITES 190x255 Ft A Up FRITZSCHE'S Industrial Center 815-385-1C79 11-5-64-TF IN LDGEBROOK subdivision. 3 bedroom nome. Full basement, 2 car attached garage, gas heat. Phone 385-5018. 9-10-64-TF 4 ROOM HOUSE and bath near St. Pat's church Nice yard with extra lot. Gas heat. $8,500. 385-0834 or 385-3358. 11-5-64-TF McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year/Round Honrs, Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE / In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, I1L Ph. 385-0037 8-6-64-TF 2 Bedroom Home Large lot. Beautifully landscaped. Good location. Attached garage. Tile bath. Built-in IXL cabinets and caloric range and oven. Natural gas Lennox hot air furnace. Tile in kitchen. Utility room. Reasonable pncc. Phone for Appointment 385-2651 11-12-64 FOR SAUL HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOrS -BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 8-6-64-TF Foreclosed 3 Bedroom Brick Ranch Priced for Quick Sale Immediate Occupancy 315 E. Spring Road Ingleside Call Pioneer 9-1900 for inspection 10-29-11-5-12-64 MUST SELL -- 3 bedroom ranch, attached garage, full basement, fire place, hardwood floors. Blacktop drive. Pistakee Area. First class subdivision, beach, water rights. $17,- 900. 385-5242. 11-12-19-64 THREE BEDROOM Crab Orchard and brick home in Edgebrook Heights. 1% baths with full sized heated basement and attached garage. Was $25,000. now only $23,000. 385-0074. 11-5-64-TF McHENRY AREA -- 4 room 2 bedroom. Enclosed porch. Can be used as a bedroom. Gas heat. Only $65.00 385-5440 11-12-64 LARGE BUSINESS lot ot highway 120. West of McHenry 130 ft. on highway. 150 ft. deep. For information call 385-0852. 11-5-64-TF 3 Bedroom Ranch Home 2 years old. Beautiful family room with fireplace, large living room, U-shaped kitchen with dining area, l'/fe baths, huge closet space, laundry room upstairs, full basement, attached 2 car garage. All thermo pane windows. House on 6 acres of land. Located on main highway. Also 7 stall barn, 24x24 heated workshop, 24x24 extra garage. White rail fencing. Sold only by owner. Price $59,750 Call DUnkirk 1-5264 11-12-64 2 BEDROOM RANCH, brick veneer, hardwood floors, large well appointed kitchen. All appliances included. Beautifully landscaped. Walking distance to town. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL -- Reasonable offer accepted. 2 BEDROOM HOME, hardwood floors, attached garage. 1 acre land beautifully landscaped. In; town close to schools. RENTALS -- 1, 4 bedroom and 2, 3 bedroom homes. BAYSHORE REALTY 3440 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-3620 - 385-7508 -- 385-4836 after 7 p.m. Gateway To The Chain-O-Lakes 11-12-64 SUNNYSIDE - PISTAKEE AREA 2 Bedroom Ranch Home a beautiful wooded lot. 2 Bedroom Ranch Home range. Attached garage. 3 Bedroom Ranch Home wall to wall carpeting, bar. Large kitchen with -- 12x23* living room. Oak floors. On Low down payment. $10,900 -- Large kitchen with built-in oven & Terms. $13,200 -- 12x30' living room, oak floors and Full basement. Recreation room with built-ins, attached garage. Terms. $21,800 INVESTMENT BARGAINS 42 acres -- vacant, partly wooded. Main highway & creek frontage. Adjacent to village limits. $17,000 4 Flat Apartment -- Brick building. Basement. Income $260. $19,000 Farm Buildings on 10 acrcs of land. 900* highway frontage. $1,500 down. $12,500 FOR RENT Wonder Lake -- 3 bedroom ranch house, attached 1 car garage. Large living room on 2 wooded lots. $125 per month. 2 Bedroom Apartment in Johnsburg. $70 per month. SUNNYSIDE REALTY Northwest Corner of N. Wilmot and West May Ave. 1612 W. May Ave. McHenry (Sunnyside), 111. PHONE 815-385-0162 11-12-64 BAIRD & WARNER, INC. Established 1855 CHAPEL HILL -- Summer cottage with 2 Bedrooms, large Living room with fireplace. Combination Dining room & kitchen. Garage. Reduced to $8,700. FOX RIVER -- COUNTRY CLUB -- 4 Bedrooms, 3V2 baths, Living room with fireplace, family room, 2 car attached garage. In perfect condition. Reduccd to $35,000 which includes carpeting, drapes, 2 refrigerators, & Chris-Craft. -- Brokers Cooperation Invited -- MR. HEINEN -- 385-2527 11-12-64 IN McHENRY 5 Bedroom, 2 story home. Full basement and 2 car garage. Near schools, churches and shopping. Priced at only $19,500. See today. NEAR McHENRY 3 Bedroom Home, only 3 years old. Full basement. 2 baths. 2 car garage. Paved driveway. Owner must sacrifice. Priced at $22,500 or best offer. NEAR McHENRY -- FOR RENT 3 Bedroom, 2 story home. Full basement and family room, $100 per month. References required. THE KENT CORPORATION McHenry's Oldest Real Estate Office Established Since 1923 PHONE 385-3800 1311 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois 11-12-64 NOW YOU CAN HAVE A Value - Pafcked H O M E Built On YOUR LOT Anywhere in McHenry County and any other Approved Area AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS you by L A D D Enterprises A Charter Member of the National Association of Home Builders "REGISTERED BUILDER" PROGRAM Home buyers are protected by LADD'S membership in the "Registered Builder" Program It requires the builder to supply the buyer with a contract setting forth lot, plan, home spedficay tions, exacting construction standards, price and other ekseiiials, and provides for impartial arbitration in any /cases of dispute. Be sure to buy YOUR home from a "Registered Builder!" > LOW P R I C E S Low prices are assured by Ladd's gigantic buying power, large trained organization and many years of experience in building outstanding vaiue into their homes. 22 BEAUTIFUL Designs, Styles, Elevations Ladd offers many varied home designs, each with outstanding character, including Ranches, Colonials, Split-Levels, Contemporary and Split-Foyer models. Ladd plans can be varied to suit yovp needs. LADD Will Also CUSTOM BUILD ON YOUR LOT IN McHENRY COUNTY and any other Approved Arap FOR SALE OR RENT-- 2 bedroom brick ranch, gas heat. Available January Isi. nxigebrook Heights. Call 385-0968. 11-12-64 3 BEDROOM home, full ba«ement. Concrete drive. A real buy at $14,000. Atlas Real Estate. 38&-0430. 11-12-64 2 BEDROOM, cloned in porch, basement, gas heat, large " fenced in yard. Must sell. Call • 385-6186. 11-5-64-TF « SitwatiM Waato4 FEMALE -- Full or part time. Office or sales clerk experienced on both types of work. Tues., Thurs., Saturdays preferred. Reply c/o Box 230 McHenry Plaindealer. 11-12-64 WILL DO ironing in my ' h OrTO at Johnsburg. Call 385-1254. 11-12-19-64 T« Btty 5* WANTED TO BUY for cash anything in used furniture, antiques or what have you. One piece or whole house. Call anytime. 385-3896. Also, we sell good usfed furniture at bargain prices. Open Thursday thru Sunday, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Volo Discount Bam, Rt. 120, Vt mi. West Route 12.. 10-22-29-11-5-12-64 AND 8 WEEK OLD--beautiful part Persian kitten. House broken. Call 385-4711 after 6:00 p.m. ^t>n weekdays. 11-12-64 SAVE YOU MONEY Bring in YOUR plans for our estimate . . . Ladd can SAVE you thousands of dollars! Or our Engineering Department will develop a new home plan to fill your needs. NO obligation. AWARD WINNING HOMES In Ladd's own communities at Lincolnshire, Coventry, Millstream, Clermont and other prestige locations, Ladd homes have won many awards for beauty, quality and outstanding value . . . including the BETTER HOMES and GARDENS Award for "Approved Value Design." Ladd maintains their own Service Department for fast, efficient adjustments after owners have moved in. Homes are like automobiles . . they need a check-up after the initial "shake-down" period . . . and Ladd's Service Department provides this service to assure complete satisfaction of every one of their owners. V.A., F.H.A. & CONVENTIONAL F I N A N C I N G / Don't wait ... see Ladd NOW! If you own a site, stop in TODAY and let Ladd show you plans, models, low prices and explain the easy financing terms! INSPECT FURNISHED MODELS AT LADD'S MILLSTREAM In McHenry Millstream is in the City of McHenry. Turn WEST from ROUTE 31 on MAPLE ST. which is 3 BLOCKS NORTH of Route 31 in McHenry. Open 7 Days A Week TO DARK 10-29-64-TF FREE 10 lbs. POTATOES With Every $3.00 Gas Purchase • Complete motor tune-ups • Complete brake service • Goodyear tires SIELLY SERVICE STATION 4002 W. Waukegan Road Next to N.W. Tracks PHONE 385-9788 11-12-64 USED ALUMINUM boat, 4 wheel drive Jeep station wagon. Older model preferred. 385- 1140. 11-5-12-64 HOUSE for three adults until June 1. 385-0788 after 7:00 p.m. 11-12-64 EXPECTANT MOTHERS -- Come in and register for the prize cf the month. Enter your expectant friends too. Begins Nov. I -- first drawing Dec. 1. Winner must be an expectant mother. No purchase necessary. Toddler Shop, 3430 W. Elm St., McHenry. 11-12-64 TO'. BE GIVEM AWAY GRAND RE-OPENING -- November 18th. Music Mothers Re-sale shop. New location V.F.W. Building, Throop Street, Woodstock. Hours Wednesday 9:30 a.nu to 3:00 p.m. Children's fall A winter clothing, boots, ice skates. 11-12-64 .Annual Bazaar and Turkey Dinner Ringwood Methodist Church SATURDAY, NOV. 21 Bazaar Open 3 p.m. Dinner served from 5 to 7 p.m. Price: Adults $2; Children 75c 11-12-19-64 CLUB LILYMOOR 615 W. Rand Road PHONE 385-9869 FRIDAY SPECIALS Freshly Caught Rainbow Trout .... $1.75 Includes Dessert & Coffee Perch or Haddock 75 Walleye $1.50 Shrimp $1.75 SUNDAY SPECIALS Charcoal Broiled Steak $1.75 Includes Salad Bowl, Potatoes & Onion Rings. Genuine Hickory Smoked Ribs $2.75 Includes Dessert & Coffee SEE BEARS ON T.V. 11-12-64 BE WIS! - USE THi CLASSIFIEDS