Wefessday, novembw 25# 1984 THE McHEKHI PLAINDEALEH EASTWOOD MANOR EDIE IVEBSON 4I V ' • ?• 1 • FRIEDA DURKIN -- 885-507* CARL HAGEHUP VICE CHAIRMAN OF ASSOCIATION This week we would like you to become acquainted with the vice-chairman of our EMPOA who is Carl Hagerup. Carl and his wife, Edie, live right next to the barn on Country Lane. They have resided there over five years. Carl is originally from Edison Park. He did his service in the army. He is CARL HAGERUP employed ai the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad station at 400 West Madison in Chicago. His hobby is gardening in the summertime and in the winter he and Edie like to go bowling and attend concerts in the city. They are our teen counsellors for the Eastwood Manor Teen Club. This is the first office Carl has held in the association. We wish him luck as he takes on his duties in this office. He not only assumes the duties of the chairman in his absence but he must serve on all committees of the association so all of you do come on out and meet Carl and give him your support. Faith Church Services On Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Day, a joint Thanksgiving service will be held at the Methodist church at nine a.m. Mr. Carder will lead the service and Mr. Mclntyre will give the sermon. Both choirs will join in special music. The special offering received at this service will go to the Christian Rural Overseas Program. On Nov, 28, Saturday, Confirmation class will meet at 10 a.m. Nov. 29, Sunday, The first Sunday in Advent--service at 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m.--the second of nine weeks of adult Bible study. Dec. 2, Wednesday, Brownies will meet at 4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Dec. 2-7:30 p.m. -- Session. New members will be received at this time. 8:30 p.m. -- The Deacons will meet. Club News Bunco Club met at Kay Mitchell's with Ann Ritter as hostess. Ann brought a yellow cake decorated with dice, also a plate of homemade cookies and fudge. Pat Borcovan, substitute, won the first prize, Lydia Fenner won the bunco prize, and Irene Betke took booby. Bridge Ciub met in the home of Pat Kellogg who served hot crabmeat sandwiches. Carol Hayes won first prize, Rita Simpson won travelling prize, and Gerry Moerschbaecher won the booby pi'ize. Erika Haldeman was hostess at the Bunco Club and served a most delicious apple streusel. Kay Stephenson won the first prize, Thelma Massheimer won the bunco prize, and Frieda Durkin won the booby prize. Teen Club News The Teen Club held a special meeting last week to discuss a new means to raise funds. SOMETHING SPECIAL MCDONALD'S NEW • mux °Q FISH On Sale Daily Try this McDonald's exclusive in good eating--you're sure to agree it's the best fish sandwich anywhere. ONLY 24 CENTS McDonald's 130 Virginia Street Crystal Luke, III. They will soon be at your door passing out coupons. We would like to have you give them all the support you can so look for them soon. We should have more details on this in the future. Brownies The Brownie Investiture and rededication ceremony of Troop 211 took place Tuesday, Nov. 17, at the Faith church in Eastwood Manor. A very large crowd consisting of parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters and other relatives of eighteen little Brownies came out to hear them say their Brownie promise and watch them receive their Brownie pins or one year stars. Mrs. Pat Kellogg filled in for the co-leader, Gail Crokin, who was sick, and did a very fine job. She is a Girl Scout leader at the present time. ° All the committee mothers received -Girl Scout pins also and recited the Girl Scout promise. Brownie Cheryl Fenner thanked everyone for coming and invited them to the basement for refreshments. The table downstairs was beautifully decorated by the committee mothers in the Thanksgiving theme with a large paper turkey centerpiece. The many homemade goodies were made by the ladies also. The Brownies entertained with songs. They also took this evening to collect food for a needy family for Thanksgiving and got together a very nice big box. The next meeting will be Dec. 2 at a new time--4:45 until 5:45 p.m. At this next meeting they will begin working on Christmas gifts. Birthday Greetings Birthday cakes can be presented right along with all the Thanksgiving feasts in the homes of Connie Dethlefson, Betty King and Phyllis Schweikert as these three ladies' birthdays fall on Nov. 26. No school Friday, Nov. 27, so Gary Stoll will be enjoying a fine eleventh birthday this year. Saturday celebrants are Jacquelyn Cary who will be a new teenager of 13 and Pat Borcovan. Nov. 29 little Andrew Meyer will be two years young. Best wishes to Jerry King on Nov. 30. Dec. 2 is the natal day of Lois McCormack. Happy birthday all. Wedding Anniversary Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCormack on Nov. 30. Birthday Party Sheila Barry had a big time at her birthday party. She invited ten others to help her celebrate. The children enjoyed a table laden with two cakes, candy cane ice cream cones, candy, and pop. The greatest attraction was heV gift from her parents which was a pony so all the kiddies spent the day having pony rides. Around The Manor Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hagerup went out to dinner and a show to celebrate their wedding anniversary. The Ed Radner family will have Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday as the whole family can get together. Guests will be their daughter, Sandy, and children and Betty's sister, Sally Lightholder, and future husband. Sunday Jerry Ryan's grandmother, Mrs. Martha Schmidt from Arlington Heights, was out to spend her eighty-first birthday. Guests were Jerry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry psn leather' Ryan also from Arlington Heights ' and Martha's sister, Lillian Rohden from Chicago, who was celebrating her forthcoming birthday also. They all enjoyed dinner and birthday cake. Saturday night the Legionnaires celebrated Veteran's Day with a dance and fourpiece orchestra and a pot-luck dinner. Many from the Manor were there. Names given us were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brodin, Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCormack, Tom Birmingham, Francis Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Messer, Kay Stephenson, Florence Noonan, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fenner, and Al Bianchi and brother-in-law, Skip. Guests over last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuck were Eleanore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weyde, and her mother's sister, Joyce Koczar. Last Saturday James Eternick from West Allis, Wis., and Shirley Breneman from Milwaukee, Wis., came down to help Timm Eternick celebrate his birthday. On Sunday the El Eternick family went to Milwaukee, Wis. to the home of El's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, to attend the birthday party of his niece, Carla. Susan Betke received a beautiful sweet sixteen corsage on her birthday from her parents. Get-Well Quick! There are so many sick lately we can't keep up with the list but many are fine now so we hope they avoid getting on this list agaift this winter. Mrs. Smithson had the flu and Gail Crokin got sick last week also. Get well wishes go out to Dick Wiegman's mother, Mrs. Hulda Wiegman, who just recently was taken off of the critical list in the McHenry hospital. The Petersen children/have the croup. We hope they will soon be well and able to enjoy their Thanksgiving dinners. Any of you other readers--hurry and get well! CHARTER GRANTED A charter has been issued by the state to Krest Brook Carpets and Rug comapny, a new, for profit corporation, "to sell at wholesale and retail rugs, carpeting, draperies and other floor coverings and wall coverings, interior decorations, installations, cleaning and dyeing and the sale of equipment and accessories in connection with the busine§s." When Marco Polo returned from China about 1280, he told of the Chinese people using black rocks (coal) for fuel, and earned for hmiself a reputation of being a liar. Coal did not come into use in Europe till early 1800's. WONDER LAKE NEWS MART &OV HARTOG 658-7176 Elect New Tops Club Officers Inasmuch as TOPS is an anonymous organization they do not list their members names but last Wednesday the group held an election and a completely new slate of officers was elected. They have five officers: leader, co-leader, secretary, treasurer, and weightrecorder. Installation of the new officers takes place the second Wednesday in December and the new officers take over their duties at the first meeting in January. Gladys. Morteon Home ^ From Hospital friends of Gladys Moreton wil'f} be happy to know she is home from the hospital in Chicago where she underwent both spinal and foot surgery. She is coming along fine but will be unable to move around much for several months. I am sure she would be happy to hear from all her friends. Wonder Lake Kiwanis Club, November 16, 1964 Dr. S. L. Ruggero presented two film strips to a one hundred per cent attendance of the Wonder Lake Kiwanis club. The films were obtained through the courtesy of the McHenry County Cancer Society. The one film, titled "Inside Magoo" was quite emphatic on the seven cancer danger signals. After presenting the film, Dr. Ruggero conducted a question and answer session. Jim Gianola was presented to the club as a guest and also as a new member. Lennie Freund announced that the bowling sweepstakes contributed $92 to the general fund. . Horace Wagner reported a net of $100 from the sale of the peanut brittle, which was turned over to the Wonder Lake Girl Scouts. Even though Leoda Freund was in Florida, she will receive the battle axe check. Tuesday evening, the 17th of November, we held an interclub with the Kiwanis Club of Dundee Township. The Kiwanis Club of Crystal Lake has invited our members to see the travelogue series which is sponsored by the Crystal Lake Club. Next week tickets will be distributed for the installation dinner to be held Dec. 5, at LaGreca's Lakeview Inn. During this evening the new officers for 1965 will be installed. An invitation has been extended to the community and to other Kiwanis Clubs in our area. Brownie Investiture In Troop 163 Thirteen first year Brownies were invested at the prescribed ceremony on Tuesday, evening, Nov. 16. Following the welcome and introductions by Mrs. Ruby Reynolds, leader of the troop, the impressive flag ceremony presented the colors. Then the investiture ceremony, the initiation into the wonderful work of Girl Scouts, with the following girls participating: Theresa Brenner, Dianne Brenner, Carole Cashin, Kim Crook, Kristine Decker, Karen Fallow, Debbie Gildmeister, Colleen Keith, Patty Reynolds, Susan Schau, Norine Summercamp, Julie Weber and Dianne Wenk. There are three second year Brownies in this troop also, Bonita Berndt, Debra Calkins and Kelly Lynn Gahagan. Two Cadette Scouts helped with the songs which followed and the refreshments; Penny Reynolds and Lynn Coburn. This year the girls have been preparing for their investiture by learning the many steps leading to membership in the Girl Scouts. They have also been very busy making corn husk dolls and paper bag puppets.. The next four meetings will be busy with Christmas gifts and special Christmas Community projects. Mrs. Reynolds is very ably assisted by Mrs. Donald Crook, assistant lead- Auto Insii Camelled? NO ONE REFUSED -- ANY AGE Reasonable Rates ©psibiiify Filings Co age E Stay out of "Pool Insurance** and have Full Coverage TEENAGE INSURANCE -- Full Coverage 385-7667 { . w V to* eev w <WHJ v trt Wii* wtu* ' tfevat $)«*** BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. McHenry •PHONE 385-1500 CIDAA See us® Ule deliver; The 5"PGnr/50,!9B-mlle narrwiiy* in the business. We sell Chryslers -- the big car with the longest big-car warranty. You get five years or 50,000 miles of protection on the vital moving parts of your car. Read this warranty statement carefully. It's one more reason Chrysler's the best big-car buy around *HOW CHRYSLER'S 5-YIAn/S0,000-Cm5 ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN WARRANTY PRO. TECTS YOU: Chrytljer Corporation confidently warrants all of the following vital parts of its 1965 cart for 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, during which time any such parts that prove defective in material and workmanship wilt be replaced or repaired at a Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Dealer's place of business without charge for such parts or labor: engine block, head and internal parts, intake manifold, water pump, transmission case and internal parts (excepting manual clutch), torque converter, drive shaft, universal joints, rear axle and differential, and rear wheel bearings. REQUIRED MAINTENANCE: The following maintenance services are required under the warranty -- change engine oil every 3 months or 4,000 bniles, whichever comes first; replace oil filter every second oil change; clean carburetor air filter every 6 months and replace it every two years; and every 6 months furnish evidence of this required service to a Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Dealer and request him to certify receipt of *uch evidence and your car's mileage. Simple enough for such important protection. See your Chrysler Dealer--The man uiho delivers. FURY MOTOR 2508 W. Route 120 Ina McHenry, 111. er, Mrs. Jack Weber, committee chairman, Mrs. Robert Gildemeister and Mrs. Henry Schau, committee women. Memorial Hospital Auxiliary News Mrs. Ray Sullivan-was hostess for the November meeting of the Sew 'N Sew club. Besides the regular members attending, Betty Fiala, Rose Murphy, Ann Weretka, Neva Fuhrer, Vera Wohnrade, Genevieve Wielock and Mrs. Walter Faust, two guests, Mrs. Carl Poedtke and Mrs. John Barta, helped assemble the twentyfour hand puppets completed th&jt afternoon. Mrs. Wohnrade won the hostess prize. Thursday night, Nov. 19, Mrs. Ed G&llas, Jr., had the canasta clubVt her Oak street home. Mrs. Milbrandt, Mildred Lundborg and Amy Street held high scores. Others playing were June Kiddell, Mrs. Raymond Schleicher, Neva Fuhrer, Grace Markle, Marlene Lundborg, Mrs. Ed Gallas, Sr., Judy Rasmusseen and Mrs. Ted Eltoft. Notes: I'm sorry not to have any more news than this but that's the way it crumbles. Here I went and shoveled out a path to the news box for nothing. Have a happy Thanksgiving and next week I want to know all about it. I'll have to fill the space with something, so call please or drop off a note. Thanks. I keep reading little newsy things about Wonder Lake in the paper but not in the Wonder Lake column and not sent in by me. That's hardly cricket is it? Film Lecture Series In Barrington Dec. 1 On Tuesday night, Dec. 1, at 8 p.m., Miss Bettina Shaw will present her exciting color film lecture in the Barrington high school auditorium. In the travel lecture you will visit the Valley of Jezreel, Esdraelon of the New Testament. You will then continue on to the River Jordan and the Sea of Galilee; the Hula Valley. You will be amazed at the Negev Desert, Dead Sea, King Solomon's Mines near Elath on the Red Sea. You will see cit ies such as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, one of the world's most modern cities. You will also visit Haifa, a most modern seaport, and Acre, the crusader city. You will wander in the Land of the Bible, where ancient tribes wandered in the days of Abraham. SPRING GROVE EVA FREUND HONOR ORGANISTS AT METHODIST CHURCH DINNER On Sunday, Nov. 15 a potluck dinner was held in the Methodist church house. A good crowd attended to honor those ladies who have served as organists in the church during the past year. A corsage was presented to each of them. This day was also the twentyfifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Del Kephart. Congratulations were extended and they were presented with a gift. LCWO The Lotus Country Women's Club met at the home of Mrs. Thomas McNally on Wednesday, Nov. 15. Fourteen members were present for a one o'clock luncheon, Joanne Rulien was co-hostess. The club voted to donate money for books for the new library at the Spring Grove elementary school, also to make a contribution to UNICEF, an organization to help underprivileged children. The program was given by Mrs. Ida Koberstine. She gave an account of their streamer cruise to the Carribean Isles last February. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Karl Olson of Northbrook. Club Meets Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Norbert Klaus in Fox Lake on Monday night. Pumpkin pie was awarded and cards were played. Mrs. Ray May, Mrs. Christine Britz and Mrs. Charles Freund received the prizes. A Christmas party was planned and will be held at the home of Mrs. George May on Monday evening, Dec. 14. Society Meeting The Christian Mothers society of St. Peter's held its ular meeting in the parish on Thursday night. A stration on floral arrangemen was given, it was most in ting and entertaining, beautiful arrangements then given away to the winners. The nuns were als# presented with one of the arrangements. A pot-luck was planned for the Christmas party on Dec. 17. It was decided that a contribution from each member would be given needy children for Christmas. A lunch was served by the committee in, charge. < Visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Voorheis from Montana are visiting the Frank Sanders. Mrs. Mame Tinney left for California where she will visit her son Jack in Burlingame. Birth Mr. and Mrs. William Harmon are the happy parents of a baby boy, born Sunday, Nov. 15. Mother and baby are home now and doing fine. MAKE IDENTIFICATION , The Richard Keith Ruck of 307 East End avenue, Ingleside, being held under $25,000 bond for armed robbery of' an Ingleside home, is not Richard Ruck of Antioch, son of Mrs. Richard Ruck, Sr., who is associated in business in McHenry. The former Richard Keith Ruck formerly resided for a short time at 3943 W. Main street, McHenry. At the peak of its power, Rome divided the then-known world into 116 provinces, each supporting a governor and his court. One of these governors had a staff of 600 secretaries, alone. Does this sound modern?? Advertise - It Pays (T Radiator Repair Service Brake Service All Mechanical Eepain Complete Motor Overhauling Towing Service For Expert Car Care Come to • • • BOTCH'S Auto Service 1002 N. Front St. 885-0811 McHenry, I1L V Since that first Thanksgiving, so many thou ands of prayers ago . . . America's families continue to have more and more to be grateful for To our personal thanks we would like to add that we are grateful for the opportunity to serve M isii folks like vou THANKS and we hope you and your family enjoy Thanksgiving Day. UflfTOF $/ roul irnra Jio'.o'oo AND LOAN ASSOCIATION m amwmm- U&?T westStfEEt . McHENPV, ItUtMOie Phoitfr