Thursday, DbcmiiW 17.1964 THE MPHENHY PLA1NDEAI.EH lelf Waatti • ftHilt SECRETARY, TYPIST for Real Estate Office, shorthand required, up to 40 hr. week, pleasant working conditions. T. P. Mathews, Realtors, Wonder Lake, Illinois. 12-10-17-64 GIRL FOR various bookkeeping duties and payroll. 5 day week. Usual company benefits. See or call Arnold May Builders, Richmond, 111. 815- 678-2861. 12-10-64-TF ASSISTANT FOR doctor's office located in McHenry. Experience desired but not necessary. In reply, please state age, experience, marital status, phone number and other pertinent information. Write McHenry Plaindealer, Box 234. 12-10-17-64 Section One -- Pagt Bmm m i ii ii i •»--I«mb • Help Wmt«i • Male ( -- i TRUCK DRIVERS -- Long distance hauling, low side open top equipment. Must have at least 2 years recent over the road experience on van, trailertractor units. Lake County Express. 32 Greenwood Avenue, Waukegan, 111. Phone 312 395-1738. 12-10-64-TF Industrial Nurse HOURS: 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p,m. Apply in Person WOODSTOCK DIE CASTING Division of ELTRA CORP. Woodstock, Illinois An Equal Opportunity Employer 12-10-17-64 WOMEN FOR temporary phone work. Pleasant, dignified, with good earnings. For further information, please call Mr. Hannay. 385-7660. 12-17-64 YOUNG WOMAN who enjoys dealing with people. Opening soon for retail clerk several days a week. Ask at or call Nye Drug for information. Some retail experience helpful, but not necessary. Nye Drug, Riverside Drive. 385- 4426. 12-17-64 •®>» WnM ROUTE MAN for newspaper deliveries, ready to start on a.m. and p.m. routes. Good salary. Apply Town & Country News Agency. JAckson 6- 8000, Island Lake. 12-17-64 EXPERIENCED sheet metal men. Apply at Althoff's, 907 Front St. 385-5700. 11-26-64-TF CONSTRUCTION laborer -- Have openings for skilled construction workers. Usual company benefits. See or call Arnold May Builders. 815-678- 2861. 11-26-64-TF MECHANIC -- Must be able to repair all lines of construction equipment to include caterpillar, truck motors and tractors. Vacation, medical plan, and other company benefits. Year around employment. See or call. Arnold May Builders, Richmond. 815-678-2861. 11-26-64-TF PROPANE DEALER WANTED Producing business. National Corp. We furnish customers, cylinders, regulators. Pick-up truck required and a few hours per week. Excellent return on your time. Fine supplement to existing business with some time to spare. Call Collect Dec. 19, 1964 •- 1-608-222-6224. D. J. BICKEL 1001 Linda Vista Road Madison, Wisconsin 12-17-64 C/OIVM- Sfoitma CUSTOMER SERVICE & SALES CORRESPONDENT Interesting position open in our sales department for a capable young man. Must be accurate with figures and able to handle correspondence and telephone contacts with our customers. This is a permanent position with excellent salary. A GOOD PLACE TO WORK Modern Plant, Profit Sharinc Plan, Liberal Insurance Plan and Other Employee Benefits. ilders' Hardware Housewares • Boat Trailers 11600 STERLING PARKWAY RICHMOND, ILL. Follow Rt. 12 north from Richmond One half mile past state lineturr left (south) on Sterling Parkway Jraf/car 12-17-64 HELP WANTED YOUNG WOMAN who enjoys dealing with people. Opening soon for retail clerk several days a week. Ask at or call Nye Drug for information. Some retail experience helpful, but not necessary. Nye Drug, Riverside Drive. 385-4426. 12-17-64 MEN OR WOMEN with cars for light delivery. Good earnings. See Mr. Hannay, Room No. 18 Riverside Hotel or phone 385-7660. 12-17-64 ••If _ OAK HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR TOOL & DIE MAKERS (Nights -- Full Time -- 4:00 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.) (Nights -- Part Time -- 8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.) 10% Night Shift Premium Must be experienced in die repair and maintenance. Top pay, excellent. benefits and working conditions. -- Apply at Personnel Office -- OAK MANUFACTURING CO. DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street (N. of Route 14) Crystal Lake, 111. * PHONE 459-5000 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) 12-17-64 OAK HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR MODEL MAKERS (Day Shift) 5-10 Years experience in making small intricate parts, templates, dies, jigs, fixtures and prototypes. Permanent employment with top wages, company-paid benefits (including Profit Sharing and excellent working conditions). -- Apply at Personnel Office -- OAK MANUFACTURING CO. DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street (N. of Route 14) Crystal Lake, 111. PHONE 459-5000 (An Equal Opportunity Employer) 12-17-64 Help Wanted Help Wanted HELP WANTED Good Wages Free group insurance -- including major medical Profit sharing -- fund now exceeds $7,000,000 Three week vacation for 5 years service Nine paid holidays All of Jhese add up to why you should work for Frank G. Hough Co. Openings For: Assembler Trainees Welders Office-Female Machine Shop Maintenance Man Janitor Machine Repairman Tool & Die Maker Electrician FRANK G. HOUGH CO. 7th & Sunnyside Avenue Libertyville, Illinois 12-17-64 Help Wanted MAN OR WOMAN to oversee newly organized workshop for mentally retarded children of McHenry County. Temporary location, Wonder Lake, 111. 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. Administration of much love, patience and understanding are required qualifications. Starting salary, $1,200 per school year. People of retirement age not objectionable. Phone 385-2700 (after 6:00 p.m. call Wm. Pierce, 385-1238.) 12-10-64-TF McHENRY and LAKE AREA fear Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, 111. Ph. 385-0037 8-6-64-TF 3 BEDROOM RANCH, attached garage, full basement, aluminum storms & screens, lot 90'xl35\ hardwood floors, on blacktop street with curbs. Gas Heat. Three years old. Phone 385-1383. 12-3-64-TF How Can I ? I By Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help, with specific problems may write to Anne Ashley In care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor bulldng, 37 W. Seventh street, Jincinnatl 2< Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed envelope.) Q. How can I clean discolored brick walls? A. Dissolve an ounce of glue In a gallon of hot water, add a piece of alum about the size of an |kk, pluft a half-pound of Venetian red, and a pound of Spanish brown. Apply this mixture to the brick surface with a brush, and your bricks should emerge an bright as when new. Q. What is a good way to lubricate my kitchen tools? A. Apply a little glycerin REAP THE CLASSIFIEDS 2 BEDROOM HOUSE -- 2Vz years old. Ceramic tile bath, water softener, hardwood floors, kitchen-utility. Very reasonable. Lakeland Park. 385-2749. 12-10-64-TF 2 BEDROOM, closed in porch, basement, gas heat, large fenced in yard. Must sell. Call 385-6186. 12-3-64-TF HOUSEFOR SALE 1 Vi miles north of McHenry. % acre waterfront. 2 years old 4 bedrooms. 2 full ceramic baths. Slate entry. 26 ft. living room with wool wall to wail carpeting. Oversize 2 car garage. 3,100 feet in all. Facilities for horses, swimming poo) available. -- Price $31,500. Phone 385-1304 for appointment 12-3-64-TF THREE BEDROOM Crab Orchard and brick home in Edgebrook Heights. 1% baths with full sized heated basement and attached garage. Was $25,000, now only $23,000. 385-0074. 12-3-64-TF Light Manufacturing FACTORY SITES 190x255 Ft. & Up FRITZSCHE'S Industrial Center 815-385-1C79 12-3-64-TF 1607 N. MEADOW Lane, McHenry. Small home for sale. Garage. Gas heat. Stove, refrigerator. Leaving town. Must sell. Bargain for cash. Phone JAckson 6-7484 -- Alice. 12-10-17-64 FOR SAUL HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS- -BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond E©a$ PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 8-6-64-TF FOR SALE OR RENT--2 bedroom brick ranch, gas heat. Available January 1st. Edgebrook Heights. Call 385-0968. 12-10-17-64 5 ROOM HOUSE, attached garage, cement driveway, tile bath, built-in stove and cabinets. Phone 385-3016, nite or day. 1806 Oakleaf Drive, Sunnyside Estates. Price $12,500. 12-17-24-64 LARGE BUSINESS lot 01 highway 120. West of McHenry 130 ft. on highway. 150 ft. deep. For informatiory- call 385-0852. 12-^-64-TF litMltei SANTA DESIRES work Xmas Eve. Call Al, 385-0064 or Jack, 385-3817. 12-17-64 fcrraWI©- EJo FOR THE MAN WHO HAS EVERYTHING Except a Pilot's License Learn to fly for just $150.00 Give yoJur loved one a gift certificate for this terrific deal; a Christmas gift he'll cherish forever! Call right now and get full information. Gait Airport, Greenwood, 111. 815- 648-3552. 12-10-17-64 I WILL NOT BE responsible for debts other than my own as of December 1, 1964. William L. Dreyer 12-17-24-64 IRONING -- IN my home at reasonable rates. Phone 385- 1383. 12-10-64-TF BAIRD & WARNEE, INC. Established 1855 SUNNYSIDE -- 3 Bedroom, 1% bath, brick ranch with builtin gas kitchen. Full basement. Enclosed breezeway. 2 car ettached garage. On 90x110 lot with river rights. Reduced to $19,750. JOHNSBURG -- Unusual brick and frame split ranch with 3 bedrooms & 2 baths, nylon carpeted living room, built-in gas kitchen. Special family room. Floor board and radiant gas heat. 2 car attached garage. River rights. $28,500. MR. HEINEN -- 385-2527 12-17-64 SUNNYSIDE - PISTAKEE AREA 2 Bedroom Ranch Home -- 12x23' living room. Oak floors. On a beautiful wooded lot. Low down payment. $10,900 McHenry -- 3 bedroom, 1 % story home, dining room, full basement, 2% bathrooms, large kitchen, attached 2 car garage on a corner With 3 beautiful landscaped lots. Terms. $23,500 Large Bedroom Ranch Home -- 12x27' living room, oak floors, large kitchen with built-ins, utility room, attached garage. Completely furnished except refrigerator. Terms $13,500 INVESTMENT BARGAINS 42 Acres -- Vacant, partly wooded. Main highway & creek frontage. Adjacent to village limits. $17,000 Several apartment buildings available. Very good income. Priced right. FOR RENT Wonder Lake -- 3 bedroom ranch house, attached 1 car garage. Large living room on 2 wooded lots. $110 per month. SUNNYSIDE REALTY Northwest Corner of N. Wilmot and West May Ave. 1612' W- May Ave. McHenry (Sunnyside), 111. PHONE 815-385*0162 12-17-64 with an eye dropper. And If a little glycerin happens to get into your food, there's no need of worry--It's harmless. Q. Have you any suggestions for the painting of furniture, canisters, or any such article which bears a design or lettering which I'd like to retain on the newly-painted surface? A. Spread a thin coating of melted wax with a fine brush over the design or lettering to be preserved. Then the wax ran be removed later, and the design will remain Intact. Q. How can I clean an umbrella? A. Si-rub it occasionally with warm soapsuds to which a little ammonia has been added. Then rinse with clear water, and permit to dry while open. Q. How can I keep eggs fresh for a fairly long time? A. Kuli very fresh eggs with oil, butter, or pure glycerin -- over the entire surface of their shells. Q. How can I remove match scratches from white painted surfaces? A. Hub with a cut lemon. Future scratching of matches on these surfaces by inconsiderate people ran be ^prevented" if you'll "rub the surfaces lightly with petroleum jelly. The slightly greasy surface will defy any attempts to scratch matches. Q. How can I improvise a new tip on a lady's umbrella when the old one has been lost? A. Plastic bottle tops from cologne, nail polish, etc., are colorful and practical replacements for lost umbrella tips. Fasten these in place with household cement. Q. How can I make an oak stain? A. By mixing a quart of boiled linseed oil, three gills of turpentine, six tablespoons of raw umber, and six tablespoons of whiting. Q. How can I remove oil stains from brick? A. Dissolve one pound of trisodium phosphate in one gallon of water, then mix whiting to form a paste. Spread a 1/2- inch layer of this paste over the oil stain, let it dry thoroughly, then scrape off and wash with clear water. Q. Please suggest an idea for easing the job of ironing sequin- studded blouse. A. Place the sequin side on a heavy turklsh towel. This prevents the sequins from cutting the ironing-board! cover, and also keeps the tiny decorations from breaking. Emroldered materials, ironed in this way, will also have a smooth finish with a raised design, which Is effective. Q. How can I remove a shattered light bulb easily from its socket without danger to my fingers? A. Press a large cork Into the base of the bulb, then twist the whole thing out. Q. How can I remove daubs and splashes of paint from some of my window glass? A. Easy! Just rub gently with fine steel wool. Q. What can be done about blankets that are too short? A. Try sewing a strip of muslin to the end of the blanket that is tucked in at the foot of the bed. This will lengthen the blanket for practical use, and your repair job will be invisible. Q. How can I keep watercress fresh and crisp for several days? A. Wash and drain it, then place it in a heavy paper bag in the refrigerator -- keeping the bag in the moderately cold section. • ' I'liVl McHenry Library Corner Main and Green Ste. HOURS 2 to 5 p.m. Dally, Including Saturday: Friday Evenings: 7 to 9 p.m. IriiMie-• nNoootisceess p*= ADULT FICTION "THE HAND OF MARY CONSTABLE" by Paul Gallico Professor Constable's only daughter was dead . . . tragically dead of leukemia at the age of ten. And now Constable, a world-famous scientist"was convinced that she was in communication with him from beyond the grave. Were the "spirit manifestations" of Mary Constable a depraved and cunning confidence game? Or were they -- as they seemed to be -- genuine? Because Constable was a key government scientist, working on a project of earth-shaking importance, Washington summoned Alexander Hero, chief investigator for the British Society of Psychical Research. Working against time, Hero was brought face to face with the final, decisive piece of "evidence" that had converted Professor Constable: a translucent, hollow, seamless wax hand, complete with identifiable fingerprints. It was "The Hand of Mary Constable." With each passing hour, the apparent spirit of Mary was sapping her father's will, driving him to abandon Project Foxglove, vital to the free world's defense. Alone in a strange city, surrounded by officials who regarded him with suspicion, Alexander Hero had to expose Constable's spiritdaughter as a diabolical hoax with only his wits to help him. Suddenly, he found an ally, a beautiful girl as well-versed in professional magic as Hero was in psychic phenomena. But was she an ally or an enemy? Hero, in a spine-tingling climax, had only seconds to de cide, and the wrong decision would cost him his life. "ASK FOR ME TOMOR ROW" by Robert Geiger Ike Frank, although a most successful young surgeon, is not satisfied with his life. As the book opens he has decided to abandon his work in San Francisco to go to a military hospital in Southeast Asia. The novel, then, is concerned with the last few weeks before his departure. These weeks turn out to be surprisingly full. A widower, he has not thought to marry again, but falls in love during this time. At the hospital he performs surgery on an old Italian fisherman for cancer of the lung. The simple heroism of the fisherman, Nick D'Amico, moves Ike as few of his hospital experiences have. Even as his love for Laura Elliott is a deterrent to his departure, Nick's courage and faith are an incentive. The novel builds to its climax with these two powerful forces at work in Ike. LroCDlie HOLIDAY PARTY PAKS 12 pes. Broasted Chicken French Fries, Slaw $3.50 20 pes. Broasted Chicken Tub of Fries, Pint of Slaw, 6 Pack of Coke $6.75 385-7161 CHICK-INN 5000 West Route 120 CARRY OUT McHenry, 111. 12-17-24-31-1-7-65 A U C T I O N Every Sunday starting Dec. 13, 1964, 1:00 p.m. VOLO AUCTION BARN Route 120 -- V-i Mile West of Route 12 Christmas Toys, New Lamps, Also Used Household Furniture, Antiques, Etc. Consignments Accepted Anytime FREE Coffee Plenty Parking Spaces Register for FREE Lamp 815-385-3896 12-10-17-64 •Books, including fiction, about life in a hospital seem always to interest a great many people. If they are good they are usually written by writers who have both done a good deal of research and had considerable hospital experience. What is much rarer is a book, especially a novel, written by a doctor. "Ask For Me Tomorrow", by Dr. Robert C. Geiger, is such a book. Dr. Geiger is a practicing orthopedic surgeon. He is also, this book maizes clear, a real novelist. The combination is promising, and readers of "Ask For Me Tomorrow" will not be disappointed. "TRIO FOR BLUNT INSTRUMENTS" by Rex Stout (a $ero Wolfe threesome) Rex Stout's unique skill with the novelette form has so long been acknowledged that it requires no further proclamation. Here, then, are the three latest demonstrations of his ability to embody full-length story qualities and characterizations in the somewhat shorter form. In "Kill Now, Pay Later" he gives us the bootblack's beautiful daughter and her involvement with a business executive" who might have jumped or fallen from a certain tenth-floor window had not someone thoughtfully bashed his cttmlum first. "Murder Is Corny" is largely about the story the farmer's daughter told, which nearly put Archie Goodwin on trial for murder. "Blood Will Tell' is the case of the too curious wife whose final indiscretion led to her being done-in by the wielder of a vodka bottle. Strangejy enough, though Nero Wolfe is his ever super-brilliant self in all these affairs, it is only the final one which earns him a fee. "MINISTERS ' OF VENGENCE" by Robert E. Conot The kidnaping is done almost on the spur of the moment by two inept would-be gangsters. But once it is accomplished, events assume the cast of inevitability, and build--step by ominous step--to a crescendo of violence. The setting of this chilling but irresistibly fascinating and powerful novel is California. The time is the era of radio and roadsters, Depression and Prohibition. The people? They are, as in life, varied, ambitious, passionate. Among them: the rich young man who is kidnapped . . . the kidnapers, one almost feebleminded, the other bold and bored ... an attorney as omniscient as he is amoral . • . an incandescently beautiful and incestuous blond ... a pair of evil hoodlums . a naive and idealistic girl ... a gov ernor who wants to be reelected ... a father who by a curious quirk of fate cannot meet the smallest demand of the kidnapers ... a young law.- yer who finally, when the chips are down fights for elemental decency . . . and the ministers of vengeance, modern-day vigilantes who precipitate a tragedy as great as the one they intend to avenge. With consummate skill, Mr. Conot draws th^ reader into his story, from the inception of the bizarre kidnap plot with all Its unforseen and unpremeditated consequences to the final, orgiastic climax -- a shocking revelation of what can happen when a community surrenders itself to mob leadership. "A Feast of Freedom" by Leonard Wibberley It was a very bad cup of tea, the Prime Minister thought, and the question the American President was asking him over it was just as commonplace: what colony might the British now sacrifice--in the interests of peace, of course, and the relaxation of international tensions? It was 1968, and by this time the British were rather short of colonies for any purpose. They were down, in fact, to Omo Lau and Omo Levi. . . . Omo Lau and Omo Levi were two little islands in the South Pacific, their cannibal past all but forgotten, happily drowsing in all the trade winds, happily dependent. This was in modern terms an impossible situation -- obviously. And so it was that in due course a United Nations Commission, dispatched there for the purpose, declared them the victims of the most wanton exploitation. And so it was that the little Republic of Omo Lau found itself on its own. On its own. And in glorious independence helpless. Who, indeed, would dare to help it-- and be tarred with the brush of colonialism? No one--perhaps least of all, the United States. It was then that Omo Levi reverted to the tabu-ridden ways of its ancestors. And it was shortly after that, Boysie Taylor, the American Vice- President, set out to visit the i s l a n d s on a g o o d - w i l l t o u r . . . . What happens next is best left to Mr. Wibberley to tell. Once again he has produced a spoof of international affairs that will hold his devoted readers in thrall -- an extravaganza as delightful, as timely, and as deliciously devastating as its predecessors. Drive A llpi '^ill IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE This Winter From n 1960 Ford 4 Door, 6, Auto. >, .-Skj}-.' n "' • ; # < • * 'IK"8 • A. ' Ranch Wagon, V-8, Auto. Rddio, Heater, White walls $,1495 1963 Galaxie 500, 4 door. $1,895 1964 Ford 500XL Convertible, V-8, Automatic Transmission, Power Steering. New cafc guarantee. 1962 Comet 6 Cylinder, Transmission. Automatic Like new. $1,295 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 Hardtop, 2 Door, V-8, Automatic Transmission, Power Steering, Air Conditioning. $2,595 1963~01ds 88 Holiday hardtop. Like new* Full power. 1959 Buick Station Wagon. 1962 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport, Hard Top. Radio, Heater. $1,795 1883 Falrlane 500, *2 Door, Hardtop, Radio, Heater. $1,595 Country Squire,. V-8, automatic. Air conditioned. $1,695 Volkswagen 1959 Sedan $795 1962 Thunderbind Hardtop, V-8, Automatic Transmission, Full Power. $2,295 1963~XL~ 2 Door hardtop. Power steering, brakes, V-8, auto. 39 • 1963 Fcrirlane 2 door, radio, heater $L WHOLESALE SPECIALS 1958 Studebakkr 1958 Plymouth 4-dr. V-8, Auto 89 1959 Ford Country Sed. V-8, Auto 395 1956 Buick Wagon 179 1947 Ford Pick-up 119 CONLONCOLLINS FORD Largest Ford Dealer '% in Northern Illinois Routes 14. & 170 ' CRYSTAL LAKE Phone 459-5400 ,y-. «•»•«« S* •rit 1963 Cadillac Coupe. Full Power. Uk* new. 1965 Mustang Ford Hard Top. New car guarantee. ii J'i I Wm •.'Jsv&ia . lifjch