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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1964, p. 15

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ma* ,;- Wednesday. December 23, 1964 •ittiSSMfe THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEB i' • • ' •: •;' , -'...J,; •-* - ^ 5; ""..-. /:. ?i, * h.. : ,1 " 'Suction Two -- Pag* SwlSS^""' SUNNYSIDE ESTATES FRAN OLSEN 385-5740 CHARLES CALEYS NEW NEIGHBORS ON OAKLEAF DRIVE The Charles Caleys are ttfe new neighbors in that cute blue and grey house that bears the address 1707 West Oakleaf Drive. After spending the past sixteen years in Wonder Lake, whore one of their married daughters still resides, they took a shine to the sunny Estates. Besides Donna, who is the daughter who lives in Wonder Lake with her husband and son, Chuck and Helen have another married daughter, Diane, whose home is in McCullom Lake, and who has three daughters of her own. Although jibe Caley home is still full of lively offspring, it will be less lively by <me, come Jan. 4 when nineteen year old Chuck, Jr., will leave for his first hitch in the service, at Fort Knox. That will leave fifteen year old Harold who attends Mc- Henry high, eleven year old Jimmy who attends Johnsburg school, and four year old Debbie, who is going to Florida after the holidays to visit her grandparents. So, soon the house will be quieter by two, for a while at least. "But then there is always the vim and vigor of grandson number 1 to keep us all on the run, "relates Helen, who has charge of the little fellow for a few hours each afternoon. With all this family to care for, this reporter didn't bother to ask Helen what she does with her leisure hours, nor whether she ever got any. But the Caleys all enjoy their boat in the summer, as well as shimming, and water skiing for the children: Good diversion for Daddy from his regular work of heat and frost insulating. The children also enjoy tobogganing and ice skating at snow and ice time. Welcome to the Estates, Chuck, Helen, and crew. May you enjoy it here Ciib Christmas At the Cub Pack 452 meeting and Christmas party held at Johnsburg school on the 9th, the Weblo graduation promoted Johnny Lakowske to Boy Scouting, along with three other members of this Pack. Awards for Den 5 went to Jimmy Fuqua who received the denner bar and to Stevie Kuntz who received the assistant denner bar. For Den 3 Alan Kennebeck was awarded the assistant denner bar. After the business of the meeting, Santa arrived bringing candy and cheer for all. The boys had earlier made ornaments for the tree that they decorated at this party and then sent it to the Mount Hope Sunday school, along with the canned goods that they brought which will be distributed to the needy, by Mount Hope. Carols rang through the evening to add the finishing touch to a fine Yule gathering. 8-G Luncheon Mrs. Emma Johansen was hostess for a luncheon for her two daughters and two of their daughters on the 11th, for a lovely afternoon of three generations of women. House (iuest The Jesski family was so pleased to have Barbara's mother, Mrs. Vicki David, from Amboy visiting them for a week. It was a lovely change of scene for Mrs. David, who at 78 is an invalid; and who can describe the joy of a mother visiting her daughter's happy home? Wonderful week. Wishing Well Wishes . . . t o V e l m a S t e p h e n s w h o i s having quite a time regaining her strength after a severe cold. . . . t o M y f a v o r i t e b r e a d winner who is evidently getting socked with another bad case of flu. Happy Anniversary To Jim and Dorothy Stoffel who celebrate their thirteenth year on the day after Christmas. May the Babe of Bethlehem be a special inspiration in your life and shower you with His special blessings. Vou^ Cooperation ... in calling in your news -t«bese last few weeks has been terribly gratifying. During these next two weeks when everyone is so busy doing so much, take a minute to call in your activities. That will insure interesting holiday columns. I thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration. On The Shelf Rick Rack to next-door neighbor, Tape: "You're Biased!" Candle Capers Dec. 12 was the big day for Pamela DeFrancisco. Her little birthday guests were Qale McDonald, Cindy Simmons, Rosemarie May, Karen Kennebeck, Monica and Maureen Davis, Brad and Brent Deppmeier,, and Susan Warzala. After the party games, gifts and goodies, each child was sent home with a little book as a "going away" gift, Mrs. Rose Tillich and Grandma and Granpa Schondorf were guests later that night. Pam received many beautiful gifts but is especially thrilled with her new ski suit and her skipper doll. Carol Kennebeck was pleased to have her parents, brother, mother-in-law, and Bud's aunt over on the 10th and was completely surprised when Lu Davis, Mildred Senkerik and Bernice Fry popped in with another lovely birthday cake. Marvelous evening, reports Carol. Then on Sunday, Carol's brother and family from Westchester came out to again celebrate Carol's and Scotty's birthdays. More fun. For the McCauleys' dual cel- S@§W§«G iPlCIAL JtfkDONAL©*§ NEW FISH On Sale Dally Try this McDonald's exclusive in good eating--you're sure to agree it's the best fish sandwich anywhere. ONLY 24 CENTS li©@onaB*di 180 Virginia Street Crystal ILals©, HI. ebratlon on the 15th, Martin and Lucille entertained the Senior McCauley family for an evening that was as pleasant as possible under the circumstances of just receiving news that Grandpa is critically ill. "Can't remember when we had such a good time! Steve really had his dancing shoes on!" recounts Lorraine of husband Steve's birthday celebration on the 12th. After dinner at Lou and Pauline Pechan's in Berwyn, the Majors and Pechans were joined by two other couples at the Berwyn Lodge, for an evening of Eddie Howard music that really set them all a-dancing at their finest. When their legs would move no longer (and the Moose closed for the night) they returned to the Pechans for a midnight snack and some sleep. Sunday they visited relatives in Cicero, where Janice had stayed overnight, and then to Woodale for dinner. Full, fun weekend birthdaying. Happy Birthday On the Eve of Christmas to Mrs. Helen Brunhoefer. On Christmas Day to Sol' Kobus. On the 27th to Mary Mann. On the 30th to P. J. Schneider and to eight year old Larry Edelman. Unlike the merchants, it appears that the stork doesn't do much business around Christmastime, if bur residents are representational of the general trend. Nice holiday for him too. But to you who did put the stork to task at this beautiful time of year, have an especially lovely day. Merry Christmas To All When the stockings are hung by the chimney with care, And the gifts all wrapped and placed over there, Relax and think of this toast to you from me: That your fondest desires are under that tree. --Plus blessings of health and happiness from Our Infant Saviour. TRADITIONAL ICE PIE oo&e Pres. Millard Fillmore had the; White House modernized in 1850, and put in the first bath tub and cook stove. The cooks all quit, refusing to cook on anything except an open fireplace. A restaurant seems to be a type of eating place where drugs or liquor are not sold. MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS EVE LEVESQUE DAUGHTER MAID OF HONOR WHEN MOTHER WEDS When Mrs. Virginia Moorehead Parkhurst comes down the aisle of St. Mary's church on Dec. 31 to join her waiting bridegroom, Mr. Frank Delia of Maywqod, %$he will feel secure that shg/has her daughters' blessings. Virginia will have her daughter, Karen, as maid of honor while Pamela views the scene from the front pew. Nuptial Mass will be recited by Father Baumhofer at 11 a.m. when the couple will exchange vows and rings. Mr. Delia will have his son, Victor, serving as best man. The groom's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carlo (Janet) Giannoni, and daughter, Carla, will A>e visiting from El Paso, Texas, for the ceremony. A reception for immediate families and close friends will be held at the McHenry Country Club at 1 p.m. The two will leave shortly after the festivities for a one week wedding trip. They have not disclosed their destination. Upon their return, the couple and Virginia's daughters will make their home at 5115 W. Parkview where the Parkhursts now reside. May we offer our sincere best wishes to Virginia, a widow, and the Frank, a widower, who have ended their loneliness. Outstanding Student We feel that Pamela Parkhurst's triumph should not be overshadowed by her mother's good news, and for that reason we give her special space. Pamela who has been a superior student throughout her school lifetime, was the ONLY junior to make the A honor roll! Village Board At the last meeting of the president and trustees, all officials were present. President Jake Levesque announced his intentions about the local election in the spring. He said that his name would not appear on the ballot, but would be pleased to continue serving the people in any capacity. In his own words, he said that it has been a won- 885-8191 derful experience in this past decade but felt the people would be happier with a change of leadership. A set of plans for the proposed road work will be requested from our village engineers for the meeting of Jan. 11, 1965 so they may be "let out" for bids. According to road commissioner, Art Stuhlfeier, signs cautioning motorists at the intersections which cross Parkview will be installed in the near future. This is to facilitate the path for the' school buses in the morning and afternoon. Trustee Stuhlfeier mentioned a letter he received from a police official who wished to remain anonymous concerning the merits of chief of police Earl Murray. He was praised as being efficient, courteous, and extremely well versed in his office. This columnist heartily concurs and would like to include the entire department! There will be NO meeting of the village officials on Monday, Dec. 28. because of the holidays and the next will be held Monday, Jan. 11, 1965. Nonegenarian Father Succumbs Elsie Nelson's father, Julius Radtke of Libertyville, died in his home early Wednesday morning. He would have been 94 next February. Mr. Radtke underwent surgery a few months ago which he recovered from beautifully, but the complications of advanced age were too much. His wife survives him. Services were held in Libertyville Friday afternoon with burial in a local cemetery. beef sandwiches, the various salads, and homemade goodies were superb! Petey contrived the notion of a gift for each woman to take home with her and was helped in this department by Emma Pyritz. The gifts were bars of soap, covered with various hues of nylon net and trimmed wfth sequins pearls and pipe cleaners transforming the soap bars into comical fish, lovely swans, and other characters. Tres chic! Games of robber 4ognib" provided a great deal of amusement and at least two women are growling at me over Santa Claus and his reindeer. Carrie Kurth and Ella Benson have the details! While you are at it, ask ^larie McKim about her gem! A short business meeting at the beginning granted a life membership in the organization to Gert Helwig because of being one of the three founders of the club. Prizes went to the following women and some were fortunate enough to be able to take them home: Marge Stacknick, Sally Olsen, Lois Parenti, Grace Kinsey, Edith Brendle, Emma Pyritz, Carrie Kurth, Ella Benson, Betty Reiter, and this reporter. Nursing their wounds because of no prizes were Louise Berquist, Magda Berglund, Elma Nelson, Harriet McNamara, and Marie McKim. Twas a most sociable evening. Next meeting Jan. 14, 1965, in the beachhouse. car, but we hope they are Suffering no ill effects. A Thousand Pardons We hope are forthcoming from able bodied sailor Ed Stacknick for referring to him as "Butch"! No more of that kid stuff for this young man. Ladies' Soiree Vastly Successful Although the temperatures hovered at the zero mark, the gals attending the Ladies of the Lake Christmas party were mighty comfortable in the Carrie and Frank Kurth recreation room. The Kurths had trimmed the room artfully and it is truly a handsome place in which to entertain. Petey Schmidt was a marvelous hostess and she and Marge Olsen did their job to perfection. The hot roast I yoodStous YOUR McHENRY JEWEL WILL BE OPEN TONITE & WEDNESDAY TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY 0 to 0 FRIDAY CLOSED O SATURDAY 9 to 6 Accident Victims Mary Beth Luto and her mom, Tony, were involved in an auto accident on Route 120 in the vicinity of Eastwood Manor, Sunday, Dec. 13. Tony was taken to Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, treated and released. Considerable damage to their How Lucky Can You Get The luck of the Scandinavians was with Lil and Dave Hansen about a fortnight ago. Seems they were driving home in some very bad weather and did fine until they got to S. Fernwoodyt Right at the intersection, pave slipped off the road into a bank of snow. Guess who was following him? Yep, a tow truck! Guess that is referred to as serendipity. Holiday Guest Mrs. Emily Walter of Waukegan is visiting with Gert and Bill through the holidays. Next week, we should have many more of those items. Regular Schedule For Next Week There is no change in the schedule for column deadline next week. Please phone in by Sunday, Dec. 27. Thank you. Orchid Occasions Anniversary congratulations to Gertrude and Jake Loeschel today$ Dec. 22 . . . Nels Brand turns 7 tomorrow, Dec. 23, while Johnny Matthesius will be 10 on Christmas Eve . . . Donny Burg will be 10 on the 27th and natal day Congrats are due convalescent Gert Helwig also this date . . . Dec. 28 is a big day for many: Lenny Jensen III turns 3; Ami Wilson is a big gal of 5; Susan Ingersol will be 14; daddies and brothers Jack and Don Osterby celebrate birthdays and so do Clemencia Fernandez and Bill Brennan, Sr. Best wishes to all* . • ' •• . •; £ ^ Hl» Birth "Jesus was born on a bleak; winter day. He had no bed so he slept ln^ the hay. Children and grownups all b£*- gan to sing, • For in a manger lay their ne# born king. The wise men saty. a star inlf the east, • So they traveled by foot alkl they traveled by beast. They reached the stable one cold windy day. They were so happy, they knelt to pray." / The above is an oi . Christmas verse composed by sixth grade student, Dierdre Levesque, and expresses the joys of this most wonderful time of the year. May the joys and blessing! of Christmas be yours, and God willing, we'll meet again on New Year's Eve. ALTHOFTS INC. Plumbing ft Heating Watch for our New Showroom 907 N. Front Ph. 385-5708 LETTING YOU IS CHRISTMAS PRESENT OF ALL AND WE WANT TO THANK YOU FOP. IT! ENI0Y A SAFE HA»Y CHRISTMAS I . . . Your l^3eH®nry Jewtsl Friends •s i) up j -A SpeciJ! FROM YOUR JEWEL PASTRY SHOP LUSCIOUS IN PIE • Ea. Ea. MM MM UP, OK? ma usr @? mssm§s n YOU A GQQD OLD Ataurr oiustmas. Mei CO, «L & McHenry, Illinois OF COURSE, THERE'S E L E G A N T F R U I T CAKES TO CHOOSE, PFEFFERNUSSE, AND ANISE DROP COOKIES, TOO! 8 INCH CHRISTMAS WHIPPED CREAM SNOW MAN <g&[ ea. TEHEE LAYERED SAMTA CLAUS ea. 8 INCH CHRISTMAS TREE V EA. LATER CAKE.. $1J ikt GimfcuXi. Qjfc Ol (aKmCj/L ^Qdi.,0OL WHASALL electric dishwasher A wife likes pretty, personal gifts at Christmas. But she loves practical ones, too. And probably the most wanted practical gift of all is an electric dishwasher. Nothing else she can own saves her so many endless hours of drudgery. Come to think of it, how could a gift be more personal, or look prettier to her? With just a flick of a switch a dishwasher washes, rinses, and dries... all automatically. Glasses, dishes, and flatware come out sparkling, without water spots or towel streaks. Everything is washed and rinsed in water hotter than hands ... even gloved hands ... can stand. Then it's dried in pure, clean, electrically heated air that's far more sanitary than any dish towel. You can now get a portable dishwasher, if you like, that does every bit as good a job. Portables need no plumbing connections, and they can be permanently installed in a new kitchen later. You'll be surprised how little it costs to give your wife the happiness that comes with a new electric dishwasher. See the built-in and portable models at your electric appliance dealer's now. And a Merry Christmas to you both. Public Service Company ® ComnumwMltli ttdkm

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